We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
My taxes go down and I have more? Ill try to live with that.

My taxes would go down too

But I realize that it would be at the expense of those who can least afford it

I just am having a hard time buying into that for two reasons.

One, As a current family of 5 (raising grandchildren ) I qualify for federal assistance if my income is 4362.00 or less.

Thats is ridiculous and I dont care where you live.

Two, Congress will never let anything happen to those truly needy? It is damn time those above the official poverty line start paying taxes.

I think we should call everyone earning more than minimum wage 'rich' and tax the shit out of them.

'Rich' is a subjective term...so we can define it any way we want to.
Make a couple of charitable donations.

Encourage your friends who are similarly situated to do the same.

Better yet...how about I trickle down some..........Jobs

Or, like the President, you can ignore the fundamental problem (spending way the fuck too much money) and pretend that the government can "create" jobs at all; then use vast amounts MORE money (don't worry, that which we do not actually have we will "borrow" from our great great grand children's great great grand children) to "create" the jobs we really can't create!

Coherent Americans: "We have a massive debt problem! What ever shall we DO, Mr. President?"

President Obama: "SPEND MORE MONEY! Borrow more money and print more money and then SPEND more and more money. That should work!"

The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want
You are missing the point. Spending other peoples money is so much more fun than spending ones own.

Absolutely....especially when you take it from the poorest Americans

By definition, they don't have any.

I guess that little detail passed by the sole neuron left in your brain.

My brain fully understands that the poor have no money to spare. That is why it is repulsed by republicans trying to raise their taxes
Better yet...how about I trickle down some..........Jobs

Or, like the President, you can ignore the fundamental problem (spending way the fuck too much money) and pretend that the government can "create" jobs at all; then use vast amounts MORE money (don't worry, that which we do not actually have we will "borrow" from our great great grand children's great great grand children) to "create" the jobs we really can't create!

Coherent Americans: "We have a massive debt problem! What ever shall we DO, Mr. President?"

President Obama: "SPEND MORE MONEY! Borrow more money and print more money and then SPEND more and more money. That should work!"

The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want

Obama already spent the $2 Trillion on his political cronies. Businesses are just waiting for the bill.
Better yet...how about I trickle down some..........Jobs

Or, like the President, you can ignore the fundamental problem (spending way the fuck too much money) and pretend that the government can "create" jobs at all; then use vast amounts MORE money (don't worry, that which we do not actually have we will "borrow" from our great great grand children's great great grand children) to "create" the jobs we really can't create!

Coherent Americans: "We have a massive debt problem! What ever shall we DO, Mr. President?"

President Obama: "SPEND MORE MONEY! Borrow more money and print more money and then SPEND more and more money. That should work!"

The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want

I don't know that I agree with your premises.

But for the sake of the discussion and to illustrate a point, let's dispense with proof.

Let us just assume, for the sake of the discussion, that those greedy motherfucking rich bastard corporations and the 1% evil greedy rat fucks are sitting on the money.

If that's the premise, then your proposed solution to that "problem" is:

to compel them to spend it?

Am I getting warm?
The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want

Yes, the economy is starved for money and you want the government to fix that. However, every dime the government puts into the economy has to come out of the economy somewhere else. You can bail from the deep end of the pool and pour the water into the shallow end until the cows come home and nothing will change. You can bail from one pool and pour it into another pool from now until eternity and still have no more water than you had before. In fact you will so increase evaporation by trying to do this that you will have less water than you started with.

The ONLY way to make things better is to give those with the money the incentive to use it to grow the economy. And that means sticking all the class envy and liberal garbage on a high shelf somewhere and forgetting about it, and going back to the tried and true concepts that have proved effective in the past:

1. Stablilize a practical and class neutral tax code so commerce and industry can know what to expect in the way of profits and reduce all unnecessary spending to allow taxes to be as small as possible.

2. Eliminate all but necessary regulation so that commerce and industry can be freed up to move ahead with new projects.

3. Go back to a free market system to bring down costs of necessary commodities and inputs.

4. Remove all unnecessary restrictive mandates.

5. Rescind and reverse all GOVERNMENT initiatives that have screwed up the financial system.

The idea is to make America as business friendly as possible and eliminate as much government meddling and self-serving programs as can be practically done and THAT will fix almost all the economic problems we have.
The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want

Yes, the economy is starved for money and you want the government to fix that. However, every dime the government puts into the economy has to come out of the economy somewhere else. You can bail from the deep end of the pool and pour the water into the shallow end until the cows come home and nothing will change. You can bail from one pool and pour it into another pool from now until eternity and still have no more water than you had before. In fact you will so increase evaporation by trying to do this that you will have less water than you started with.

The ONLY way to make things better is to give those with the money the incentive to use it to grow the economy. And that means sticking all the class envy and liberal garbage on a high shelf somewhere and forgetting about it, and going back to the tried and true concepts that have proved effective in the past:

1. Stablilize a practical and class neutral tax code so commerce and industry can know what to expect in the way of profits and reduce all unnecessary spending to allow taxes to be as small as possible.

2. Eliminate all but necessary regulation so that commerce and industry can be freed up to move ahead with new projects.

3. Go back to a free market system to bring down costs of necessary commodities and inputs.

4. Remove all unnecessary restrictive mandates.

5. Rescind and reverse all GOVERNMENT initiatives that have screwed up the financial system.

The idea is to make America as business friendly as possible and eliminate as much government meddling and self-serving programs as can be practically done and THAT will fix almost all the economic problems we have.

We have tried that one before

Lower taxes, ease government regulation, allow business to do anything they want to

It was called the Bush administration....The economy collapsed and we lost 10 million jobs
The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want

Yes, the economy is starved for money and you want the government to fix that. However, every dime the government puts into the economy has to come out of the economy somewhere else. You can bail from the deep end of the pool and pour the water into the shallow end until the cows come home and nothing will change. You can bail from one pool and pour it into another pool from now until eternity and still have no more water than you had before. In fact you will so increase evaporation by trying to do this that you will have less water than you started with.

The ONLY way to make things better is to give those with the money the incentive to use it to grow the economy. And that means sticking all the class envy and liberal garbage on a high shelf somewhere and forgetting about it, and going back to the tried and true concepts that have proved effective in the past:

1. Stablilize a practical and class neutral tax code so commerce and industry can know what to expect in the way of profits and reduce all unnecessary spending to allow taxes to be as small as possible.

2. Eliminate all but necessary regulation so that commerce and industry can be freed up to move ahead with new projects.

3. Go back to a free market system to bring down costs of necessary commodities and inputs.

4. Remove all unnecessary restrictive mandates.

5. Rescind and reverse all GOVERNMENT initiatives that have screwed up the financial system.

The idea is to make America as business friendly as possible and eliminate as much government meddling and self-serving programs as can be practically done and THAT will fix almost all the economic problems we have.

We have tried that one before

Lower taxes, ease government regulation, allow business to do anything they want to

It was called the Bush administration....The economy collapsed and we lost 10 million jobs

Doesn't it embarrass you in the least to post drivel like that? Even with 9/11 and Katrina, unemployment during the Bush administration averaged 5.2%. It didn't start rising until the sub prime mortgage crisis started developing in the last half of 2008. President Bush and others had been actively sounding the alarm about that for two years and the Democratically controlled Congress, most specificially Chris Dodd and Barney Frank, kept blowing that off and asserting that Fannie and Freddie were just fine.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BC88oox9TBo]Barney Frank Freddie Fannie Flip - YouTube[/ame]

I was one of President Bush's harshest critics in some of his more hairbrained policies such as the prescription drug bill, an energy policy only a flaming liberal environmental wacko could love, an unconscionable immigration policy, an incompetent prosecution of the war in Iraq, and his support of TARP. But his tax and other economic policies, in spite of all that plus 9/11 plus Katrina, was bringing down the deficit so that had the sub prime mortgage bubble not burst, we would again have had full employment and a balanced budget within a year or two.

Obama's policies, however, have only exacerbated existing problems and made them far, far worse. And he doesn't seem to have any ability to learn from his mistakes or swerve off a disastrous course.

If Cain should by some miracle be the nominee, I believe he has the ability to learn from mistakes and change course as necessary to accomplish stated goals. And his stated goals are worthy.
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The economy is starved for money. Our private sector is sitting on $2 trillion but god forbid they spend any of it. Government is the only entity that is willing to put money into it.

Cutting back on government spending will only make things worse by further strangling the economy

But that is what Republicans want

Yes, the economy is starved for money and you want the government to fix that. However, every dime the government puts into the economy has to come out of the economy somewhere else. You can bail from the deep end of the pool and pour the water into the shallow end until the cows come home and nothing will change. You can bail from one pool and pour it into another pool from now until eternity and still have no more water than you had before. In fact you will so increase evaporation by trying to do this that you will have less water than you started with.

The ONLY way to make things better is to give those with the money the incentive to use it to grow the economy. And that means sticking all the class envy and liberal garbage on a high shelf somewhere and forgetting about it, and going back to the tried and true concepts that have proved effective in the past:

1. Stablilize a practical and class neutral tax code so commerce and industry can know what to expect in the way of profits and reduce all unnecessary spending to allow taxes to be as small as possible.

2. Eliminate all but necessary regulation so that commerce and industry can be freed up to move ahead with new projects.

3. Go back to a free market system to bring down costs of necessary commodities and inputs.

4. Remove all unnecessary restrictive mandates.

5. Rescind and reverse all GOVERNMENT initiatives that have screwed up the financial system.

The idea is to make America as business friendly as possible and eliminate as much government meddling and self-serving programs as can be practically done and THAT will fix almost all the economic problems we have.

We have tried that one before

Lower taxes, ease government regulation, allow business to do anything they want to

It was called the Bush administration....The economy collapsed and we lost 10 million jobs
There was another time when taxes were way high, government regulation wasn't so bad, and corporations pretty much did what they want.....it was called the 1950's. The reason we propsered anyway...was because we still made things, and we didn't have any significant global competition.

Obama, taxes, the debt, and the deficit are not stifling job growth...they might not be helping......but Chinese, Indians, and Brazilians are affecting job growth...........
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Yes, the economy is starved for money and you want the government to fix that. However, every dime the government puts into the economy has to come out of the economy somewhere else. You can bail from the deep end of the pool and pour the water into the shallow end until the cows come home and nothing will change. You can bail from one pool and pour it into another pool from now until eternity and still have no more water than you had before. In fact you will so increase evaporation by trying to do this that you will have less water than you started with.

The ONLY way to make things better is to give those with the money the incentive to use it to grow the economy. And that means sticking all the class envy and liberal garbage on a high shelf somewhere and forgetting about it, and going back to the tried and true concepts that have proved effective in the past:

1. Stablilize a practical and class neutral tax code so commerce and industry can know what to expect in the way of profits and reduce all unnecessary spending to allow taxes to be as small as possible.

2. Eliminate all but necessary regulation so that commerce and industry can be freed up to move ahead with new projects.

3. Go back to a free market system to bring down costs of necessary commodities and inputs.

4. Remove all unnecessary restrictive mandates.

5. Rescind and reverse all GOVERNMENT initiatives that have screwed up the financial system.

The idea is to make America as business friendly as possible and eliminate as much government meddling and self-serving programs as can be practically done and THAT will fix almost all the economic problems we have.

We have tried that one before

Lower taxes, ease government regulation, allow business to do anything they want to

It was called the Bush administration....The economy collapsed and we lost 10 million jobs
There was another time when taxes were way high, government regulation wasn't so bad, and corporations pretty much did what they want.....it was called the 1950's. The reason we propsered anyway...was because we still made things, and we didn't have any significant global competition.

Obama, taxes, the debt, and the deficit are not stifling job growth...they might not be helping......but Chinese, Indians, and Brazilians are affecting job growth...........

It is more of a global market now than it used to be, but in the 1950's, the cheap things made in Japan or China were labeled 'crap' by most Americans while 'made in America' denoted quality and excellence. Japan has learned and implemented quality into its product lines however and now is associated with excellence in just about everything they do while the Chinese are in hot pursuit to achieve the same. Americans, on the other hand, rather than strive for product excellence and user friendliness have focused on putting more and more regulation, taxation, and mandates on American business making it more and more profitable to do business elsewhere.

Maybe Obama, taxes, the debt, regulation, and mandates aren't the whole story, but they are a HUGE reason we continue to lose market share and continue to lose jobs and continue to increase the debt, regulation, and mandates and they are doing their damndest to increase taxes on the very people we need to turn all that around.

Again I would trust a Herman Cain or several other of the GOP hopefuls to understand that and do their damndest not to exacerbate the problems. Right now I don't trust Obama to undertand anything because if I believe he does understand, then I have to believe that the destructive policies he has promoted and continues to push are intended to further weaken the American economy. I don't want to believe that of my President so I prefer to lean toward clueless and incompetent as the reason we are in the mess we are in.
We have tried that one before

Lower taxes, ease government regulation, allow business to do anything they want to

It was called the Bush administration....The economy collapsed and we lost 10 million jobs
There was another time when taxes were way high, government regulation wasn't so bad, and corporations pretty much did what they want.....it was called the 1950's. The reason we propsered anyway...was because we still made things, and we didn't have any significant global competition.

Obama, taxes, the debt, and the deficit are not stifling job growth...they might not be helping......but Chinese, Indians, and Brazilians are affecting job growth...........

It is more of a global market now than it used to be, but in the 1950's, the cheap things made in Japan or China were labeled 'crap' by most Americans while 'made in America' denoted quality and excellence. Japan has learned and implemented quality into its product lines however and now is associated with excellence in just about everything they do while the Chinese are in hot pursuit to achieve the same. Americans, on the other hand, rather than strive for product excellence and user friendliness have focused on putting more and more regulation, taxation, and mandates on American business making it more and more profitable to do business elsewhere.

Maybe Obama, taxes, the debt, regulation, and mandates aren't the whole story, but they are a HUGE reason we continue to lose market share and continue to lose jobs and continue to increase the debt, regulation, and mandates and they are doing their damndest to increase taxes on the very people we need to turn all that around.

Again I would trust a Herman Cain or several other of the GOP hopefuls to understand that and do their damndest not to exacerbate the problems. Right now I don't trust Obama to undertand anything because if I believe he does understand, then I have to believe that the destructive policies he has promoted and continues to push are intended to further weaken the American economy. I don't want to believe that of my President so I prefer to lean toward clueless and incompetent as the reason we are in the mess we are in.
I'm pretty sure that Obama, and all the king's men, can't put humpty dumpty back together again....because nobody knows how to put it back together again. The case conservative media is making regarding the toxicity of Obama's policies on the economy is very short on specfics. There is plenty of accusation...but no real quantifyable examples. It's really easy to blame Obama, and the GOP SHOULD be doing that, it's the standard election strategy for the party out of power in bad economies.

I think the notion that if the GOP were in charge, we would be better off economically....is really easy to say, and I haven't seen any compelling evidence to prove that.

The economy will suck untill 2016, and even after that if another bubble doesn't appear, and politicians don't create bubbles, American innovation does, or in the case of the housing bubble, American crooks did.
Actually Iraq is a success IN SPITE of idiot MSM that daily encouraged thug/barbarians as these idiots did:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in th dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
You can NOT tell me that if this same encouragment and abetting occurred during WWII the Allies would have NOT had a prolonged war!
When the enemy reads our political leaders encouraging the terrorist/enemies with words like above.. honestly you don't think for a minute the enemy gives up?
Then Bush had this idiotic biased MSM daily warning about economic surprises yet NOT one of the MSM took the Dems to task over subprime loans and the GOVT. having to guarantee the loans.
GEEZ... consider this quote:
Oct. 23,2008 (Bloomberg) --
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have an ``effective'' federal guarantee, not the
"full faith and credit'' of the U.S. government, Federal Housing Finance Agency Director James Lockhart said after the hearing. That does give them effectively a guarantee of the U.S. government.''
Lockhart's Fannie, Freddie Guarantee Remarks Stir Up Confusion - Bloomberg

FULL FAITH and credit GUARANTEEING the mortgages... HENCE TARP!
And all because Dems wanted voters i.e. remember motor voter???

And Bush's Part D?? You evidently have no clue as to what that has done!
And sorry to say you evidently HAVE NO expertise as I have with Medicare Modernization Act of 2003 WHICH had two more components that have CUT Medicare cots DRAMATICALLY!
So in spite of your uninformed opinion of Bush he will go down in history as one of the GREAT president's in spite of Dot.com Bust that cost $5 trillion in carry forward losses,
9/11 that costs $2 trillion in carry forward losses and the worst hurricane SEASONS in history that costs almost another $1 trillion in carry forward losses..
IN spite of that here is the FACTS budget wise under Bush:
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Dot.com 9/11 dot.com/911 worst hurricane seasons in history
Actual expenditures 3220.8 3422.9 3624.6 3827.0 4109.9 4319.8 4636.9 5020.2
So the actual deficit (101.9) (165.2) 42.5 382.7 446.6 176.1 (679.6)
Cumulative (loss)/surplus (101.9 (267.1) (224.6) 158.1 604.7 780.8 101.2
There would have been 101.2 surplus
All because there was almost $10 trillion in what are called NET OPERATING LOSSES
that the IRS allows applied against taxable income.
These losses again..dot.com/9/11/worst hurricane SEASONS in history all caused less taxable income!
There was another time when taxes were way high, government regulation wasn't so bad, and corporations pretty much did what they want.....it was called the 1950's. The reason we propsered anyway...was because we still made things, and we didn't have any significant global competition.

Obama, taxes, the debt, and the deficit are not stifling job growth...they might not be helping......but Chinese, Indians, and Brazilians are affecting job growth...........

It is more of a global market now than it used to be, but in the 1950's, the cheap things made in Japan or China were labeled 'crap' by most Americans while 'made in America' denoted quality and excellence. Japan has learned and implemented quality into its product lines however and now is associated with excellence in just about everything they do while the Chinese are in hot pursuit to achieve the same. Americans, on the other hand, rather than strive for product excellence and user friendliness have focused on putting more and more regulation, taxation, and mandates on American business making it more and more profitable to do business elsewhere.

Maybe Obama, taxes, the debt, regulation, and mandates aren't the whole story, but they are a HUGE reason we continue to lose market share and continue to lose jobs and continue to increase the debt, regulation, and mandates and they are doing their damndest to increase taxes on the very people we need to turn all that around.

Again I would trust a Herman Cain or several other of the GOP hopefuls to understand that and do their damndest not to exacerbate the problems. Right now I don't trust Obama to undertand anything because if I believe he does understand, then I have to believe that the destructive policies he has promoted and continues to push are intended to further weaken the American economy. I don't want to believe that of my President so I prefer to lean toward clueless and incompetent as the reason we are in the mess we are in.
I'm pretty sure that Obama, and all the king's men, can't put humpty dumpty back together again....because nobody knows how to put it back together again. The case conservative media is making regarding the toxicity of Obama's policies on the economy is very short on specfics. There is plenty of accusation...but no real quantifyable examples. It's really easy to blame Obama, and the GOP SHOULD be doing that, it's the standard election strategy for the party out of power in bad economies.

I think the notion that if the GOP were in charge, we would be better off economically....is really easy to say, and I haven't seen any compelling evidence to prove that.

The economy will suck untill 2016, and even after that if another bubble doesn't appear, and politicians don't create bubbles, American innovation does, or in the case of the housing bubble, American crooks did.

You're right. Nobody knows how to put it together or what made it work in the first place. That's the whole laizzez faire theory from Adam Smith and other great visionaries coming forward. Government can't do it. Government can, however, get out of the way and let free men, with their rights secured, operating in a free market system can prosper beyond the wildest dreams of all irrespective of class, circumstances of birth, or starting points. It was magnificently illustrated for the first 150 years that this country existed as a republic.

I believe Herman Cain and others like him understand that. That is the whole theory behind 9-9-9 coupled with dismantling job crushing unnecessary regulation and mandates. It takes the politics out of it and turns the people loose. And just going about their business to suppport their famillies and prosper, THEY will fix it.
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It is more of a global market now than it used to be, but in the 1950's, the cheap things made in Japan or China were labeled 'crap' by most Americans while 'made in America' denoted quality and excellence. Japan has learned and implemented quality into its product lines however and now is associated with excellence in just about everything they do while the Chinese are in hot pursuit to achieve the same. Americans, on the other hand, rather than strive for product excellence and user friendliness have focused on putting more and more regulation, taxation, and mandates on American business making it more and more profitable to do business elsewhere.

Maybe Obama, taxes, the debt, regulation, and mandates aren't the whole story, but they are a HUGE reason we continue to lose market share and continue to lose jobs and continue to increase the debt, regulation, and mandates and they are doing their damndest to increase taxes on the very people we need to turn all that around.

Again I would trust a Herman Cain or several other of the GOP hopefuls to understand that and do their damndest not to exacerbate the problems. Right now I don't trust Obama to undertand anything because if I believe he does understand, then I have to believe that the destructive policies he has promoted and continues to push are intended to further weaken the American economy. I don't want to believe that of my President so I prefer to lean toward clueless and incompetent as the reason we are in the mess we are in.
I'm pretty sure that Obama, and all the king's men, can't put humpty dumpty back together again....because nobody knows how to put it back together again. The case conservative media is making regarding the toxicity of Obama's policies on the economy is very short on specfics. There is plenty of accusation...but no real quantifyable examples. It's really easy to blame Obama, and the GOP SHOULD be doing that, it's the standard election strategy for the party out of power in bad economies.

I think the notion that if the GOP were in charge, we would be better off economically....is really easy to say, and I haven't seen any compelling evidence to prove that.

The economy will suck untill 2016, and even after that if another bubble doesn't appear, and politicians don't create bubbles, American innovation does, or in the case of the housing bubble, American crooks did.

You're right. Nobody knows how to put it together or what made it work in the first place. That's the whole laizzez faire theory from Adam Smith and other great visionaries coming forward. Government can't do it. Government can, however, get out of the way and let free men, with their rights secured, operating in a free market system can prosper beyond the wildest dreams of all irrespective of class, circumstances of birth, or starting points. It was magnificently illustrated for the first 150 years that this country existed as a republic.

I believe Herman Cain and others like him understand that. That is the whole theory behind 9-9-9 coupled with dismantling job crushing unnecessary regulation and mandates. It takes the politics out of it and turns the people loose. And just going about their business to suppport their famillies and prosper, THEY will fix it.
I actualy like the 999 plan, but the GOP would never allow it to be implemented. If Cain somehow managed to get the GOP nomination, and then somehow managed to beat Obama....congress would never let the 99 plan become reality.

The problem is...that the only jobs being created for free men, with their rights secured, operating in a free market system....are Wal Mart jobs and McDonald's jobs.
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I'm pretty sure that Obama, and all the king's men, can't put humpty dumpty back together again....because nobody knows how to put it back together again. The case conservative media is making regarding the toxicity of Obama's policies on the economy is very short on specfics. There is plenty of accusation...but no real quantifyable examples. It's really easy to blame Obama, and the GOP SHOULD be doing that, it's the standard election strategy for the party out of power in bad economies.

I think the notion that if the GOP were in charge, we would be better off economically....is really easy to say, and I haven't seen any compelling evidence to prove that.

The economy will suck untill 2016, and even after that if another bubble doesn't appear, and politicians don't create bubbles, American innovation does, or in the case of the housing bubble, American crooks did.

You're right. Nobody knows how to put it together or what made it work in the first place. That's the whole laizzez faire theory from Adam Smith and other great visionaries coming forward. Government can't do it. Government can, however, get out of the way and let free men, with their rights secured, operating in a free market system can prosper beyond the wildest dreams of all irrespective of class, circumstances of birth, or starting points. It was magnificently illustrated for the first 150 years that this country existed as a republic.

I believe Herman Cain and others like him understand that. That is the whole theory behind 9-9-9 coupled with dismantling job crushing unnecessary regulation and mandates. It takes the politics out of it and turns the people loose. And just going about their business to suppport their famillies and prosper, THEY will fix it.
I actualy like the 999 plan, but the GOP would never allow it to be implemented. If Cain somehow managed to get the GOP nomination, and then somehow managed to beat Obama....congress would never let the 99 plan become reality.

The problem is...that the only jobs being created for free men, with their rights secured, operating in a free market system....are Wal Mart jobs and McDonald's jobs.

I don't believe the 999 plan is the fix, I think the ideas behind it are a great way to start fixing this mess though. I would like to see what could come of it, especially if a fiscally conservative congress were in charge........

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