We Need More Muslims In The U.S.A.?


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, come one, come all?


September 9, 2015

Among the benefits of Donald Trump's proposed immigration moratorium is that we won't have to keep importing hordes of Third World "refugees," such as the ones currently swarming across Europe.

For decades, the United States has taken in far more refugees than the entire rest of the world combined
. Nearly half of the refugees we take in are Muslim.

And it's worked out great!

Fazliddin Kurbanov, or "Idaho man," as he is dutifully described in the American media, was brought to the U.S. as a refugee in 2009, joining hundreds of other Uzbeks in Boise, Idaho. He came with his wife and young child, his sister and his two ailing parents. (What an economic powerhouse that family must be. Marco Rubio is right: We're making all kinds of money off of immigrants!)

So grateful was Kurbanov to America for rescuing his entire family from "persecution" that he spent the next few years conspiring to commit jihad against us.

As he cheerfully told his terrorist buddies back in Uzbekistan: "We are the closest ones to infidels. We have almost everything. What would you say if, with the help of God, we implement a martyrdom act? ... There are military installations right here, targets, and vehicles are available as well."

Kurbanov had plenty of time on his hands to plot terrorist attacks in the U.S. because he was being supported by you, taxpayer. As the Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho) reported: He was "struggling" to find a job -- preferably something that involved either marketing or killing all the Jews.

Last month, Kurbanov was convicted of various terrorism charges, based on his possession of Tannerite, ammonium nitrate, bullets and aluminum powder, as well as his stated intention, in conversations recorded by the FBI, to bomb military bases in Idaho and Texas.


We need a pandemic more than we need another moose-limb.

crazy seeing whats happening in 'euroland' . Happening here also , just slower or less noticeable because we , USA is big and spreadout I guess . Hearing that mrobama wants some of these invaders in the USA . I hope that the invasion is stopped and reversed in the USA .
ALL immigration must end, regardless of where they are coming from. If you end all immigration across the board, no one can claim discrimination. Forcibly ship or fly out all who have come here since 2001.
And how about the fact WE THE PEOPLE don't even get a say in it, if you listen to the Democrats demanding we need 100,000 from the 10,000 that was on the books. But I guess that was all before Obama. He hasn't followed any of our laws yet, so why start now

call your Congresscritters for all the good that will do.
Well the good thing is, the vetting process is going to be foolproof. It's going to be something like "Are you a Terrorist? No? Welcome! Here is your Welfare application form".
ran across this. maybe someone should show it to Obozo the Muslim sympathizer . a Video of it at the site

Kuwaiti Politician Explains Why Rich Muslim States Won’t Accept Syrian Refugees (Video)

Jim Hoft Sep 11th, 2015 7:39 pm

350,000 migrants have fled to Europe this year.
Almost 50,000 asylum-seekers reached Greece in July alone.

But the wealthiest Muslim nations – Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Oman and Kuwait have accepted NO SYRIAN REFUGEES!

** The wealthiest Gulf nations argue that accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees is a serious threat to the safety of its citizens because terrorists could hide themselves among civilians.

A Kuwaiti politician appeared on Middle East television and explained why the Gulf States won’t accept Syrian refugees-
They come from different cultures and won’t assimilate.

all of it here:
Kuwaiti Politician Explains Why Rich Muslim States Won't Accept Syrian Refugees (Video) - The Gateway Pundit
this was a comment with the article:
the Marxist see the muslims as a weapon to help them conquer all western democracies. people don't realize the communists gave up on military conquest in favor of taking over the world thru colonization decades ago.
I cannot do the videos because I have no speakers-------but I so know why arab countries cannot accept refugees-------are you ready??? here it is........ sit tight---
I got the answer--------RIGHT HERE,,,,,,,>>>>>>>>
********** ARABS DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER **********

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