We must BELIEVE the women!

Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
When did he excuse Trump's sins?
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
When did he excuse Trump's sins?

Evangelist Franklin Graham defends Trump against Stormy Daniels reports

I'm most appreciating Bidens choice of Harris Smart and can handle anyone giving her a hard time We all know what trumps relationship is with women 3 wives ,prostitutes grabbing snatches a real ladies man AND who do you all think are our largest voting block?? Women

Then creepy Joe has lots to be worried about....

" Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. "


" Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."

And 25-30 accused rtump and I bet it was more than patting their backs

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

I'll take the word of SS agents over the manufactured bimbo's you assholes come up with...

Hey j mac believe this BAT SHIT CRAZY
Search Results
Web results
“Hannity Has Said to Me More Than Once, 'He's ... - Vanity Fair
www.vanityfair.com › news › 2020/08 › sean-hannity-f...

2 days ago - Inside the network staffers are cringing, and even Trump's “shadow chief of staff” has his doubts. “If you were hearing what I'm hearing, you'd be ...
Sean Hannity called Trump 'bats--t crazy' behind his back ...
www.nydailynews.com › snyde › ny-sean-hannity-bria...

20 hours ago - Trump is a bats--t crazy person,” Fox News host Sean Hannity, one of the president's biggest supporters, has reportedly said behind closed ...
Lol...sure he did...I’m sure your MSM outlets will no doubt get worse as your chances to win the WH disappear.
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER

When that happens we can discuss that. I am discussing lies. Things a president can do on his own and does not or that he actually does the opposite.

Obama and Trump are both the latter.

Obama promised to ban lobbyists from the White House. The very first thing he did was invite in the lobbyists.

Obama promised to prosecute the bankers that broke our financial laws. He did the opposite.

Obama promised to end the wars. He increased them.

Obama promised Hispanics that he would address immigration in his first year. (he could have, he never did address it) He actually deported millions.

Should I continue?
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
I'm most appreciating Bidens choice of Harris Smart and can handle anyone giving her a hard time We all know what trumps relationship is with women 3 wives ,prostitutes grabbing snatches a real ladies man AND who do you all think are our largest voting block?? Women

Then creepy Joe has lots to be worried about....

" Eight women, including Reade, have accused Biden of touching them inappropriately or invading their personal space in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. "


" Biden released a two-minute video after the initial allegations were made public in April 2019, but he was criticized for giving what critics deemed a "non-apology apology," in which he said he would try to do better moving forward. He later said he's "not sorry for anything that I've ever done."

And 25-30 accused rtump and I bet it was more than patting their backs

“Agents say that, whether at the vice president’s residence or at his home in Delaware, Biden has a habit of swimming in his pool nude,” Kessler writes in the book – due for release Aug. 5.
“Female Secret Service agents find that offensive,” he writes.
“Biden likes to be revered as everyday Joe," an unnamed agent told Kessler. "But the reality is no agents want to go on his detail because Biden makes agents’ lives so tough.”

I'll take the word of SS agents over the manufactured bimbo's you assholes come up with...

Hey j mac believe this BAT SHIT CRAZY
Search Results
Web results
“Hannity Has Said to Me More Than Once, 'He's ... - Vanity Fair
www.vanityfair.com › news › 2020/08 › sean-hannity-f...

2 days ago - Inside the network staffers are cringing, and even Trump's “shadow chief of staff” has his doubts. “If you were hearing what I'm hearing, you'd be ...
Sean Hannity called Trump 'bats--t crazy' behind his back ...
www.nydailynews.com › snyde › ny-sean-hannity-bria...

20 hours ago - Trump is a bats--t crazy person,” Fox News host Sean Hannity, one of the president's biggest supporters, has reportedly said behind closed ...
Lol...sure he did...I’m sure your MSM outlets will no doubt get worse as your chances to win the WH disappear.
Look mac almost everyone knows trump is a blazing moron Why can't you just admit that and just say he's your blazing moron?? It would do wonders for your reputation here and I think it needs a little help
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

That while you believed the accusation of a woman who said in her 40s she was raped by 20 year old Kavanaugh who was half way across the country from her. You believed a woman who said she went to 10 rape parties and was shocked when they raped her. You believed a woman who said Kavanaugh had to be stopped then tried to stop him when her husband said she'd never mentioned it and her own friends she claimed were there said nothing happened.

Stop with the BS, all you cared about was whether there was an R or a D after the name of the accused
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

They might be but there was absolutely NO reason that should have been in there. You are claiming that the (D)'s were being hypocrites here. Giving the upper few a tax cut. Is that really what you support?
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.

And Democrats want to spend even more. You know that, stop the stupid shit
Republicans Guess who will be the morons prime speakers?? His dumbass family and kiss ass Pence and wife

Wonderful All gd morons Jr will kick it off LOL LOL
Republicans Guess who will be the morons prime speakers?? His dumbass family and kiss ass Pence and wife

Wonderful All gd morons Jr will kick it off LOL LOL
Any ex president ,any general any respected leader?? Maybe graham the ass kisser or Barr or the postmaster Love to see Hannity lol lol
Republicans Guess who will be the morons prime speakers?? His dumbass family and kiss ass Pence and wife

Wonderful All gd morons Jr will kick it off LOL LOL

Republicans Guess who will be the morons prime speakers?? His dumbass family and kiss ass Pence and wife

Wonderful All gd morons Jr will kick it off LOL LOL
Any ex president ,any general any respected leader?? Maybe graham the ass kisser or Barr or the postmaster Love to see Hannity lol lol

More inane eight year old rants by a Democrat drone
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.

And Democrats want to spend even more. You know that, stop the stupid shit
Yes we do for infrastructure and other items that will MORE than pay their way Not gd taxcuts to the 1% or 40 or so trips to his golf courses
Kax you and that other great supporter of the moron, Bri ,should volunteer to speak at the convention You'd do a better job AND that is not a compliment
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.

And Democrats want to spend even more. You know that, stop the stupid shit

Trump is spending at twice the rate of Obama.

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