"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

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It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

He lives in New York city, one of the highest taxed places in the country to live. Pretending he doesn't pay any taxes at all is stupid.

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And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

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It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes
I am trying to become better at tax avoidance, like the one percent.

Only the little people pay taxes
You need to hire a million dollar accounting firm to do your taxes
They will teach you how to set up Danielpalos University and sell Danielpalos Steaks and not pay taxes
You can even buy Danielpalos Airline and not pay taxes for ten years

Or you could do like Democrats do and just not pay what you owe at all. Heck, you might end up in charge of the treasury.

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I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?
What we need is a redistribution of wages. Ceos sit on their butts and make millions a year. Pro athletes make millions a game for shooting a ball into a hoop, and make significantly more than our soldiers and police.
Hard working Americans are breaking their backs for 10 an hour and then you people wonder why they need help making ends meet.
It's not rocket science.
It is for the right wing. They also like to complain about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

He lives in New York city, one of the highest taxed places in the country to live. Pretending he doesn't pay any taxes at all is stupid.

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The rest of the 47% also pay local taxes

Doesn't get them off the hook with conservatives
I'm surprised this thread is still going. Even trump agrees we need to redistribute wealth. That's what would happen if he brought back jobs and actually increased wages.
Well then this thread is important. We need to do what is necessary.

1. Bring jobs back. If a company wants to sell to America they have to employ Americans.

2. Get rid of loopholes that benefit the rich

3. Increase minimum wage. I'm against this but it's one day.

4. Get rid of illegals.

5. Stop flooding the job market with legals

If the economy is booming there is no need for government interference. Capitalism and supply and demand will work itself out. If unemployment is low then employers will have to raise wages. If they don't go get a better job because there are plenty out there.

But I believe government in partnership with business has been flooding our markets with workers. That's one thing I like about Trump and I'm not going to listen to either side say the sky will fall if we stop importing so many immigrants. Bullshit.

America’s Real Refugee Problem
I'm surprised this thread is still going. Even trump agrees we need to redistribute wealth. That's what would happen if he brought back jobs and actually increased wages.
I have no problem with the Republican way if and when the economy is booming. But from 2000-2008 it was clear the middle class was disappearing and the Republicans said things were great. We all know now things were not great. Far from great. And it was them who was defending illegals, sending jobs overseas, giving tax breaks to companies sending jobs overseas....

People need to realize Trump doesn't speak for the GOP. In fact he doesn't even speak for the American people according to Rex Tillerson

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said Sunday that President Donald Trump "speaks for himself" when asked whether the President's response to the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, raised questions about Trump's values.

Pretty Amazing that our President is such an asshole we can't even say that he speaks for the country when he steps up to the podium.
Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes
I am trying to become better at tax avoidance, like the one percent.

A noble goal.
What does that have to do with the enormous advantage the wealthy have in accumulating and maintaining money

Not looking to take away what they "earned" but question why we maintain policies to assist the wealthy when those policies obviously do not work

Obviously, they DO work which isD what makes us the envied, wealthy country in the world.

Do you believe that earners remain in one income bracket all their lives or do they climb and descend the ladder?

In your opinion, are the majority of men or women on Forbes wealthiest 400 list self-made individuals or did they inherit their wealth?

Income taxes are the greatest invention ever for killing social mobility.

Please explain

See my post her August 22 re:Nancy pelosi.
All posturing aside the fact is most of us depend on a salary. Except the elites who pushed Hillary Clinton. When you hear one of them say "my secret friend who is rich wants to raise taxes" or "my secretary pays more taxes than me" you can be sure it is an extremely rich elitist liberal and by "taxes" he means income taxes.
A huge income may make you rich but for the very rich who have arrived assets count...not income. The landowning class in Britain perfected this method. Taxing the means of gaining wealth, without taxing wealth itself, not only protects them from the taxman it insulates them from popular anger by convincing fools with nothing that they have a friend.

It's the same as hearing "my fellow white people" and knowing a Jew is about to slam whites.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?
What we need is a redistribution of wages. Ceos sit on their butts and make millions a year. Pro athletes make millions a game for shooting a ball into a hoop, and make significantly more than our soldiers and police.
Hard working Americans are breaking their backs for 10 an hour and then you people wonder why they need help making ends meet.
It's not rocket science.
It is for the right wing. They also like to complain about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.
Amazing how Obama is always excused due to "circumstances" and Trump is always accused due to circumstances
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?
What we need is a redistribution of wages. Ceos sit on their butts and make millions a year. Pro athletes make millions a game for shooting a ball into a hoop, and make significantly more than our soldiers and police.
Hard working Americans are breaking their backs for 10 an hour and then you people wonder why they need help making ends meet.
It's not rocket science.
It is for the right wing. They also like to complain about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.

Maybe it would have been more successful without a Republican party doing everything in its power to ensure the recovery would fail. If Obama had followed the Republican advice to allow the banks and auto companies to fail, put no money into the economy and practice austerity and balance the budget.....we would have had a Depression
What we need is a redistribution of wages. Ceos sit on their butts and make millions a year. Pro athletes make millions a game for shooting a ball into a hoop, and make significantly more than our soldiers and police.
Hard working Americans are breaking their backs for 10 an hour and then you people wonder why they need help making ends meet.
It's not rocket science.
It is for the right wing. They also like to complain about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.

Maybe it would have been more successful without a Republican party doing everything in its power to ensure the recovery would fail. If Obama had followed the Republican advice to allow the banks and auto companies to fail, put no money into the economy and practice austerity and balance the budget.....we would have had a Depression

We would have recovered completely within 18 months. Are you such an illiterate you never heard of the Japanese Experience?
Obama was the first president in history to never have a year of 3% growth. After throwing trillions away. Thank God if the GOP stepped in but in my opinion they didn't do a damn thing right. Over 12 trillion dollars was handed out. The International Monetary Fund says we spent 82% of GDP, over 12 trillion dollars above the normal "safety net". Obama added 7.9 trillion to the national debt in the guise of recession relief. I wish to God some republicans had had the spine to stop the spending. But the GOP jumped in with over 250 billion with Bush as a final goodbye.
But you always want more don't you? Maybe 100% of GDP? What happened to "shovel ready jobs" and "infrastructure" rebuilding.
Have you noticed interest rates are still at stimulus levels? A recovering economy should be over 5%. Long term average is 6%. But the economy is still on life support. Quantitative Easing has still not been unwound.
Failure. Just like the decades of Japanese recession fighting.
Obama created government jobs. Private sector jobs disappeared. For every 250,000 fake government jobs he created 1 million real jobs disappeared forever.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Never forget the philosophy of the Obana Administration. "Never let a crisis go to waste"
Aries don't you have one of those worthless do nothing government jobs yourself? Basically a handout for your silly degree which has no real world use?
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Because you are brainwashed and don't understand how wealth, vast fucking fortunes, have been moved UPWARDS and off shore for four decades. Trillions of dollars made off the U.S. consumer driven economy has disappeared-- gone, can't touch that.

Why do so many billionaires own bunkers and compounds in New Zealand. They got their money out a long time ago and they don't care what happens to YOU when the economy tanks and hyperinflation kicks in.

The TAX CODE is rigged in their favor. They pay less of a percentage than you do because their income is mostly CAPITAL GAINS with all the offsets and loopholes. That's money they earned by NOT WORKING. The BUNK of the 1% wealth is inherited and investment funds -- not labor.

Does no one listen to Warren Buffett?!! Or have you all been brain washed to think he's a liberal so-and-so?
It is for the right wing. They also like to complain about a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.

Maybe it would have been more successful without a Republican party doing everything in its power to ensure the recovery would fail. If Obama had followed the Republican advice to allow the banks and auto companies to fail, put no money into the economy and practice austerity and balance the budget.....we would have had a Depression

We would have recovered completely within 18 months. Are you such an illiterate you never heard of the Japanese Experience?
Obama was the first president in history to never have a year of 3% growth. After throwing trillions away. Thank God if the GOP stepped in but in my opinion they didn't do a damn thing right. Over 12 trillion dollars was handed out. The International Monetary Fund says we spent 82% of GDP, over 12 trillion dollars above the normal "safety net". Obama added 7.9 trillion to the national debt in the guise of recession relief. I wish to God some republicans had had the spine to stop the spending. But the GOP jumped in with over 250 billion with Bush as a final goodbye.
But you always want more don't you? Maybe 100% of GDP? What happened to "shovel ready jobs" and "infrastructure" rebuilding.
Have you noticed interest rates are still at stimulus levels? A recovering economy should be over 5%. Long term average is 6%. But the economy is still on life support. Quantitative Easing has still not been unwound.
Failure. Just like the decades of Japanese recession fighting.
Obama created government jobs. Private sector jobs disappeared. For every 250,000 fake government jobs he created 1 million real jobs disappeared forever.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Never forget the philosophy of the Obana Administration. "Never let a crisis go to waste"
Auto companies would have failed. GM was below a dollar a share
Banks were collapsing
Stimulus turned around the stock market and employers stopped laying off workers
Demanding austerityduring a recession is the quickest path to inducing a Depression

Republicans wrong on all counts
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.

Maybe it would have been more successful without a Republican party doing everything in its power to ensure the recovery would fail. If Obama had followed the Republican advice to allow the banks and auto companies to fail, put no money into the economy and practice austerity and balance the budget.....we would have had a Depression

We would have recovered completely within 18 months. Are you such an illiterate you never heard of the Japanese Experience?
Obama was the first president in history to never have a year of 3% growth. After throwing trillions away. Thank God if the GOP stepped in but in my opinion they didn't do a damn thing right. Over 12 trillion dollars was handed out. The International Monetary Fund says we spent 82% of GDP, over 12 trillion dollars above the normal "safety net". Obama added 7.9 trillion to the national debt in the guise of recession relief. I wish to God some republicans had had the spine to stop the spending. But the GOP jumped in with over 250 billion with Bush as a final goodbye.
But you always want more don't you? Maybe 100% of GDP? What happened to "shovel ready jobs" and "infrastructure" rebuilding.
Have you noticed interest rates are still at stimulus levels? A recovering economy should be over 5%. Long term average is 6%. But the economy is still on life support. Quantitative Easing has still not been unwound.
Failure. Just like the decades of Japanese recession fighting.
Obama created government jobs. Private sector jobs disappeared. For every 250,000 fake government jobs he created 1 million real jobs disappeared forever.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Never forget the philosophy of the Obana Administration. "Never let a crisis go to waste"
Auto companies would have failed. GM was below a dollar a share
Banks were collapsing
Stimulus turned around the stock market and employers stopped laying off workers
Demanding austerityduring a recession is the quickest path to inducing a Depression

Republicans wrong on all counts

I just proved otherwise.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Because you are brainwashed and don't understand how wealth, vast fucking fortunes, have been moved UPWARDS and off shore for four decades. Trillions of dollars made off the U.S. consumer driven economy has disappeared-- gone, can't touch that.

Why do so many billionaires own bunkers and compounds in New Zealand. They got their money out a long time ago and they don't care what happens to YOU when the economy tanks and hyperinflation kicks in.

The TAX CODE is rigged in their favor. They pay less of a percentage than you do because their income is mostly CAPITAL GAINS with all the offsets and loopholes. That's money they earned by NOT WORKING. The BUNK of the 1% wealth is inherited and investment funds -- not labor.

Does no one listen to Warren Buffett?!! Or have you all been brain washed to think he's a liberal so-and-so?

Of course the tax code is rigged. But high taxes make the welfare recipients feel better. Warren Buffet would like nothing more than higher taxes on workers.
Aries don't you have one of those worthless do nothing government jobs yourself? Basically a handout for your silly degree which has no real world use?
I had one of those jobs for over 30 years. Helped modernize the military to the most efficient fighting force in history.

What do you do for a living
Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.

Maybe it would have been more successful without a Republican party doing everything in its power to ensure the recovery would fail. If Obama had followed the Republican advice to allow the banks and auto companies to fail, put no money into the economy and practice austerity and balance the budget.....we would have had a Depression

We would have recovered completely within 18 months. Are you such an illiterate you never heard of the Japanese Experience?
Obama was the first president in history to never have a year of 3% growth. After throwing trillions away. Thank God if the GOP stepped in but in my opinion they didn't do a damn thing right. Over 12 trillion dollars was handed out. The International Monetary Fund says we spent 82% of GDP, over 12 trillion dollars above the normal "safety net". Obama added 7.9 trillion to the national debt in the guise of recession relief. I wish to God some republicans had had the spine to stop the spending. But the GOP jumped in with over 250 billion with Bush as a final goodbye.
But you always want more don't you? Maybe 100% of GDP? What happened to "shovel ready jobs" and "infrastructure" rebuilding.
Have you noticed interest rates are still at stimulus levels? A recovering economy should be over 5%. Long term average is 6%. But the economy is still on life support. Quantitative Easing has still not been unwound.
Failure. Just like the decades of Japanese recession fighting.
Obama created government jobs. Private sector jobs disappeared. For every 250,000 fake government jobs he created 1 million real jobs disappeared forever.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Never forget the philosophy of the Obana Administration. "Never let a crisis go to waste"
Auto companies would have failed. GM was below a dollar a share
Banks were collapsing
Stimulus turned around the stock market and employers stopped laying off workers
Demanding austerityduring a recession is the quickest path to inducing a Depression

Republicans wrong on all counts

I just proved otherwise.
Actually...you proved nothing

If Obama had done what Republicans urged, we would have fallen into a depression
Living costs have raised singnificantly over the last several decades and wages have not been raised proportionally... until people are making a living wage, or living costs drop, we will continue to have rampant poverty.
Where I am from 1 in 3 people live under the fed poverty level.

Wow. That 8 years of hope and change made a huge difference didn't it? Not to mention a half century " war on poverty".
Look...is there some brain pathology amongst liberals that makes you incapable of learning?
Maybe 8 years of hope and change would have been more successful if it didn't start during the worst recession in decades, ya dip.

Maybe it would have been more successful without a Republican party doing everything in its power to ensure the recovery would fail. If Obama had followed the Republican advice to allow the banks and auto companies to fail, put no money into the economy and practice austerity and balance the budget.....we would have had a Depression

We would have recovered completely within 18 months. Are you such an illiterate you never heard of the Japanese Experience?
Obama was the first president in history to never have a year of 3% growth. After throwing trillions away. Thank God if the GOP stepped in but in my opinion they didn't do a damn thing right. Over 12 trillion dollars was handed out. The International Monetary Fund says we spent 82% of GDP, over 12 trillion dollars above the normal "safety net". Obama added 7.9 trillion to the national debt in the guise of recession relief. I wish to God some republicans had had the spine to stop the spending. But the GOP jumped in with over 250 billion with Bush as a final goodbye.
But you always want more don't you? Maybe 100% of GDP? What happened to "shovel ready jobs" and "infrastructure" rebuilding.
Have you noticed interest rates are still at stimulus levels? A recovering economy should be over 5%. Long term average is 6%. But the economy is still on life support. Quantitative Easing has still not been unwound.
Failure. Just like the decades of Japanese recession fighting.
Obama created government jobs. Private sector jobs disappeared. For every 250,000 fake government jobs he created 1 million real jobs disappeared forever.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia

Never forget the philosophy of the Obana Administration. "Never let a crisis go to waste"
Auto companies would have failed. GM was below a dollar a share
Banks were collapsing
Stimulus turned around the stock market and employers stopped laying off workers
Demanding austerityduring a recession is the quickest path to inducing a Depression

Republicans wrong on all counts

Want a list of huge auto companies which failed...while America rolled on? You just like the idea of handouts to rich liberals. If Americans won't buy GMs shitty cars then by God the government will seize it from their paychecks and hand it over to GM anyhow. That's fine working class policy.
Then they will go a step farther with cash for clunkers and crush old cars so the poor must buy a new one.
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