We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
Oh what a surprise, grampa jumps on Cain as soon as the media starts to give him coverage :rolleyes:


Perry was popular and I took no position.
Romney is popular and I took no position.
Bachmann was on top for a bit and I took no position.

Several debates later I've decided I like Cain and Newt the most. Hardly a bandwagon decision.
Cain's "9-9-9" flat tax proposal will result in yet another massive shift of wealth to the richest members of society. That alone should be enough to alienate him from the vast majority of the electorate.

I'm probably pissing up a rope here, but would you care to explain how that would happen?

Cain's "9-9-9" flat tax proposal will result in yet another massive shift of wealth to the richest members of society. That alone should be enough to alienate him from the vast majority of the electorate.

I'm probably pissing up a rope here, but would you care to explain how that would happen?

Stuck in the old system. Not able to think outside the box?
Romney is currently leading in Iowa and will likely win there, NH is a given for Romney and is consequently irrelevant. If Romney wins in SC Cain is done, if he can’t win in a rabid rightist GOP primary such as SC he won’t be able to win anywhere else.
Romney is currently leading in Iowa and will likely win there, NH is a given for Romney and is consequently irrelevant. If Romney wins in SC Cain is done, if he can’t win in a rabid rightist GOP primary such as SC he won’t be able to win anywhere else.

I fail to see an appreciable difference between Romney and Obama. Cain looks better and better to me.
cain's "9-9-9" flat tax proposal will result in yet another massive shift of wealth to the richest members of society. That alone should be enough to alienate him from the vast majority of the electorate.

yes bribing in your legislation has such an appeal.

As democrats we will accept anything but liberty.
cain's "9-9-9" flat tax proposal will result in yet another massive shift of wealth to the richest members of society. That alone should be enough to alienate him from the vast majority of the electorate.

yes bribing in your legislation has such an appeal.

As democrats we will accept anything but liberty.
(That is IF we BENEFIT from it though votes and money laundering via DNC and UNIONS) :eusa_shhh:
Oh what a surprise, grampa jumps on Cain as soon as the media starts to give him coverage :rolleyes:


Perry was popular and I took no position.
Romney is popular and I took no position.
Bachmann was on top for a bit and I took no position.

Several debates later I've decided I like Cain and Newt the most. Hardly a bandwagon decision.

A Cain/Gingrich (or vice versa) ticket is the most intriguing to me and I honestly believe would be the most competent. But unfortunately, Gingrich's campaign organization is still in disarray and his fund raising off while the left will do everything in its power to demonize Cain and make him unelectable. They can't have a man like him wandering off THEIR reservation and all.

So it may take an act of Providence for either one to be the nominee.
Cain/Gingrich the most vicious couple in right wing rhetoric.


Mr. Cain hasn't said ANYTHING "vicious."

The same cannot be said of the goobers on the left who are in attack mode against him.

Dontcha know, expecting everyone to contribute taxes is no longer considered fair. It is now deemed vicious. As is personal responsibility.
yawn............yawn..........fucking yawn.

When are you professional victims gonna quit whining?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah da meanie weftwing mediya is gunna make fun of Cain and make good Amewicans decide not to vote fowa him.....Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
yawn............yawn..........fucking yawn.

When are you professional victims gonna quit whining?

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah da meanie weftwing mediya is gunna make fun of Cain and make good Amewicans decide not to vote fowa him.....Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

About the same time you all on the left display some maturity and actually contribute something constructive to the conversation.

Possibly never based on that alone... Lol
Currentr system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credits they would likely owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.
Currentr system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credits they would likely owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.

Ah the what if argument.................

Well sir what if...........................
Currentr system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credits they would likely owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.

Ah the what if argument.................

Well sir what if...........................

What if we elected Cain and instituted this horrendous 9-9-9 plan?
Currentr system

Family of 4 earning 50K using standard deductions would pay taxes on aproximately 24K, the tax on that is around 2.7K. They would also have a 7.65% payroll tax amounting to an additional aproximately 3.8K making thier entire tax bill around 6.5K after the child tax credits they would likely owe less than 4.5K This is with no other deductions and no other credits.

Under Cains 9-9-9 plan

pay 4.5K up front, and then they pay another 9% on what they spend, suppose they spend 20K on taxable items thats an additional 1.8K making thier total tax bill 6.3K a $1800 tax increase under 9-9-9 for a family of four earning 50K.

This plan sucks.

Ah the what if argument.................

Well sir what if...........................

What if we elected Cain and instituted this horrendous 9-9-9 plan?

Can you name one bill of this magnitude that was ever implemented without going through changes to make it better?

Can't, can you?

So just stop with the rhetoric.

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