We really need to understand there are differences

For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .

Your rant is based solely on a boatload of false assumptions. I can’t take you seriously.
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .

Your rant is based solely on a boatload of false assumptions. I can’t take you seriously.

Nothing false has been said. That's why you can't produce a counter argument.
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .

Your rant is based solely on a boatload of false assumptions. I can’t take you seriously.

Nothing false has been said. That's why you can't produce a counter argument.

Oh I can produce a counter argument. It’s just that your post is so full of bull shit I don’t know where to start. You would never ever admit it anyway so why waste my time. In fact several people have already done it.
Had to quote this again!

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime. Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5.

Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community..

Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.
I have been, actually. It certainly wasn't a severe or life changing attack, but it did happen.
OK. Go on. This should be good for a laugh

Probably something like "well, ya know this blk guy, think the police said his name was Jamal, came up to me and said......Yo honky, u cracker bitch, gizme yo money ..b4 I smoke yo bitch ass"
Nah, negro came up to me and hit me for no reason, then dragged its knuckles away.

I'm not convinced it was able to communicate verbally.
It's not a matter of fear as much as it is a matter of not wanting worthless negroes leeching off of white society.
Right. So if we are so worthless and black men have got under your skin, then what are you going to do about it ?

Or are you just gonna carry on talking tough on the internet ?
Who says I was going to do anything? Negroes can be a problem just like vermin overpopulation. If the human government refuses to do anything about it, it won't go away. Our government goes as far as to protect and breed negroes for more votes.
It's a clever post, but there's no need to define races absolutely
So if you admitting that you can't define race absolutely then how can define intelligence in race absolutely, if you can't define race absolutely ?
It's answered rather concisely in my post.
with a thin line or come up with an absolute measure of intelligence to take a good enough measurement.
So what is intelligence ?
For instance, I feel quite comfortable in saying that sedans are generally faster and more maneuverable than SUVs even though I know there are things like "crossovers" and SUVs designed for speed.
What kinda point is this ? Speed can be measured.
So which one is faster? Is a crossover a type of car or is it just something that's half sedan, half SUV? Where does one end and the other begin?
Likewise, I know the turd-colored creatures tend to be dumber and more violent than whites
How can white people be less violent than black people, when white people have been the most violent people ever to walk this this earth ?

First step is whites, unlike dumb negroes, understand tense.

Hmm...looks like he's making new threads about crap like Martin Luther King. Typical negro, not wanting to finish this discussion, running off to start a new thread now that he's been made to look like a total fool here. He'll rinse and repeat his strategy of copying-and-pasting bullshit positions about race in an effort to win by way of volume. I've seen negroes do this before: they just raise their voices when they're losing an argument to drown out the other person.
You don't argue.

Notice with me I never insult white people. I never say white people are honkey's or crackers. It makes you look weak and over-emotional when you resort to ad homs, but then again you know if you don't resort insults you'll run out of knowledge.

I can just picture you. This is you.

"Blacks are dumb !!"


"Blacks have high crime rate !!"


"Look at Africa !!"


"Blacks sold there own !!"


"Rap music !!"


But hey. You're the superior one white man ? Right ?
Why are you getting so worked up about people who you claim are inferior ?

You're getting angry by the same debates you claim you want to have, you realize you're wrong and don't really know what you talking about, so you probably browse stormfront, looking for talking points.

It comes down to this as someone once said, the bottom line is if whites want blacks to stop having so much disdain towards them for UNDERSTANDABLE reasons, then whites have to stop having disdain towards blacks for ILLOGICAL reasons.

I want negroes out of the country, or in a zoo. Then it won't matter if they have disdain for me.

Why do I use names? Because certain idiots reply like idiots, such as for example listing events from 2013 to explain away events from 1950-2000. Do I respond by pointing out that something in 2013 can't have caused something in 1994? I'd rather laugh and call the guy an idiot because very little can be done to make such a negro smarter. Some things are lost causes, so what good would it do to explain it without name-calling? Anyone not totally retarded sees the negro dumbass for what it is and anyone on its side is hopelessly clueless. So I just laugh and call them names.

Read my signature for some negro gems to see why I call them names.
Last edited:
America was built on a group mentality. We have constitutional articles deciding what groups represented Americans and who did not for purposes of taxation and representation. So many whites need to go back and learn exactly how things have been done instead of opinions really not based in fact or in reality.

The opinion in the Dred Scott case was not that Dred Scott had no rights Sanford was bound o respect. That would be the implementation of individualism. But the opinion was that blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect. Group rights. The opinion in Plessy v Ferguson did not state that separate facilities were equal for Plessy and for Ferguson, that would be individual rights, instead it was deemed tat separate facilities for blacks and whites as groups were equal. So let us stop lying to ourselves please.

It would have been real nice that if for the last 241 years whites had considered everyone part of the human race. But they didn't. So we must fix the damage that belief created before anything else can be done.

your assumptions that all whites believed the same thing for these 241 years is crap. The black slavers who captured other blacks treated them horrendously as well, beating them tying them up like animals, read about how they sent them in slavery to the arabs and the mortality rates were off the charts. Does this mean that these Black slavers thought the people they were capturing were less than human? Or does it mean that sometimes throughout human history we have treated each other like crap?

personally i categorize the human race into personality types that transcend race. You have your helpful people, you have your creators, you have your takers, your optimists, doubters, you have people that forgive and people who will always hold grudges, you have some who look for the most in people and others who look for the least in people.
None of these traits are owned by political affiliation or race. I reject that based on my life experience and what I can see. A kid born in the world today should not be born into the world with a stone around his neck for being the color he's born. At the moment he or she is born, they had now control of the Mayflower or what laws were passed in 1776 or what happened during Jim crow. throughout history often many are controlled and influenced greatly by the few its just the way it has been. through out most history, the majority of people probably didn't know really what was going on outside their own village or town let alone have the desire to be a social justice activist, they were probably most likely consumed by their sick mule or their crops dying, now somebody can sit comfortably sit behind their keyboard and make sweeping accusations of a group of people based on skin color as if they can get inside the head of everyone who lived 300 years ago.

I've never said all whites believed anything for 241 years. I have said that whites have practiced racism in this nation for 241 years. Whites have done that. I have on numerous occasions stated that not all whites are responsible and I am not going to post any disclaimer after every sentence written that explains to you how all whites have not done this just so you can feel good. You are going to get how I feel abut being exposed to this bullshit for 56 years while hearing whites constantly lying to me about how its not. Pertaining to the so called black slavers, your story is disingenuous. Even if whites had not invaded Africa and gave guns to certain tribes and paid them to capture other enemy tribes, the fact remains that blacks did not ship the slaves to America, blacks did not purchase the captured slaves in Africa, and blacks did not make slavery legal in America.

Now you can talk about what a kid today should not be born with according to you but we have elected office a racist president tying to turn back the clock who was nominated even when he was preaching racism then elected as he continued preaching racism. So spare me all the words because I've heard them all before from whites like you who seem to think I believe that all whites are something like I have never had contact or relationships with whites and don't know the difference in what most of you guys are saying here and whites who do have non racist views.

I hope Trump turns back the clock so it will be like whites never bought the negro slaves and just left them in Apefreaka.

Trump made it a point during his campaign to say he wants to reverse the unemployment rates for black Americans, so I really don't see where he is trying to turn back the clock. I believe unemployment rates are down. Trump is also for school choice and that would also help minorities
Trump unveils $20B school choice proposal
So really, I don't see how Trump wants to turn back the clock there either, he just wants to do things that the establishment politicians kick and scream about because he doesn't want to play inside their rules.
Black people are here to stay, so there is no turning it back. Advancing their cause as a demographic does help this country and is actually pretty necessary. The thing I just find unnecessary is the whole white guilt movement which only serves to have the opposite effect on peace between people.
I'm not sure why your calling Africa, "Apefreaka". You should go there and get it out of your system. It's an interesting place, though it can be a place of extremes depending on where you go. I have met some wonderful and motivated people there, and then again i have met some truely dispicable people, but the truth is, there really is a wealth in the people that live there . It's not what racists in this country think it is, you just need to have a sense of adventure and open your mind a bit. chances are, your not going to die.

Of course you can't see it. You've never had to see it. I have and Trump is trying to turn the clock back. What you can't see doesn't really change that.

How is he turning back the clock?
For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop .
No one ask any blacks to take a ride on the Mayflower..

Let's not get stupid.
Based on your OP, I'd say it's too late.
I have been, actually. It certainly wasn't a severe or life changing attack, but it did happen.
OK. Go on. This should be good for a laugh

Probably something like "well, ya know this blk guy, think the police said his name was Jamal, came up to me and said......Yo honky, u cracker bitch, gizme yo money ..b4 I smoke yo bitch ass"
Nah, negro came up to me and hit me for no reason, then dragged its knuckles away.

I'm not convinced it was able to communicate verbally.
It's not a matter of fear as much as it is a matter of not wanting worthless negroes leeching off of white society.
Right. So if we are so worthless and black men have got under your skin, then what are you going to do about it ?

Or are you just gonna carry on talking tough on the internet ?
Who says I was going to do anything? Negroes can be a problem just like vermin overpopulation. If the human government refuses to do anything about it, it won't go away. Our government goes as far as to protect and breed negroes for more votes.
It's a clever post, but there's no need to define races absolutely
So if you admitting that you can't define race absolutely then how can define intelligence in race absolutely, if you can't define race absolutely ?
It's answered rather concisely in my post.
with a thin line or come up with an absolute measure of intelligence to take a good enough measurement.
So what is intelligence ?
For instance, I feel quite comfortable in saying that sedans are generally faster and more maneuverable than SUVs even though I know there are things like "crossovers" and SUVs designed for speed.
What kinda point is this ? Speed can be measured.
So which one is faster? Is a crossover a type of car or is it just something that's half sedan, half SUV? Where does one end and the other begin?
Likewise, I know the turd-colored creatures tend to be dumber and more violent than whites
How can white people be less violent than black people, when white people have been the most violent people ever to walk this this earth ?

First step is whites, unlike dumb negroes, understand tense.

Hmm...looks like he's making new threads about crap like Martin Luther King. Typical negro, not wanting to finish this discussion, running off to start a new thread now that he's been made to look like a total fool here. He'll rinse and repeat his strategy of copying-and-pasting bullshit positions about race in an effort to win by way of volume. I've seen negroes do this before: they just raise their voices when they're losing an argument to drown out the other person.
You don't argue.

Notice with me I never insult white people. I never say white people are honkey's or crackers. It makes you look weak and over-emotional when you resort to ad homs, but then again you know if you don't resort insults you'll run out of knowledge.

I can just picture you. This is you.

"Blacks are dumb !!"


"Blacks have high crime rate !!"


"Look at Africa !!"


"Blacks sold there own !!"


"Rap music !!"


But hey. You're the superior one white man ? Right ?
Why are you getting so worked up about people who you claim are inferior ?

You're getting angry by the same debates you claim you want to have, you realize you're wrong and don't really know what you talking about, so you probably browse stormfront, looking for talking points.

It comes down to this as someone once said, the bottom line is if whites want blacks to stop having so much disdain towards them for UNDERSTANDABLE reasons, then whites have to stop having disdain towards blacks for ILLOGICAL reasons.

I want negroes out of the country, or in a zoo. Then it won't matter if they have disdain for me.

Why do I use names? Because certain idiots reply like idiots, such as for example listing events from 2013 to explain away events from 1950-2000. Do I respond by pointing out that something in 2013 can't have caused something in 1994? I'd rather laugh and call the guy an idiot because very little can be done to make such a negro smarter. Some things are lost causes, so what good would it do to explain it without name-calling? Anyone not totally retarded sees the negro dumbass for what it is and anyone on its side is hopelessly clueless. So I just laugh and call them names.

Read my signature for some negro gems to see why I call them names.

The only thing that stops some black people from being successful in the US is that they have been taught from both sides that they cant be. Never the less there are millions of black people who contradict all the hateful things you've posted. There is a reason there are black racists around here. Maybe try not being part of the cycle, 'you reap what you sow' - is what they say
Had to quote this again!

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime. Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5.

Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community..

Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.

But because this sounds negative (as if comparing
Black and White businesses by "culture"
instead of comparing them by RATIO of populations)
by saying that it takes only 2 million Black businesses
to be the "equivalent of 10 million White businesses"
that's why I THINK IM2 worded it in
TERMS of 10 million "Black" businesses --
to make it more CLEAR the point was to
compare RATIOs not color or culture.

The point it seems he was TRYING to make
was the 2 million businesses are the
equivalent of 10 million, because the ratio
of Blacks to Whites is 1:5

He just kept the word BLACK in
because he was trying to express the
true power and potential in the "BLACK
business community." He wasn't trying
to distort the ratio, but apply it proportionally.

Do these points and explanations sound fair and accurate enough?
Had to quote this again!

Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.

But because this sounds negative (as if comparing
Black and White businesses by "culture"
instead of comparing them by RATIO of populations)
by saying that it takes only 2 million Black businesses
to be the "equivalent of 10 million White businesses"
that's why I THINK IM2 worded it in
TERMS of 10 million "Black" businesses --
to make it more CLEAR the point was to
compare RATIOs not color or culture.

The point it seems he was TRYING to make
was the 2 million businesses are the
equivalent of 10 million, because the ratio
of Blacks to Whites is 1:5

He just kept the word BLACK in
because he was trying to express the
true power and potential in the "BLACK
business community." He wasn't trying
to distort the ratio, but apply it proportionally.

Do these points and explanations sound fair and accurate enough?

Damn, ...... your hired!
Had to quote this again!

Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.

But because this sounds negative (as if comparing
Black and White businesses by "culture"
instead of comparing them by RATIO of populations)
by saying that it takes only 2 million Black businesses
to be the "equivalent of 10 million White businesses"
that's why I THINK IM2 worded it in
TERMS of 10 million "Black" businesses --
to make it more CLEAR the point was to
compare RATIOs not color or culture.

The point it seems he was TRYING to make
was the 2 million businesses are the
equivalent of 10 million, because the ratio
of Blacks to Whites is 1:5

He just kept the word BLACK in
because he was trying to express the
true power and potential in the "BLACK
business community." He wasn't trying
to distort the ratio, but apply it proportionally.

Do these points and explanations sound fair and accurate enough?

wHa I was doing was
Had to quote this again!

Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.

But because this sounds negative (as if comparing
Black and White businesses by "culture"
instead of comparing them by RATIO of populations)
by saying that it takes only 2 million Black businesses
to be the "equivalent of 10 million White businesses"
that's why I THINK IM2 worded it in
TERMS of 10 million "Black" businesses --
to make it more CLEAR the point was to
compare RATIOs not color or culture.

The point it seems he was TRYING to make
was the 2 million businesses are the
equivalent of 10 million, because the ratio
of Blacks to Whites is 1:5

He just kept the word BLACK in
because he was trying to express the
true power and potential in the "BLACK
business community." He wasn't trying
to distort the ratio, but apply it proportionally.

Do these points and explanations sound fair and accurate enough?

Had to quote this again!

Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.

But because this sounds negative (as if comparing
Black and White businesses by "culture"
instead of comparing them by RATIO of populations)
by saying that it takes only 2 million Black businesses
to be the "equivalent of 10 million White businesses"
that's why I THINK IM2 worded it in
TERMS of 10 million "Black" businesses --
to make it more CLEAR the point was to
compare RATIOs not color or culture.

The point it seems he was TRYING to make
was the 2 million businesses are the
equivalent of 10 million, because the ratio
of Blacks to Whites is 1:5

He just kept the word BLACK in
because he was trying to express the
true power and potential in the "BLACK
business community." He wasn't trying
to distort the ratio, but apply it proportionally.

Do these points and explanations sound fair and accurate enough?
It started with his inability/refusal to accept/understand per capita statistics, or rates. Instead of doing what any semi-intelligent white school kid would be able to figure out and just dividing crimes by population, first for whites and then for blacks, and arriving at two rates that can be compared, he goes the opposite way and starts MULTIPLYING instead of dividing to prove some sort of a point. The reason he thinks the rate would change if he multiplies instead of divides is that even the multiplication process is too complex for his inferior negro brain, so he remembers to multiply a few of the numbers, but forgets one, so his "rate" changes.
Had to quote this again!

Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.
your assumptions that all whites believed the same thing for these 241 years is crap. The black slavers who captured other blacks treated them horrendously as well, beating them tying them up like animals, read about how they sent them in slavery to the arabs and the mortality rates were off the charts. Does this mean that these Black slavers thought the people they were capturing were less than human? Or does it mean that sometimes throughout human history we have treated each other like crap?

personally i categorize the human race into personality types that transcend race. You have your helpful people, you have your creators, you have your takers, your optimists, doubters, you have people that forgive and people who will always hold grudges, you have some who look for the most in people and others who look for the least in people.
None of these traits are owned by political affiliation or race. I reject that based on my life experience and what I can see. A kid born in the world today should not be born into the world with a stone around his neck for being the color he's born. At the moment he or she is born, they had now control of the Mayflower or what laws were passed in 1776 or what happened during Jim crow. throughout history often many are controlled and influenced greatly by the few its just the way it has been. through out most history, the majority of people probably didn't know really what was going on outside their own village or town let alone have the desire to be a social justice activist, they were probably most likely consumed by their sick mule or their crops dying, now somebody can sit comfortably sit behind their keyboard and make sweeping accusations of a group of people based on skin color as if they can get inside the head of everyone who lived 300 years ago.

I've never said all whites believed anything for 241 years. I have said that whites have practiced racism in this nation for 241 years. Whites have done that. I have on numerous occasions stated that not all whites are responsible and I am not going to post any disclaimer after every sentence written that explains to you how all whites have not done this just so you can feel good. You are going to get how I feel abut being exposed to this bullshit for 56 years while hearing whites constantly lying to me about how its not. Pertaining to the so called black slavers, your story is disingenuous. Even if whites had not invaded Africa and gave guns to certain tribes and paid them to capture other enemy tribes, the fact remains that blacks did not ship the slaves to America, blacks did not purchase the captured slaves in Africa, and blacks did not make slavery legal in America.

Now you can talk about what a kid today should not be born with according to you but we have elected office a racist president tying to turn back the clock who was nominated even when he was preaching racism then elected as he continued preaching racism. So spare me all the words because I've heard them all before from whites like you who seem to think I believe that all whites are something like I have never had contact or relationships with whites and don't know the difference in what most of you guys are saying here and whites who do have non racist views.

I hope Trump turns back the clock so it will be like whites never bought the negro slaves and just left them in Apefreaka.

Trump made it a point during his campaign to say he wants to reverse the unemployment rates for black Americans, so I really don't see where he is trying to turn back the clock. I believe unemployment rates are down. Trump is also for school choice and that would also help minorities
Trump unveils $20B school choice proposal
So really, I don't see how Trump wants to turn back the clock there either, he just wants to do things that the establishment politicians kick and scream about because he doesn't want to play inside their rules.
Black people are here to stay, so there is no turning it back. Advancing their cause as a demographic does help this country and is actually pretty necessary. The thing I just find unnecessary is the whole white guilt movement which only serves to have the opposite effect on peace between people.
I'm not sure why your calling Africa, "Apefreaka". You should go there and get it out of your system. It's an interesting place, though it can be a place of extremes depending on where you go. I have met some wonderful and motivated people there, and then again i have met some truely dispicable people, but the truth is, there really is a wealth in the people that live there . It's not what racists in this country think it is, you just need to have a sense of adventure and open your mind a bit. chances are, your not going to die.

Of course you can't see it. You've never had to see it. I have and Trump is trying to turn the clock back. What you can't see doesn't really change that.

How is he turning back the clock?
Ask IM2. He thinks the 2013 Detroit bankruptcy caused Detroit to become a shithole between 1950 and 2000. It's Trump's secret time machine that he used to fuck up blacks.
I've never said all whites believed anything for 241 years. I have said that whites have practiced racism in this nation for 241 years. Whites have done that. I have on numerous occasions stated that not all whites are responsible and I am not going to post any disclaimer after every sentence written that explains to you how all whites have not done this just so you can feel good. You are going to get how I feel abut being exposed to this bullshit for 56 years while hearing whites constantly lying to me about how its not. Pertaining to the so called black slavers, your story is disingenuous. Even if whites had not invaded Africa and gave guns to certain tribes and paid them to capture other enemy tribes, the fact remains that blacks did not ship the slaves to America, blacks did not purchase the captured slaves in Africa, and blacks did not make slavery legal in America.

Now you can talk about what a kid today should not be born with according to you but we have elected office a racist president tying to turn back the clock who was nominated even when he was preaching racism then elected as he continued preaching racism. So spare me all the words because I've heard them all before from whites like you who seem to think I believe that all whites are something like I have never had contact or relationships with whites and don't know the difference in what most of you guys are saying here and whites who do have non racist views.

I hope Trump turns back the clock so it will be like whites never bought the negro slaves and just left them in Apefreaka.

Trump made it a point during his campaign to say he wants to reverse the unemployment rates for black Americans, so I really don't see where he is trying to turn back the clock. I believe unemployment rates are down. Trump is also for school choice and that would also help minorities
Trump unveils $20B school choice proposal
So really, I don't see how Trump wants to turn back the clock there either, he just wants to do things that the establishment politicians kick and scream about because he doesn't want to play inside their rules.
Black people are here to stay, so there is no turning it back. Advancing their cause as a demographic does help this country and is actually pretty necessary. The thing I just find unnecessary is the whole white guilt movement which only serves to have the opposite effect on peace between people.
I'm not sure why your calling Africa, "Apefreaka". You should go there and get it out of your system. It's an interesting place, though it can be a place of extremes depending on where you go. I have met some wonderful and motivated people there, and then again i have met some truely dispicable people, but the truth is, there really is a wealth in the people that live there . It's not what racists in this country think it is, you just need to have a sense of adventure and open your mind a bit. chances are, your not going to die.

Of course you can't see it. You've never had to see it. I have and Trump is trying to turn the clock back. What you can't see doesn't really change that.

How is he turning back the clock?
Ask IM2. He thinks the 2013 Detroit bankruptcy caused Detroit to become a shithole between 1950 and 2000. It's Trump's secret time machine that he used to fuck up blacks.

No, that is what you think. I can go back to a 1940 something study by the University of Michigan that points out how the problem began then.
I hope Trump turns back the clock so it will be like whites never bought the negro slaves and just left them in Apefreaka.

Trump made it a point during his campaign to say he wants to reverse the unemployment rates for black Americans, so I really don't see where he is trying to turn back the clock. I believe unemployment rates are down. Trump is also for school choice and that would also help minorities
Trump unveils $20B school choice proposal
So really, I don't see how Trump wants to turn back the clock there either, he just wants to do things that the establishment politicians kick and scream about because he doesn't want to play inside their rules.
Black people are here to stay, so there is no turning it back. Advancing their cause as a demographic does help this country and is actually pretty necessary. The thing I just find unnecessary is the whole white guilt movement which only serves to have the opposite effect on peace between people.
I'm not sure why your calling Africa, "Apefreaka". You should go there and get it out of your system. It's an interesting place, though it can be a place of extremes depending on where you go. I have met some wonderful and motivated people there, and then again i have met some truely dispicable people, but the truth is, there really is a wealth in the people that live there . It's not what racists in this country think it is, you just need to have a sense of adventure and open your mind a bit. chances are, your not going to die.

Of course you can't see it. You've never had to see it. I have and Trump is trying to turn the clock back. What you can't see doesn't really change that.

How is he turning back the clock?
Ask IM2. He thinks the 2013 Detroit bankruptcy caused Detroit to become a shithole between 1950 and 2000. It's Trump's secret time machine that he used to fuck up blacks.

No, that is what you think. I can go back to a 1940 something study by the University of Michigan that points out how the problem began then.
I discussed statistics from 1950 to 2000 and you tried to explain it away by providing a "cause" that occurred after 2001 (in 2008-2013). Do you understand how stupid you are?
My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me. We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Emily does not speak for me.

We are equal to whites. We are not dumber than whites and we are less violent than whites. I am saying t hat if blacks and whites had everything the same
Yeah, like the same intellects and cultures. Too bad you don't.
blacks would not come fucking close to the crime rate whites have today. It would be far less. Because it's 2.5 times less now..
So what is the black crime rate?
My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.

100 blacks
80 people going to other businesses looking for work.
Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
400 blacks going to other businesses looking for work.
80 / 100 is the same rate as 400 / 500: 80%.

Explain to me again how 80% is different from 80%.

Stupid shitskin.

I am trying to figure out from your msgs back and forth
what IM2 is REALLY trying to compare and express.
NOTE: bgrouse is right, that the ratio should remain the same
if the math is kept proportional.

This is what I am guessing that IM2 means
* if the ratio of Blacks to Whites
is 1:5 where there are 5 times as many Whites than Blacks
* then if the ratio of Black businesses to White businesses is ALSO 1:5
then for
2 million Black businesses there should be 10 million White businesses
if this was proportional to the population.

I think IM2 is trying to point out
that the significance and impact of
"2 million Black businesses"
is the EQUIVALENT of
"10 million White businesses"

And what bgrouse is saying:
if you try to compare
"10 million BLACK businesses"
then keeping the same ratio would mean
"50 million WHITE businesses"
(so this NOT the same as comparing
2 million to 10 million Black businesses)

B. But there is more to what IM2 is trying to drive at.

I am guessing that the point is
if we respected the 2 million Black businesses
as the EQUIVALENT of 10 million White businesses,
then having that much concentrated power
and interest is GREATER than just "2 million in White businesses".
It actually EQUATES to 5 times more capital, more work
potential, etc. closer to what 10 million means
in terms of White businesses.
So he's saying if blacks were equal to whites, blacks would be equal to whites? OK, but they're not equal. Blacks are dumber/more violent/etc... That's what leads to racial crime stat inequalities, making those rates different.

Dear bgrouse
Thanks for sharing but I question how you are judging people:

So if men are statistically more prone to violence than women,
does that make men inferior to women?

Just because one person makes a ratio or wording error in
presenting a comparison, are you going to use that as justification
for why you judge and demean a whole group of people based on
skin color or race?

And you WONDER why people argue that is racist against Blacks?

I can see why you both talk past each other
if you can't get past this initial stumbling block.

I was also stumbling all over what you and IM2 were
both trying to say. I still try to see and understand you
both as INDIVIDUALS regardless of either your white/black backgrounds
or your VIEWS of either black or white or history between the two.

If I can see through this and try to understand
and hear you, I'm sure both of you can.

I'm sorry you both have double barriers between you
that is skewing your message.

Whatever "greater violence" or "lesser intelligence" that you attribute to blacks,
that social disparity can be overcome, wherever it is coming from.

We don't have to agree why the disparity is there in the first place,
we can still set up equal access to education, training and mentorship
so people can be empowered to whatever degree they wish to seek,
and that would solve the problems wherever they are coming from.

Each person is different anyway, so what they need to solve
their problems or setbacks regardless of source or cause,
is going to be just as different, as unique as each person is.

You may find it easier to group and judge people "collectively"
but solving ANY of the problems you attribute more to blacks
is going to take INDIVIDUAL empowerment and mentorship
to bring out the leadership and business skills in each person.

I have never been able to understand or work with anyone
by labelling them as a group. I have to hear where each person
is coming from individually to even know where to begin
on building a relationship with that person.

Thank you for sharing your honest personal opinions
and perceptions. And I hope that through open honest sharing,
some of these barriers can begin to come down and open up
even more informative and constructive discussion.

Yours truly, Emily
Trump made it a point during his campaign to say he wants to reverse the unemployment rates for black Americans, so I really don't see where he is trying to turn back the clock. I believe unemployment rates are down. Trump is also for school choice and that would also help minorities
Trump unveils $20B school choice proposal
So really, I don't see how Trump wants to turn back the clock there either, he just wants to do things that the establishment politicians kick and scream about because he doesn't want to play inside their rules.
Black people are here to stay, so there is no turning it back. Advancing their cause as a demographic does help this country and is actually pretty necessary. The thing I just find unnecessary is the whole white guilt movement which only serves to have the opposite effect on peace between people.
I'm not sure why your calling Africa, "Apefreaka". You should go there and get it out of your system. It's an interesting place, though it can be a place of extremes depending on where you go. I have met some wonderful and motivated people there, and then again i have met some truely dispicable people, but the truth is, there really is a wealth in the people that live there . It's not what racists in this country think it is, you just need to have a sense of adventure and open your mind a bit. chances are, your not going to die.

Of course you can't see it. You've never had to see it. I have and Trump is trying to turn the clock back. What you can't see doesn't really change that.

How is he turning back the clock?
Ask IM2. He thinks the 2013 Detroit bankruptcy caused Detroit to become a shithole between 1950 and 2000. It's Trump's secret time machine that he used to fuck up blacks.

No, that is what you think. I can go back to a 1940 something study by the University of Michigan that points out how the problem began then.
I discussed statistics from 1950 to 2000 and you tried to explain it away by providing a "cause" that occurred after 2001 (in 2008-2013). Do you understand how stupid you are?

Funny how I don't see any stats with any dates about Detroitt by you in these threads.

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