We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
The truth has set you free.
Hey Grandpa....sorry for not taking the time to go through the whole thread and find out myself...but are there any lefties on this thread who like Cain enough to vote for him?

When it comes time to cast their votes, right wing conservatives will not vote for him either

You can count on that

False, I have decided that if he is still in the primaries when they come to Missouri I will punch his name.
Hey Grandpa....sorry for not taking the time to go through the whole thread and find out myself...but are there any lefties on this thread who like Cain enough to vote for him?

When it comes time to cast their votes, right wing conservatives will not vote for him either

You can count on that

False, I have decided that if he is still in the primaries when they come to Missouri I will punch his name.

Cain will not take Missouri or any other state. He lacks the political machine to sustain any type of nationwide campaign.
More significantly, I have yet to see Conservatives come out in large numbers to support a black candidate. They say they will but I will believe it when I see it
When it comes time to cast their votes, right wing conservatives will not vote for him either

You can count on that

False, I have decided that if he is still in the primaries when they come to Missouri I will punch his name.

Cain will not take Missouri or any other state. He lacks the political machine to sustain any type of nationwide campaign.
More significantly, I have yet to see Conservatives come out in large numbers to support a black candidate. They say they will but I will believe it when I see it

Why the hell do you lefties always look for a racial element even where none exists?
I don't keep track of who is voting for who. I do believe some have been openminded about him though.
This thread is a poll about whether or not people here would vote for Cain over Obama, that's kind of keeping track isn't it?...at least regarding people on this site.

The thing is.....it looks like Romney is the only one who is polling near as good as Obama. Cain is about 8 points down. Cain showed a little bump around the debate, but that looks like it's fading.

The problem with Romney is the flip flops on Roe VS Wade (abortion), and the Massachusettes healthcare reform thing.

If it will be Romney VS Obama...I'll be dissapointed in our choices.

If it's Cain VS Obama...I will still be very dissapointed in our choices.

I would love to vote for a Christy/Pawlenty ticket, and I'd vote Republican in a heart beat if Paul Ryan, Mitch Daniels, Tim Pawlenty, or Chris Christy were involved. Those are four very smart men, and they're not playing the cantankerous idiot role that people like Gingrich or Perry are playing. In Gingrich's case...it's an act. In Perry's case, it's genuine.

Just my opinion
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False, I have decided that if he is still in the primaries when they come to Missouri I will punch his name.

Cain will not take Missouri or any other state. He lacks the political machine to sustain any type of nationwide campaign.
More significantly, I have yet to see Conservatives come out in large numbers to support a black candidate. They say they will but I will believe it when I see it

Why the hell do you lefties always look for a racial element even where none exists?
I think rightwinger is being honest....and there is a racial element, even though most "conservatives" deny it.

The fact of the matter is....if you cannot prove that there IS a racial element in conservative voting patterns.....and you cannot prove there ISN'T a racial element in conservative voting patterns.

It's very simple....conservatives voted 92% for McCain in 2008. I question how many blacks there are in the GOP (which is where the vast majority of conservatives live) when blacks have traditionally voted over 90% for Democratic candidates even before Obama!

If Cain has to bash entitlements and Affirmative Action...he'll lose the black vote too. The only way for a black man to become president...at least for now...is the Democratic party.
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Simple, If Cain wins the nomination will you vote for him or Obama?


Obama just isn't black enough for me.

Oh. And there's that whole "sucks as a president" thing too...

Me too

And I still think Obama is a Muslim.....not a real Christian like Cain

Oh you are understating things my friend! Not only is he a Muslim but he is also a radical Christian under the tutelage of Jeremiah Wright! So he's one of those Muslim-Christians you hear so much about. They have those when you're born in Kenya!
Plus, he loves terrorists! Which is why he keeps killing them! Eskimo Barbie just went on the air, stating Obama is killing terrorists because he loves them so much, he wants to help them get their virgins sooner. What a guy. White people are like that, you know!
I think rightwinger is being honest....and there is a racial element, even though most "conservatives" deny it.

The fact of the matter is....if you cannot prove that there IS a racial element in conservative voting patterns.....and you cannot prove there ISN'T a racial element in conservative voting patterns.

It's very simple....conservatives voted 92% for McCain in 2008. I question how many blacks there are in the GOP (which is where the vast majority of conservatives live) when blacks have traditionally voted over 90% for Democratic candidates even before Obama!

If Cain has to bash entitlements and Affirmative Action...he'll lose the black vote too. The only way for a black man to become president...at least for now...is the Democratic party.
You're both being honestly full of shit.
Conservatives do not deny that there's a "racial element". It's alive and well in every democratic precinct in the country.

It's very simple.
The left is running out of boogey-men and you're grasping at straws.

The fact of the matter is Obama was elected by the majority of Americans.
That couldn't have happened without a good number of your evil rightwingers stepping across the aisle.
Remember all those wonderful speeches about how, finally, racism was all but dead in America?
Guess racism is only dead when a black DEMOCRAT is elected, hunh?!!

92% of republicans voted for McCain? really?

Cain's "9-9-9" flat tax proposal will result in yet another massive shift of wealth to the richest members of society. That alone should be enough to alienate him from the vast majority of the electorate.
Cain's "9-9-9" flat tax proposal will result in yet another massive shift of wealth to the richest members of society. That alone should be enough to alienate him from the vast majority of the electorate.

To imply its a shift in wealth is to think that the money wasn't theirs to begin with. To believe that is utterly ridiculous. If anything the rich support the poor through the transfer of wealth that is our current tax code. The rich have taken NOTHING from the poor. The poor lose out through their own ignorance or laziness.

20 years ago I was completely indigent. Today? Not even close and it came from the sweat of MY brow not waiting for hand me downs from the rich.
BTW, Grandpa, you might tell your monkey that when he plays "Stink Finger" he can't just shake it off.
you wrote"But his policies are terrible. "
A) Have you read anything directly from Cain and not some biased MSM source?
B) Are you racist?
C) You think only a half white man can have good policies?
D) Are you against preventing corporations from bringing $2 trillion back to the USA?
E) Are you one of those loophole exploiters like Obama and against closing loopholes?
F) Are you a racist?

Are you friggin' kidding with this???
Oh what a surprise, grampa jumps on Cain as soon as the media starts to give him coverage :rolleyes:

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