We ridiculed Biden but I have proof that he is right

A 2009 GAO report on efforts to combat arms trafficking to Mexico notes that straw purchasing is not in itself illegal, although it is illegal to provide false information in connection with a purchase.[27]

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia

Do you have an update on that?
Straw purchases have been illegal for quite sometime. You are delving into issues in which you are clueless.

In a successful straw purchase, the actual buyer has also committed a federal crime by aiding and abetting the straw purchaser or causing the making of the false statements.29 In the 2013 case of Abramski v. US, the US Supreme Court again affirmed that these federal laws prohibit straw purchases.30

All Biden did was add some wordy stuff to existing law for clarification. He did not make either illegal. They already were.

The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act further criminalizes straw purchasing by prohibiting any person from knowingly purchasing or conspiring to purchase a firearm for another person if the purchaser knows or has reasonable cause to believe that the other person (1) is prohibited from receiving a firearm under federal law; (2) intends to use, carry, possess, or sell or otherwise dispose of the firearm in the furtherance of a felony, federal crime of terrorism, or drug trafficking; or (3) intends to sell or dispose of the firearm to a person who is prohibited from receiving a firearm under federal law or intends to use, carry, possess, or sell or otherwise dispose of the firearm in furtherance of a felony, federal crime of terrorism, or drug trafficking.31


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