We Need a States Consitutional Amendment Article V Convention ASAP

Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Other than the demographic long march, I don't see any other way to fix this. The GOP is controlled by corporate interests that will not fight for social issues and they refuse to recognize the damage that these issues cause the country and the threat to religious freedoms they represent. This is mostly due to those same politicians being philanderers, switch hitters and fellatio experts their own selves.

The "demographic long march" is going in the other direction.

No, it is not.

Yeah, it really is. It's a generational thing, and the generations are shifting.

Even a majority of young republicans support same sex marriage today.
Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Other than the demographic long march, I don't see any other way to fix this. The GOP is controlled by corporate interests that will not fight for social issues and they refuse to recognize the damage that these issues cause the country and the threat to religious freedoms they represent. This is mostly due to those same politicians being philanderers, switch hitters and fellatio experts their own selves.

The "demographic long march" is going in the other direction.

No, it is not.

Yeah, it really is. It's a generational thing, and the generations are shifting.

Even a majority of young republicans support same sex marriage today.

That is poll taking fudge.

The questions on the polls shifted from whether you think fag marriage is good for the country to whether people think that gays should have the freedom to marry their loved ones. Which is a lie as gay people are incapable of real love.
Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Other than the demographic long march, I don't see any other way to fix this. The GOP is controlled by corporate interests that will not fight for social issues and they refuse to recognize the damage that these issues cause the country and the threat to religious freedoms they represent. This is mostly due to those same politicians being philanderers, switch hitters and fellatio experts their own selves.

The "demographic long march" is going in the other direction.

No, it is not.

Yeah, it really is. It's a generational thing, and the generations are shifting.

Even a majority of young republicans support same sex marriage today.

That is poll taking fudge.

The questions on the polls shifted from whether you think fag marriage is good for the country to whether people think that gays should have the freedom to marry their loved ones. Which is a lie as gay people are incapable of real love.

So you think the fact that the vast majority of young people in this country support same sex marriage is due to the wording of poll questions?

I've read the poll questions, and I have a lot of experience with polling methodology and question wording. Your argument is ridiculous.

That is the best (and by that I mean worst) rationalization I've heard in a long time.
Other than the demographic long march, I don't see any other way to fix this. The GOP is controlled by corporate interests that will not fight for social issues and they refuse to recognize the damage that these issues cause the country and the threat to religious freedoms they represent. This is mostly due to those same politicians being philanderers, switch hitters and fellatio experts their own selves.

The "demographic long march" is going in the other direction.

No, it is not.

Yeah, it really is. It's a generational thing, and the generations are shifting.

Even a majority of young republicans support same sex marriage today.

That is poll taking fudge.

The questions on the polls shifted from whether you think fag marriage is good for the country to whether people think that gays should have the freedom to marry their loved ones. Which is a lie as gay people are incapable of real love.

So you think the fact that the vast majority of young people in this country support same sex marriage is due to the wording of poll questions?

I've read the poll questions, and I have a lot of experience with polling methodology and question wording. Your argument is ridiculous.

That is the best (and by that I mean worst) rationalization I've heard in a long time.

If you think my comments on polling are not factual then you don't have any real experience with polling, not at all. Anyone can do a poll, and if that was all it was about, asking people questions, then anyone could start a polling company and make millions. No, the catch is how to ask the questions in such a way and ask a filtered audience in such a way that you get the results your clients are paying for.
1. A constitutional convention will not pass, nor would 3/4 of the states agree, to a Balanced Budget Amendment.

2. A convention and the states would pass term limits.

3. A convention and the states may ratify a limitation on for-profit Big Business Big Union campaign monies.

4. A pro-life amendment has no chance.

5. There would be no change on 2d Amendment language.

6. Prevention of asset forfeiture without court conviction of criminality would stand a chance.

7. We already have an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. A convention would not infringe on government regulations and restrictions.

9. A convention would not infringe on Executive Orders.

10. The First Amendment already protects free speech right. Government employees are not governed by the First when engaged in speech in the pursuit of their government duties.

11. The tax code constitutionally cannot be removed from Congress to control it.

12. Good luck with this.

13. Treaty powers are the domain of the President and the Senate. No convention would change this.
The "demographic long march" is going in the other direction.

No, it is not.

Yeah, it really is. It's a generational thing, and the generations are shifting.

Even a majority of young republicans support same sex marriage today.

That is poll taking fudge.

The questions on the polls shifted from whether you think fag marriage is good for the country to whether people think that gays should have the freedom to marry their loved ones. Which is a lie as gay people are incapable of real love.

So you think the fact that the vast majority of young people in this country support same sex marriage is due to the wording of poll questions?

I've read the poll questions, and I have a lot of experience with polling methodology and question wording. Your argument is ridiculous.

That is the best (and by that I mean worst) rationalization I've heard in a long time.

If you think my comments on polling are not factual then you don't have any real experience with polling, not at all. Anyone can do a poll, and if that was all it was about, asking people questions, then anyone could start a polling company and make millions. No, the catch is how to ask the questions in such a way and ask a filtered audience in such a way that you get the results your clients are paying for.

That's utter nonsense.

Anyone can start a polling company - I've even helped start one myself. A polling company lives or dies by it's record of accuracy. Building a massive conspiracy narrative about rigged polls and behind the scenes manipulators is nothing more than an exercise in imagination.

How did the whole "skewed polls" thing work out for you guys last election cycle?
1. A constitutional convention will not pass, nor would 3/4 of the states agree, to a Balanced Budget Amendment.

2. A convention and the states would pass term limits.

3. A convention and the states may ratify a limitation on for-profit Big Business Big Union campaign monies.

4. A pro-life amendment has no chance.

5. There would be no change on 2d Amendment language.

6. Prevention of asset forfeiture without court conviction of criminality would stand a chance.

7. We already have an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. A convention would not infringe on government regulations and restrictions.

9. A convention would not infringe on Executive Orders.

10. The First Amendment already protects free speech right. Government employees are not governed by the First when engaged in speech in the pursuit of their government duties.

11. The tax code constitutionally cannot be removed from Congress to control it.

12. Good luck with this.

13. Treaty powers are the domain of the President and the Senate. No convention would change this.

I agree with some of that, but you seem to forget one thing; no one is going to be able to say what the convention can and cannot change. It will be able to *try* to change anything it wants. But still 3/4ths of states have to approve it, and that is not a libtard lock for anything. Republicans control 68 out of 98 state houses, so they could swing huge surprizes and I hope they do.

The Other GOP Wave State Legislatures RealClearPolitics
A list of conservative leaders who have called for a convention of states for adopting amendments to the Constitution

Endorsements - Convention of States

Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are not bellwethers of American public opinion.

According to you; pardon me if I think you are spewing shit.

No, not just according to me, it's according to anyone willing to think critically.

Do you honestly believe that Sean Hannity and Mark Levin represent the majority views of the American public?
A list of conservative leaders who have called for a convention of states for adopting amendments to the Constitution

Endorsements - Convention of States

Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are not bellwethers of American public opinion.

According to you; pardon me if I think you are spewing shit.

No, not just according to me, it's according to anyone willing to think critically.

Do you honestly believe that Sean Hannity and Mark Levin represent the majority views of the American public?

Oh, now you are the Oracle of Oral, heh?

A list of conservative leaders who have called for a convention of states for adopting amendments to the Constitution

Endorsements - Convention of States

Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are not bellwethers of American public opinion.

According to you; pardon me if I think you are spewing shit.

No, not just according to me, it's according to anyone willing to think critically.

Do you honestly believe that Sean Hannity and Mark Levin represent the majority views of the American public?

Oh, now you are the Oracle of Oral, heh?


You didn't answer my question.
Well, maybe I was too optimistic. Here I thought we could put this silliness about gay marriage behind us and move on to real life struggles, such as Current Conditions or U.S. Army Begins Training Ukrainian Soldiers Parallels NPR . Maybe we'd even get real about Congress and the Public Gallup Historical Trends and why we keep electing the same schmoes over and over again and cry about the results.
But, no. People want a Constitutional Convention to put down gay marriage? Really people? Good Lord Almighty.
There are folks in the world who would love nothing better than to nuke us from the face of the Earth, but we're going to get our big heads together to get rid of gay marriage? Holy Shit on a Shingle. What is wrong with you people? :drills:
The only hysterical ones in here are those all worried over this. They fought for whatever, but the rest of us is just suppose lay down now.

well this is making the rounds. so get used to it
The only hysterical ones in here are those all worried over this. They fought for whatever, but the rest of us is just suppose lay down now.

well this is making the rounds. so get used to it


You think we're "worried" about this?

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