We Need a States Consitutional Amendment Article V Convention ASAP

A list of conservative leaders who have called for a convention of states for adopting amendments to the Constitution

Endorsements - Convention of States

Sean Hannity and Mark Levin are not bellwethers of American public opinion.

According to you; pardon me if I think you are spewing shit.
It's true.

Neither Sean Hannity nor Mark Levin are bellwethers of American public opinion.

Far from it, in fact.

They represent an ignorant, ridiculous, and tiny minority of cranks, loons, and delusional nitwits.
The great American center is afraid of nothing, certainly not the far right's silly fears. Nothing is going back to "the way it was."

Sure it will. Either it does or the USA will evaporate for a while and then be over run by its enemies.
You are goofy, Jim. No, we are not going back to the bad old days.

Yeah, because yo uare God and can decree from on high. /sarc

You still spout the same old know-it all bullshit you were spewing two years ago.

No matter how many times you stamp your foot and whine about it, there has long been a building demand for a CoS and with this SCOTUS piece of shyte ruling, I think it is going to happen, whether you elite GOP numb nuts like it or not.
What whining? That's you, Jim. There may be a convention, but it will not take us backwards. Don't call me God, which is blasphemy from you. I am saying what I have been saying for almost six years. The far right would start crumbling and fall away sooner than later. We see that happening. The millennials will not tolerate your old geezer politics of the 1950s and 1960s.
North Dakota Vote Puts the U.S. One Step Closer to Convention of States TheBlaze.com

North Dakota this week became the 27th state to call for a meeting of states that would propose an amendment to the Constitution requiring a balanced federal budget.

7 more needed

The site also lists several states that could call for a convention:

South Carolina
West Virginia
That would call for a convention. We would finally get an amendment for national health care. Let's go for it.
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

Be careful what you wish for. All it would take would be to have one mass killing, like Sandy Hook or Charleston, just before the representatives are selected, and the 2nd amendment would be in serious jeopardy.
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

Be careful what you wish for. All it would take would be to have one mass killing, like Sandy Hook or Charleston, just before the representatives are selected, and the 2nd amendment would be in serious jeopardy.
All that it will take will be the left getting another SCOTUS MEMBER.............and they will challenge.........and the Mickey Mouse court will change it.....................ALREADY................

They will not stop until they get it..........you know that....................and a hell of lot of people aren't gonna OBEY............then what.
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

How about the need for basic human rights?
That is Constitution 101 and trumps any state laws.
The only hysterical ones in here are those all worried over this. They fought for whatever, but the rest of us is just suppose lay down now.

well this is making the rounds. so get used to it

This has been making the rounds for decades. It is nothing new. And this is the interesting thing. Every time the number of states starts to approach the magic number of 34, states drop out. The last time they got it to 32, just 2 states from a convention, and 3 states (all republican controlled) withdrew. The state legislatures don't want a convention, they want publicity.

There is some validity in what you say. I think the current number though is 36 but some of the petitions are decades old and about different reasons for the convention. Boehner and his staff are studying what to make of it all. We need to get more states into que and leave no room for doubts this time.

No. 2/3 of 50 is 34. You had more states in the queue. Once it became a possible outcome, they got out of the queue. It is not going to happen because, regardless of the rhetoric, the state legislatures do not want a convention.

You are thinking of the two thirds vote in each house of Congress, I guess, but it requires 3/4 of states to approve an amendment.

Article V U.S. Constitution

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress;
3/4s of states to approve an amendment

Article V U.S. Constitution
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

How about the need for basic human rights?
That is Constitution 101 and trumps any state laws.

Basic human rights is your opinion and not Constitutional law, so why don't you start your own thread?
Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Scalia is wrong on this one. Marriage has been labeled a "fundamental right". You don't leave fundamental rights up to the whims of popular opinion.

Scalia is indeed wrong.

Fundamental rights are not subject to 'popular vote,' one's civil rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' and those protected liberties are immune from government attack.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where citizens are subject solely to the rule of law.

We are no longer a Republic when the top judges are making rulings that ignore the definition of words and the exact words of law as written.

We are no longer a nation of laws (a Republic) and are now a nation of elite men's opinions (Oligarchy)
Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Scalia is wrong on this one. Marriage has been labeled a "fundamental right". You don't leave fundamental rights up to the whims of popular opinion.

That is your opinion and of various judges. It is not the letter of the law or the Constitution. Which is why we need an Article V Convention.
Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Scalia is wrong on this one. Marriage has been labeled a "fundamental right". You don't leave fundamental rights up to the whims of popular opinion.

Scalia is indeed wrong.

Fundamental rights are not subject to 'popular vote,' one's civil rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' and those protected liberties are immune from government attack.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where citizens are subject solely to the rule of law.

We are no longer a Republic when the top judges are making rulings that ignore the definition of words and the exact words of law as written.

We are no longer a nation of laws (a Republic) and are now a nation of elite men's opinions (Oligarchy)

The justices recognized that the Equal Protection Clause applied to the gay marriage issue.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
4/5ths required to pass anything proposed..........need 40 states to ratify.

It is 3/4ths I believe.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress;

Article V U.S. Constitution
Just posted this in a new thread. EVERYONE needs to get behind this and the above


Another blistering dissent from Justice Scalia, not against same-sex marriage per se, but against the damage the Supreme Court is doing to American democracy:

JUSTICE SCALIA, with whom JUSTICE THOMAS joins, dissenting.

I join THE CHIEF JUSTICE’s opinion in full. I write separately to call attention to this Court’s threat to American democracy.

ALL of it here:
Read more: http://therightscoop.com/justice-scalia-the-supreme-court-threatens-american-democracy/#ixzz3eBpOMaJP

Scalia is wrong on this one. Marriage has been labeled a "fundamental right". You don't leave fundamental rights up to the whims of popular opinion.

Scalia is indeed wrong.

Fundamental rights are not subject to 'popular vote,' one's civil rights are not subject to 'majority rule,' and those protected liberties are immune from government attack.

We are a Constitutional Republic, not a democracy, where citizens are subject solely to the rule of law.

We are no longer a Republic when the top judges are making rulings that ignore the definition of words and the exact words of law as written.

We are no longer a nation of laws (a Republic) and are now a nation of elite men's opinions (Oligarchy)

The justices recognized that the Equal Protection Clause applied to the gay marriage issue.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

So where does 'the right to get married' appear in that text?
Todays SCOTUS ruling is merely the latest in a long series of outrages.

We have had the SCOTUS not only redefine what marriage is, all by their lonesome and in complete disregard for the literal reading of the Constitution's 10th Amendment, but also we have seen bad rulings on law and bad law that need to be reversed and only an Article V Convention will be able to go over the heads of the SCOTUS and redress these acts of insanity, perversion and degeneration.

1. We need a Balanced Budget Amendment. Just about every state has one and the federal governments $17 TRILLION deficit proves it is unable to restrain itself from spending at all.

2. We need term limits. We need to get rid of a professional political class and return the federal government back tot he control of the people and out of the control of professional pols and lawyers.

3. We need to purge for-profit corporate money from our system and break the corporate oligarchies power over the federal government and our nation.

4. We need a pro-life amendment. We need to stop the travesty and evil of the murder of unborn babies.

5. We need to pass an amendment that will give reaffirmation in plain modern language that the 2nd Amendment and gun rights are not to be infringed in anyway for law abiding people.

6. We need to protect private property from government seizure without a conviction in trial first.

7. We need an amendment to clearly state that the government cannot stop and search a person without due cause.

8. We need to extend the protections of old fashioned criminal due process to regulatory law as well. Government bureaucracies can fine, imprison and confiscate the belongings of American citizens without any of the Bill of Rights protections. This must be fixed to protect our freedoms.

9. We need an amendment to limit the breadth and scope of presidential Executive Orders.

10. We need to clarify that the First Amendment protects the free speech rights of government employees and officials and such activity does not constitute a violation of the separation clause, in fact it is the primary purpose of the 1st Amendment. Spell it out clearly and roll back 90% of libtard excesses.

11. Reform the tax code and remove it from the ability of Congress to manipulate it. Put in place a flat tax of 15% for every dollar earned over the poverty line. Abolish all corporate tax deductions except for the deduction of all American salaries paid out.

12. mandate that no laws can exempt the federal government at any level, branch or twig of government to include the courts, Congress and executive staff.

13. We need an amendment that specifies that no treaty we sign can ever be interpreted or conveyed to mean that the sovereignty of the USA is in any way compromised or subordinate to any international organization of any kind like the Vatican or the UN. Fast tracking legislation needs to have restrictions so that the full Senate gets an up or down vote on every treaty, and prior to that vote the full text of the treaty must be made open to the public for 10ays.

We have been sitting on our asses and letting the chattering classes steal our freedoms and rights mostly to benefit international corporations and Wall Street banks. If we do not take action soon we will lose the freedom our prior generations of heroic American citizens soldiers passed down to us.

Let us make good on our loyalty oaths to the US flag and the Republic by putting these bastards back in the place - the bottom of the political order.

Be careful what you wish for. All it would take would be to have one mass killing, like Sandy Hook or Charleston, just before the representatives are selected, and the 2nd amendment would be in serious jeopardy.

Bullshit. The 3/4s requirement for state approval should take long enough that no media generated squalling storm could last long enough to remove the 2nd amendment
4/5ths required to pass anything proposed..........need 40 states to ratify.

It is 3/4ths I believe.

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress;

Article V U.S. Constitution
Yep..........you're right...........got my numbers crossed........38 states to ratify.

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