We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
"[the Media] are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

Obama is not a strong black man"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

"A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions"
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011

"it is documented that [Obama's] mother was white and his father was from Africa."
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011”

Add to that his statement that black people are stupid...Ok ok. "not all" as he said, just those who vote Democrat, which would be about 90%

And that's not counting the time he said Jon Stewart was racist...because he disagreed with Cain. Just like the "mainstream media" is racist...because they disagreed with Cain. In case you haven't gotten it yet, if you disagree with Cain, if you don't support him, then you're a racist. Also you should vote for Cain because he's a "real black man"

This isn't stuff he wrote in college 30 or 40 years ago, nor are they open mikes that he thought were off situations. This is stuff he's said knowing that the cameras were running and the mike was on and to make it even worse his supporters approve of that kind of talk

I have spent some time trying to track down all these comments without success. Could you please furnish the links so I can put these remarks in context and determine if they are as 'offensive' as the anti-Cain people seem to want to make them?

I am out of patience at people repeating stuff about Mr. Cain that simply aren't true no matter how much they believe it.

It sucks when people do that, doesn't it?
"[the Media] are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

Obama is not a strong black man"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

"A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions"
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011

"it is documented that [Obama's] mother was white and his father was from Africa."
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011”

Add to that his statement that black people are stupid...Ok ok. "not all" as he said, just those who vote Democrat, which would be about 90%

And that's not counting the time he said Jon Stewart was racist...because he disagreed with Cain. Just like the "mainstream media" is racist...because they disagreed with Cain. In case you haven't gotten it yet, if you disagree with Cain, if you don't support him, then you're a racist. Also you should vote for Cain because he's a "real black man"

This isn't stuff he wrote in college 30 or 40 years ago, nor are they open mikes that he thought were off situations. This is stuff he's said knowing that the cameras were running and the mike was on and to make it even worse his supporters approve of that kind of talk

I have spent some time trying to track down all these comments without success. Could you please furnish the links so I can put these remarks in context and determine if they are as 'offensive' as the anti-Cain people seem to want to make them?

I am out of patience at people repeating stuff about Mr. Cain that simply aren't true no matter how much they believe it.

Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.
"[the Media] are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

Obama is not a strong black man"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

"A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions"
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011

"it is documented that [Obama's] mother was white and his father was from Africa."
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011”

Add to that his statement that black people are stupid...Ok ok. "not all" as he said, just those who vote Democrat, which would be about 90%

And that's not counting the time he said Jon Stewart was racist...because he disagreed with Cain. Just like the "mainstream media" is racist...because they disagreed with Cain. In case you haven't gotten it yet, if you disagree with Cain, if you don't support him, then you're a racist. Also you should vote for Cain because he's a "real black man"

This isn't stuff he wrote in college 30 or 40 years ago, nor are they open mikes that he thought were off situations. This is stuff he's said knowing that the cameras were running and the mike was on and to make it even worse his supporters approve of that kind of talk

I have spent some time trying to track down all these comments without success. Could you please furnish the links so I can put these remarks in context and determine if they are as 'offensive' as the anti-Cain people seem to want to make them?

I am out of patience at people repeating stuff about Mr. Cain that simply aren't true no matter how much they believe it.

Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.

All the cool black racists are playing that racist "Tom" card.

Salt Peter may not be original or honest, but at least he's dull and plodding.

It will kill Salt Peter to have to even CONSIDER the phrase "President Cain."

I have his Campaign Logo ready:

Cain is Able!
I have spent some time trying to track down all these comments without success. Could you please furnish the links so I can put these remarks in context and determine if they are as 'offensive' as the anti-Cain people seem to want to make them?

I am out of patience at people repeating stuff about Mr. Cain that simply aren't true no matter how much they believe it.

Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.

All the cool black racists are playing that racist "Tom" card.

Salt Peter may not be original or honest, but at least he's dull and plodding.

It will kill Salt Peter to have to even CONSIDER the phrase "President Cain."

I have his Campaign Logo ready:

Cain is Able!

YOu think Cain is going to be president? Hahahahaha. He won't win a single primary. I've never called a black person a "Tom". I don't use that term. I called Cain a coon, a buck dancing minstrel show coon. Do y'all pat his head for good luck at the tea party rallies?
"[the Media] are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

Obama is not a strong black man"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

"A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions"
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011

"it is documented that [Obama's] mother was white and his father was from Africa."
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011”

Add to that his statement that black people are stupid...Ok ok. "not all" as he said, just those who vote Democrat, which would be about 90%

And that's not counting the time he said Jon Stewart was racist...because he disagreed with Cain. Just like the "mainstream media" is racist...because they disagreed with Cain. In case you haven't gotten it yet, if you disagree with Cain, if you don't support him, then you're a racist. Also you should vote for Cain because he's a "real black man"

This isn't stuff he wrote in college 30 or 40 years ago, nor are they open mikes that he thought were off situations. This is stuff he's said knowing that the cameras were running and the mike was on and to make it even worse his supporters approve of that kind of talk

I have spent some time trying to track down all these comments without success. Could you please furnish the links so I can put these remarks in context and determine if they are as 'offensive' as the anti-Cain people seem to want to make them?

I am out of patience at people repeating stuff about Mr. Cain that simply aren't true no matter how much they believe it.

Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.

Jealous? Or just stupid? My bets on stupid..... But we all knew this would be coming.
I hope Nader runs again. Otherwise I'll have to vote for Obama again -- or not vote at all.

As far as Kingfish Cain is concerned, he is a novelty. Blacks won't vote for him because he's an Uncle Tom. The vast majority of Whites who say they would vote for him might even believe it themselves. But they say that as supportive endorsement of the right-wing positions he espouses and nothing more. When it comes time to push the button what will manifest is the same type of indoctrinated hypocrisy manifest in the White person who believes he/she is not racist until his/her daughter brings home a Black boyfriend.

At the moment of truth they will push the Romney button. Or the Obama button -- because Obama is much, much Whiter than Cain.

If you're not happy with the field, write in "AVG-JOE".

Fair taxes and a budget balanced by law.

Seems like a lot of you are so obsessed with skin color that its hard to take you seriously as a rational person. Especially you Mike K. Your doing nothin but projecting an image of yourself. Many many fools on here.
Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.

All the cool black racists are playing that racist "Tom" card.

Salt Peter may not be original or honest, but at least he's dull and plodding.

It will kill Salt Peter to have to even CONSIDER the phrase "President Cain."

I have his Campaign Logo ready:

Cain is Able!

YOu think Cain is going to be president? Hahahahaha. He won't win a single primary. I've never called a black person a "Tom". I don't use that term. I called Cain a coon, a buck dancing minstrel show coon. Do y'all pat his head for good luck at the tea party rallies?

Actually we listen respectfully to the mans ideas and support him because he speaks what our minds are thinking.

Here is him at a tea party

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12RZ3FUlBCI]Herman Cain-Tea Party Patriots-April 15, 2010 - YouTube[/ame]

Then last night he did himself a solid, here in this video

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJFyTwUyuHU]Herman Cain "People Like Cornel West Don't Want Black People To Think For Themselves!" - YouTube[/ame]
Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.

All the cool black racists are playing that racist "Tom" card.

Salt Peter may not be original or honest, but at least he's dull and plodding.

It will kill Salt Peter to have to even CONSIDER the phrase "President Cain."

I have his Campaign Logo ready:

Cain is Able!

YOu think Cain is going to be president? Hahahahaha. He won't win a single primary. I've never called a black person a "Tom". I don't use that term. I called Cain a coon, a buck dancing minstrel show coon. Do y'all pat his head for good luck at the tea party rallies?

Salt Peter, you hypocritical dumb ass. I didn't say that I think Mr. Cain WILL win. I said that YOU would die if you had to even consider the possibility of having to say "President Cain."

It was also considered ridiculous to believe that a hapless, helpless, hopeless inexperienced lightweight hump like Barack Obama might get nominated for, much less elected, President. And yet, there he is: fucking everything up royally.

You are right, you racist douche bag. You didn't SAY "Tom." YOU came right out and called him a coon and suggested he was a modern day Stepin Fetchitt. You ignorant racist piece of shit.

It KILLS racist shit heads like you that another black man might not buy your whining demeaning hand-out entitlement mentality.

Too bad. You're the one who comes across as a completely pathetic fool, tool.

Herman Cain COULD be our next President. The thought KILLS you, you pin dick loser.

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Seems like a lot of you are so obsessed with skin color that its hard to take you seriously as a rational person. Especially you Mike K. Your doing nothin but projecting an image of yourself. Many many fools on here.

Keep on believing that skin color is irrelevant in America and that awareness of it is the same as obsession. And keep ignoring the fact that it's Cain, himself, who doesn't fail to make some reference to race in every speech he makes or in every interview.
Seems like a lot of you are so obsessed with skin color that its hard to take you seriously as a rational person. Especially you Mike K. Your doing nothin but projecting an image of yourself. Many many fools on here.

Keep on believing that skin color is irrelevant in America and that awareness of it is the same as obsession. And keep ignoring the fact that it's Cain, himself, who doesn't fail to make some reference to race in every speech he makes or in every interview.

I 100% believe skin color MEANS NOTHING and IS irrelevant. If everyone else felt the same way the problem would be gone. The fact that YOU obviously have issues with color IS irrelevant to me and is your problem to deal with not mine. As far as Cains speechs go, the man is drilled on a daily basis about color because idiots like you want it to be an issue. If you bothered to listen to what he says when he does talk about color you would realize that he is saying the exact same thing I am.

Seems like a lot of you are so obsessed with skin color that its hard to take you seriously as a rational person. Especially you Mike K. Your doing nothin but projecting an image of yourself. Many many fools on here.

Keep on believing that skin color is irrelevant in America and that awareness of it is the same as obsession. And keep ignoring the fact that it's Cain, himself, who doesn't fail to make some reference to race in every speech he makes or in every interview.

I 100% believe skin color MEANS NOTHING and IS irrelevant. If everyone else felt the same way the problem would be gone. The fact that YOU obviously have issues with color IS irrelevant to me and is your problem to deal with not mine. As far as Cains speechs go, the man is drilled on a daily basis about color because idiots like you want it to be an issue. If you bothered to listen to what he says when he does talk about color you would realize that he is saying the exact same thing I am.


If I had an issue with color I would not have voted for Obama, would I?

Keep on believing that skin color is irrelevant in America and that awareness of it is the same as obsession. And keep ignoring the fact that it's Cain, himself, who doesn't fail to make some reference to race in every speech he makes or in every interview.

I 100% believe skin color MEANS NOTHING and IS irrelevant. If everyone else felt the same way the problem would be gone. The fact that YOU obviously have issues with color IS irrelevant to me and is your problem to deal with not mine. As far as Cains speechs go, the man is drilled on a daily basis about color because idiots like you want it to be an issue. If you bothered to listen to what he says when he does talk about color you would realize that he is saying the exact same thing I am.


If I had an issue with color I would not have voted for Obama, would I?

According to you voting for or considering voting for a black man is cause for concern. Why don't you just worry about who YOU are going to vote for and stop TRYING to apply motives to someone else's vote. All you are doing is stirring to pot of discontent with your "i think others are racists" remarks. It serves NO other purpose.
Cain is a coon who played the safe negro role all the way to the bank, a modern day Steppin' Fecthit.

All the cool black racists are playing that racist "Tom" card.

Salt Peter may not be original or honest, but at least he's dull and plodding.

It will kill Salt Peter to have to even CONSIDER the phrase "President Cain."

I have his Campaign Logo ready:

Cain is Able!

YOu think Cain is going to be president? Hahahahaha. He won't win a single primary. I've never called a black person a "Tom". I don't use that term. I called Cain a coon, a buck dancing minstrel show coon. Do y'all pat his head for good luck at the tea party rallies?

Oh, brother. I don't like Cain either. Well, he seems like a nice guy but I hate his politics. If he won I would probably croak!!! But I still will not call him those names. Why do you have to do that?? Here we go again. It's so annoying.
Just a casual observation and strictly my own opinion, but most of us didn't fail to notice that the Left played the race card big time to get Obama elected. The same people are now using the race card to keep Cain from being elected. And they still insist that the GOP and the Tea Partiers are the racists.

That's pretty funny don't you think?

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