We really need to understand there are differences

Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"
100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me.

We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same
Yeah, like the same intellects and cultures. Too bad you don't.
blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..
So what is the black crime rate?

Less than the white one.:badgrin:
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Dear bgrouse
Thanks for sharing but I question how you are judging people:

So if men are statistically more prone to violence than women,
does that make men inferior to women?
I consider intellectual inferiority where it conflicts with one's ability to live in or run a modern society. Male violence may be something that interferes with this, but I've seen no conclusive evidence, so I'm not sure.
Just because one person makes a ratio or wording error in
presenting a comparison, are you going to use that as justification
for why you judge and demean a whole group of people based on
skin color or race?
He's an idiot who says stupid shit all the time. It's not just one time that he did it.
And you WONDER why people argue that is racist against Blacks?

I can see why you both talk past each other
if you can't get past this initial stumbling block.

I was also stumbling all over what you and IM2 were
both trying to say. I still try to see and understand you
both as INDIVIDUALS regardless of either your white/black backgrounds
or your VIEWS of either black or white or history between the two.

If I can see through this and try to understand
and hear you, I'm sure both of you can.

I'm sorry you both have double barriers between you
that is skewing your message.

Whatever "greater violence" or "lesser intelligence" that you attribute to blacks,
that social disparity can be overcome, wherever it is coming from.

We don't have to agree why the disparity is there in the first place,
we can still set up equal access to education, training and mentorship
so people can be empowered to whatever degree they wish to seek,
and that would solve the problems wherever they are coming from.

Each person is different anyway, so what they need to solve
their problems or setbacks regardless of source or cause,
is going to be just as different, as unique as each person is.

You may find it easier to group and judge people "collectively"
but solving ANY of the problems you attribute more to blacks
is going to take INDIVIDUAL empowerment and mentorship
to bring out the leadership and business skills in each person.

I have never been able to understand or work with anyone
by labelling them as a group. I have to hear where each person
is coming from individually to even know where to begin
on building a relationship with that person.

Thank you for sharing your honest personal opinions
and perceptions. And I hope that through open honest sharing,
some of these barriers can begin to come down and open up
even more informative and constructive discussion.

Yours truly, Emily
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me.

We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same
Yeah, like the same intellects and cultures. Too bad you don't.
blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..
So what is the black crime rate?

Less than the white one.:badgrin:
Prove it.
Of course you can't see it. You've never had to see it. I have and Trump is trying to turn the clock back. What you can't see doesn't really change that.

How is he turning back the clock?
Ask IM2. He thinks the 2013 Detroit bankruptcy caused Detroit to become a shithole between 1950 and 2000. It's Trump's secret time machine that he used to fuck up blacks.

No, that is what you think. I can go back to a 1940 something study by the University of Michigan that points out how the problem began then.
I discussed statistics from 1950 to 2000 and you tried to explain it away by providing a "cause" that occurred after 2001 (in 2008-2013). Do you understand how stupid you are?

Funny how I don't see any stats with any dates about Detroitt by you in these threads.
You even REPLIED to one such post in 89% of all Crime in NYC Nonwhite, post #58, you idiot!
Though I was talking about Detroit.
So what is the black crime rate?

Less than the white one.:badgrin:
Prove it.

Dear IM2 and bgrouse

Do you really want to compare white vs black crime rates?

What about men vs women with rates of crime or violence?

EX: Are men more violent than women?

The U.S. Department of Justice sponsored a National Crime Victimization Study in 2007. This evaluation found that 75.6 percent of all offenders were male and only 20.1 percent were female. In the remaining cases, the victim wasn't able to identify the gender of the offender. According to these results, men violent crimes more than three times as often as women

When you are done "boxing it out" over white vs black,
if your eyes aren't too bruised and swollen shut,
maybe we can look at the stats on men vs. women and debate that next!

Cheers, fight clean, and protect yourself at all times!
So what is the black crime rate?

Less than the white one.:badgrin:
Prove it.

Dear IM2 and bgrouse

Do you really want to compare white vs black crime rates?
I already did. So did others. The evidence is overwhelming and conclusive.
What about men vs women with rates of crime or violence?

EX: Are men more violent than women?

The U.S. Department of Justice sponsored a National Crime Victimization Study in 2007. This evaluation found that 75.6 percent of all offenders were male and only 20.1 percent were female. In the remaining cases, the victim wasn't able to identify the gender of the offender. According to these results, men violent crimes more than three times as often as women

When you are done "boxing it out" over white vs black,
if your eyes aren't too bruised and swollen shut,
maybe we can look at the stats on men vs. women and debate that next!

Cheers, fight clean, and protect yourself at all times!
Feel free to start a thread.
100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.

Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.
So what is the black crime rate?

Less than the white one.:badgrin:
Prove it.

Dear IM2 and bgrouse

Do you really want to compare white vs black crime rates?

What about men vs women with rates of crime or violence?

EX: Are men more violent than women?

The U.S. Department of Justice sponsored a National Crime Victimization Study in 2007. This evaluation found that 75.6 percent of all offenders were male and only 20.1 percent were female. In the remaining cases, the victim wasn't able to identify the gender of the offender. According to these results, men violent crimes more than three times as often as women

When you are done "boxing it out" over white vs black,
if your eyes aren't too bruised and swollen shut,
maybe we can look at the stats on men vs. women and debate that next!

Cheers, fight clean, and protect yourself at all times!

I know all about that. But this is the race ad racism section. There is a law and justice section Emily.

Because the issue here is not just about crime. But crime is all bigots like bgrouse have because he cannot defend the damage caused by whites racism over 3- centuries in this nation of which he is a beneficiary of. The OP of this thread was not about crime but about how there are different experiences people have had in this country and how we cannot just make everything the same when everything has not been the same for all people. But for some here it doesn't matter what the thread is about you are going to hear the same old song. Blacks are stupid and violent.. And they get to troll like that no matter he thread until the thread gets close and they end up getting what they want.
I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

No you didn't.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

No you didn't.
It's right here you idiot!

The same old dumb shit All the time.

100 blacks
1 back college graduate.
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

But you see the reality here is that 2 million back businesses exist. And if we multiply this by 5 that is 10 million black owned businesses and despite this fine attempt at retardation, that will create more jobs, black unemployment will be reduced and by much more that your retardation allows you to believe.

80/100 is the same rate as 400/500.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.

Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

Thanks for explaining and clarifying in detail IM2

I don't think bgrouse problem is "individualism" per se
but closed-minded, fear based, and biased,
and not being able to see past that bias.

So this "bias" gets applied and skews EVERYTHING that is said or looked out through that filter,
not just "individualism" as you pointed out.
Once someone cannot forgive something from the past, or has fear/ill will toward someone,
it gets "projected" onto everything and everyone else they look at in the present and future.

I understand and agree with your criticism in terms of a "double standard" type "ruse with individualism"
I call it a BIAS that affects ANY system that person uses or applies to describe things,
not just "individualism".

I think you also called out such a bias as PREJUDICE?

Either way, I just find it skews people's judgment in general.
So whatever system they use, including "but not limited to" individualism
(or collective generalizations), gets biased and skewed.
If it were a "ruse" that implies it is consciously chosen,
but I question if everyone really knows they are doing this.
if they are so convinced they are right, they don't see it as a bias.

Yes I am idealistic which you call naive.
If there is danger involved in giving people freedom to correct themselves,
it's that they will more often hang themselves with their own ropes!
Thus, I find people are more a danger to themselves.
That's why I prefer to we give each other more room, not less,
instead of fighting to dominate the same space.
Two black eyes don't help see any clearer.
And four black eyes, ouch!
Sorry to call you "closeminded" if you are still trying to clarify
and communicate what you mean here. I meant regarding
your "set ways" on how you insist on seeing IM2 as dumb or incapable,
especially based on race/color, which I found to project a fixed personal bias.
I still hope that will change, and didn't mean to discourage or demean you for where we disagree.
My apologies if I insulted you personally in criticizing your views I felt were inaccurate.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

No you didn't.
It's right here you idiot!

The same old dumb shit All the time.

100 blacks
1 back college graduate.
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

But you see the reality here is that 2 million back businesses exist. And if we multiply this by 5 that is 10 million black owned businesses and despite this fine attempt at retardation, that will create more jobs, black unemployment will be reduced and by much more that your retardation allows you to believe.

80/100 is the same rate as 400/500.

OK so given the job ratio is
20:100, 100:500
and the blacks outside these jobs is
80:100, 400:500

And the population ratio
is 1:5 for blacks:whites

My understanding is that IM2 means
if blacks:whites were EQUAL NOT 1:5
2 million businesses are the equivalent of 10 million
80 people are the equivalent of 400

You are saying that to keep the ratio the same,
then 400 people is out of 500.
That's accurate in keeping the job ratio the same.

But it does not negate the point that
80 "would be the equivalent of 400"
(and 100 would be the equivalent of 500)
where IM2 was just making a comparison
with the POPULATION ratio, changing from 1:5 to equal,
and expressing that by multiplying by 5 to represent
the "equivalent" numbers if the POPULATION was equalized.

I generally get what IM2 means, though I disagree
with expressing it this way that resulted in confusion and distraction, losing the point and purpose.
Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

No you didn't.
It's right here you idiot!

The same old dumb shit All the time.

100 blacks
1 back college graduate.
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

But you see the reality here is that 2 million back businesses exist. And if we multiply this by 5 that is 10 million black owned businesses and despite this fine attempt at retardation, that will create more jobs, black unemployment will be reduced and by much more that your retardation allows you to believe.

80/100 is the same rate as 400/500.

Well the main problem with your post is that things are not the way you want to paint the picture.
Your picture
100 blacks
1 college
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 blacks going to other jobs looking for work.

Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

You are sooooo dumb that you actually think that's the rate.

But it is not.
This is.
100 blacks
14 college
1 black business
72 backs already working
28 left
20 jobs
8 unemployed

Blacks in college 14%
Black labor participation rate is about 72 oercent.
Black unemployment as of October 2015 7.5 percent.

Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
70 college
5 black businesses
360 blacks already working
500 jobs available
140 jobs
Blacks get 140 jobs and 360 go to other unemployed individuals in said community.

More jobs created in the black community, black labor participation rises.
Unemployment is cut by 1/5th=1.5%
5 times more blacks are going to post secondary training=70%

You did not present the rates.

You see when I did the hypothetical it was based upon real numbers.

I am not and absolutely refuse to accept any culpability or guilt, for the actions done before my time. I do not believe in the Abrahamic concept of the "sins of my father." Once people shed themselves of this archaic idea, they will see the absolute folly, if not stupidity, of dredging up the past to excuse the present.
What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

No you didn't.
It's right here you idiot!

The same old dumb shit All the time.

100 blacks
1 back college graduate.
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

But you see the reality here is that 2 million back businesses exist. And if we multiply this by 5 that is 10 million black owned businesses and despite this fine attempt at retardation, that will create more jobs, black unemployment will be reduced and by much more that your retardation allows you to believe.

80/100 is the same rate as 400/500.

Well the main problem with your post is that things are not the way you want to paint the picture.
Your picture
100 blacks
1 college
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 blacks going to other jobs looking for work.

Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

You are sooooo dumb that you actually think that's the rate.

But it is not.
This is.
100 blacks
14 college
1 black business
72 backs already working
28 left
20 jobs
8 unemployed

Blacks in college 14%
Black labor participation rate is about 72 oercent.
Black unemployment as of October 2015 7.5 percent.

Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
70 college
5 black businesses
360 blacks already working
500 jobs available
140 jobs
Blacks get 140 jobs and 360 go to other unemployed individuals in said community.

More jobs created in the black community, black labor participation rises.
Unemployment is cut by 1/5th=1.5%
5 times more blacks are going to post secondary training=70%

You did not present the rates.

You see when I did the hypothetical it was based upon real numbers.

Dear IM2 and bgrouse
I think you are coming at this from two
different formats.

If you take your NEW set of breakdown %
and multiply all of those NEW numbers by 5,
the ratio between them DOES stay the same.

That's what bgrouse wanted to make sure
you followed.

And you did preserve the same ratios.
And it doesn't affect the point you are
trying to make that the numbers of Blacks
are the equivalent of "5 times those numbers"

And YES, that includes keeping the same
ratio throughout the given set.
So bgrouse point about keeping the
ratio the same throughout IS included.
Sorry to call you "closeminded" if you are still trying to clarify
and communicate what you mean here. I meant regarding
your "set ways" on how you insist on seeing IM2 as dumb or incapable,
especially based on race/color, which I found to project a fixed personal bias.
I still hope that will change, and didn't mean to discourage or demean you for where we disagree.
My apologies if I insulted you personally in criticizing your views I felt were inaccurate.

What about the ratio of businesses, IM2

Is your point that 2 million businesses
are the EQUIVALENT of 10 million if
"blacks and whites had everything the same"

No. I am saying that if we had the same number of people blacks would have at east 1 million businesses. It is straight forward and easy to understand. It was a hypothetical. But grouse after spending most if his time here arguing about blacks being 13 percent of seething and there are 5 times more whites and if thee were 100,000 of this car and 20,000 of that one to excuse the fact whites commit more crimes and mote violent crimes. . So I turned it around on him to allow him to understand exactly how things would be if blacks really had 5 times the number of people.
You replied to the black business sample I provided with numbers that resulted in the same unemployment rate despite saying earlier that the rate would change, revealing your inability to understand something as simple as rates.
Emily you come in here niave and you want to see the good in both sides. But one side here is no good. I'm not in the business of catching bees. Everybody I know who has tried that always gets stung. There are far too may whites out there who don't hold the views of these bigots. This is what have learned because there is no such thing as looking at one person as a group. This individualism crap the guys are taking about is just a ruse whereby they only tell people of color to look at whites as individuals while they look at everybody else as a group.

No you didn't.
It's right here you idiot!

The same old dumb shit All the time.

100 blacks
1 back college graduate.
1 black business
20 jobs.
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.

But you see the reality here is that 2 million back businesses exist. And if we multiply this by 5 that is 10 million black owned businesses and despite this fine attempt at retardation, that will create more jobs, black unemployment will be reduced and by much more that your retardation allows you to believe.

80/100 is the same rate as 400/500.

OK so given the job ratio is
20:100, 100:500
and the blacks outside these jobs is
80:100, 400:500

And the population ratio
is 1:5 for blacks:whites

My understanding is that IM2 means
if blacks:whites were EQUAL NOT 1:5
2 million businesses are the equivalent of 10 million
80 people are the equivalent of 400

You are saying that to keep the ratio the same,
then 400 people is out of 500.
That's accurate in keeping the job ratio the same.

But it does not negate the point that
80 "would be the equivalent of 400"
(and 100 would be the equivalent of 500)
where IM2 was just making a comparison
with the POPULATION ratio, changing from 1:5 to equal,
and expressing that by multiplying by 5 to represent
the "equivalent" numbers if the POPULATION was equalized.

I generally get what IM2 means, though I disagree
with expressing it this way that resulted in confusion and distraction, losing the point and purpose.

You don't get it Emily. This is not about a jobs ratio. Or any ratio. You are confusing yourself for no reason. .

I am not and absolutely refuse to accept any culpability or guilt, for the actions done before my time. I do not believe in the Abrahamic concept of the "sins of my father." Once people shed themselves of this archaic idea, they will see the absolute folly, if not stupidity, of dredging up the past to excuse the present.

Yes and no Windparadox
No we are not legally responsible for things done by other generations
to which we are linked by "label" by "race or association."

but as a society, if we do not RESOLVE the issues handed down to us
from the past, if we don't learn and teach from history,
the same problems REPEAT and become OUR problems.

We still face crime problems in the Black and Native communities
that end up affecting the rest of the public.
So these DO become OUR responsibility to fix in this lifetime.

We inherit both advantages and disadvantages from the past
that pass on and affect our present and future generations.

What we do today with OUR relationships and the problems and solutions within our reach and control IS our part of social responsibility. And yes SOME of this DOES reflect debts, damages, or problems from the past.
When these repeat in our lives and relations, when it costs us time and tax dollars
until these problems are solved, that is for us to address and do something about.

I am not and absolutely refuse to accept any culpability or guilt, for the actions done before my time. I do not believe in the Abrahamic concept of the "sins of my father." Once people shed themselves of this archaic idea, they will see the absolute folly, if not stupidity, of dredging up the past to excuse the present.

You benefitted from that past, ad damages from that past have o been fixed in the present while you still benefit. Too bad for you we don't and are not just dredging up the past. Charlottesville was very much in 2017. And so if those people live and work among us, why are you so stupid as to think its just all in the past?

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