We Must Fight Now or the Socialists Win; Be Vigilant in 2020 or the Left WILL Steal the Elections

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Challenge them at the polls; challenge them outside the polls; challenge them every time we see them cheat; challenge every single vote if need be. Sue them in court over every irregularity, otherwise, they’re going to deny enough ballots, harvest enough votes, or find enough in trunks of cars to win. We will need to fight for a fair 2020 election, or they will steal it.....they have lots of experience doing exactly that....Remember dead DemonRATS vote!

The Democratic Party is no longer a political party; it has become a religion. Its acolytes practice politics with every bit of the religious fervor of Islamic militants throwing a gay man off the roof of a ten-story building because Sharia tells them it’s what he deserves. Make no mistake, every day, our new socialists fight for the right to do the same to us.

After driving two hours to vote against Sandy O, I was told my ballot would be challenged because my signature didn’t match from when I registered as a Conservative in 1976. I offered to show ID, which only engendered anger. ID is not allowed -- too reminiscent of using Voter ID to weed out illegal voters. Of course, the real reason for the challenge was the “C” next to my name. The poll lady was not about to allow a conservative to vote. If they were willing to do that in an election they were guaranteed to win, what will they do next year?

Democrats know Donald Trump will win in 2020 and are planning to cheat to deny him victory. These new socialists are importing a new electorate through open borders and have proposed legislation to allow illegals the vote. They stole seats in the midterms using ballot harvesting and miraculously appearing boxes of “uncounted” Democrat ballots and will do the same in 2020.

The midterms were a trial run for 2020. The left is organized and prepared.

To have any chance, we must behave the way the left behaves, and that means we should take a page from the Democratic playbook.

In 2008, there were members of the New Black Panthers stationed outside voting locations. The right needs to do the same, and have people in place to document everything.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...
Challenge them at the polls; challenge them outside the polls; challenge them every time we see them cheat; challenge every single vote if need be. Sue them in court over every irregularity, otherwise, they’re going to deny enough ballots, harvest enough votes, or find enough in trunks of cars to win. We will need to fight for a fair 2020 election, or they will steal it.....they have lots of experience doing exactly that....Remember dead DemonRATS vote!

The Democratic Party is no longer a political party; it has become a religion. Its acolytes practice politics with every bit of the religious fervor of Islamic militants throwing a gay man off the roof of a ten-story building because Sharia tells them it’s what he deserves. Make no mistake, every day, our new socialists fight for the right to do the same to us.

After driving two hours to vote against Sandy O, I was told my ballot would be challenged because my signature didn’t match from when I registered as a Conservative in 1976. I offered to show ID, which only engendered anger. ID is not allowed -- too reminiscent of using Voter ID to weed out illegal voters. Of course, the real reason for the challenge was the “C” next to my name. The poll lady was not about to allow a conservative to vote. If they were willing to do that in an election they were guaranteed to win, what will they do next year?

Democrats know Donald Trump will win in 2020 and are planning to cheat to deny him victory. These new socialists are importing a new electorate through open borders and have proposed legislation to allow illegals the vote. They stole seats in the midterms using ballot harvesting and miraculously appearing boxes of “uncounted” Democrat ballots and will do the same in 2020.

The midterms were a trial run for 2020. The left is organized and prepared.

To have any chance, we must behave the way the left behaves, and that means we should take a page from the Democratic playbook.

In 2008, there were members of the New Black Panthers stationed outside voting locations. The right needs to do the same, and have people in place to document everything.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...
we are waiting for the final report; otherwise, Congress would be getting more of the blame.
The establishment has never been on Trump's side. They dance the dance so their base won't revolt and that's it. Notice the bipartisan support for releasing the Mueller report? They will use anything they can in there to create bad optics for 2020 Trump. Don't be surprised if they try to primary him. They'll fuck Bernie too by the way. They don't want people that aren't partisan drones.
The Socialists won a long time ago.
Read the pillars of the Communist Manifesto if you doubt me.
This is why we need Trump to turn around what the communists have done in small doses to fuck over our Republic!



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