"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Tax rates on the very rich are so low that billionaire Warren Buffett says he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. That has not always been the case.


The top marginal tax rate has dropped considerably since the late 1970s, according to the Tax Policy Center.

It's clear the rich are getting a big break on their taxes and should be paying more. The idea isn't to take so much money that taxation, in and of itself, closes the income gap. It's to use that tax money to fund programs, like public education, that could give everyone a fair shot at success in an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

One of the reasons income inequality persists is people don't realize how wide the gap between rich and poor has become. Credit masks poverty, and most of us are stuck in an income bubble -- we tend only to see and associate with people who are like us, economically.

Luckily I am not one of those people. I think I'm finally on the side where being greedy benefits me. Fuck yall.

"One of the reasons income inequality persists is people don't realize how wide the gap between rich and poor has become. Credit masks poverty, and most of us are stuck in an income bubble -- we tend only to see and associate with people who are like us, economically."
NEGATIVE...income inequality persists and has grown because your government has imported up to 50 million very low grade humans. Legit REAL Americans have kept their heads down building wealth while you and your whackos beg and plead with government to keep filthy humans pouring in....and then you bitch and beg the "rich" to spoon feed you and all your new bottom feeders....Come on man! What gives?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

But brokeloser will never admit it. Then once he has to admit it he will say it's ok because he pays a lot in other taxes and because he's a job creator.

This guy is so far up the billionaires butts it stinks.

Do you find it odd that it's seems to always be the folks who contribute the least who bitch the most about how others should contribute more?...fucking hilarious.
Imagine if the fattest, slowest kid on the soccer team who's never scored a goal were to bitch about how the stars on the team need to score more goals...that there folks is your equivalent....FUNNY SHIT.
I'll provide you a link later that'll explain how it's your masters who want the constant flooding in of illegals. Corporations and small business owners lean right pal and they love the cheap labor.

Remember it was unions who first warned us about illegals and your party said they were just doing jobs Americans wouldn't do
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Tax rates on the very rich are so low that billionaire Warren Buffett says he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary. That has not always been the case.


The top marginal tax rate has dropped considerably since the late 1970s, according to the Tax Policy Center.

It's clear the rich are getting a big break on their taxes and should be paying more. The idea isn't to take so much money that taxation, in and of itself, closes the income gap. It's to use that tax money to fund programs, like public education, that could give everyone a fair shot at success in an economy that only serves the very wealthy.

One of the reasons income inequality persists is people don't realize how wide the gap between rich and poor has become. Credit masks poverty, and most of us are stuck in an income bubble -- we tend only to see and associate with people who are like us, economically.

Luckily I am not one of those people. I think I'm finally on the side where being greedy benefits me. Fuck yall.

"One of the reasons income inequality persists is people don't realize how wide the gap between rich and poor has become. Credit masks poverty, and most of us are stuck in an income bubble -- we tend only to see and associate with people who are like us, economically."
NEGATIVE...income inequality persists and has grown because your government has imported up to 50 million very low grade humans. Legit REAL Americans have kept their heads down building wealth while you and your whackos beg and plead with government to keep filthy humans pouring in....and then you bitch and beg the "rich" to spoon feed you and all your new bottom feeders....Come on man! What gives?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

But brokeloser will never admit it. Then once he has to admit it he will say it's ok because he pays a lot in other taxes and because he's a job creator.

This guy is so far up the billionaires butts it stinks.

Do you find it odd that it's seems to always be the folks who contribute the least who bitch the most about how others should contribute more?...fucking hilarious.
Imagine if the fattest, slowest kid on the soccer team who's never scored a goal were to bitch about how the stars on the team need to score more goals...that there folks is your equivalent....FUNNY SHIT.
To your second point. Don't you find it odd the people who make the most are cheap?
you should look it up, the internet provides a nice place for reference material for you to get an answer.

Oh, and brokeloser, posted it already.
How much does our Capitalist in Chief, pay in personal income taxes?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

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How much does our Capitalist in Chief, pay in personal income taxes?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

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It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes
What does that have to do with the enormous advantage the wealthy have in accumulating and maintaining money

Not looking to take away what they "earned" but question why we maintain policies to assist the wealthy when those policies obviously do not work

Obviously, they DO work which isD what makes us the envied, wealthy country in the world.

Do you believe that earners remain in one income bracket all their lives or do they climb and descend the ladder?

In your opinion, are the majority of men or women on Forbes wealthiest 400 list self-made individuals or did they inherit their wealth?

Income taxes are the greatest invention ever for killing social mobility.
What does that have to do with the enormous advantage the wealthy have in accumulating and maintaining money

Not looking to take away what they "earned" but question why we maintain policies to assist the wealthy when those policies obviously do not work

Obviously, they DO work which isD what makes us the envied, wealthy country in the world.

Do you believe that earners remain in one income bracket all their lives or do they climb and descend the ladder?

In your opinion, are the majority of men or women on Forbes wealthiest 400 list self-made individuals or did they inherit their wealth?

Income taxes are the greatest invention ever for killing social mobility.

Please explain
you should look it up, the internet provides a nice place for reference material for you to get an answer.

Oh, and brokeloser, posted it already.
How much does our Capitalist in Chief, pay in personal income taxes?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.
you know he's coming back with that ain't enough. too funny.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
not sure I understand your question. what tax breaks?
Why are we not raising taxes on the One Percent, to make sure we pay off the debt.
$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

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It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha
How much does our Capitalist in Chief, pay in personal income taxes?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.
you know he's coming back with that ain't enough. too funny.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
not sure I understand your question. what tax breaks?
Why are we not raising taxes on the One Percent, to make sure we pay off the debt.

Good idea...we should raise taxes on income over one million to 50% and dedicate the extra revenue to paying off the debt
Once the debt is paid off....we can drop them back down to 39%
We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes
How much does our Capitalist in Chief, pay in personal income taxes?

$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.
you know he's coming back with that ain't enough. too funny.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
not sure I understand your question. what tax breaks?
Why are we not raising taxes on the One Percent, to make sure we pay off the debt.

The 1%' ers are already paying your way. We think it makes better sense to cut expenses...you know, all that money we pay filthy wetbacks just to come degrade our society.
We also think it's time that bottom feeders pull their heads from their asses and figure out how to make positive contributions. Wait till you see the welfare reform proposal...haha...all hell will break loose!
Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes
I am trying to become better at tax avoidance, like the one percent.
$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.
you know he's coming back with that ain't enough. too funny.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
not sure I understand your question. what tax breaks?
Why are we not raising taxes on the One Percent, to make sure we pay off the debt.

The 1%' ers are already paying your way. We think it makes better sense to cut expenses...you know, all that money we pay filthy wetbacks just to come degrade our society.
We also think it's time that bottom feeders pull their heads from their asses and figure out how to make positive contributions. Wait till you see the welfare reform proposal...haha...all hell will break loose!
Nothing but right wing fantasy?

End the drug war, right wingers.
Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes
I am trying to become better at tax avoidance, like the one percent.

I'm having trouble understanding how you're having trouble understanding that the 1% already pay half of this countries collected income tax.
What part of that are you struggling to understand?
Is there a third grader near you? They could help you "get it".
you know he's coming back with that ain't enough. too funny.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
not sure I understand your question. what tax breaks?
Why are we not raising taxes on the One Percent, to make sure we pay off the debt.

The 1%' ers are already paying your way. We think it makes better sense to cut expenses...you know, all that money we pay filthy wetbacks just to come degrade our society.
We also think it's time that bottom feeders pull their heads from their asses and figure out how to make positive contributions. Wait till you see the welfare reform proposal...haha...all hell will break loose!
Nothing but right wing fantasy?

End the drug war, right wingers.

Just so I understand you clearly; soooo you want:
More drugs and drug addicts
More illegal immigrants
More welfare
A higher minimum wage
Taxpayer funded payments to the unemployed whom don't qualify for unemployment
Taxpayer funded healthcare for all
Do I have this all correct Danny?
Geee....I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet you're a super successful individual....hahaha
Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes
I am trying to become better at tax avoidance, like the one percent.

Only the little people pay taxes
You need to hire a million dollar accounting firm to do your taxes
They will teach you how to set up Danielpalos University and sell Danielpalos Steaks and not pay taxes
You can even buy Danielpalos Airline and not pay taxes for ten years
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

People become less empathic as they grow richer. They prioritize their own interests and pay less attention to others, because they can afford to. As the rich become more self-interested, they don’t want to be bothered by riff-raff who might threaten their security or complacency.

This is what makes inequality so hard to dismantle: the people who benefit most are insulated from those who suffer, and so feel no wish to change anything. And because the people who benefit are usually those with the most influence, nothing changes. As Piff says, despite their hard work, most people aren’t achieving the American dream. So who is? Often those born into wealth.
I'm surprised this thread is still going. Even trump agrees we need to redistribute wealth. That's what would happen if he brought back jobs and actually increased wages.
$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.

We had to go back 12 years to find a time when Trump actually paid taxes

Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

But it does keep him out of that group of rich people who hypocritically say they should pay more in taxes while doing everything possible to pay as little as possible.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bold statement...does that mean you have his return from last year?

Trump admitted he paid no taxes....said it "Makes him smart"

And as long as it's legal, he's right. If he illegally didn't pay, do you really think the IRS would sit idly by and ignore it?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It may be legal....yet it puts Trump in with the 47% of Freeloaders who do not pay taxes

I'm sure there's no way you're in that 47 percentile....haha
Has it been confirmed that Trump didn't pay income taxes?
38 million paid in one year...Imagine the amount of property taxes, sales taxes, luxury taxes and payroll taxes Donny T pays year in and year out...DAMN this guy is awesome...he contributes more in one year than all those bottom feeding subhumans you people champion for will in their lifetimes....that really puts in in perspective...huh? hahaha

I am a highly compensated message board poster and pay at a high tax bracket

Now, Trump for that matter has not paid taxes in a decade and brags about how that makes him smart
Only stupid people like you and I actually pay taxes

Hire a bunch of tax attorneys and stop d filing the 1040EZ form.

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