We need to tone down our hateful rhetoric against Black Lives Matters (Trump welcomes their endorsement)

We conservatives ate crow today.
We have called black, lives matters, dogs, and Marxist but now our leader Trump has welcomed their endorsement:

“Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist,”

We need to take two steps. First take back our hateful and accurate statements against the group and second, rejoice. The Republican party is growing more diverse and moving left, which is good because this is centrist country.

Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist, inaccurately claiming that he’s receiving broader support from the group — which he has denounced and blamed for violence for years.

Dude, there was no endorsement. BLM has slammed the person for staging a publicity stunt.

The national Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization slammed a man previously affiliated with a Rhode Island BLM group after he endorsed former President Trump for president and gained national attention.

“This is a publicity stunt,” the BLM and BLM Rhode Island said in a statement to CNN.The right-wing continues to use and amplify fringe Black voices to create an idea of broad support for their corrupt candidates.”

Mark Fisher endorsed Trump on Tuesday in an interview posted online, saying he thinks “everybody else sucks.” He added that he likes Trump and thinks “who we have sitting in the Oval Office is a deep disappointment.”

Fisher was speaking for himself and himself alone, he as an indivdual does not represent the organization itself.
You need to look at George Wallace's support by black voters during his later elections as governor of Alabama. It ran very high. I don't have a reference, but I believe in one election, he got 92% of the black vote simply because he was a Democrat.
Indeed, getting shot and appointing blacks to your cabinet helps
In the years after the assassination attempt, Wallace's attitude toward racial issues underwent a dramatic change. The man who had once vowed "segregation forever" asked forgiveness of many people with whom he had clashed. Wallace was elected in 1982 to his last term as governor with strong support from African-American voters.
But nowhere near that much, sport
Wallace gained the support of about one-third of the black voters in Tuesday's primary election, according to various analyses today, but this unaccustomed support still left him facing a runoff election for the Democratic nomination for a fourth term as Governor of Alabama. Sep 9, 1982
Dude, there was no endorsement. BLM has slammed the person for staging a publicity stunt.

The national Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization slammed a man previously affiliated with a Rhode Island BLM group after he endorsed former President Trump for president and gained national attention.

“This is a publicity stunt,” the BLM and BLM Rhode Island said in a statement to CNN.The right-wing continues to use and amplify fringe Black voices to create an idea of broad support for their corrupt candidates.”

Mark Fisher endorsed Trump on Tuesday in an interview posted online, saying he thinks “everybody else sucks.” He added that he likes Trump and thinks “who we have sitting in the Oval Office is a deep disappointment.”

Fisher was speaking for himself and himself alone, he as an indivdual does not represent the organization itself.
Trump though so and that’s what matters
Trump though so and that’s what matters

Who the fuck cares about P01135809, the man who endorsed him was NOT speaking BLM, he was speaking for himself. To attached personal thoughts as an organization endorsing a political candidate is illogical.

I know you worship at the feet of P01135809 and bow in grand suplication at very thought seeing the 5-Deferment Draft Dodging, Pussy Grabbing, Putin Loving Orange Shit Stain , I do not. I learned a long time to think for myself. Go watch your hero, but do not take one person's endorsement of him as an endorsement by the Organization he is NO longer a part of.
The overwhelming majority of BLM types, will NOT be voting for Trump.

Now if they could vote for Hamas, they would overwhelmingly do just that!
Dude, there was no endorsement. BLM has slammed the person for staging a publicity stunt.

The national Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization slammed a man previously affiliated with a Rhode Island BLM group after he endorsed former President Trump for president and gained national attention.

“This is a publicity stunt,” the BLM and BLM Rhode Island said in a statement to CNN.The right-wing continues to use and amplify fringe Black voices to create an idea of broad support for their corrupt candidates.”

Mark Fisher endorsed Trump on Tuesday in an interview posted online, saying he thinks “everybody else sucks.” He added that he likes Trump and thinks “who we have sitting in the Oval Office is a deep disappointment.”

Fisher was speaking for himself and himself alone, he as an indivdual does not represent the organization itself.
Damage control. :p
We conservatives ate crow today.
We have called black, lives matters, dogs, and Marxist but now our leader Trump has welcomed their endorsement:

“Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist,”

We need to take two steps. First take back our hateful and accurate statements against the group and second, rejoice. The Republican party is growing more diverse and moving left, which is good because this is centrist country.

Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist, inaccurately claiming that he’s receiving broader support from the group — which he has denounced and blamed for violence for years.
Oh, he has their support? Thats good news for us. Im more than happy to con those idiots into thinking we are their friend. This is just another brilliant move by Trump. :dunno:
BLM is telling the public the dude did the dumb. His affiliation with BLM does NOT mean his endorsement would be an endorsement by BLM.
That's called belaboring the point.

Methinks BLM doth protest too much. :p
We conservatives ate crow today.
We have called black, lives matters, dogs, and Marxist but now our leader Trump has welcomed their endorsement:

“Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist,”

We need to take two steps. First take back our hateful and accurate statements against the group and second, rejoice. The Republican party is growing more diverse and moving left, which is good because this is centrist country.

Former president Donald Trump on Wednesday touted the support he has received from a Black Lives Matter activist, inaccurately claiming that he’s receiving broader support from the group — which he has denounced and blamed for violence for years.
You're no conservative, so why should anyone listen to you?

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