We mustn’t forget that the Republican Party is the party of “no”

That's the GOP duh. If you don't know that, you know nothing. Tax the rich again and invest in America again duhh
i see wealthy elites on both sides franco....if push came to shove franco and those wealthy democrats had to pick between their wealthy republican cousins or you and me.....guess who is getting fucked franco?....no franco me and you and any other person who doesnt meet their wealthy standard of living...we would be getting the scraps........
i see wealthy elites on both sides franco....if push came to shove franco and those wealthy democrats had to pick between their wealthy republican cousins or you and me.....guess who is getting fucked franco?....no franco me and you and any other person who doesnt meet their wealthy standard of living...we would be getting the scraps........
Blah blah blah. Democratic megarich want to raise their own taxes . Try News instead of propaganda...
Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a VARIETY of policies for many issues.

Republicans just say no and offer no real alternatives. Remember the utter failure in repealing ACA? It really should bother republican voters that when it comes to issues like economics, they don’t have much to offer besides “no”. Let’s list all the non “no” economic polices:

1) Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations

2) Deregulation

….and that’s it.

It’s made all the more worse because these policies do not do jack shit. It’s a myth that regulations cause significant harm to the economy. Lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy is utterly useless for anyone but rich people. Why would corporations bother investing the money they save from tax cuts into labor if it’s easier for them to just keep it? Keep in mind that corporate profits are already at an all time high. Supply side economics is useless as far as American policy goes. All they have to do is wait for the next tax cut.

I mean I get it. You all hate “woke” shit, but it really should bother you that is considered some top issue in America.

Conservatives: vote third party or don’t vote at all. Surely that makes sense.

What makes sense is telling you retards no.
Afraid that I don’t know who the fuck you’re talking to. I am not now nor have I ever been a seditionist. You brainless turds refuse to accept the simple truth:

Words have meaning whether you like it or not.
An example of Democrats destroying the Constitution, brainwashed functional moron?
An example of Democrats destroying the Constitution, brainwashed functional moron?
Again, skidmark, it almost seems like in your smooth brain way you imagine you’re addressing me.

Feel free to try again.
Telling morons like you to fuck off is enough reason to vote Republican.
Uh no that obviously makes no sense. If you actually were of average intelligence at least, you would vote third party or not at all.
He had a hand in Ukraine, and Israel by funding the assholes who shoot the guns.

We know you're a moron, but try and keep up.
Pretty sure Putin invaded a neighbouring country who US had a Memorandum of understanding around their safety.
Putin is a crook and a liar, well proven... The guy led the KGB at one point...
Do you seriously believe Putin?

As for Isreal.. Pretty sure Biden has no ties to Hamas... Nice try
Every other modern country has higher taxes on the rich than us duh. They ALSO ALL have a living wage and healthcare for all and cheap college and training and great infrastructure and vacations etc etc and are much happier than us duh. Because GOP dupes....

"We are all socialists now!" - President of Finland when O-care passed....
European Leaders have no problem saying publicly they believe socialism...

It is only America where they have made it a dirty word. The Right Wing in US haven't a clue what socialism is... It mostly shows their ignorance...

It seems to the rest of the world that GOP/MAGA think everything bad in the world is socialism. Therefore if bad , must be socialism..

Don't like Democrats, there fore they are socialism (Democrats are a center right party in any other country).

Trump commits crimes and gets arrested, must be socialists...

No problem too big or small which can't be blamed on socialism

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