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We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Part of the reason I think the polls may be way off is from looking at the RCP averages of Florida vs the USA as a whole:

If we look at Florida,
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Florida: Trump vs. Biden

And the US as a whole:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

We find that Florida and the US had very similar Trump/Biden totals, but over the last month the lead for Biden has all but disappeared in FL while it has stayed the same in the US.

The major difference is that pollsters have been factoring in the early voting data, and as they have done that, Biden's lead has essentially disappeared.

This is "The Model" colliding with reality.

Could the same be true for the US as a whole? we'll have to see. The error bars are far far higher than the modelers want to admit.... probably high enough to make their models useless.

I don't listen to the polls. I predicted this narrowing of numbers for months now because it happens every election. The Republican is always behind and catches up in the end. If anything, the polls should be swinging Biden's way with this new Covid surge.

People are getting tired of this Covid shit. They just want it to end.

Biden is running on a platform to shut more things down and even a stupid Federal requirement to wear a mask.

I suspect Biden lost votes by being a Covid Karen asshole.

Besides, nobody in their right mind would think that the post Covid economy would be better under this Biden clown than under Trump.
Trump’s presidency has been fueled by gaslight. Every day he is a con man peddling fibs, falsehoods, and fabrications. His currency is snake oil and fake remedies
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.
Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
I just returned to Philly to do more packing and to prep the house for sale. Society here is on the brink, no one can stop it, and it won't be pretty.

At nearly 70 I'm just too old and tired to fight for it.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
Classic projection....
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
Sorry, I am straight...know what that means?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
Sorry, I am straight...know what that means?
Why are you sorry then? :lol:
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
Sorry, I am straight...know what that means?
Why are you sorry then? :lol:
Sorry for you...but you knew that and decided to troll anyway.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
Sorry, I am straight...know what that means?
Why are you sorry then? :lol:
Sorry for you...but you knew that and decided to troll anyway.
Oh, the irony! :lol:
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
Sorry, I am straight...know what that means?
Why are you sorry then? :lol:
Sorry for you...but you knew that and decided to troll anyway.
Oh, the irony! :lol:
Hey, I have been nothing but honest with you and you vilify me because I disagree with you politically and ethically. Makes you wonder....
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.
I hope so; last time I was shot, I got off easy.
It would suck to catch a round somewhere serious this time.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
Speaking of left wing drones, I'm watching Jake Tapper (CNN) and the required hysterical fat woman said we shouldn't ignore the possibility of a huge wave of Trump voters on Tuesday. She's either facing her greatest fears or reality.
IMHO, it's fear, not reality. There is some evidence that many Trump voters will wait to election day to vote but this not a normal election nor is there a lot of evidence of this. People on both sides, particular older adults, are very apprehensive about going to the polls or anyplace that may have large crowds. I believe that most of the people that are going to vote on Tue are people that are either undecided or not strongly committed to either candidate.
I was going to vote early but I didn't get around to it, so now I have to go on election day.
And worry about psycho leftists doing drive-bys to try and disrupt the voting process. :rolleyes:
Don't worry you'll likely have lots armed Trump wackos there to keep those lefties away from the polls.

Hmmm, like the armed black panthers in Philly last time?
You mean the case where they couldn’t find a voter who felt intimidated?
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
You really have to ask? It is not obvious to you?

yes, I just wondered if she would admit it.
She cannot as she is in denial about it. If Trump loses she'll see that her life remains just as miserable and now she doesn't have a scapegoat.
Aren’t you two adorable. Need money for a room?
Sorry, I am straight...know what that means?
Why are you sorry then? :lol:
Sorry for you...but you knew that and decided to troll anyway.
Oh, the irony! :lol:
Hey, I have been nothing but honest with you and you vilify me because I disagree with you politically and ethically. Makes you wonder....
Irony poisoning.
No, not close down the country, a nationwide mask mandate? Totally within reason and needed. The science is clear.
KDHE: Kansas "Experiment" Shows Masks Work | WIBW News Now
So we're supposed to follow orders from liberals? What happened to this being a free country?
You “follow orders” from the public Health specialists. You do not have a right to infect other people.
If you're going to accuse others of harming you, then you better be able to prove it in court, otherwise you can just shut your dickhole and fuck off right back to wherever you came from.

I don't give a tinker's damn how outraged you are, my behavior is none of your goddamn business you fucking nosy busybody.
You can be excluded from public places and even fired from the public and private sectors for failing to abide by public health regulations. And your kids can be denied enrollment in public schools.
You can't be trespassed from a public place unless you're breaking a law. It's not against the law to ignore self-important idiots.

And public schools are trash.
He was mocking Biden in the first debate for wearing a mask. He's made fun of dozens of people who wear mask. Just recently it was Fox News Laura Ingraham, a reporter in white house, and people at his rally that wear masks. Considering the fact, that many people hate wearing a mask because they think it's ugly, makes them look silly, un-American, etc, it makes the campaign to get people wearing a mask more difficult which increases the transmission of the virus. Even worse, his actions has created a uprising among his supporters against scientists, local leaders, and local merchants who support mask wearing. He's made it such a political issue that people are claiming they don't work, are dangerous, and a mark of disloyalty to the president.

However, Trump has recently said mask wearers were patriotic, played down the effectiveness, told people they don't have wear them, and then his mouthpiece comes out says we urge everyone to wear a mask. Trump simple tells people what they want to hear or what he believes will help him gain favor with his audience. It seems irrelevant to him that what he says contradicts what he said only days ago.

What I have never understood is how his supporters can be so enamored by someone who will say anything to make his point with no regard for the truth, makes huge exaggerations, downplays serious issues, and out right lies if it fits his purpose. I understand the position of life long republicans' who would never vote for a democrat regardless of the alternative. But there are so many independent voters that just love this guy and they're voting for him, not against Biden. It just plain nuts.

Nice of you to make my point for me. Did you bother watching the video you posted? It's like I said, he made fun of Biden for wearing a mask when he was so far away from the next person and outside as well. I seen a Biden interview with him doing exactly that. If I recall, that reporter with the mask on was early when nobody was wearing a mask yet. Dozens of people? Can you find me what he said without taking it out of context?

I posted several videos and one link of Trump encouraging mask wearing. This is on top the countless times Dr. Fauci recommended them. I don't know what else you people expect. Trump is correct, you don't have to wear them. There is no law on the books that you do. If you want to wear one, fine. If you don't, then that's up to you.

So where are you getting your information from? CNN and like. They say, you believe without question. And why are they lying like that? Because they want to blame this problem on the President so their dementia candidate can steal the White House. Yes, Biden is losing Independents, but it's because of his packed court question he refuses to answer. It's because he said he would consider a national lockdown and a national mandate that everybody must wear masks. He's also turning off a lot of young people who typically vote Democrat. You can't tell these young partiers they are going to sit home and wear a mask if they step foot outside their door. They totally reject that message.
You can make fun of people in a good natured way. That is not what Trump is doing. He hold people up to public ridicule to demean them and make them look silly.
He was mocking Biden in the first debate for wearing a mask. He's made fun of dozens of people who wear mask. Just recently it was Fox News Laura Ingraham, a reporter in white house, and people at his rally that wear masks. Considering the fact, that many people hate wearing a mask because they think it's ugly, makes them look silly, un-American, etc, it makes the campaign to get people wearing a mask more difficult which increases the transmission of the virus. Even worse, his actions has created a uprising among his supporters against scientists, local leaders, and local merchants who support mask wearing. He's made it such a political issue that people are claiming they don't work, are dangerous, and a mark of disloyalty to the president.

However, Trump has recently said mask wearers were patriotic, played down the effectiveness, told people they don't have wear them, and then his mouthpiece comes out says we urge everyone to wear a mask. Trump simple tells people what they want to hear or what he believes will help him gain favor with his audience. It seems irrelevant to him that what he says contradicts what he said only days ago.

What I have never understood is how his supporters can be so enamored by someone who will say anything to make his point with no regard for the truth, makes huge exaggerations, downplays serious issues, and out right lies if it fits his purpose. I understand the position of life long republicans' who would never vote for a democrat regardless of the alternative. But there are so many independent voters that just love this guy and they're voting for him, not against Biden. It just plain nuts.

Nice of you to make my point for me. Did you bother watching the video you posted? It's like I said, he made fun of Biden for wearing a mask when he was so far away from the next person and outside as well. I seen a Biden interview with him doing exactly that. If I recall, that reporter with the mask on was early when nobody was wearing a mask yet. Dozens of people? Can you find me what he said without taking it out of context?

I posted several videos and one link of Trump encouraging mask wearing. This is on top the countless times Dr. Fauci recommended them. I don't know what else you people expect. Trump is correct, you don't have to wear them. There is no law on the books that you do. If you want to wear one, fine. If you don't, then that's up to you.

So where are you getting your information from? CNN and like. They say, you believe without question. And why are they lying like that? Because they want to blame this problem on the President so their dementia candidate can steal the White House. Yes, Biden is losing Independents, but it's because of his packed court question he refuses to answer. It's because he said he would consider a national lockdown and a national mandate that everybody must wear masks. He's also turning off a lot of young people who typically vote Democrat. You can't tell these young partiers they are going to sit home and wear a mask if they step foot outside their door. They totally reject that message.
You can make fun of people in a good natured way. That is not what Trump is doing. He hold people up to public ridicule to demean them and make them look silly.
I don't watch Trump; I've never seen him speak. That being said, I think silly people should be ridiculed, and you have to admit, Trump himself has certainly been treated much worse.
So I ain't going to worry about whether he mocks people that don't like him.

Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke.

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