We really need to understand there are differences

I think that if you push people to ACCEPT grand fairytales of African successes, and constantly make excuses to wipe out the INTERNAL problems that black Americans face by BLAMING WHITES AS A GROUP -- that's what you get back.

It's much the same backlash that Obama got to his collectivist "You didn't build that".. When you point fingers -- you get them pointed back at you. (See my Avie pic for a demonstration.) And then NORMAL reasoned dialogue becomes impossible.

If I was pushing a fairy tale then what you say would have credence. You have been shown the truth and quite frankly I don't give a good goobly damn what you and the rest if these retards come back with. All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies. Things you are to scared to read
Too scared to read?


It's more a matter of doesn't want to read because it's probably wrong, irrelevant, or a combination thereof. He probably noticed a habit you have of copying and pasting voluminous amounts of information without reading it (beyond the title/first sentence) and when questioned about it, you refuse to discuss it. So why should he bother? He might make a great, concise, thoughtful point and you'll come back with 10 posts of irrelevant copying and pasting/linking that you didn't even read. And you expect him to read all of it and respond intelligently? Why? So you can ignore what he wrote and post 10 more links that don't prove anything in your argument? Nobody is going to dedicate unlimited patience in order to deal with you when you're too stupid and lazy to so much as suggest that you are capable of critical thought.

I read what I post. I've proven my arguments. You are the one who can't. You never do.

Really? So would you care to address this post?

Yep and that is what whites are preaching. White entitlement.
Whites are preaching that they are entitled...to what exactly?

So you think that you are entitled to everything because you are white.

And I said this...where? Exact quote, please.

Because all blacks aren't. Besides there are plenty of whites crashing in planes trying to get into black and brown countries.
Who? Let's compare statistics.
And I do think you need to understand that the Africa you talk about doesn't exist, it never has existed, it's a racist figment you have chosen to believe and it is fake news.

1.2 billion people live in Africa and its growing. It is he second largest continent on the planet obly behind chinas 1,41 billion. Europe has 734 million. America 323 million. Canada 36 million. Australia 24 million

The African nations as a whole are made up from such a diverse set of components that it is impossible to list them in full concerning demographics. However, in certain parts of the continent there have been an increase in Asian and European settlers, which has also served to boost the population statistics as a whole.

In former British colonies, this can be seen extensively, and Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa are all good examples as to a growing set of diverse ethnicities.


So how many whites crashed in shitty planes/drowned near shitty rafts this year trying to migrate to Africa?

Looks like the shitskin drowning tally passed 1,000 as of April 22 this year.

More refugees are dying than ever before - and the people trying to save them are under attack

Your turn.

The reason I said you don't read what you post is based on (among other things) your consistent derision of per capita statistics in general followed by an apparent copy-and-paste of per capita statistics.

If I was pushing a fairy tale then what you say would have credence. You have been shown the truth and quite frankly I don't give a good goobly damn what you and the rest if these retards come back with. All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies. Things you are to scared to read
Too scared to read?


It's more a matter of doesn't want to read because it's probably wrong, irrelevant, or a combination thereof. He probably noticed a habit you have of copying and pasting voluminous amounts of information without reading it (beyond the title/first sentence) and when questioned about it, you refuse to discuss it. So why should he bother? He might make a great, concise, thoughtful point and you'll come back with 10 posts of irrelevant copying and pasting/linking that you didn't even read. And you expect him to read all of it and respond intelligently? Why? So you can ignore what he wrote and post 10 more links that don't prove anything in your argument? Nobody is going to dedicate unlimited patience in order to deal with you when you're too stupid and lazy to so much as suggest that you are capable of critical thought.

That TED talk about Africa he posted comes to mind. I watch it. IM2 didn't or didn't understand it. Because the guy was blaming Africa's troubles on corrupt incompetent leadership which is exactly what I was saying as IM2 is sitting there trying to defend Mugabe and his corrupt dictatorship.

And then you have this OP. Which is an opinion piece, not a research article, that IM2 BELIEVES is peer reviewed academics that MEANS anything. And just continually tells folks -- they're scared. And wrong.

Well I guess if I was SCARED -- it's better than being brainwashed. :badgrin:

This thread is not about Africa. It does not have the videos in it. The OP in this thread was me posting an opinion. Nothing here is about so called fairy tales about Africa, you have posted at least 2 posts that are not subject matter. Yet you demand that of others and will close threads. You are here trolling threads and yet you will close others and delete posts in them for the same off topic content you have posted here.

Every one of your posts no matter where you post in this section stink with white supremacy. And here you have encouraged a troll to continue doing so.

You talk about blacks choosing not to be white so they just stay in supposedly failing and unsafe cities on purpose. Do you know how stupid that sounds? .Yet you can't see how this comment can be called racist or evidence of a belief in white supremacy. Blacks are failing because they don't want to act white. If that's not obvious white supremacy there is no such thing.

So since you want to talk about fairy tales? Maybe you or bgrouse will care answer this question:

How have whites become so "successful"?
As a race: hard work and intellectual ability.

Crime statistics aren't opinions, idiot.

And crime statistics show that whites commit the most crimes.
They show blacks commit violent crimes at a higher rate than whites. Like I told you before, if 100/100 blacks are violent criminals and 200 out of 2,000,000 whites are violent criminals (in a country with a population of 2,000,000 whites and 100 blacks), is the average white more violent than the average black?

The show that whites commit more crimes. About 2.5 times more crime. You only talk about violet crime not all crime..
Because I don't care about speeding, you stupid shitskin. I told you this already.
What you told me doesn't mean anything. You were shown that blacks commit 14 murders per 100,000. That's such a low percentage that it begins with zero and gas several zeros in front of it before you get a number. So there is your rate. But your argument says that since whites are 70 percent pf the population t's ok to commit most of the crimes. That's dumb.
Do you understand that you sound like a retard when you say I am too focused when I discuss violent crimes (as opposed to other crimes like speeding) and then you focus strictly on murders (a very rare category of violent crime)?
And given that whites have an unprecedented historical track record of violence spanning at least 241 years, that whites made laws to allow themselves to commit violence, that they murdered people of color and were allowed by the courts to walk., exterminated millions of Indians in an attempt at genocide, your punk ass is in no position to ty using math tricks trying to male a claim that you are telling someone something. Whites are the most violent people here. That's is a proven fact. So if you want to talk about violent crime, we can do that, but all you will end up doing is taking punks road because you can't face the truth about what your white asses have done.

So move to Apefreaka, you piece of shit. Take your turd-colored skin and move away from all the violence. As long as you stay, you are as full of shit as your shit-colored skin suggests. And yes, I know you don't HAVE to move. That's not what I said, I said you SHOULD move IF YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU POST.

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime.
So why did you use it, idiot?

When you commit 70 percent of the crimes, you have a crime problem. .

And if it's not respected, how come it's consistently provide by crime stat sources?
Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5. Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community.. Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
That's already a rate (which is what per capita is), you stupid shitskin, so there's nothing to convert.
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Your moronic negro brain is clearly incapable of understanding what per capita is, or what a rate is for that matter.
We aren't talking about speeding here. Embezzlement and fraud, crimes hat steal billions from innocent people rendering them broke and hopeless, crimes just as crippling as taking a bullet, just as violent to the victim, are crimes primarily done by whites. Drunken and impaired driving responsible for the deaths and crippling of thousands annually are crimes committed by whites. Crimes against families, whites lead in.

27 out of the 30 categories of crime whites lead in. Whites lead in violent crime, not blacks.
Is that per capita? What is the source?
You have lived a lie. Whites have not been successful because of hard work and intellectual ability. You made laws that denied non whites from having the same opportunities. I expected your answer due to the fact I know that you are an idiot.
Whites don't decide what the law is in a country GOVERNED BY BLACKS. Those who GOVERN decide the law so how do you explain the failure of African countries compared to white countries?
I am an American. As such have he right to peacefully air my grievance. As such I have the right to fight ad change the problem or end it. So as such don't give a pussy like you the pleasure of running away so you can continue doing what you do. What I do is I fight and beat your ass. So I don't go anywhere.
I can continue doing what?
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No, I don't have to thank the white man for a damn thing. You thank the white man for allowing you to stay here without becoming a serf.
My ancestors WERE serfs back in the old country. Good thing MY family didn't stick around there and do nothing but complain.

Well I was born here and since your punk ass doesn't tell whites who complain about this country to go back to Europe then I'm going to stay.
I don't care if you stay, just stop blaming whites for slavery. We weren't alive, so NOT OUR PROBLEM!
Just like IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO YOU, so you get no compensation.

I will blame whites for slavery, the 100 years after slavery for right now and in the future until white racism ends here. Your white ass is the beneficiary of all these things. So we are owed compensation and what you think doesn't erase the debt owed.

Waaahhhh....whitey is mean to me........waaaahhhhh
...but I'll stay here anyway for whitey's gibs.
Had to quote this again!

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime. Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5.

Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community..

Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!
Things you are to scared to read because you don't want to leave the slavery you live in on your conservative right wing plantation

Yoda says the stereotyping force is strong within you.. :banana:

Let's get this straight. I am NOT a "right-winger" STEEEERIKE ONE. I can out liberal you on a lot of issues. My political life has been to work for ballot and debate access for Independents and 3rd parties. And I'm 20 year WORKING member of the Libertarian Party. The one that nominated an openly GAY man for Prez in the 70s because he was the "right one for the job".. .

STEERIKE TWO. I'm NEVER afraid to read anything that might conflict with my highly polished and very strong political compass. I HAVE THAT leisure to ponder issues without a STRICT REGIMEN of political conformity like MOST americans who just can't get past the two old and decrepit, inept, arrogant and corrupt 2 party system..

Here comes the next pitch. Better hope it's out of the strike zone... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yoda says you are an idiot. You can be right wing and libertarian fool.

I see you're also badly informed on what being libertarian means. There are 2 important metrics for political beliefs. You can graph them out. One is how much ECONOMIC freedom or govt control you think the Constitution allows. And the 2nd axis is how much SOCIAL freedom or govt control you should hand to the govt.

Libertarians are generally socially ultra liberal. Want the Constitutional limits that TRUE LIBERALS want. So folks get MAXIMUM choices on their personal affairs and not spied on or harrassed by law. They are also economic Conservatives believing in lean efficient govt services and good "customer service" to their constituents.

WE are the ONLY party you could rely on to keep out of nation building in the Mid East, rolling back Domestic Spying, Asset Forfeiture laws, protecting EVERY ONE of the 10 in the Bill of Rights and KILLING the handouts to corporations thru favored tax breaks for stuff that's ALREADY on the market. The only game in town that got BOTH those "axes of politics" correct.
Oh, great. Another race thread.

This is the race and racism section. All the threads here will be about race. There are other sections in this forum where race is not discussed . Many of them..

You know, I just noticed that you all have an actual race section here. I always click on 'new posts' and I always see dozens of race based topics. Now I know why. Seems to be a hot topic here.

Anyway. Since I'm in the thread, I do want to say that racism is just an ugly form of collectivism. That's really the fundamenrtal truth of it.

I had read some thoughtful commentary on the the topic of collectivism some time ago. What that person had accurately said about it was that it was the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. The true antidote to racism is liberty.

Good point. Individual, and merely the HUMAN race. But many won't allow that.

America was built on a group mentality. We have constitutional articles deciding what groups represented Americans and who did not for purposes of taxation and representation. So many whites need to go back and learn exactly how things have been done instead of opinions really not based in fact or in reality.

The opinion in the Dred Scott case was not that Dred Scott had no rights Sanford was bound o respect. That would be the implementation of individualism. But the opinion was that blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect. Group rights. The opinion in Plessy v Ferguson did not state that separate facilities were equal for Plessy and for Ferguson, that would be individual rights, instead it was deemed tat separate facilities for blacks and whites as groups were equal. So let us stop lying to ourselves please.

It would have been real nice that if for the last 241 years whites had considered everyone part of the human race. But they didn't. So we must fix the damage that belief created before anything else can be done.

your assumptions that all whites believed the same thing for these 241 years is crap. The black slavers who captured other blacks treated them horrendously as well, beating them tying them up like animals, read about how they sent them in slavery to the arabs and the mortality rates were off the charts. Does this mean that these Black slavers thought the people they were capturing were less than human? Or does it mean that sometimes throughout human history we have treated each other like crap?

personally i categorize the human race into personality types that transcend race. You have your helpful people, you have your creators, you have your takers, your optimists, doubters, you have people that forgive and people who will always hold grudges, you have some who look for the most in people and others who look for the least in people.
None of these traits are owned by political affiliation or race. I reject that based on my life experience and what I can see. A kid born in the world today should not be born into the world with a stone around his neck for being the color he's born. At the moment he or she is born, they had now control of the Mayflower or what laws were passed in 1776 or what happened during Jim crow. throughout history often many are controlled and influenced greatly by the few its just the way it has been. through out most history, the majority of people probably didn't know really what was going on outside their own village or town let alone have the desire to be a social justice activist, they were probably most likely consumed by their sick mule or their crops dying, now somebody can sit comfortably sit behind their keyboard and make sweeping accusations of a group of people based on skin color as if they can get inside the head of everyone who lived 300 years ago.
Things you are to scared to read because you don't want to leave the slavery you live in on your conservative right wing plantation

Yoda says the stereotyping force is strong within you.. :banana:

Let's get this straight. I am NOT a "right-winger" STEEEERIKE ONE. I can out liberal you on a lot of issues. My political life has been to work for ballot and debate access for Independents and 3rd parties. And I'm 20 year WORKING member of the Libertarian Party. The one that nominated an openly GAY man for Prez in the 70s because he was the "right one for the job".. .

STEERIKE TWO. I'm NEVER afraid to read anything that might conflict with my highly polished and very strong political compass. I HAVE THAT leisure to ponder issues without a STRICT REGIMEN of political conformity like MOST americans who just can't get past the two old and decrepit, inept, arrogant and corrupt 2 party system..

Here comes the next pitch. Better hope it's out of the strike zone... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yoda says you are an idiot. You can be right wing and libertarian fool.

I see you're also badly informed on what being libertarian means. There are 2 important metrics for political beliefs. You can graph them out.
Are you sure? Did you read his posts? I think you're being unreasonably optimistic there.
All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" thing about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..

As for the On-Topic thing -- you brought charges against me about all the "FACTS" you've presented and have ignored any counter-arguments or REVIEW of those facts. Won't answer a single question.

Accusing me and others of "being scared" to read "the truth" and then RACIST when we reject your assertions. That's got to end up in a more meaningful dialogue. Besides, I don't think anyone REMEMBERS what the topic of this thread is. The topic was LOST 6 or 8 pages ago..
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All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..
It's his kind of "science" where you take numbers and multiply them with no rhyme or reason.
All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..
It's his kind of "science" where you take numbers and multiply them with no rhyme or reason.

There's one of my favorite books on the shelf right here called "How to lie with statistics" ... It's really written for lay people. But it demonstrates you can prove most anything with statistics if you badly butcher the definition of what's being measured. So yeah.. Even when numbers are involved -- it can still be garbage. I've had engineers push 4 or 5 page Excel worksheets at me that were butchered and imprecise.
I'll focus on the two statements where you said something
You've LOST every point we discussed.
You've moved the goal posts or dropped EVERY point.

Your logic is blindingly goofy.
You know NOTHING about the topic.
Nothing about Race.
Nothing about IQ.
Your claims about IQ and "Neurology" were Laughable.
You're a Clown.
More below..

Paul said:
The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics.
1) Facial structure 2) Skin color 3) Hair texture. Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome. And those genes have never been shown by any geneticist on the planet, any biologist on the planet, to be connected, or what geneticists call “concordant,” with any other trait known as intelligence or known as temperament or behavior or ethics or morality or any of those kinds of things.
Can you show different ?
You don't what race is Clown.
You are 100% Ignorant of the topic.

Your view of Race is basd on the Nightly News "Black/White/Cop."

Scientifically, Race, aka subspecies, is morphological (looks) difference caused by genetic Difference, born of separate Evolution for thousands/Tens of thousands of years (in humans).

The USA group and colloquialism 'Black' is not really a Race. It's a Recent admixture of two Macro-Races. 25% White-Euro/75% sub-Saharan.
And AVERAGE USA Black IQ (85) is - HARK! - midway between the Euro 100 and sub-Saharan 70.

Australian Aboriginals are also dark in color, but genetically further distant from sub-Saharans than Euros are.
They are two Different Races.
They share many traits because of equatorial/hunter-gatherer life-styles, including Low IQs. But not necessarily having to do with skin color.

Another Stupid Boner of yours is that race is controlled by only 6 Genes!
Too ignorant to even indulge. It's Millions of 3 Billion Gene loci.

When you send your Blood in for Testing at 23andMe et al, it takes hundreds of Markers at least to separate what percent of each Race you are.

Races also have different average Skull sizes/volumes that correlate with IQ. Asian>White>'Black.'
This was the first 'IQ related gene' found.

It is beyond ironic that a scientific ILLITERATE like you is challenging me.
And you don't have the IQ to merely 'wing it' either.

LOL Mr Obtuse or Disingenuous.
It's a FACT that Los Angeles is sunnier/warmer than Seattle.
It doesn't mean EVERY Day is.

Paul said:
I know that you'll ignore mainstream facts and pretend that marginalized trash are actually hidden gems of knowledge only you and a select few others can see.
And NO - Everyone is not the same...
WTF Is that?
Stupid or Dishonest?
Who said "Everyone is the same"?#%&^#&(

One can make true Generalizations about races, but it doesn't preclude a 130 IQ black. Tho he's much less ikely than a Japanaese to have it.
That WAS the point of my LA/Seattle example. DUH!

AGAIN - they overlap
race iq - Google Search
Get it yet?

As to the rest, more and more people are hybrid/admixtures of Races, but it doesn't mean they don't exist.

ie, In a room with 300 Naked people: 100 Scandinavians, 100 Pygmies, and 100 Chinese, what do you suppose your margin of error would be in telling them apart?
Even if a Pygmy was albino, he would easily be discernible by the SETS of features that make up Race.
That IS the rule of Thumb used in other Living things for Race/subspecies. The ability, with high precision, to mix and reseperate.

You're a long-winded 100% scientifically illiterate JOKE whose lost every single point. You just keep moving the goal posts/blathering.
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Oh, great. Another race thread.

This is the race and racism section. All the threads here will be about race. There are other sections in this forum where race is not discussed . Many of them..

You know, I just noticed that you all have an actual race section here. I always click on 'new posts' and I always see dozens of race based topics. Now I know why. Seems to be a hot topic here.

Anyway. Since I'm in the thread, I do want to say that racism is just an ugly form of collectivism. That's really the fundamenrtal truth of it.

I had read some thoughtful commentary on the the topic of collectivism some time ago. What that person had accurately said about it was that it was the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. The true antidote to racism is liberty.

Good point. Individual, and merely the HUMAN race. But many won't allow that.

America was built on a group mentality. We have constitutional articles deciding what groups represented Americans and who did not for purposes of taxation and representation. So many whites need to go back and learn exactly how things have been done instead of opinions really not based in fact or in reality.

The opinion in the Dred Scott case was not that Dred Scott had no rights Sanford was bound o respect. That would be the implementation of individualism. But the opinion was that blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect. Group rights. The opinion in Plessy v Ferguson did not state that separate facilities were equal for Plessy and for Ferguson, that would be individual rights, instead it was deemed tat separate facilities for blacks and whites as groups were equal. So let us stop lying to ourselves please.

It would have been real nice that if for the last 241 years whites had considered everyone part of the human race. But they didn't. So we must fix the damage that belief created before anything else can be done.

your assumptions that all whites believed the same thing for these 241 years is crap. The black slavers who captured other blacks treated them horrendously as well, beating them tying them up like animals, read about how they sent them in slavery to the arabs and the mortality rates were off the charts. Does this mean that these Black slavers thought the people they were capturing were less than human? Or does it mean that sometimes throughout human history we have treated each other like crap?

personally i categorize the human race into personality types that transcend race. You have your helpful people, you have your creators, you have your takers, your optimists, doubters, you have people that forgive and people who will always hold grudges, you have some who look for the most in people and others who look for the least in people.
None of these traits are owned by political affiliation or race. I reject that based on my life experience and what I can see. A kid born in the world today should not be born into the world with a stone around his neck for being the color he's born. At the moment he or she is born, they had now control of the Mayflower or what laws were passed in 1776 or what happened during Jim crow. throughout history often many are controlled and influenced greatly by the few its just the way it has been. through out most history, the majority of people probably didn't know really what was going on outside their own village or town let alone have the desire to be a social justice activist, they were probably most likely consumed by their sick mule or their crops dying, now somebody can sit comfortably sit behind their keyboard and make sweeping accusations of a group of people based on skin color as if they can get inside the head of everyone who lived 300 years ago.

I've never said all whites believed anything for 241 years. I have said that whites have practiced racism in this nation for 241 years. Whites have done that. I have on numerous occasions stated that not all whites are responsible and I am not going to post any disclaimer after every sentence written that explains to you how all whites have not done this just so you can feel good. You are going to get how I feel abut being exposed to this bullshit for 56 years while hearing whites constantly lying to me about how its not. Pertaining to the so called black slavers, your story is disingenuous. Even if whites had not invaded Africa and gave guns to certain tribes and paid them to capture other enemy tribes, the fact remains that blacks did not ship the slaves to America, blacks did not purchase the captured slaves in Africa, and blacks did not make slavery legal in America.

Now you can talk about what a kid today should not be born with according to you but we have elected office a racist president tying to turn back the clock who was nominated even when he was preaching racism then elected as he continued preaching racism. So spare me all the words because I've heard them all before from whites like you who seem to think I believe that all whites are something like I have never had contact or relationships with whites and don't know the difference in what most of you guys are saying here and whites who do have non racist views.
All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..
It's his kind of "science" where you take numbers and multiply them with no rhyme or reason.

There's one of my favorite books on the shelf right here called "How to lie with statistics" ... It's really written for lay people. But it demonstrates you can prove most anything with statistics if you badly butcher the definition of what's being measured. So yeah.. Even when numbers are involved -- it can still be garbage. I've had engineers push 4 or 5 page Excel worksheets at me that were butchered and imprecise.
I haven't read your book, but for some reason I don't think what he's doing and what the book discusses would be the same. To me, lying with statistics implies carefully collecting statistics in a way to fool someone. It would actually require significant knowledge of statistics.

What he's doing is taking rates and stupidly multiplying the denominator or numerator for no reason at all, like a retarded child who takes a hammer and tries to force the square peg into the round hole (except implying that IM2 can use a hammer is an undeserved complement).
This is the race and racism section. All the threads here will be about race. There are other sections in this forum where race is not discussed . Many of them..

You know, I just noticed that you all have an actual race section here. I always click on 'new posts' and I always see dozens of race based topics. Now I know why. Seems to be a hot topic here.

Anyway. Since I'm in the thread, I do want to say that racism is just an ugly form of collectivism. That's really the fundamenrtal truth of it.

I had read some thoughtful commentary on the the topic of collectivism some time ago. What that person had accurately said about it was that it was the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called "diversity" actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist. The true antidote to racism is liberty.

Good point. Individual, and merely the HUMAN race. But many won't allow that.

America was built on a group mentality. We have constitutional articles deciding what groups represented Americans and who did not for purposes of taxation and representation. So many whites need to go back and learn exactly how things have been done instead of opinions really not based in fact or in reality.

The opinion in the Dred Scott case was not that Dred Scott had no rights Sanford was bound o respect. That would be the implementation of individualism. But the opinion was that blacks had no rights whites were bound to respect. Group rights. The opinion in Plessy v Ferguson did not state that separate facilities were equal for Plessy and for Ferguson, that would be individual rights, instead it was deemed tat separate facilities for blacks and whites as groups were equal. So let us stop lying to ourselves please.

It would have been real nice that if for the last 241 years whites had considered everyone part of the human race. But they didn't. So we must fix the damage that belief created before anything else can be done.

your assumptions that all whites believed the same thing for these 241 years is crap. The black slavers who captured other blacks treated them horrendously as well, beating them tying them up like animals, read about how they sent them in slavery to the arabs and the mortality rates were off the charts. Does this mean that these Black slavers thought the people they were capturing were less than human? Or does it mean that sometimes throughout human history we have treated each other like crap?

personally i categorize the human race into personality types that transcend race. You have your helpful people, you have your creators, you have your takers, your optimists, doubters, you have people that forgive and people who will always hold grudges, you have some who look for the most in people and others who look for the least in people.
None of these traits are owned by political affiliation or race. I reject that based on my life experience and what I can see. A kid born in the world today should not be born into the world with a stone around his neck for being the color he's born. At the moment he or she is born, they had now control of the Mayflower or what laws were passed in 1776 or what happened during Jim crow. throughout history often many are controlled and influenced greatly by the few its just the way it has been. through out most history, the majority of people probably didn't know really what was going on outside their own village or town let alone have the desire to be a social justice activist, they were probably most likely consumed by their sick mule or their crops dying, now somebody can sit comfortably sit behind their keyboard and make sweeping accusations of a group of people based on skin color as if they can get inside the head of everyone who lived 300 years ago.

I've never said all whites believed anything for 241 years. I have said that whites have practiced racism in this nation for 241 years. Whites have done that. I have on numerous occasions stated that not all whites are responsible and I am not going to post any disclaimer after every sentence written that explains to you how all whites have not done this just so you can feel good. You are going to get how I feel abut being exposed to this bullshit for 56 years while hearing whites constantly lying to me about how its not. Pertaining to the so called black slavers, your story is disingenuous. Even if whites had not invaded Africa and gave guns to certain tribes and paid them to capture other enemy tribes, the fact remains that blacks did not ship the slaves to America, blacks did not purchase the captured slaves in Africa, and blacks did not make slavery legal in America.

Now you can talk about what a kid today should not be born with according to you but we have elected office a racist president tying to turn back the clock who was nominated even when he was preaching racism then elected as he continued preaching racism. So spare me all the words because I've heard them all before from whites like you who seem to think I believe that all whites are something like I have never had contact or relationships with whites and don't know the difference in what most of you guys are saying here and whites who do have non racist views.

I hope Trump turns back the clock so it will be like whites never bought the negro slaves and just left them in Apefreaka.
All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" thing about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..

As for the On-Topic thing -- you brought charges against me about all the "FACTS" you've presented and have ignored any counter-arguments or REVIEW of those facts. Won't answer a single question.

Accusing me and others of "being scared" to read "the truth" and then RACIST when we reject your assertions. That's got to end up in a more meaningful dialogue. Besides, I don't think anyone REMEMBERS what the topic of this thread is. The topic was LOST 6 or 8 pages ago..

What counter arguments?

The problem here is that have presented facts.

The OP of this thread is not the study from another thread called:

Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education

Which you have consistently been referring to. And are too scared to read.

And if this thread has been taken off topic it is because of the racists you keep allowing to troll here.

So here let me help you. this is he OP of this thread. It is my opinion. And its based on my experiences with some of the moderators here.

For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop

And here is your first reply.

Don't think that's the ONLY message whites bring to Race discussions. There are appalling consequences of the cultural differences that have NOTHING to do with being inferior or stupid. I'd love to see trainloads of bright young black graduates going out to Silicon Valley or going into STEM fields or flooding the market with entrepreneurial ideas. But EDUCATION is failing them and they are failing to set education as a priority.

The CULTURAL differences are a larger part of the racism than the pure neo-nazi inferiority thing. In trying so hard not to act "white" -- generations of blacks are choosing to STAY in failing cities that MISTREAT them and abuse them with incompetent and unresponsive legal systems of justice. It APPEARS -- they believe they are not YET FREE.. Because it's never occurred to them they can afford to live better and safer in the rest of very large America. And POSSIBLY they believe -- they would not be welcomed. OR -- that they would "lose their culture" by doing so..

What are these huge cultural differences? Your first paragraph is totally wrong. Ib fact your entre post is inaccurate. Blacks don't think they lose their culture by moving out f the hood. This is just a silly assertion made by an ignorant white man. Racism is the biggest problem we face. I think that's not open for debate between me as a black man and you as a white one.

Why so Few Black People in Silicon Valley?

In the '60s and '70s, employment opportunities in the manufacturing industry attracted black workers, but "there were choices and decisions made that hindered the growth of the black community," Moore says. He says that part of Northern California's institutional racism has been keeping those who live in other cities from getting to San Jose. "We are one of the biggest cities in the nation but there isn't a black community," Moore says. "BART was never extended to San Jose. Why?"

Answering his own question, Moore claims that BART was originally designed in such a way as to lessen opportunities for people of color or low income. He notes that at the time there was economic prosperity in Silicon Valley and a large tax base to pay for the extension of BART, but the rail line wasn't expanded. With many African Americans living in the East Bay, transportation impediments made it harder to commute.

Why so Few Black People in Silicon Valley?

You talk stupid abut blacks moving but you do not a[ply he same opinion t small rural failing white towns. Your position is idiotic.

Blacks are not safe in all white towns. There isn't all that rest of a very large America for us. There are are plenty pf places we cannot go. Because of racism. You don't seem to get that.
That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..
It's his kind of "science" where you take numbers and multiply them with no rhyme or reason.

There's one of my favorite books on the shelf right here called "How to lie with statistics" ... It's really written for lay people. But it demonstrates you can prove most anything with statistics if you badly butcher the definition of what's being measured. So yeah.. Even when numbers are involved -- it can still be garbage. I've had engineers push 4 or 5 page Excel worksheets at me that were butchered and imprecise.
I haven't read your book, but for some reason I don't think what he's doing and what the book discusses would be the same. To me, lying with statistics implies carefully collecting statistics in a way to fool someone. It would actually require significant knowledge of statistics.

What he's doing is taking rates and stupidly multiplying the denominator or numerator for no reason at all, like a retarded child who takes a hammer and tries to force the square peg into the round hole (except implying that IM2 can use a hammer is an undeserved complement).

No you are ignoring real numbers and trying to build a case with bogus assumptions based on per capita.
Had to quote this again!

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime. Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5.

Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community..

Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..
It's his kind of "science" where you take numbers and multiply them with no rhyme or reason.

There's one of my favorite books on the shelf right here called "How to lie with statistics" ... It's really written for lay people. But it demonstrates you can prove most anything with statistics if you badly butcher the definition of what's being measured. So yeah.. Even when numbers are involved -- it can still be garbage. I've had engineers push 4 or 5 page Excel worksheets at me that were butchered and imprecise.
I haven't read your book, but for some reason I don't think what he's doing and what the book discusses would be the same. To me, lying with statistics implies carefully collecting statistics in a way to fool someone. It would actually require significant knowledge of statistics.

What he's doing is taking rates and stupidly multiplying the denominator or numerator for no reason at all, like a retarded child who takes a hammer and tries to force the square peg into the round hole (except implying that IM2 can use a hammer is an undeserved complement).

No you are ignoring real numbers and trying to build a case with bogus assumptions based on per capita.
Let me try again. I'll use simple numbers this time.

Let's say you have the option to buy a car. Both cars cost the same and they are the only 2 models available.

Model 1 reports that 50 of their cars have failed and Model 2 reports that 40 of their cars have failed.

You then learn that Model 1 has had 100,000,000 cars on the road and that Model 2 has only had 40 cars on the road.

I am an independent salesman. I don't care which car you get (my commission is the same regardless of which one I sell), but I tell you that Model 1 is more reliable because it has a 0.00005% failure rate and Model 2 has a 100% failure rate. You're going to tell me that I am giving you a "case" with "bogus assumptions based on per capita" and still buy the Model 2 because 40 failures is less than 50 failures?
Last edited:
Had to quote this again!

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime. Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5.

Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community..

Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population.
In the USA? But they don't. There are fewer blacks than whites (by a lot).

No wonder you sound stupid when you talk about this.
That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
OK negro, just take a look at my example above. Start slow and see if you can get that before you make a bigger fool of yourself.
Had to quote this again!

Per capita is not a respected measurement of crime. Your argument is based on a population based claim. So let me show you how invalid what your illiterate ass thinks is.

Since whites have 5 times the population and we want to make that an issue let’s start multiplying by 5.

Blacks have over 2 million businesses right now, let’s multiply that by 5 and then see what the outcome will be. Now there are 10 million black owned businesses and more jobs in the black community..

Let’s reduce our unemployment rate by 5 to 2.6 percent.
Except the way you're doing it you'd have to multiply the black population by 5 as well, idiot, and then you'd get the same unemployment rate! Holy shit you're a moron!

That's what a RATE is, idiot!
Blacks live at a 24 percent rate of poverty lets reduce that times 5 to make it 4.5 percent. Funny how you guys can only multiply when it comes to crimes. Lets keep multiplying folks.

The black economy now grows to 6.5 trillion instead of the 1.3 trillion we have now, We all have 5 times the amount of money we can spend and have earned. What happens them? All kinds of community development that’s what. Now property values increase in the black community and because of that we have more money in our schools. So now let’s multiply the number of blacks who go to college by 5 there are now 8.5 million blacks in college. This increase in population and jobs lowers the unemployment rate so you have fewer blacks on government assistance because they have stable employment. Youth crime is reduced because you have facilities and jobs available for them in their immediate communities. So then what happens to crime then if we do this, it reduces itself by 5 from 26 percent to 5.2 percent. Why? because the factors that create crime are reduced, so then crime reduces itself
Too bad Mugabe is having trouble staying in power. You'd make a great minister over there!


If anyone needed to make an argument to keep negroes out of government, just read IM2's posts!

My argument is built on the assumption that blacks and whites have the same population. That in itself multiplies the black population by 5 dumb ass. So if 5 times more blacks graduate from college, and there are 5 times the number of businesses and available jobs located in the black community unemployment in the black community will not remain the same. You are stupid. Just straight up stump stupid.
Let's put your negro science to the test:
"Actual" numbers (for the sake of discussion, not the real numbers):
100 blacks
1 black college graduate
1 black business
20 jobs

Employment rate: 20 jobs / 100 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate


Multiplied by 5
500 blacks
5 black college graduates
5 black businesses
100 jobs

Employment rate: 100 jobs / 500 blacks, or 20% employment rate, 80% unemployment rate

And the unemployment rate stayed the same.
All you are going to get are more historically documented facts and peer reviewed studies.

That's not what I've gotten and seen. The whole deal about carbon tempered steel being a gift from Africa to the rest of the world was based on a few obscure links to articles printing in 70s by a pair of researchers. The SAME research was then peer reviewed and forced those authors to RETRACT many of their claims. That's a fact I just gave you.

And as for your "diversity trainer" tool, peer review on OPINION PIECES means nothing. Jack shit from an academic standpoint if the peer review is done by OTHERS in the "Big Diversity" business for a living. The OP is all asserted opinions. It is NOT a scientific article. I've authored dozens of scientific peer reviewed papers and OPINIONS are not welcomed in a TRUE scientific study..

Again this thread is not about Africa, nor is it about the study on individualism. You have again posted off topic. If you want to discuss such issues there are threads available to do so.


Title Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education
Permalink Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Anti-racist Education - eScholarship
Journal InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies, 6(1)
ISSN 1548-3320
Author DiAngelo, Robin J Publication Date 2010-01-25
Peer reviewed

This is a peer reviewed scientific study idiot. It is not just opinion. You did not get past the intro to learn that because of your racial bias.. So shut up about the study that is not the OP of this thread.

Aint a single thing "scientific" thing about it. It's all faulty opinion not based on any extensive research, polling, experiments, numbers, or equations. And it's reviewed ONLY by folks with similar belief systems who aren't really judging the value of opinions. Just making sure they CONFORM to the group think associated with "Big Diversity" business..

As for the On-Topic thing -- you brought charges against me about all the "FACTS" you've presented and have ignored any counter-arguments or REVIEW of those facts. Won't answer a single question.

Accusing me and others of "being scared" to read "the truth" and then RACIST when we reject your assertions. That's got to end up in a more meaningful dialogue. Besides, I don't think anyone REMEMBERS what the topic of this thread is. The topic was LOST 6 or 8 pages ago..

What counter arguments?

The problem here is that have presented facts.

The OP of this thread is not the study from another thread called:

Why Can’t We All Just Be Individuals?: Countering the Discourse of Individualism in Antiracist Education

Which you have consistently been referring to. And are too scared to read.

And if this thread has been taken off topic it is because of the racists you keep allowing to troll here.

So here let me help you. this is he OP of this thread. It is my opinion. And its based on my experiences with some of the moderators here.

For too many times here I have argued with mods about the content here in this section. Far too many times I get responses back with false equivalences of equal racism between blacks and whites. I think we need to understand that there is a difference here and an important distinction needs to be made relative to this matter.

What we call racism by standard has been a general belief by whites not based on anything but a shared ideal that certain people are inferior to whites, What is referred to as black racism is the angry response to people who tell us we are inferior.

There is a major difference and intelligent adults should be able to recognize that difference and try understanding how you would feel if you were the group told how you were all stupid, that your race has never done anything, and that if not for the white man you'd be nothing. I don't think you'd appreciate being called a racist for saying your race is superior after reading pages of how inferior you are to whites in every way. Only a human with no personal pride would accept this kind if constant denigration without fighting back. Yet here blacks doing this are called racists.

Blacks did not choose to come here on the Mayflower with a belief they were superior and more civilized than everyone else. We were bought here on ships like the Amistad then sold into lifetime bondage because of that belief. Then after slavery was made illegal whites created another system on inequality that continued to enforce that same belief for an additional 100 plus years. Only in the last 52 years have blacks been at least free from overt racist beliefs from whites. 52 YEARS! Therefore to try making our experiences here the same and our responses to race and racism the same as whites is erroneous and this error is what needs to stop

And here is your first reply.

Don't think that's the ONLY message whites bring to Race discussions. There are appalling consequences of the cultural differences that have NOTHING to do with being inferior or stupid. I'd love to see trainloads of bright young black graduates going out to Silicon Valley or going into STEM fields or flooding the market with entrepreneurial ideas. But EDUCATION is failing them and they are failing to set education as a priority.

The CULTURAL differences are a larger part of the racism than the pure neo-nazi inferiority thing. In trying so hard not to act "white" -- generations of blacks are choosing to STAY in failing cities that MISTREAT them and abuse them with incompetent and unresponsive legal systems of justice. It APPEARS -- they believe they are not YET FREE.. Because it's never occurred to them they can afford to live better and safer in the rest of very large America. And POSSIBLY they believe -- they would not be welcomed. OR -- that they would "lose their culture" by doing so..

What are these huge cultural differences? Your first paragraph is totally wrong. Ib fact your entre post is inaccurate. Blacks don't think they lose their culture by moving out f the hood. This is just a silly assertion made by an ignorant white man. Racism is the biggest problem we face. I think that's not open for debate between me as a black man and you as a white one.

Why so Few Black People in Silicon Valley?

In the '60s and '70s, employment opportunities in the manufacturing industry attracted black workers, but "there were choices and decisions made that hindered the growth of the black community," Moore says. He says that part of Northern California's institutional racism has been keeping those who live in other cities from getting to San Jose. "We are one of the biggest cities in the nation but there isn't a black community," Moore says. "BART was never extended to San Jose. Why?"

Answering his own question, Moore claims that BART was originally designed in such a way as to lessen opportunities for people of color or low income. He notes that at the time there was economic prosperity in Silicon Valley and a large tax base to pay for the extension of BART, but the rail line wasn't expanded. With many African Americans living in the East Bay, transportation impediments made it harder to commute.

Why so Few Black People in Silicon Valley?

You talk stupid abut blacks moving but you do not a[ply he same opinion t small rural failing white towns. Your position is idiotic.

Blacks are not safe in all white towns. There isn't all that rest of a very large America for us. There are are plenty pf places we cannot go. Because of racism. You don't seem to get that.

What you want is to gaslight whites into thinking black group identity is good and white group identity is bad.
Not happening any more.l

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