We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America

We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

Go to the park. Get infected from someone you come into contact with. You get sick with a mild case. Go to visit grandma and she dies.

I am not coming into contact with anyone at the park or the biking trails which my stupid city closed.

Neither am I. I have to mask up and stay as far away from everyone as possible. Some asshole goes to Florida on spring break, catches the virus, gives it to their brother, sister, Mom or Dad and they give it to my wife who then gives it to me. I am as good as dead.
that's been that way since forever. flu kills 20,000 and that didn't bother you before did it?

Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than season flu. Seasonal flu has a vaccine you can take, coronavirus does NOT. When will you start to understand these basic facts?
H1N1 while not being as transmitable.....was a deadly Flu.....killing a hell of a lot more than this one has...........

It killed the young.......4000 Americans died in the 1st 6 months.......it killed by some estimates nearly 600,000 in the world..........A VACCINE was started within a FEW MONTHS.......

Now we have several VACCINES in the works within a few months again.........time will tell their success and how to manufacture so much of it is another problem.

WE CANNOT STAY SHUT DOWN FOR A VERY LONG TIME......IT WILL ECONOMICALLY DESTROY US AND THE WORLD.................Even with all of the people staying home...........we ONLY MINIMIZE THE SPREAD.......it's gonna keep coming back until medicine BEATS IT......or it runs it's course........

I do think once it gets MUGGY AND HOT down south....the spread will lessen.....I've shown SARS studies from the past already saying so.........Even though now they say it's NEW......LOL

SARs. .....isn't NEW.......NEITHER IS CORONA...........BOTH HAVE BEEN STUDIED........

This particular strain of corona is new. The alternative to a lockdown is mass death and the destruction of the health care system everyone depends when they become ill for other things. Defeating the pandemic and human survival are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than normal economic activity.

Its only the old economy that is shut down. A new economy is emerging to fight coronavirus just as a new economy emerged in the 1940s to fight World War II! Amazon.com is hiring 100,000 new workers. Shipping of essential services will continue.
And will the shipping and PRODUCTS BE FREE......nope..............a whole lot of people are going to lose everything they own if this doesn't go quick......

Got news for you........While we are buying time.........this isn't GONNA HAPPEN QUICK.......History will repeat itself.....

The new treatments may be a SALVATION.......or minimize the damage........DAMAGE IS HERE and it's gonna keep coming until they get that VACCINE ROLLING.....

It's close to trials...........expedited they can start it. Summer will help.............BUT PEOPLE CAN'T STAY unemployed too long without losing everything..........That is a Fact......and why in the past...........THE WORLD took it on the chin and moved on..........

World was not connected in the past like it is now. Can't go back to business as usual of the impact will be worse than the lockdown. Government checks for everyone will be arriving at the start of April. Its time to hunker down and focus on getting food to eat in order to survive.
I AM HOME.......

Like a WHOLE LOT OF AMERICANS RIGHT NOW.......the day I left over a 1000 went home.....

I'm fine for a while.......but this can't go on long term......I know people that will lose their homes...........if this goes to long.............they can't take my land .........it's paid for.......but some........they can't last that long......

LET'S CHOP THE LEGS OFF A HORSE........and say........go for a jog and be happy you are alive....

We will LOSE THIS ECONOMICALLY if it goes too long.

The economic loss is inevitable. This could be worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s. All Americans will be receiving money from the government in April. Laws can be changed to prevent anyone from being evicted.

Wait for daddy gov't to give us a SOUP KITCHEN over a virus.........better you than me bro.

You want me to go DADDY GOV'T SAVE ME..............Private companies are stepping the hell up........and a vaccine is gonna come out quick.....and the FDA needs to fast track it and get it going..............in the meantime.......the treatments are getting better..........None of that matters if we DESTROY OUR COUNTRY.

You just went.......Maybe another Great Depression.......oh well...........I DON'T THINK SO........
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

Go to the park. Get infected from someone you come into contact with. You get sick with a mild case. Go to visit grandma and she dies.

I am not coming into contact with anyone at the park or the biking trails which my stupid city closed.

Neither am I. I have to mask up and stay as far away from everyone as possible. Some asshole goes to Florida on spring break, catches the virus, gives it to their brother, sister, Mom or Dad and they give it to my wife who then gives it to me. I am as good as dead.
that's been that way since forever. flu kills 20,000 and that didn't bother you before did it?

Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than season flu. Seasonal flu has a vaccine you can take, coronavirus does NOT. When will you start to understand these basic facts?
H1N1 while not being as transmitable.....was a deadly Flu.....killing a hell of a lot more than this one has...........

It killed the young.......4000 Americans died in the 1st 6 months.......it killed by some estimates nearly 600,000 in the world..........A VACCINE was started within a FEW MONTHS.......

Now we have several VACCINES in the works within a few months again.........time will tell their success and how to manufacture so much of it is another problem.

WE CANNOT STAY SHUT DOWN FOR A VERY LONG TIME......IT WILL ECONOMICALLY DESTROY US AND THE WORLD.................Even with all of the people staying home...........we ONLY MINIMIZE THE SPREAD.......it's gonna keep coming back until medicine BEATS IT......or it runs it's course........

I do think once it gets MUGGY AND HOT down south....the spread will lessen.....I've shown SARS studies from the past already saying so.........Even though now they say it's NEW......LOL

SARs. .....isn't NEW.......NEITHER IS CORONA...........BOTH HAVE BEEN STUDIED........

This particular strain of corona is new. The alternative to a lockdown is mass death and the destruction of the health care system everyone depends when they become ill for other things. Defeating the pandemic and human survival are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than normal economic activity.

Its only the old economy that is shut down. A new economy is emerging to fight coronavirus just as a new economy emerged in the 1940s to fight World War II! Amazon.com is hiring 100,000 new workers. Shipping of essential services will continue.

"Mass death"

This is exactly what I mean. There actually WAS "mass death" from H1N1...the kind that you would undoubtedly be abjectly panicked about it it were COVID...to the tune of 60K in one season. We didn't shut one thing down.

As I have explained before, 60,000 is not mass death. 3 million people dead within a year is mass death.

1. H1N1 had a vaccine, Coronavirus does not.
2. Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly that seasonal flue
3. Coronavirus is a more dangerous pathogen than H1N1.
Where are you pulling this “44 times” number from? Your ass?
Is this GUY FROM THE U.S..............really...........

Let's SURRENDER TO THE DAMNED VIRUS.........EVERY.............let me repeat........EVERY VIRUS MY LIFETIME HAS KILLED AMERICANS.............EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM............How is this different......or measures already have us possibly being less than the deaths of h1n1
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?
I agree.
The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

How long with out supply and production can a nation or world survive sitting idle.........It can't.......PERIOD.

This will last a while.......unless the vaccine from either Israel, Texas, or others work........and there is no way to make 8 Billion vaccine doses quick...........we can't hide from this........and can't stay out of work forever........it will DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF EVERY NATION ON EARTH.

This time is needed to do what can be done then go back to work..........People will die....but you can't destroy everything trying to save some.........We've been here before. 1968, 1957 ....a Million died on the planet......over 100,000 each one in the United States.

Whether you like it or not............this WILL RUN IT'S COURSE..........better fast track those vaccines and hope for HOT MUGGY WEATHER.

What you are saying was what UK were thinking of doing but I don't think you get it...

It will destroy the Health system if not flattened... that is 20% of the economy alone.

You will have the massive financial cost...

Here is what you have to think... No new cases for 10 days and then that area is clean.

The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

How long with out supply and production can a nation or world survive sitting idle.........It can't.......PERIOD.

This will last a while.......unless the vaccine from either Israel, Texas, or others work........and there is no way to make 8 Billion vaccine doses quick...........we can't hide from this........and can't stay out of work forever........it will DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF EVERY NATION ON EARTH.

This time is needed to do what can be done then go back to work..........People will die....but you can't destroy everything trying to save some.........We've been here before. 1968, 1957 ....a Million died on the planet......over 100,000 each one in the United States.

Whether you like it or not............this WILL RUN IT'S COURSE..........better fast track those vaccines and hope for HOT MUGGY WEATHER.

What you are saying was what UK were thinking of doing but I don't think you get it...

It will destroy the Health system if not flattened... that is 20% of the economy alone.

You will have the massive financial cost...

Here is what you have to think... No new cases for 10 days and then that area is clean.

View attachment 314376

For a time....then it COMES BACK......And only with Draconian shut down efforts........It will move around this planet over and over again..........we can only minimize it............the only way it stops is when we get cures and vaccines.
OP can go lock himself down. Ive never seen such idiocy. Begging to be ruled over, begging for govt to control his life. When the AC comes along most will go down without a whimper.
The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

How long with out supply and production can a nation or world survive sitting idle.........It can't.......PERIOD.

This will last a while.......unless the vaccine from either Israel, Texas, or others work........and there is no way to make 8 Billion vaccine doses quick...........we can't hide from this........and can't stay out of work forever........it will DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF EVERY NATION ON EARTH.

This time is needed to do what can be done then go back to work..........People will die....but you can't destroy everything trying to save some.........We've been here before. 1968, 1957 ....a Million died on the planet......over 100,000 each one in the United States.

Whether you like it or not............this WILL RUN IT'S COURSE..........better fast track those vaccines and hope for HOT MUGGY WEATHER.

What you are saying was what UK were thinking of doing but I don't think you get it...

It will destroy the Health system if not flattened... that is 20% of the economy alone.

You will have the massive financial cost...

Here is what you have to think... No new cases for 10 days and then that area is clean.

View attachment 314376

For a time....then it COMES BACK......And only with Draconian shut down efforts........It will move around this planet over and over again..........we can only minimize it............the only way it stops is when we get cures and vaccines.

Slowing it down and eradicate it where we can is all we can do until a vaccine will be available.

The people who are experts are saying 18months but with some luck might get it in a few months earlier...

That's what to expect... This is not N1H1 where they were just dealing with an offshoot strain...
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

Go to the park. Get infected from someone you come into contact with. You get sick with a mild case. Go to visit grandma and she dies.

I am not coming into contact with anyone at the park or the biking trails which my stupid city closed.

Neither am I. I have to mask up and stay as far away from everyone as possible. Some asshole goes to Florida on spring break, catches the virus, gives it to their brother, sister, Mom or Dad and they give it to my wife who then gives it to me. I am as good as dead.
that's been that way since forever. flu kills 20,000 and that didn't bother you before did it?

Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than season flu. Seasonal flu has a vaccine you can take, coronavirus does NOT. When will you start to understand these basic facts?
H1N1 while not being as transmitable.....was a deadly Flu.....killing a hell of a lot more than this one has...........

It killed the young.......4000 Americans died in the 1st 6 months.......it killed by some estimates nearly 600,000 in the world..........A VACCINE was started within a FEW MONTHS.......

Now we have several VACCINES in the works within a few months again.........time will tell their success and how to manufacture so much of it is another problem.

WE CANNOT STAY SHUT DOWN FOR A VERY LONG TIME......IT WILL ECONOMICALLY DESTROY US AND THE WORLD.................Even with all of the people staying home...........we ONLY MINIMIZE THE SPREAD.......it's gonna keep coming back until medicine BEATS IT......or it runs it's course........

I do think once it gets MUGGY AND HOT down south....the spread will lessen.....I've shown SARS studies from the past already saying so.........Even though now they say it's NEW......LOL

SARs. .....isn't NEW.......NEITHER IS CORONA...........BOTH HAVE BEEN STUDIED........

This particular strain of corona is new. The alternative to a lockdown is mass death and the destruction of the health care system everyone depends when they become ill for other things. Defeating the pandemic and human survival are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than normal economic activity.

Its only the old economy that is shut down. A new economy is emerging to fight coronavirus just as a new economy emerged in the 1940s to fight World War II! Amazon.com is hiring 100,000 new workers. Shipping of essential services will continue.

"Mass death"

This is exactly what I mean. There actually WAS "mass death" from H1N1...the kind that you would undoubtedly be abjectly panicked about it it were COVID...to the tune of 60K in one season. We didn't shut one thing down.

As I have explained before, 60,000 is not mass death. 3 million people dead within a year is mass death.

1. H1N1 had a vaccine, Coronavirus does not.
2. Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly that seasonal flue
3. Coronavirus is a more dangerous pathogen than H1N1.

1. H1N1 had a vaccine AFTER the pandemic hit. Stop lying. Its stupid to have so many US deaths (12,500) if a vaccine was available. Stop lying.

2. COVID-19 is NOT 44x more lethal, than seasonal flu.
It may be up to 10x worse depending upon how many unreported cases there actually are.
"So the difference between a 0.1 percent and a 1.0 percent fatality rate could be 360,000 dead Americans. " (not 2,000,000)
The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

How long with out supply and production can a nation or world survive sitting idle.........It can't.......PERIOD.

This will last a while.......unless the vaccine from either Israel, Texas, or others work........and there is no way to make 8 Billion vaccine doses quick...........we can't hide from this........and can't stay out of work forever........it will DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF EVERY NATION ON EARTH.

This time is needed to do what can be done then go back to work..........People will die....but you can't destroy everything trying to save some.........We've been here before. 1968, 1957 ....a Million died on the planet......over 100,000 each one in the United States.

Whether you like it or not............this WILL RUN IT'S COURSE..........better fast track those vaccines and hope for HOT MUGGY WEATHER.

What you are saying was what UK were thinking of doing but I don't think you get it...

It will destroy the Health system if not flattened... that is 20% of the economy alone.

You will have the massive financial cost...

Here is what you have to think... No new cases for 10 days and then that area is clean.

View attachment 314376

For a time....then it COMES BACK......And only with Draconian shut down efforts........It will move around this planet over and over again..........we can only minimize it............the only way it stops is when we get cures and vaccines.

Slowing it down and eradicate it where we can is all we can do until a vaccine will be available.

The people who are experts are saying 18months but with some luck might get it in a few months earlier...

That's what to expect... This is not N1H1 where they were just dealing with an offshoot strain...

I've shown the company from Israel........they have been studying this for YEARS.......and they got lucky........the SARs study for Chickens was almost a perfect match for Humans.......they expect trials in a couple of weeks.........

A couple of weeks.

Guidance from NYC
The city says no special ventilation precautions are recommended for residential or commercial buildings. City guidance states, “the spread of coronaviruses from person-to-person over long distances, such as through HVAC systems, has not been shown.” The advice is to check working windows and the supply and exhaust vent systems to make sure they are working properly. As the weather warms, the CDC's recommendation to "increase ventilation by opening windows" should become easier for New Yorkers as part of suggested good hygiene practices.

Princess Cruises says the HVAC system of the Diamond Princess was not responsible for the recent spread of infection to passengers onboard. Nearly 700 passengers developed Covid-19 on the ship, which was quarantined in Japan in February. On its website, the company cites a letter from Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which says, "there is no current evidence to suggest that the virus spreads through air-handling systems."

The study in my previous post is how SARS spread in Hong Kong......Opening windows in High rises and the air flow moved the SARS to other Apartments and Buildings.

Another Riddle...........Why not put HUMIDIFIERS in key areas of LOBBIES and such..........The virus molecules can't travel as far........in hot humid weather..............
so now social distancing doesn't work?
We need an immediate five-week national lockdown to defeat coronavirus in America
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Opinion contributor
USA TODAY OpinionMarch 21, 2020, 11:30 AM EDT

I am an MIT-trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics. I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for 15 years. I recommended community based monitoring of symptoms to stop Ebola in West Africa in 2014, and it worked. The fastest and even the only way to contain COVID-19 in the United States is a five-week national lockdown.
Closing schools, bars and movie theaters are good measures, but not enough. Our relaxed approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of COVID-19. Until Americans consistently adopt strong social distancing recommendations — a lockdown — the disease will continue to spread exponentially.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would cease: We would close our borders and airports and prohibit all unnecessary travel across state and county (or town) lines within the United States. The U.S. government would have to provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for vulnerable members of society.
Lockdown would sharply reduce cases
During the first two weeks of a lockdown, infected individuals will either recover from mild cases of COVID-19 at home or seek medical attention for the 14% of cases that are severe. During the third, fourth and fifth weeks, any newly infected family or cohabitants of infected individuals will recover or seek medical attention and their isolation will prevent further spreading. By the end of the lockdown, the number of infections will be a small fraction of what they are now.

The lockdown will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of COVID-19 test kits and capacity to process them. If we reduce the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the United States, we can control COVID-19 after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures. Isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough.

The human and economic costs of delaying this lockdown will be staggering. The COVID-19 outbreak has many more cases now than are visible (tip of the iceberg) and they are growing rapidly. Absent sufficiently effective intervention, new cases will increase 1.3 to 1.5 times each day. We had almost 20,000 cases in the United States on Friday, over 5,800 more cases than the previous day. Without a lockdown, in one week there will be about 200,000. In two weeks: 2,000,000. One in seven cases require hospitalization and 5% require ICU care with ventilators to survive. There aren’t nearly enough ventilators available.

The effectiveness of a five-week lockdown will be dramatic — and also entirely predictable.

We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China. At the height of its COVID-19 crisis in mid-February, China had locked down an estimated 760 milllion people, approximately half of its population. This policy was so successful that Wuhan is now much safer from coronavirus than New York City or Washington, D.C. The few new COVID-19 cases in China now stem from foreign travelers rather than local transmission, and all are safely quarantined.

We know what we have to do. President Donald Trump and our states' governors and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives.

Yaneer Bar-Yam is the founding president of the New England Complex Systems Institute, where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He is spearheading the effort of over 3,000 volunteers working to stop the outbreak at endcoronavirus.org. Follow him on Twitter: @yaneerbaryam

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of February 29, 2020
Infections: 68
Deaths: 1

United States Infections and deaths from Coronavirus as of March 22, 2020
Infections: 35,000
Deaths: 458

The exponential rise in infections and deaths in just 3 weeks is incredible. Where will the United States be on April 23, 2020 without the lockdown proposed above?

It would be nice to think we could shutdown our economy for 5 weeks and survive as a country, but it is not reality. A 5 week lockdown is a case of the cure being worse than the disease

There is no other option. This is a disaster situation. The priority is survival, not making money. The entire economy will have to be refocused to fighting this war, just like it was during World War II.
Bullshit. We’ve endured worse pandemics before, and we didn’t shut down the whole nation.
Forcing businesses to shut down is wrong. Cracking down on people going to parks is wrong. Let people make up their own damned minds. But authoritarian asswipes can never let that happen.

Go to the park. Get infected from someone you come into contact with. You get sick with a mild case. Go to visit grandma and she dies.

I am not coming into contact with anyone at the park or the biking trails which my stupid city closed.

Neither am I. I have to mask up and stay as far away from everyone as possible. Some asshole goes to Florida on spring break, catches the virus, gives it to their brother, sister, Mom or Dad and they give it to my wife who then gives it to me. I am as good as dead.
that's been that way since forever. flu kills 20,000 and that didn't bother you before did it?

Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly than season flu. Seasonal flu has a vaccine you can take, coronavirus does NOT. When will you start to understand these basic facts?
H1N1 while not being as transmitable.....was a deadly Flu.....killing a hell of a lot more than this one has...........

It killed the young.......4000 Americans died in the 1st 6 months.......it killed by some estimates nearly 600,000 in the world..........A VACCINE was started within a FEW MONTHS.......

Now we have several VACCINES in the works within a few months again.........time will tell their success and how to manufacture so much of it is another problem.

WE CANNOT STAY SHUT DOWN FOR A VERY LONG TIME......IT WILL ECONOMICALLY DESTROY US AND THE WORLD.................Even with all of the people staying home...........we ONLY MINIMIZE THE SPREAD.......it's gonna keep coming back until medicine BEATS IT......or it runs it's course........

I do think once it gets MUGGY AND HOT down south....the spread will lessen.....I've shown SARS studies from the past already saying so.........Even though now they say it's NEW......LOL

SARs. .....isn't NEW.......NEITHER IS CORONA...........BOTH HAVE BEEN STUDIED........

This particular strain of corona is new. The alternative to a lockdown is mass death and the destruction of the health care system everyone depends when they become ill for other things. Defeating the pandemic and human survival are FAR MORE IMPORTANT than normal economic activity.

Its only the old economy that is shut down. A new economy is emerging to fight coronavirus just as a new economy emerged in the 1940s to fight World War II! Amazon.com is hiring 100,000 new workers. Shipping of essential services will continue.

"Mass death"

This is exactly what I mean. There actually WAS "mass death" from H1N1...the kind that you would undoubtedly be abjectly panicked about it it were COVID...to the tune of 60K in one season. We didn't shut one thing down.

As I have explained before, 60,000 is not mass death. 3 million people dead within a year is mass death.

1. H1N1 had a vaccine, Coronavirus does not.
2. Coronavirus is 44 times more deadly that seasonal flue
3. Coronavirus is a more dangerous pathogen than H1N1.

1. H1N1 had a vaccine AFTER the pandemic hit. Stop lying. Its stupid to have so many US deaths (12,500) if a vaccine was available. Stop lying.

2. COVID-19 is NOT 44x more lethal, than seasonal flu.
It may be up to 10x worse depending upon how many unreported cases there actually are.
"So the difference between a 0.1 percent and a 1.0 percent fatality rate could be 360,000 dead Americans. " (not 2,000,000)
the dudes special handicapped.
During a five-week national lockdown, federal, state and local authorities would ensure that all Americans stay home except to obtain food and other essentials, access medical care, or do work essential to the functioning of society
We know a U.S. lockdown can work because it worked in China.

where they shoot you if you don't....

until Congress passes laws preventing utilities and landlords from punishing the lower classes who work paycheck to paycheck a national shutdown could be devastating on them.

when has the gub'mit ever helps lowly construction workers like you and i Gramps?

The economic effects of overwhelming and destroying this U.S. health care system and killing 2 million Americans before the year is out will be just as severe or more severe than the economic effects of a total lock down.

so better to die a free American , than caged like the commies do Mr Edge

That said, YOU may just get yer wish if Barr suspends
Habeas corpus

Guidance from NYC
The city says no special ventilation precautions are recommended for residential or commercial buildings. City guidance states, “the spread of coronaviruses from person-to-person over long distances, such as through HVAC systems, has not been shown.” The advice is to check working windows and the supply and exhaust vent systems to make sure they are working properly. As the weather warms, the CDC's recommendation to "increase ventilation by opening windows" should become easier for New Yorkers as part of suggested good hygiene practices.

Princess Cruises says the HVAC system of the Diamond Princess was not responsible for the recent spread of infection to passengers onboard. Nearly 700 passengers developed Covid-19 on the ship, which was quarantined in Japan in February. On its website, the company cites a letter from Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which says, "there is no current evidence to suggest that the virus spreads through air-handling systems."

The study in my previous post is how SARS spread in Hong Kong......Opening windows in High rises and the air flow moved the SARS to other Apartments and Buildings.

Another Riddle...........Why not put HUMIDIFIERS in key areas of LOBBIES and such..........The virus molecules can't travel as far........in hot humid weather..............
so now social distancing doesn't work?
I posted studies of old SARS investigations showing that opening the windows is a bad idea...........and not only that AC systems in high rises with leaks.........can spread also......

These are lessons learned from other episodes.
The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

How long with out supply and production can a nation or world survive sitting idle.........It can't.......PERIOD.

This will last a while.......unless the vaccine from either Israel, Texas, or others work........and there is no way to make 8 Billion vaccine doses quick...........we can't hide from this........and can't stay out of work forever........it will DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF EVERY NATION ON EARTH.

This time is needed to do what can be done then go back to work..........People will die....but you can't destroy everything trying to save some.........We've been here before. 1968, 1957 ....a Million died on the planet......over 100,000 each one in the United States.

Whether you like it or not............this WILL RUN IT'S COURSE..........better fast track those vaccines and hope for HOT MUGGY WEATHER.

What you are saying was what UK were thinking of doing but I don't think you get it...

It will destroy the Health system if not flattened... that is 20% of the economy alone.

You will have the massive financial cost...

Here is what you have to think... No new cases for 10 days and then that area is clean.

View attachment 314376

For a time....then it COMES BACK......And only with Draconian shut down efforts........It will move around this planet over and over again..........we can only minimize it............the only way it stops is when we get cures and vaccines.

Slowing it down and eradicate it where we can is all we can do until a vaccine will be available.

The people who are experts are saying 18months but with some luck might get it in a few months earlier...

That's what to expect... This is not N1H1 where they were just dealing with an offshoot strain...

I've shown the company from Israel........they have been studying this for YEARS.......and they got lucky........the SARs study for Chickens was almost a perfect match for Humans.......they expect trials in a couple of weeks.........

A couple of weeks.

You are right to hope for the best but we must prepare for the worst...
The main benefit of a "Five-Week Shutdown" is that it HAS AN END. The problem now is the anxiety about how long this bullshit will last. Any formal announcement with an end date (and an argument to support it) would be a good thing. People could plan their activities for the spring and summer with some confidence of not having them go up in smoke. Right now, nobody is planning ANYTHING, which is what is killing the economy.

Business as usual is not something to worry about. The country is under attack by a pandemic. Only an idiot would go about their normal activities when there is a global pandemic. Hunker down and survive is what you do under these conditions.
Survival rate of 99% possibly 98%..........

This will go on for a year...........like the ones in the past..........we can't wait that long.........A few weeks is already destructive as hell...........

This cannot continue very long...........They had better use this time at the ALAMO WISELY......

Its not as simple as that. The impact of going back to business as usual would not only kill 2 million Americans from coronavirus, but potentially millions of other people who won't be able to get treated at hospitals for other health issues because they are overwhelmed with patients. There is no other option but to wait until conditions allow for the resumption of other business.

How long with out supply and production can a nation or world survive sitting idle.........It can't.......PERIOD.

This will last a while.......unless the vaccine from either Israel, Texas, or others work........and there is no way to make 8 Billion vaccine doses quick...........we can't hide from this........and can't stay out of work forever........it will DESTROY THE ECONOMY OF EVERY NATION ON EARTH.

This time is needed to do what can be done then go back to work..........People will die....but you can't destroy everything trying to save some.........We've been here before. 1968, 1957 ....a Million died on the planet......over 100,000 each one in the United States.

Whether you like it or not............this WILL RUN IT'S COURSE..........better fast track those vaccines and hope for HOT MUGGY WEATHER.

What you are saying was what UK were thinking of doing but I don't think you get it...

It will destroy the Health system if not flattened... that is 20% of the economy alone.

You will have the massive financial cost...

Here is what you have to think... No new cases for 10 days and then that area is clean.

View attachment 314376

For a time....then it COMES BACK......And only with Draconian shut down efforts........It will move around this planet over and over again..........we can only minimize it............the only way it stops is when we get cures and vaccines.

Slowing it down and eradicate it where we can is all we can do until a vaccine will be available.

The people who are experts are saying 18months but with some luck might get it in a few months earlier...

That's what to expect... This is not N1H1 where they were just dealing with an offshoot strain...

I've shown the company from Israel........they have been studying this for YEARS.......and they got lucky........the SARs study for Chickens was almost a perfect match for Humans.......they expect trials in a couple of weeks.........

A couple of weeks.

You are right to hope for the best but we must prepare for the worst...

The one from Israel begins trials in weeks............said 90 trial...........producing a bunch........that is another story............

They are all in a race for to be 1st.........lots of money on the line.....it's gonna happen quicker than you think........winner gonna BE RICH.........

Guidance from NYC
The city says no special ventilation precautions are recommended for residential or commercial buildings. City guidance states, “the spread of coronaviruses from person-to-person over long distances, such as through HVAC systems, has not been shown.” The advice is to check working windows and the supply and exhaust vent systems to make sure they are working properly. As the weather warms, the CDC's recommendation to "increase ventilation by opening windows" should become easier for New Yorkers as part of suggested good hygiene practices.

Princess Cruises says the HVAC system of the Diamond Princess was not responsible for the recent spread of infection to passengers onboard. Nearly 700 passengers developed Covid-19 on the ship, which was quarantined in Japan in February. On its website, the company cites a letter from Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which says, "there is no current evidence to suggest that the virus spreads through air-handling systems."

The study in my previous post is how SARS spread in Hong Kong......Opening windows in High rises and the air flow moved the SARS to other Apartments and Buildings.

Another Riddle...........Why not put HUMIDIFIERS in key areas of LOBBIES and such..........The virus molecules can't travel as far........in hot humid weather..............
so now social distancing doesn't work?
I posted studies of old SARS investigations showing that opening the windows is a bad idea...........and not only that AC systems in high rises with leaks.........can spread also......

These are lessons learned from other episodes.
I don't believe it. there are so many things that are shooting from the hip that destruction of our country isn't even a consideration to avoid.

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