We love our Hispanics!

Ok, formyou folks who have a hard time spotting it?

The above post is racist.

"Mexican" is not a race, and it's my prerogative to like or dislike anyone I want to.

I don't like you either, and you're white.
Actually I'm Sicilian. Quite swarthy.

Did you know how Sicilians were spawned?

Oh look, racism from the racist.

There's a surprise.

Hey, I didn't make the movie. Hollywood liberals did. :laughing0301:

A racist who's ashamed of what he/she is.

Another surprise.
"Mexican" is not a race, and it's my prerogative to like or dislike anyone I want to.

I don't like you either, and you're white.
Actually I'm Sicilian. Quite swarthy.

Did you know how Sicilians were spawned?

Oh look, racism from the racist.

There's a surprise.

Hey, I didn't make the movie. Hollywood liberals did. :laughing0301:

A racist who's ashamed of what he/she is.

Another surprise.

Go watch the movie again. You'll feel better. :laugh:
'''Trump said the word ''hispanic'''' and you are FREAKING out = TDS

If anyone is 'freaking out', it's you. You are triggered whenever anyone is critical of your racist Orange pander monkey. Please keep playing stupid so that we can identify and relentlessly ridicule you.

Lol. You're spare parts, bud.
Trump--kicking a$$ and driving you crazy
At 39% he's kicking no ones ass

Oh no hes kickin the leftarded nazi asses ...HIS foot is coming out yer mouths

when 45k people show up and practically evenly split between sex ( Male/Female ) 40 percent latinos, 30 registered democrats? ...the dem party has a YUGE problem

Trump team loves collecting this data at every rally

Ya know what'll work
Tell everyone how the dems stand up and fight for the workers Then turn right around and call em deplorable s , bitter clingers and dregs !....throw in lots of racism and attack people like trumps supreme court picks... ANd the CHERRY on top how your going to stop fracking and limit energy production / ALL WINNERS

I said it weeks ago this time around Trumps no dummy hes shooting straight for the middle ...ANd hes winning

93% New Mexicans from every walk of life
1 Interesteing.png
31% of the crowd that showed ...Democrat

How many "republicans " show up for Warren or Biden ?

two are there to laugh the other is George Will
Trump: ‘We love our Hispanics’

In less than 2 minutes our amazing president used the word Hispanic no less than 15 times...and W.A.S.P only once!


It is as if he just learned a new word and was trying it out for the first time,but didn't really know how to use it properly.
How condescending
I find the Modelo commercials the same way. The arbiters of hate rule the companies that you say you hate. In 30 second commercials the racist and bigoted beer company demeans all of the people who built foundation in this nation.
Hating on Ennio Marricone’s “The Ecstasy of Gold”? A Mexican beer company demeans Mexicans by playing up the accomplishments of some Mexicans?
I love Mexican food. But I don't care for Meskins all that much. Not that I hate them or anything, but their language sounds like animal noises and their music always sounds like carnival music.

The worst thing is when they have a garage sale. I can smell those from two blocks away. The closest I can describe the smell of a Mexican garage sale is the mixture of dirty diapers, urine, soured milk, sweat, cumin, and peppers. The odor stays in your nose for a long time.

And you never find anything good there because everything at a Mexican garage sale is either worthless or stolen.

Just calling them like I see them.
Ok, formyou folks who have a hard time spotting it?

The above post is racist.

"Mexican" is not a race, and it's my prerogative to like or dislike anyone I want to.

I don't like you either, and you're white.
Actually I'm Sicilian. Quite swarthy.

Did you know how Sicilians were spawned?

Oh look, racism from the racist.

There's a surprise.

*surprised face* :eek2:
Don't get it, Trump has been saying that Hispanic's are ( Murders & rapist's ) there country's( are shit holes) ( Mexican judges cant be honest) (drug pushers) need too build a wall to keep them out. deport them, and on and on for two years. So why is he courting them now?
You are an illiterate fool. Go sue the Liberal Indoctrination school you attended for failing to do their job.
I love Mexican food. But I don't care for Meskins all that much. Not that I hate them or anything, but their language sounds like animal noises and their music always sounds like carnival music.

The worst thing is when they have a garage sale. I can smell those from two blocks away. The closest I can describe the smell of a Mexican garage sale is the mixture of dirty diapers, urine, soured milk, sweat, cumin, and peppers. The odor stays in your nose for a long time.

And you never find anything good there because everything at a Mexican garage sale is either worthless or stolen.

Just calling them like I see them.
Ok, formyou folks who have a hard time spotting it?

The above post is racist.

"Mexican" is not a race, and it's my prerogative to like or dislike anyone I want to.

I don't like you either, and you're white.
Actually I'm Sicilian. Quite swarthy.

us i-talian guinea WOPs used to be CONsidered brownies just like them thar mexi-cans, no doubt he doesn't like ya.
Last edited:
I love Mexican food. But I don't care for Meskins all that much. Not that I hate them or anything, but their language sounds like animal noises and their music always sounds like carnival music.

The worst thing is when they have a garage sale. I can smell those from two blocks away. The closest I can describe the smell of a Mexican garage sale is the mixture of dirty diapers, urine, soured milk, sweat, cumin, and peppers. The odor stays in your nose for a long time.

And you never find anything good there because everything at a Mexican garage sale is either worthless or stolen.

Just calling them like I see them.
Ok, formyou folks who have a hard time spotting it?

The above post is racist.

"Mexican" is not a race, and it's my prerogative to like or dislike anyone I want to.

I don't like you either, and you're white.
Actually I'm Sicilian. Quite swarthy.

us i-talian guinea WOPs used to be CONsidered brownies just like them thar mexi-cans, no doubt he doesn't like ya.
same with us yids, us jewish folks were targets for the great white race of racists

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