We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

US passed out Italy for New Cases in a day yesterday...

Italy has passed out China for number of Deaths...

If you are overreacting you are right... Lock shit down now...

Pureto Rico & Florida look like the biggest fears when considering age profile and population density..
Not really.

All it shows is that more testing has been done.

The vast majority of people who contract COVID19 will not die and many of them will have symptoms so minor they will not need to seek medical attention

Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Dear GOD, are you stupid. The nasal swab isn't the test, you fucking moron. It's just how the sample is collected. The test is what they do with that sample afterward.

And by the way, the swab for coronavirus is usuallly a throat swab, not a nasal swab.

What the fuck do you think happens after you get swabbed for a test? Did you think the doctor just went in the back room and looked at the Q-tip and said, "Yup, that looks like coronavirus to me"?

Stop acting like a child and pretending you know everything.

You don’t.

In my state, we have a critical shortage of swabs which is why we aren’t testing anyone that isn’t absolutely necessary. It’s pretty hard to test people when you don’t have the swabs.

At first we were doing NP and OP swabs. Then we ran out of OP swabs because those aren’t as commonly used as NP, so then we rationed to just doing NP since that’s all we had. Now we are running out of those too. We aren’t testing for influenza except in critically ill patients. We aren’t testing for RSV either.

Now, if you can’t act like an adult, I suggest you shut up for once in your life.

Stop acting like a child and demanding that people stop bringing up facts you don't want to hear. Pointing out that taking a swab isn't a test isn't me "pretending I know everything"; it's me legitimately knowing something basic that you were too piss-stupid to be aware of. Don't blame me if encountering reasonably educated people makes you feel like the clueless moron you are.

We aren't testing for influenza for the most part because we never did. Again, there's no point in spending that kind of money unless the patient is seriously ill.

Do NOT give me that "I am making this anecdotal statement, and you have to just accept it and shut up" line and think it's going to get anywhere. It doesn't work for any other pig-stupid leftist who thinks he should silence everyone else, and it won't work for you. I suggest that if you can't muster the stones to tolerate hearing dissension, you either run away and hide or hold your breath waiting until you aren't helpless to control me. Good luck with either choice.

Coronavirus tests: COVID-19 kit component shortage slows US response

"Testing for coronavirus typically uses reagents, which are chemical substances used in laboratory analyses. The reagents extract, purify and stabilize RNA, or ribonucleic acid, in samples taken from patients suspected of having COVID-19.

That's the first step in confirming or ruling out a tentative diagnosis. Qiagen says it leads the world in this type of testing.

Testing demand has led to a shortage of reagents for the RNA extraction process, said Dr. Eric Blank, the chief program officer for the Association of Public Health Laboratories, which represents state and local governmental health laboratories in the USA and responds to disease outbreaks."

Whether or not there's a shortage of swabs is irrelevant to the fact that the swabs are not the test. Moron.

Now, if you can't act like an adult . . . keep talking, because unlike you, I don't fear free speech, since I have facts on my side.
so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

I find it hard to believe there’s still people out there saying this is no big deal. Crazy.

I don't see anyone saying it's not a big deal. I see them saying it's not the second coming of the Black Plague, the way you want it to be.
Tons of people are saying it’s no big deal.

It’s just the common cold.

No worse than usual influenza.

There’s no need for restrictions.

Dumb asses.

Oh, WELL, if YOU say so, then we'll just forget about talking about the actual conversations here, and talk about what you "know" that "tons of people" - somewhere, don't know where, don't know who - are saying, because we're all eager to let YOU define reality and debate parameters.

I mean, it's never happened before, but I'm sure we're all going to suddenly value your unsubstantiated assertions at some point, right?
I always enjoy being told I'm "retarded" by someone who can't even make the insult coherently. Exactly what I would expect from someone who is given facts and thinks just saying, "You're wrong, I KNOW this is how it is" will somehow achieve something.
Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."

I'm simply passing on readily available information. It is your own incompetence that doesn't allow you to see that.

No, you're simply passing on the overreactions that you picked and chose. It is your own ignorant worldview that doesn't allow you to see that.

So the Trump admin is overreacting?

"Ah hah! A chance to make this all about attacking Trump!"

Spare me.
The economic destruction is spreading even faster, trust me
I’m worried about people’s lives. What are you worried about?

Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


Those are numbers reported out of CDC on new cases diagnosed by PCR. Since these are PCR tests, not immunologic assays, they reflect active disease, not prior exposure.

WHAT ?!?!?!?!?

PCR tests detects any trace of the coronavirus , which again, has been around for many years.

Active infections can ONLY be detected via Immunoglobulin Tests - looking for the presence of IG M's - which no country is presently using.

Again, stop disinforming and eat your checkers, please.


Your inability to grasp simple information is apparent. Your ability to recognize and understand that shortcoming makes you retarded.

I just heard, "You're stupid for not just believing me because I say so."

I'm simply passing on readily available information. It is your own incompetence that doesn't allow you to see that.

No, you're simply passing on the overreactions that you picked and chose. It is your own ignorant worldview that doesn't allow you to see that.

So the Trump admin is overreacting?

"Ah hah! A chance to make this all about attacking Trump!"

Spare me.
Simple question, dope.
I'm not attacking anyone. I'm asking you if the Trump admin is overreacting because you accuse me of doing so when I cite their stats.
Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Due to lack of testing availability, only the sickest people are tested. As you say, the majority don’t seek medical attention meaning the number is FAR higher.

so what, the number of unreported common colds is also very high. People with few or no symptoms are not going to get tested or report sick.

you libs keep whining about the lack of test kits. Tell us how the govt should have prepared millions of test kits for a virus that no one even knew would exist.

Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Dear GOD, are you stupid. The nasal swab isn't the test, you fucking moron. It's just how the sample is collected. The test is what they do with that sample afterward.

And by the way, the swab for coronavirus is usuallly a throat swab, not a nasal swab.

What the fuck do you think happens after you get swabbed for a test? Did you think the doctor just went in the back room and looked at the Q-tip and said, "Yup, that looks like coronavirus to me"?

Stop acting like a child and pretending you know everything.

You don’t.

In my state, we have a critical shortage of swabs which is why we aren’t testing anyone that isn’t absolutely necessary. It’s pretty hard to test people when you don’t have the swabs.

At first we were doing NP and OP swabs. Then we ran out of OP swabs because those aren’t as commonly used as NP, so then we rationed to just doing NP since that’s all we had. Now we are running out of those too. We aren’t testing for influenza except in critically ill patients. We aren’t testing for RSV either.

Now, if you can’t act like an adult, I suggest you shut up for once in your life.

Stop acting like a child and demanding that people stop bringing up facts you don't want to hear. Pointing out that taking a swab isn't a test isn't me "pretending I know everything"; it's me legitimately knowing something basic that you were too piss-stupid to be aware of. Don't blame me if encountering reasonably educated people makes you feel like the clueless moron you are.

We aren't testing for influenza for the most part because we never did. Again, there's no point in spending that kind of money unless the patient is seriously ill.

Do NOT give me that "I am making this anecdotal statement, and you have to just accept it and shut up" line and think it's going to get anywhere. It doesn't work for any other pig-stupid leftist who thinks he should silence everyone else, and it won't work for you. I suggest that if you can't muster the stones to tolerate hearing dissension, you either run away and hide or hold your breath waiting until you aren't helpless to control me. Good luck with either choice.

Coronavirus tests: COVID-19 kit component shortage slows US response

"Testing for coronavirus typically uses reagents, which are chemical substances used in laboratory analyses. The reagents extract, purify and stabilize RNA, or ribonucleic acid, in samples taken from patients suspected of having COVID-19.

That's the first step in confirming or ruling out a tentative diagnosis. Qiagen says it leads the world in this type of testing.

Testing demand has led to a shortage of reagents for the RNA extraction process, said Dr. Eric Blank, the chief program officer for the Association of Public Health Laboratories, which represents state and local governmental health laboratories in the USA and responds to disease outbreaks."

Whether or not there's a shortage of swabs is irrelevant to the fact that the swabs are not the test. Moron.

Now, if you can't act like an adult . . . keep talking, because unlike you, I don't fear free speech, since I have facts on my side.

You haven’t told me anything that I didn’t already know. You just missed my point entirely because you’re too arrogant to actually listen to what I have to say. All I said is that we don’t even have enough swabs to test people.

You’re acting like a know it all child.
I’m worried about people’s lives. What are you worried about?

Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


Those are numbers reported out of CDC on new cases diagnosed by PCR. Since these are PCR tests, not immunologic assays, they reflect active disease, not prior exposure.

WHAT ?!?!?!?!?

PCR tests detects any trace of the coronavirus , which again, has been around for many years.

Active infections can ONLY be detected via Immunoglobulin Tests - looking for the presence of IG M's - which no country is presently using.

Again, stop disinforming and eat your checkers, please.



PCR tests detect specific sequences of RNA in this case. Since the virus has been sequenced, it’s entirely specific to this Coronavirus. In order to detect the viral RNA, the virus has to be actively replicating, otherwise known as an infection.
Hell man, test kits are just nasal swabs that are no different than those used for the typical influenza.

We had a few months to build up a capacity before it hit us. We are pretty far behind.

Most people who are infected with influenza never get tested , never get a nasal swab. They aren't that ill, most don't go to the doctor, and even those who do are usually not tested. With no cure, supportive and symptomatic care is all that is needed. Making the case "officially" an influenza is no benefit to the patient.

I find it hard to believe there’s still people out there saying this is no big deal. Crazy.

I don't see anyone saying it's not a big deal. I see them saying it's not the second coming of the Black Plague, the way you want it to be.
Tons of people are saying it’s no big deal.

It’s just the common cold.

No worse than usual influenza.

There’s no need for restrictions.

Dumb asses.

Oh, WELL, if YOU say so, then we'll just forget about talking about the actual conversations here, and talk about what you "know" that "tons of people" - somewhere, don't know where, don't know who - are saying, because we're all eager to let YOU define reality and debate parameters.

I mean, it's never happened before, but I'm sure we're all going to suddenly value your unsubstantiated assertions at some point, right?
You’re posting in a thread titled “we need to stop over reacting to the Coronavirus”. Read it.
US passed out Italy for New Cases in a day yesterday...

Italy has passed out China for number of Deaths...

If you are overreacting you are right... Lock shit down now...

Pureto Rico & Florida look like the biggest fears when considering age profile and population density..

They have a population of 60 million. We have a population of 350 million. So let's talk percentages instead
US passed out Italy for New Cases in a day yesterday...

Italy has passed out China for number of Deaths...

If you are overreacting you are right... Lock shit down now...

Pureto Rico & Florida look like the biggest fears when considering age profile and population density..

They have a population of 60 million. We have a population of 350 million. So let's talk percentages instead

That’s the wrong approach. Our growth is mirroring Italy which means it doesn’t matter if we don’t have the same incidence now, but unless we bend the curve, we will soon.
Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


Those are numbers reported out of CDC on new cases diagnosed by PCR. Since these are PCR tests, not immunologic assays, they reflect active disease, not prior exposure.

WHAT ?!?!?!?!?

PCR tests detects any trace of the coronavirus , which again, has been around for many years.

Active infections can ONLY be detected via Immunoglobulin Tests - looking for the presence of IG M's - which no country is presently using.

Again, stop disinforming and eat your checkers, please.



PCR tests detect specific sequences of RNA in this case. Since the virus has been sequenced, it’s entirely specific to this Coronavirus. In order to detect the viral RNA, the virus has to be actively replicating, otherwise known as an infection.

"At the center of all of this chaos is a relatively straightforward type of test called a polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, that’s been around for decades. To run it, a doctor swabs a patient’s nose or throat and sends the sample to a lab. The lab then looks for tiny snippets of the virus’s genetic material."

The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
The economy was very different then. It was not as globally interconnected, and many countries simply did not impact our economy as much as they do now. If we don't slow the spread of the coronavirus, our health infrastructure will be overwhelmed. You think there are panic and too many shutdowns now? Imagine communities in the midst of crisis where high school gyms are primitive triages without medical supplies, and patients are being prioritized as to who gets medical care. Imagine communities where banking services have stalled, and food distribution centers cease to operate, for even a week. Managing the pace of this is far preferable to waiting to get smacked by it.
Sounds like Trump gets it.

I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


Those are numbers reported out of CDC on new cases diagnosed by PCR. Since these are PCR tests, not immunologic assays, they reflect active disease, not prior exposure.

WHAT ?!?!?!?!?

PCR tests detects any trace of the coronavirus , which again, has been around for many years.

Active infections can ONLY be detected via Immunoglobulin Tests - looking for the presence of IG M's - which no country is presently using.

Again, stop disinforming and eat your checkers, please.



PCR tests detect specific sequences of RNA in this case. Since the virus has been sequenced, it’s entirely specific to this Coronavirus. In order to detect the viral RNA, the virus has to be actively replicating, otherwise known as an infection.

"At the center of all of this chaos is a relatively straightforward type of test called a polymerase chain reaction, or PCR, that’s been around for decades. To run it, a doctor swabs a patient’s nose or throat and sends the sample to a lab. The lab then looks for tiny snippets of the virus’s genetic material."

Yes, that’s exactly what I said. I said specific sequences (tiny snippets) of RNA (genetic material).

Tell me why an old fart who isn’t currently infected would have tiny snippets of the viruses genetic material hanging around their throat?
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
The economy was very different then. It was not as globally interconnected, and many countries simply did not impact our economy as much as they do now. If we don't slow the spread of the coronavirus, our health infrastructure will be overwhelmed. You think there are panic and too many shutdowns now? Imagine communities in the midst of crisis where high school gyms are primitive triages without medical supplies, and patients are being prioritized as to who gets medical care. Imagine communities where banking services have stalled, and food distribution centers cease to operate, for even a week. Managing the pace of this is far preferable to waiting to get smacked by it.
Sounds like Trump gets it.
I think he gets how bad this is, but I wish he’d stop making stupid statements (like claiming FDA approved a treatment).
The economic destruction is spreading even faster, trust me
I’m worried about people’s lives. What are you worried about?

Libs are concerned that this isn't sticking to Trump.
I’m concerned that we haven’t bent the curve.

View attachment 313819

Look at this and tell me everything is going great. I dare you.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

Excuse me Dingle Berry, may I call you DB?

Corona viruses are not new. They were first identified as RNA viruses in 1970.

The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
The economy was very different then. It was not as globally interconnected, and many countries simply did not impact our economy as much as they do now. If we don't slow the spread of the coronavirus, our health infrastructure will be overwhelmed. You think there are panic and too many shutdowns now? Imagine communities in the midst of crisis where high school gyms are primitive triages without medical supplies, and patients are being prioritized as to who gets medical care. Imagine communities where banking services have stalled, and food distribution centers cease to operate, for even a week. Managing the pace of this is far preferable to waiting to get smacked by it.
Sounds like Trump gets it.
I think he gets how bad this is, but I wish he’d stop making stupid statements (like claiming FDA approved a treatment).
About that, why is the FDA dragging their feet on the Malaria drug? It's not like we don't know anything about it, cause it's been around for 50 years. It it works, even moderately, get it out there.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
The economy was very different then. It was not as globally interconnected, and many countries simply did not impact our economy as much as they do now. If we don't slow the spread of the coronavirus, our health infrastructure will be overwhelmed. You think there are panic and too many shutdowns now? Imagine communities in the midst of crisis where high school gyms are primitive triages without medical supplies, and patients are being prioritized as to who gets medical care. Imagine communities where banking services have stalled, and food distribution centers cease to operate, for even a week. Managing the pace of this is far preferable to waiting to get smacked by it.
Sounds like Trump gets it.
I think he gets how bad this is, but I wish he’d stop making stupid statements (like claiming FDA approved a treatment).

The drug in question has been approved by the FDA, just not the use of it in coronavirus cases.

Nothing "stupid" about it except your misunderstanding of your President's statement.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
The economy was very different then. It was not as globally interconnected, and many countries simply did not impact our economy as much as they do now. If we don't slow the spread of the coronavirus, our health infrastructure will be overwhelmed. You think there are panic and too many shutdowns now? Imagine communities in the midst of crisis where high school gyms are primitive triages without medical supplies, and patients are being prioritized as to who gets medical care. Imagine communities where banking services have stalled, and food distribution centers cease to operate, for even a week. Managing the pace of this is far preferable to waiting to get smacked by it.
Sounds like Trump gets it.
I think he gets how bad this is, but I wish he’d stop making stupid statements (like claiming FDA approved a treatment).
About that, why is the FDA dragging their feet on the Malaria drug? It's not like we don't know anything about it, cause it's been around for 50 years. It it works, even moderately, get it out there.
The drug is already out there.

But it’s not FDA approved for Coronavirus. To get approval you need to demonstrate efficacy. That hasn’t happened yet.

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