We need to tone down our hateful rhetoric against Black Lives Matters (Trump welcomes their endorsement)

Black Livess Matter does not support trump.

No good can ever come from any of them.

Former BLM Leader Now Supporting TRUMP!​

BLM Leader: Unite To Break The Media Narrative​

Did a Black Lives Matter RI founder endorse Trump? There's more to the story​

We conservatives ate crow today.
We have called black, lives matters, dogs, and Marxist but now our leader Trump has welcomed their endorsement:

“Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist,”

We need to take two steps. First take back our hateful and accurate statements against the group and second, rejoice. The Republican party is growing more diverse and moving left, which is good because this is centrist country.

Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist, inaccurately claiming that he’s receiving broader support from the group — which he has denounced and blamed for violence for years.
Democrats have always counted on Black voters having a short memory. Are you saying that this will work in Trump’s favor?

Combine being unfairly affected by the justice system, being a “playa” of the first order, and endorsements form black males not on the Democratic Plantation and Biden better let in more illegals and register them to vote by executive order.
We conservatives ate crow today.
We have called black, lives matters, dogs, and Marxist but now our leader Trump has welcomed their endorsement:

“Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist,”

We need to take two steps. First take back our hateful and accurate statements against the group and second, rejoice. The Republican party is growing more diverse and moving left, which is good because this is centrist country.

Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist, inaccurately claiming that he’s receiving broader support from the group — which he has denounced and blamed for violence for years.

AN ACTIVIST.... read your own post.
Trump got an endorsement from 1 black person who started a BLM chapter in Rhode Island.
Trump didn’t say that.
Democrats have always counted on Black voters having a short memory. Are you saying that this will work in Trump’s favor?

Combine being unfairly affected by the justice system, being a “playa” of the first order, and endorsements form black males not on the Democratic Plantation and Biden better let in more illegals and register them to vote by executive order.
You have said nasty things about BLM. apologize now and thank them.
BLM is a racist, extortionist, organization bent on the poor old me I am black concept and false narrative justifying one’s inability to work in improving one’s standard of living while at the same time designed to make people feel guilty for the color of their skin. So many excuses…..yet so many documented examples contradicting the narrative outside of sports and entertainment.
We conservatives ate crow today.
We have called black, lives matters, dogs, and Marxist but now our leader Trump has welcomed their endorsement:

“Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist,”

We need to take two steps. First take back our hateful and accurate statements against the group and second, rejoice. The Republican party is growing more diverse and moving left, which is good because this is centrist country.

Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist, inaccurately claiming that he’s receiving broader support from the group — which he has denounced and blamed for violence for years.

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