We need to prevent violence in this country and we need something huge. President Biden and President Trump need to get together and shake hands

During World War II and in the 1940 presidential election the Republican businessman Wendell Willkie lost the election to Franklin Roosevelt. But Franklin Roosevelt brought on Wilke as an ambassador to the Soviet union and they work together as allies when our country was shining and in its greatest moment in the history of the United States of America.

No person who claims to be a patriot will look back at the World War II era and be against it no American patriot of today can look back at the World War II era and say oh you know what America was wrong back then. Every single person I’ve talked to who fought in World War II was about unity they stood behind our president they stood behind our military. There could be no greater generation than the World War II generation.

I am extremely proud of my viewpoints and I greatly admire all of the veterans here on the US message board especially the US veterans of the World War II era ….and the ancestors perhaps the sons and daughters of those who fought in World War II. God bless you.

Part of the reason why I was able to get through a horrendous physical injury and a year in a wheelchair is because of looking up to my heroes Jesus, Franklin Roosevelt, Richard the Lionheart and so many great men and women of history. And there are other people on this board that had to go through really bad injuries they know what I’m talking about…. they know what real struggle is like and how to overcome it and achieve glory.

There’s so many millions of Americans who look back at the World War II era who looked back at the greatest generation to ever live in America.

I say this as somebody who supports Donald Trump. President Trump and President Biden need to find a way to come together and stop this lunacy ….stop this embarrassment because so many people around the world so many countries around the world lost hope in America or they will try to take advantage of our division. Divided we fall united we stand let me show you folks a few posters from the World War II era you see then our country had honor and was united!!!!

We need President Biden to be a leader and say something about this political prosecution of Donald Trump. And for Donald Trump and Joe Biden to get together on a national stage and talk with each other and shake hands will show the world what American unity is all about.

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I’m tired of the division in this country and so many millions of Americans are. I know some people don’t like Biden I know some people don’t like trump. A lot of things Biden says I can’t stand but now more than ever we Christians we Americans we have to realize something ….united we stand divided we fall.
my county is homogenous. We don't have a single democrat in a single office.
Trouble is now everybody is finding out about Burley, idaho and are moving here
During World War II and in the 1940 presidential election the Republican businessman Wendell Willkie lost the election to Franklin Roosevelt. But Franklin Roosevelt brought on Wilke as an ambassador to the Soviet union and they work together as allies when our country was shining and in its greatest moment in the history of the United States of America.

No person who claims to be a patriot will look back at the World War II era and be against it no American patriot of today can look back at the World War II era and say oh you know what America was wrong back then. Every single person I’ve talked to who fought in World War II was about unity they stood behind our president they stood behind our military. There could be no greater generation than the World War II generation.

I am extremely proud of my viewpoints and I greatly admire all of the veterans here on the US message board especially the US veterans of the World War II era ….and the ancestors perhaps the sons and daughters of those who fought in World War II. God bless you.

Part of the reason why I was able to get through a horrendous physical injury and a year in a wheelchair is because of looking up to my heroes Jesus, Franklin Roosevelt, Richard the Lionheart and so many great men and women of history. And there are other people on this board that had to go through really bad injuries they know what I’m talking about…. they know what real struggle is like and how to overcome it and achieve glory.

There’s so many millions of Americans who look back at the World War II era who looked back at the greatest generation to ever live in America.

I say this as somebody who supports Donald Trump. President Trump and President Biden need to find a way to come together and stop this lunacy ….stop this embarrassment because so many people around the world so many countries around the world lost hope in America or they will try to take advantage of our division. Divided we fall united we stand let me show you folks a few posters from the World War II era you see then our country had honor and was united!!!!

We need President Biden to be a leader and say something about this political prosecution of Donald Trump. And for Donald Trump and Joe Biden to get together on a national stage and talk with each other and shake hands will show the world what American unity is all about.

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I’m tired of the division in this country and so many millions of Americans are. I know some people don’t like Biden I know some people don’t like trump. A lot of things Biden says I can’t stand but now more than ever we Christians we Americans we have to realize something ….united we stand divided we fall.

I appreciate the sentiments but it's too late. The fascists among us have no interest in "uniting" with us. They want to remake America into something we would never recognize. It's either divide or defeat. That's it.

Yeah, nobody want to live next to you in the traitor park either.

Wait I thought liberals/Democrats were all about supporting the "little guy" huh? Yet all over the board I read your fetid, rotten elitism like this, mocking poor people in "traitor parks" (I'm sure you meant trailer parks).
I appreciate the sentiments but it's too late. The fascists among us have no interest in "uniting" with us. They want to remake America into something we would never recognize. It's either divide or defeat. That's it.
I have no interest in uniting with them either.
As nice of an idea as the OP presented, it’s totally impossible. The sides are too far apart and there is too little common ground at this point in time. We simply do not trust each other sufficiently to build any sort of bridge between us.
The OP:

"Biden has to step in, interfere with the law and allow Republicans to be criminals, or the violence that we do will be your fault!"

Screw that violent-abuser talk. Only the brownshirt right bears the responsibility to stop their brownshirt violence.
Are you on crack?
"Prevent violence"


You sound like Neville Chamberlain. An appeaser.

Don't you know, you can NOT prevent violence, if you're not the one doing it.

Any.more than you could prevent Hitler marching into Poland.

Here is the truth: a little bit of judiciously focused violence "now", will mitigate a larger amount of uncontrollable violence later.

Violence is a powerful tool. Like a jackhammer. You don't just pick one up and start using it. But it's a good thing to know how, on the off chance you might need one someday.
I will say this as we both know all of the political violence practically to this point is exclusively committed by the far left. And their terrorism and fight against equality as we saw in Tennessee At the state legislator. The Black Lives Matter violence, conservative speakers being shut down on college campuses or even attacked having to be forced to have a police escort …. nothing exists of the like for liberal speakers or far left wing BLM racists … they’re always allowed to speak any college campus.

But to my point if we had president Clinton, President Bush, President Obama and President Trump all get together and shake hands with each other…. and tell all of America to stop the madness what it would do is stop left-wing violence as well. We need all of these leaders to get together to also show the world what American unity is about. Many Americans right now Trump supporters such as myself feel like our heart has been shot….. it’s not a good feeling at all and something needs to be done about it everybody knows practically except for the far left that this political prosecution of Trump is based on nothing at all… everything that they try and throw at him is based on nothing like the election issue or stormy Daniels again you would think that Mr. Trump attacked somebody or shot somebody…

We know there’s a problem with the corrupt district attorney in New York and how they might have hand selected corrupt jurors who already hate Donald Trump.

Bill Clinton is a Democrat a very popular former president and if just even him went out in public and said something about how this prosecution of Trump is wrong …. saying it would make a huge difference. We need anything at this point to stop the far left violence. And to prevent more division …. my point about World War II a spot on and the fact of the matter is there’s a lot of young Democrats who don’t even know what World War II is 10% of black kids in Baltimore cannot read we have a Lotta problems in this country and Black Lives Matter and the far left has never done anything good to help it out.
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I will say this as we both know all of the political violence practically to this point is exclusively committed by the far left. And their terrorism and fight against equality as we saw in Tennessee At the state legislator. The Black Lives Matter violence, conservative speakers being shut down on college campuses or even attacked having to be forced to have a police escort with nothing exists of the lake for liberal speakers are far left wing BLM racist Stephen they’re always allowed to speak any college campus.

But to my point if we had president Clinton, President Bush, President Obama and President Trump all get together and shake hands with each other…. and tell all of America to stop the madness what it would do is stop left-wing violence as well. We need all of these leaders to get together to also show the world what American unity is about. Many Americans right now Trump supporters such as myself feel like our heart has been shot….. it’s not a good feeling at all and something needs to be done about it everybody knows practically except for the far left that this political prosecution of Trump is based on nothing at all everything that they try and throw at him is based on nothing like the election issue or stormy Daniels again you would think that Mr. Trump attack somebody or shot somebody…

We know there’s a problem with the corrupt district attorney in New York and how they might have hand selected corrupt jurors who already hate Donald Trump.

Bill Clinton is a Democrat a very popular former president and if just even him went out in public and said something about how this prosecution of Trump is wrong …. saying it would make a huge difference. We need anything at this point to stop the far left violence. And to prevent more division …. my point about World War II a spot on and the fact of the matter is there’s a lot of young Democrats who don’t even know what World War II is 10% of black kids in Baltimore cannot read we have a Lotta problems in this country and Black Lives Matter and the far left has never done anything good to help it out.
In today's world, if Biden and Trump were to shake hands, it would be almost universally perceived as an open admission of Deep State corruption.
I support the United States, not Trump. Trump should just come out, admit his guilt and responsibility, come clean that the stormy payoff sex, cheating on his wife and new baby and the Playmate McDougal payoff for sex, cheating on his wife and new baby was to keep it out of the news, so it would not have an adverse effect on the election, as normal people don't approve of people who repeatedly break vows before God, just because some people get a hard on and don't have enough character to control their sexual urges. He should apologize to the American people and tell the trump rabble to stand down. Then there would be no violence to worry your little head about.
None of these allegations are felonies, even the DoJ refused to prosecute these so-called misdemeanors. If they are felonies as claimed by Bragg there's a lot of Corporate CEOs, politicians in D.C. and former presidents that are in trouble.
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None of these allegations are felonies, even the DoJ refused to prosecute these so-called misdemeanors. If they are felonies as claimed there's a Corporate CEOs, politicians in D.C. and former presidents that are in trouble.
Yep. This always was, and still is, a corrupt witch hunt.
None of these allegations are felonies, even the DoJ refused to prosecute these so-called misdemeanors. If they are felonies as claimed by Bragg there's a lot of Corporate CEOs, politicians in D.C. and former presidents that are in trouble.
I guess a jury will decide that now.
Wait I thought liberals/Democrats were all about supporting the "little guy" huh? Yet all over the board I read your fetid, rotten elitism like this, mocking poor people in "traitor parks" (I'm sure you meant trailer parks).
See the former 1-term fuckup and his entitlement off spring.

You sycophants are hilarious.
Well there has always been differences between people and politics, sometimes religion, wealth, and even race just identifies what side that they are on. COVID 19 could not unite. The differences based on politics is brutal.

Interesting poll - What's the most important presidential quality? For the vast majority of Americans — 89% — it's honesty, followed by "fighting for what's right" at 88%.

Sad think is that it was not 100% as all it takes is a small number to whisper conspiracy and see how fast it grows.
During World War II and in the 1940 presidential election the Republican businessman Wendell Willkie lost the election to Franklin Roosevelt. But Franklin Roosevelt brought on Wilke as an ambassador to the Soviet union and they work together as allies when our country was shining and in its greatest moment in the history of the United States of America.

No person who claims to be a patriot will look back at the World War II era and be against it no American patriot of today can look back at the World War II era and say oh you know what America was wrong back then. Every single person I’ve talked to who fought in World War II was about unity they stood behind our president they stood behind our military. There could be no greater generation than the World War II generation.

I am extremely proud of my viewpoints and I greatly admire all of the veterans here on the US message board especially the US veterans of the World War II era ….and the ancestors perhaps the sons and daughters of those who fought in World War II. God bless you.

Part of the reason why I was able to get through a horrendous physical injury and a year in a wheelchair is because of looking up to my heroes Jesus, Franklin Roosevelt, Richard the Lionheart and so many great men and women of history. And there are other people on this board that had to go through really bad injuries they know what I’m talking about…. they know what real struggle is like and how to overcome it and achieve glory.

There’s so many millions of Americans who look back at the World War II era who looked back at the greatest generation to ever live in America.

I say this as somebody who supports Donald Trump. President Trump and President Biden need to find a way to come together and stop this lunacy ….stop this embarrassment because so many people around the world so many countries around the world lost hope in America or they will try to take advantage of our division. Divided we fall united we stand let me show you folks a few posters from the World War II era you see then our country had honor and was united!!!!

We need President Biden to be a leader and say something about this political prosecution of Donald Trump. And for Donald Trump and Joe Biden to get together on a national stage and talk with each other and shake hands will show the world what American unity is all about.

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I’m tired of the division in this country and so many millions of Americans are. I know some people don’t like Biden I know some people don’t like trump. A lot of things Biden says I can’t stand but now more than ever we Christians we Americans we have to realize something ….united we stand divided we fall.
A lot of the violence is not left vs right. The huge majority of the violence is criminals being allowed to roam around free by leftist policies. And, there is a shitload of black on black violence. Trump and Biden shaking hands isn't going to change criminals from being criminals.

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