We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
Just a casual observation and strictly my own opinion, but most of us didn't fail to notice that the Left played the race card big time to get Obama elected. The same people are now using the race card to keep Cain from being elected. And they still insist that the GOP and the Tea Partiers are the racists.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

No. What’s funny is that some conservatives think Obama got votes solely because to vote otherwise would be construed as ‘racist,’ as if voters didn’t vote for Obama simply because they supported his positions on the issues.
Just a casual observation and strictly my own opinion, but most of us didn't fail to notice that the Left played the race card big time to get Obama elected. The same people are now using the race card to keep Cain from being elected. And they still insist that the GOP and the Tea Partiers are the racists.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

Why that would almost be like saying that the only reason Republicans are backing Cain is out of guilt for not backing Obama. Like saying..."we have our own black candidate"

That would be silly wouldn't it? Just like saying people only voted for Obama because he is black
Just a casual observation and strictly my own opinion, but most of us didn't fail to notice that the Left played the race card big time to get Obama elected. The same people are now using the race card to keep Cain from being elected. And they still insist that the GOP and the Tea Partiers are the racists.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

No. What’s funny is that some conservatives think Obama got votes solely because to vote otherwise would be construed as ‘racist,’ as if voters didn’t vote for Obama simply because they supported his positions on the issues.

What positions? Hope? Change?

Just a casual observation and strictly my own opinion, but most of us didn't fail to notice that the Left played the race card big time to get Obama elected. The same people are now using the race card to keep Cain from being elected. And they still insist that the GOP and the Tea Partiers are the racists.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

Why that would almost be like saying that the only reason Republicans are backing Cain is out of guilt for not backing Obama. Like saying..."we have our own black candidate"

That would be silly wouldn't it? Just like saying people only voted for Obama because he is black

I thought they were voting for Cain to prove they weren't racist like Morgan Freeman and Samuel Jackson claimed.

See, they have a black friend.
Seems like a lot of you are so obsessed with skin color that its hard to take you seriously as a rational person. Especially you Mike K. Your doing nothin but projecting an image of yourself. Many many fools on here.

Keep on believing that skin color is irrelevant in America and that awareness of it is the same as obsession. And keep ignoring the fact that it's Cain, himself, who doesn't fail to make some reference to race in every speech he makes or in every interview.

I 100% believe skin color MEANS NOTHING and IS irrelevant. If everyone else felt the same way the problem would be gone.
And if you had wings you'd be a bird.

The fact that YOU obviously have issues with color IS irrelevant to me and is your problem to deal with not mine.
If I had the kind of issue with color that you are alluding to I certainly would not have voted for Obama. If I were one of those patronizing Whites who hypocritically insist they just love all Black folks you would be purring like a kitten -- even though I wouldn't want to live anywhere near you. But I'm not one of those Whites. And I do have issues with certain types of Blacks, including paranoid negroes like you who simply can't deal with any White person who won't profess to love all Blacks.

I like Barack Obama. I like Van Jones. I'm even starting to like Al Sharpton. But I don't like Herman Cain because he is a Kingfish Jones stereotype -- a blustering, self-centered bullshit artist who's had a run of good luck and thinks that qualifies him to be President in spite of his total lack of experience in government.

And if you don't think skin color is a relevant issue does that mean you don't think there is an element of racist opposition to the Obama Presidency? Or are you totally delusional?

As far as Cains speechs go, the man is drilled on a daily basis about color because idiots like you want it to be an issue. If you bothered to listen to what he says when he does talk about color you would realize that he is saying the exact same thing I am.
That's because you probably are two of a kind.

Keep telling yourself that. And you might want to tell John Boehner and Mitch McConnell the same thing.

Keep on believing that skin color is irrelevant in America and that awareness of it is the same as obsession. And keep ignoring the fact that it's Cain, himself, who doesn't fail to make some reference to race in every speech he makes or in every interview.

I 100% believe skin color MEANS NOTHING and IS irrelevant. If everyone else felt the same way the problem would be gone.
And if you had wings you'd be a bird.

If I had the kind of issue with color that you are alluding to I certainly would not have voted for Obama. If I were one of those patronizing Whites who hypocritically insist they just love all Black folks you would be purring like a kitten -- even though I wouldn't want to live anywhere near you. But I'm not one of those Whites. And I do have issues with certain types of Blacks, including paranoid negroes like you who simply can't deal with any White person who won't profess to love all Blacks.

I like Barack Obama. I like Van Jones. I'm even starting to like Al Sharpton. But I don't like Herman Cain because he is a Kingfish Jones stereotype -- a blustering, self-centered bullshit artist who's had a run of good luck and thinks that qualifies him to be President in spite of his total lack of experience in government.

And if you don't think skin color is a relevant issue does that mean you don't think there is an element of racist opposition to the Obama Presidency? Or are you totally delusional?

As far as Cains speechs go, the man is drilled on a daily basis about color because idiots like you want it to be an issue. If you bothered to listen to what he says when he does talk about color you would realize that he is saying the exact same thing I am.
That's because you probably are two of a kind.

Keep telling yourself that. And you might want to tell John Boehner and Mitch McConnell the same thing.

Im not black lol

You are just full of fail

And I dont have to tell anyone anything. I am only responsible for myself and my vote. Unlike you I dont pose to force my opinion on someone else. Your truely lost buddy.
Just a casual observation and strictly my own opinion, but most of us didn't fail to notice that the Left played the race card big time to get Obama elected. The same people are now using the race card to keep Cain from being elected. And they still insist that the GOP and the Tea Partiers are the racists.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

Positively a riot.
All the cool black racists are playing that racist "Tom" card.

Salt Peter may not be original or honest, but at least he's dull and plodding.

It will kill Salt Peter to have to even CONSIDER the phrase "President Cain."

I have his Campaign Logo ready:

Cain is Able!

YOu think Cain is going to be president? Hahahahaha. He won't win a single primary. I've never called a black person a "Tom". I don't use that term. I called Cain a coon, a buck dancing minstrel show coon. Do y'all pat his head for good luck at the tea party rallies?

Oh, brother. I don't like Cain either. Well, he seems like a nice guy but I hate his politics. If he won I would probably croak!!! But I still will not call him those names. Why do you have to do that?? Here we go again. It's so annoying.

Thanks for stating what you just did rinata!
Herman Cain "stereotyping" BLACKS!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=goRZn-GPmc0&feature=related]Herman Cain Mocking African Americans on Republican Radio Ad | EXPOSED - YouTube[/ame]
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I will never vote for Obama. I have a real problem with Cain though, I do not believe having both a federal sales and incoimetax at the same time is a good idea, in fact, I think it's a terrible idea. And the insanity of the fairtax I cannot support ever. So if he wins I'm not sure if I'll vote for him or not, I may just vote down ballot.
The Republicans have a choice between a millionaire who made his money thru leveraged buyouts(Romney) or a millionaire who worked for the Federal Reserve(Cain).

Am I being a racist for saying that? :confused:

If your this lady she would she thinks he is white on the inside. calls him an oreo

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IgfkP69AC0]Congressional Black Caucus Attendees Herman Cain & Allen West Are "Oreos"... - YouTube[/ame]
The Republicans have a choice between a millionaire who made his money thru leveraged buyouts(Romney) or a millionaire who worked for the Federal Reserve(Cain).

But you morons elected with someone with NO experience and never worked a private job in his life!
Cain is an extraordinarily gifted person that provides a great example of how anyone can succeed in this nation. His story is truly inspirational. He's worked hard, achieved a great deal of success and is a tribute to American capitalism.

Unfortunately, his business success doesn't seem to translate well to the public sector. He's got a really simplistic idea about how to reform the tax code in this country. He's also shown himself to be bigotted. That's not a good quality in elected officials, especially the President of the United States. And he doesn't seem to have a good grasp of international issues.

There is no way I would vote for a person like that.
The Republicans have a choice between a millionaire who made his money thru leveraged buyouts(Romney) or a millionaire who worked for the Federal Reserve(Cain).

But you morons elected with someone with NO experience and never worked a private job in his life!

What the heck are you talking about?

The University of Chicago isn't a private institution?

Authors aren't enterpreneurs?

Lawyers aren't professionals?

Cain has a callous attitude toward unemployed citizens at one of the worst economic recessions in history. He is insulting to African Americans, and intolerant of Muslims.

He has no experience in government. Government is far different from the private sector. The “successful businessman” is an idol worshiped by many Republicans. Master manufacturers are concerned with, and most adept at advancing their own interests, especially when they conflict with yours, and they often do. While the successful businessman may understand certain things better than the average person, their expertise lies in self interest and not so much in their knowledge of the public interest.
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The Republicans have a choice between a millionaire who made his money thru leveraged buyouts(Romney) or a millionaire who worked for the Federal Reserve(Cain).

But you morons elected with someone with NO experience and never worked a private job in his life!

What the heck are you talking about?

The University of Chicago isn't a private institution?

Authors aren't enterpreneurs?

Lawyers aren't professionals?


He taught at most 3 classes a year at the University of Chicago apparently lecturing on the Constitution. Given what he has said about the Constitution, I shudder to think what he must have been teaching his poor students.

Authors, especially those that most experts think were mostly ghost written, may or may not be entreprenours. Books written for political expediency don't really count as entrepremourship I don't think.

He claims to have been a Civil Rights attorney for awhile, but there seems to be zero information available as to what he actually did or why he left the law firm just as there is no information available as to any of his college transcripts or even who his classmates were much of anywhere other than Harvard. We know almost nothing of his performance, accomplishment, or activities during all those years.

And if he was so 'experienced' when he came to the White House, what accounts for his inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and inability to inspire or lead?

I am guessing that a Herman Cain or several of the other GOP candidates would not be inefficient, ineffective, or unable to lead. Of course they will be hated by those who defend Obama's performance, but they will do a much better job.
The Republicans have a choice between a millionaire who made his money thru leveraged buyouts(Romney) or a millionaire who worked for the Federal Reserve(Cain).

And after that the country has a choice between a millionaire that worked in the private sector with lots of business experience (cain or romney) and a millionare that worked as a community organizer and hasn't delivered on his economic promises as president (Obama)
Simple, If Cain wins the nomination will you vote for him or Obama?
I will vote for Obama for the same reason I voted for him last time -- because I believed McCain would be a disaster. This time I believe Cain would be a worse disaster, mainly because he has absolutely nothing going for him but hubris and the instinctual ability to get over on impressionable, unsophisticated right-wing fanatics like you. He has no political experience and he wants to supervise the most complicated and sophisticated government in world history.

Herman Cain is a stereotype of the Kingfish, a character on the old Amos 'n' Andy show who was always trying to put something over on his friends and neighbors. But those friends and neighbors were never fooled by the Kingfish -- anymore than contemporary Black citizens are fooled by Herman Cain. They see right through him.

Too bad you can't.

PS: I'd like to make it clear that I don't think Obama is a good President, mainly because he does not honor his promises. Sadly, he is the lesser of two evils.
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