We Know Who Dances With the Devil

bullshit and you know it. She was intent on killing off the unfit, ,minorities, mentally unfit, disabled. Hitler and she were on same page.

Nationalism...you don't have a problem with nationalism in Ukraine, do ya. LOLOL

Visit some old US cemeteries before you politicize Sanger and women's health.

We chased Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait. Kuwait used to be a province of Iraq and they all speak Arabic.

You don't know anything about nationalism.

Conservative women also died in childbirth and had too many pregnancies too close together.

They wanted contraception too.
Sanger was arrested for advocating contraception
Sanger was arrested for advocating contraception

I know. Trashing Sanger is bloviating men's rhetoric. Like men in Texas. Maybe they're just intimidated by education for women or women's employment... Or fear they will lose control of women.
I know. Trashing Sanger is bloviating men's rhetoric. Like men in Texas. Maybe they're just intimidated by education for women or women's employment... Or fear they will lose control of women.

All they know about Sanger was she founded Planned Parenthood
From that, they project that she supported abortion
I'm not even offended by it. The left uses MAGA as a swear word so apparently, they have a problem with America being great. They say "white nationalist", even though the majority of those who use that phrase are white themselves. Their own sense of racial inferiority is their problem, not mine. And what's wrong with being a "nationalist", as opposed to a scum-sucking "globalist"? Are people supposed to be ashamed of the country they were born in?

There's also no problem being both a Christian and taking part in politics. You can't serve your God and serve your country at the same time? Would that mean every American soldier who killed an enemy, is going to hell?

From what I saw on this pastor's website, he appears to be teaching false doctrine. His church is being used as a vehicle for social justice, interfaith dialog, climate change, gun control, same sex marriage, and cultural Marxism. This hypocrite is himself interjecting his own liberal politics into his Christian faith. Maybe this hypocrite and false teacher should go back and read Matthew 7:3 again and think about it for a spell.

"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
Thank you.

but to clarify, our problem with MAGA is how Trump stressed that we were NOT GREAT, because of the word AGAIN.....again? Like we were not great anymore, a lousy country, a shit hole? And trump telling us the only way to make our shit hole great again, and the only one that could fix it, was Trump. His God complex, was unbecoming and unAmerican. We, make America great..... Not one person who thinks he's a god in his own head!

what utter hock tooey!


In your second part of your post, I agree, and that's what my thank you is for....and I'm relieved to see that you recognize such!
Thank you.

but to clarify, our problem with MAGA is how Trump stressed that we were NOT GREAT, because of the word AGAIN.....again? Like we were not great anymore, a lousy country, a shit hole? And trump telling us the only way to make our shit hole great again, and the only one that could fix it, was Trump. His God complex, was unbecoming and unAmerican. We, make America great..... Not one person who thinks he's a god in his own head!

what utter hock tooey!


In your second part of your post, I agree, and that's what my thank you is for....and I'm relieved to see that you recognize such!

He did accomplish a lot in such a short period of time, even with the Democrats and the media fighting against him every step pf the way.

30 Good Things President Trump Has Done for America
The United State was nationalists until the mid 1960's easily. All of those unions with good lives. Within a decade later or so the American companies producing modern products paid off the lucky employees as the businesses moved to East Asia. We kept buying those nationalist produced products that became inferior because of people like you. Who bought the imported products that became better. Stalwarts of political superiority you are. But inferior to the realities of the world. I and tens of millions of Deplorables exist.

You truly are an idiot. I was living in the Middle East and Europe.
Christian nationalism is used as a derogatory word by the left. Don't let the left define it. They hate God, his word and you as a christian. They want Christians OUT of politics. God wants you in it.

The Great Un-Groomer

Trump's Supreme Court will soon allow prayer in schools again.
The United State was nationalists until the mid 1960's easily. All of those unions with good lives. Within a decade later or so the American companies producing modern products paid off the lucky employees as the businesses moved to East Asia. We kept buying those nationalist produced products that became inferior because of people like you. Who bought the imported products that became better. Stalwarts of political superiority you are. But inferior to the realities of the world. I and tens of millions of Deplorables exist.
Detroit was the greatest city on earth until the 1960s too. Then "something" happened and it died.

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