We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

I find it hard to believe there’s still people out there saying this is no big deal. Crazy.

It is a big fucking deal, make no mistake about it. The Obama-Biden Plague is causing devastation worldwide, but thank Almighty God that President Trump and his top advisor on this, Mr. Kushner, are on the job here and have already made tremendous progress toward resolving the issue. Compare and contrast with the failure of the Obama Regime, when B. Hussein O gave the cancer problem to Sleepy Joe to resolve. A total and complete debacle.

Wow. Delusional.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

I think there's a happy medium between "do absolutely nothing about the virus and just keep the economy going", and what we're doing now--which is basically bring the economy to a screeching halt.

IMO we have done TOO much to halt the virus and we're doing untold damage to the economy. It has to be reversed NOW. The economic destruction is moving faster than the virus is spreading.

The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.
Which also means the lethality is much lower than stated

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Actually, Italy has a vastly weaker health care system than ours. They also have a much older population.


Oh, WELL, if the secretary/treasurer of the Internet Fucktard Club simply declares it isn't so, I guess we'll all just take it as settled, because we all value your knowledge and wisdom so much.

Or maybe we'll continue looking at you like squashed dog turds on the sidewalk.

Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

"Italy’s current national health service, known as Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), provides free universal care to patients yet remains under-funded. Investments in public healthcare make up only 6.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is lower than other countries in the European Union including France and Germany.

“The continuous cuts—to care and to research—are obviously a problem right now,” Casani says. “We were not prepared. We do not have enough doctors for the people. We do not have an organized plan for pandemics.”

Countries With The Largest Aging Population In The World

"The world is aging rather rapidly. However, there are a few countries, such as Japan and Italy, that stand out from among the rest, due to the immense proportions of their citizens over 65 years of age.

Japan is home to the oldest citizenry in the world, with 27% of its population being 65 years of age or older.

Next on this list is Italy, with 23% of its population being 65 years of age or older."

Take a moment to go fuck yourself, and then come back for the rest of your education, lackwit.

Nope. Sorry, dope.
Your typical anti-commie bullshit is not only inacurate but just plain retarded given the availability of infirmation. If you had the ability for critical thought you would realize that the number of critically ill ovewhelmed their capacity to adequately treat them all despite Italy having a larger per capita healthcare capacity than the US does. Crawl back in your hole and await further instruction.

I always enjoy being told I'm "retarded" by someone who can't even make the insult coherently. Exactly what I would expect from someone who is given facts and thinks just saying, "You're wrong, I KNOW this is how it is" will somehow achieve something.
Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."
I think there's a happy medium between "do absolutely nothing about the virus and just keep the economy going", and what we're doing now--which is basically bring the economy to a screeching halt.

IMO we have done TOO much to halt the virus and we're doing untold damage to the economy. It has to be reversed NOW. The economic destruction is moving faster than the virus is spreading.

The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Dear GOD, are you stupid. The nasal swab isn't the test, you fucking moron. It's just how the sample is collected. The test is what they do with that sample afterward.

And by the way, the swab for coronavirus is usuallly a throat swab, not a nasal swab.

What the fuck do you think happens after you get swabbed for a test? Did you think the doctor just went in the back room and looked at the Q-tip and said, "Yup, that looks like coronavirus to me"?
Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.

we are comparing the numbers of cases and the presidential response time. Looking at the first 3 months of each is a valid comparison and it clearly shows that Trump is ahead of the curve and obozo didn't even know there was a curve. We should also look at the media coverage of both and the amount of hype and air time given to each in the first 3 months. The difference is glaring and obvious. If you cannot see it then your partisan bias has destroyed your few remaining brain cells.
The difference is "glaring and obvious" because this is a much more serious and severe outbreak, dope.

No, it isn't much more serious and severe. The numbers infected and dead are much lower. The only difference is the media-created panic. The comparisons of the numbers have been posted several times, I know that you live in obama's ass so its understandable why you have not seen them.

Obviously the world isn't shutting down because it's milder, dope. :cuckoo:
a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.

we are comparing the numbers of cases and the presidential response time. Looking at the first 3 months of each is a valid comparison and it clearly shows that Trump is ahead of the curve and obozo didn't even know there was a curve. We should also look at the media coverage of both and the amount of hype and air time given to each in the first 3 months. The difference is glaring and obvious. If you cannot see it then your partisan bias has destroyed your few remaining brain cells.
The difference is "glaring and obvious" because this is a much more serious and severe outbreak, dope.

No, it isn't much more serious and severe. The numbers infected and dead are much lower. The only difference is the media-created panic. The comparisons of the numbers have been posted several times, I know that you live in obama's ass so its understandable why you have not seen them.

Obviously the world isn't shutting down because it's milder, dope. :cuckoo:
No it is shutting down because of the level of panic governments have manufactured

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I don't make the projections, dope.
You are speculating what the death rate might be

And FYI the death rate is an entirely unreliable stat.

Since only the sickest people get tested and the fact that there is no way to know how many people had the virus and recovered never seeking medical care because their symptoms were mild or nonexistent, the lethality rate cannot be accurately calculated

the other factor that cannot be measured is how many of these people with other conditions would have died anyway. did the virus hasten their deaths or was it simply one of several causes? No way to know.

A lot of the victims of the Obama-Biden Plague seem to be folks with serious co-morbidities. Respiratory bugs can be a lot more serious for people walking around with emphysema or heart failure.

It's not news to normal people that pneumonia is a major killer of the elderly, and can set in with almost any sort of illness. Hell, I knew a guy in his twenties, otherwise healthy, who got an open wound in his leg and ended up with pneumonia during his hospital stay.

And unless I'm badly misreading the news reports, it's the onset of pneumonia that's killing the people who die from contracting coronavirus.

Pneumonia is the official cause of death for a lot of old timers. A couple of the old timers who passed in my family officially died of pneumonia, but were suffering from parkinsons and lung cancer at the time.

Exactly. It's also one of the big official causes with HIV/AIDS. The disease itself doesn't kill you; it just weakens your immune system enough to allow other diseases to take hold without you having the ability to fight it off.

Old people, by definition, have crap immune systems (at least, compared to what they had in their twenties or thirties). They contract an illness, they can't fight it off, and the next thing you know, a secondary ailment swoops in and takes them out.
Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.

This graph only indicates that number that have been tested,not the total number infected.

No ones knows if the "curve is bent" as far as actual infections, data isn't available. Maybe if Bloomberg would have spent a half billion on the health of the people instead of a pointless run for the presidency, we'd have better information?

So you’re saying the true number of infected is far higher?

Well that’s a relief.

It is if you can wrap your brain around the fact that the vast majority will recover quickly and not even be all that sick.

And the fact that the death rate goes way down if and when you can factor in a larger number of people who get infected and get over it.

No it isn’t. There’s a lot more vectors out there.

You are just REALLY committed to believing the end is nigh, arentcha?

Oh, WELL, if the secretary/treasurer of the Internet Fucktard Club simply declares it isn't so, I guess we'll all just take it as settled, because we all value your knowledge and wisdom so much.

Or maybe we'll continue looking at you like squashed dog turds on the sidewalk.

Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

"Italy’s current national health service, known as Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), provides free universal care to patients yet remains under-funded. Investments in public healthcare make up only 6.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is lower than other countries in the European Union including France and Germany.

“The continuous cuts—to care and to research—are obviously a problem right now,” Casani says. “We were not prepared. We do not have enough doctors for the people. We do not have an organized plan for pandemics.”

Countries With The Largest Aging Population In The World

"The world is aging rather rapidly. However, there are a few countries, such as Japan and Italy, that stand out from among the rest, due to the immense proportions of their citizens over 65 years of age.

Japan is home to the oldest citizenry in the world, with 27% of its population being 65 years of age or older.

Next on this list is Italy, with 23% of its population being 65 years of age or older."

Take a moment to go fuck yourself, and then come back for the rest of your education, lackwit.

Nope. Sorry, dope.
Your typical anti-commie bullshit is not only inacurate but just plain retarded given the availability of infirmation. If you had the ability for critical thought you would realize that the number of critically ill ovewhelmed their capacity to adequately treat them all despite Italy having a larger per capita healthcare capacity than the US does. Crawl back in your hole and await further instruction.

I always enjoy being told I'm "retarded" by someone who can't even make the insult coherently. Exactly what I would expect from someone who is given facts and thinks just saying, "You're wrong, I KNOW this is how it is" will somehow achieve something.
Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."

I'm simply passing on readily available information. It is your own incompetence that doesn't allow you to see that.
The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

Unless you start developing life-threatening problems (like pneumonia), there's no point in going to a doctor with the flu. They're going to tell you to get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid contact with other people as much as possible. You already knew that, so why waste the time and money?
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

I find it hard to believe there’s still people out there saying this is no big deal. Crazy.

I don't see anyone saying it's not a big deal. I see them saying it's not the second coming of the Black Plague, the way you want it to be.
Oh, WELL, if the secretary/treasurer of the Internet Fucktard Club simply declares it isn't so, I guess we'll all just take it as settled, because we all value your knowledge and wisdom so much.

Or maybe we'll continue looking at you like squashed dog turds on the sidewalk.

Why Is the Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad in Italy?

"Italy’s current national health service, known as Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN), provides free universal care to patients yet remains under-funded. Investments in public healthcare make up only 6.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP), which is lower than other countries in the European Union including France and Germany.

“The continuous cuts—to care and to research—are obviously a problem right now,” Casani says. “We were not prepared. We do not have enough doctors for the people. We do not have an organized plan for pandemics.”

Countries With The Largest Aging Population In The World

"The world is aging rather rapidly. However, there are a few countries, such as Japan and Italy, that stand out from among the rest, due to the immense proportions of their citizens over 65 years of age.

Japan is home to the oldest citizenry in the world, with 27% of its population being 65 years of age or older.

Next on this list is Italy, with 23% of its population being 65 years of age or older."

Take a moment to go fuck yourself, and then come back for the rest of your education, lackwit.

Nope. Sorry, dope.
Your typical anti-commie bullshit is not only inacurate but just plain retarded given the availability of infirmation. If you had the ability for critical thought you would realize that the number of critically ill ovewhelmed their capacity to adequately treat them all despite Italy having a larger per capita healthcare capacity than the US does. Crawl back in your hole and await further instruction.

I always enjoy being told I'm "retarded" by someone who can't even make the insult coherently. Exactly what I would expect from someone who is given facts and thinks just saying, "You're wrong, I KNOW this is how it is" will somehow achieve something.
Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."

I'm simply passing on readily available information. It is your own incompetence that doesn't allow you to see that.

No, you're simply passing on the overreactions that you picked and chose. It is your own ignorant worldview that doesn't allow you to see that.
The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Dear GOD, are you stupid. The nasal swab isn't the test, you fucking moron. It's just how the sample is collected. The test is what they do with that sample afterward.

And by the way, the swab for coronavirus is usuallly a throat swab, not a nasal swab.

What the fuck do you think happens after you get swabbed for a test? Did you think the doctor just went in the back room and looked at the Q-tip and said, "Yup, that looks like coronavirus to me"?

Stop acting like a child and pretending you know everything.

You don’t.

In my state, we have a critical shortage of swabs which is why we aren’t testing anyone that isn’t absolutely necessary. It’s pretty hard to test people when you don’t have the swabs.

At first we were doing NP and OP swabs. Then we ran out of OP swabs because those aren’t as commonly used as NP, so then we rationed to just doing NP since that’s all we had. Now we are running out of those too. We aren’t testing for influenza except in critically ill patients. We aren’t testing for RSV either.

Now, if you can’t act like an adult, I suggest you shut up for once in your life.
There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.

we are comparing the numbers of cases and the presidential response time. Looking at the first 3 months of each is a valid comparison and it clearly shows that Trump is ahead of the curve and obozo didn't even know there was a curve. We should also look at the media coverage of both and the amount of hype and air time given to each in the first 3 months. The difference is glaring and obvious. If you cannot see it then your partisan bias has destroyed your few remaining brain cells.
The difference is "glaring and obvious" because this is a much more serious and severe outbreak, dope.

No, it isn't much more serious and severe. The numbers infected and dead are much lower. The only difference is the media-created panic. The comparisons of the numbers have been posted several times, I know that you live in obama's ass so its understandable why you have not seen them.

Obviously the world isn't shutting down because it's milder, dope. :cuckoo:
No it is shutting down because of the level of panic governments have manufactured

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

More like serious people understand what you don't and are acting accordingly. You dopes refuse to recognize just how bad this will be because your tiny emotional capacity is not able to handle it. You panic over imaginary threats under ideal circimstances.
Sit back, do your part and let the adults handle this.
I think there's a happy medium between "do absolutely nothing about the virus and just keep the economy going", and what we're doing now--which is basically bring the economy to a screeching halt.

IMO we have done TOO much to halt the virus and we're doing untold damage to the economy. It has to be reversed NOW. The economic destruction is moving faster than the virus is spreading.

The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.

The economic destruction is spreading even faster, trust me
I’m worried about people’s lives. What are you worried about?

Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

I find it hard to believe there’s still people out there saying this is no big deal. Crazy.

I don't see anyone saying it's not a big deal. I see them saying it's not the second coming of the Black Plague, the way you want it to be.
Tons of people are saying it’s no big deal.

It’s just the common cold.

No worse than usual influenza.

There’s no need for restrictions.

Dumb asses.
Nope. Sorry, dope.
Your typical anti-commie bullshit is not only inacurate but just plain retarded given the availability of infirmation. If you had the ability for critical thought you would realize that the number of critically ill ovewhelmed their capacity to adequately treat them all despite Italy having a larger per capita healthcare capacity than the US does. Crawl back in your hole and await further instruction.

I always enjoy being told I'm "retarded" by someone who can't even make the insult coherently. Exactly what I would expect from someone who is given facts and thinks just saying, "You're wrong, I KNOW this is how it is" will somehow achieve something.
Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."

I'm simply passing on readily available information. It is your own incompetence that doesn't allow you to see that.

No, you're simply passing on the overreactions that you picked and chose. It is your own ignorant worldview that doesn't allow you to see that.

So the Trump admin is overreacting?
The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.

The economic destruction is spreading even faster, trust me
I’m worried about people’s lives. What are you worried about?

Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


Those are numbers reported out of CDC on new cases diagnosed by PCR. Since these are PCR tests, not immunologic assays, they reflect active disease, not prior exposure.
I always enjoy being told I'm "retarded" by someone who can't even make the insult coherently. Exactly what I would expect from someone who is given facts and thinks just saying, "You're wrong, I KNOW this is how it is" will somehow achieve something.
Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."

I'm simply passing on readily available information. It is your own incompetence that doesn't allow you to see that.

No, you're simply passing on the overreactions that you picked and chose. It is your own ignorant worldview that doesn't allow you to see that.

So the Trump admin is overreacting?
Something something something, the media made him.

That’s the excuse I got so far from them.
The virus is spreading very quickly.

View attachment 313818
This is bad. This is very bad.

The economic destruction is spreading even faster, trust me
I’m worried about people’s lives. What are you worried about?

Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

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