We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
So you have no proof that your wild economic schemes will throw the country into economic collapse or more likely, widen the economic gap between the rich and working americans

The nation was not fine up until 1913. Actually, we became an economic and military powerhouse after the progressie tax was enacted

Is that the point that changed why we came together, no longer for common defense but to make the world do our bidding?

Yes. Once we established a stable tax base, the country became an economic and military powerhouse. It is also the time we started taking care of our own people

I dont want the world to do our bidding. you dont vote yourself King. That half trillion we spent this year for debt servicing could go a long way. A very good reason to get our house in order. Continued wasteful spending will not get us there.
I wonder if federal gas tax, which is 18.4% would be reduced to 9% under Cain's 999? Now THAT would be a boon to working America!
So you have no proof that your wild economic schemes will throw the country into economic collapse or more likely, widen the economic gap between the rich and working americans

The nation was not fine up until 1913. Actually, we became an economic and military powerhouse after the progressie tax was enacted

Is that the point that changed why we came together, no longer for common defense but to make the world do our bidding?

Yes. Once we established a stable tax base, the country became an economic and military powerhouse. It is also the time we started taking care of our own people

That's why a fair and simple blend of income and consumption taxes will give us the opportunity to rock into the future.

Progressive income taxes alone and the complicated corruption that inevitably follows because PIT's are unfair to the class most able to buy political influence led us straight to the erosion of the middle class and the ever-widening gap between rich and poor that we enjoy today.

I say enough is enough.

Fair and simple taxes based on a blend of a low rate FLAT income tax and a low rate FLAT consumption tax, a budget that is balanced by law and then work on the infrastructure required for a truly free and equal people to build an economy that their kids can drive to the stars.

You say the market abhors uncertainty? Make taxes at least fair, simple and predictable. The market has enough needs for attorneys without adding taxes to the mix.
the only fair tax system is a progressive tax system.

No. It's not. It is "cheaper" for the people who can least afford to pay taxes. In THAT limited sense it has a component of fairness to it.

But that doesn't make it fair, much less the "only" fair system.

A flat tax meets an important definition of fairness. The rich pay more because 10% or 23% of their income is, obviously, much larger than 10% or 23% of the income of the less affluent, lower income earners.

See? Fair!

The only thing more fair than a flat income tax of 18% is a blend of 9% flat income tax and 9% flat consumption tax.
the only fair tax system is a progressive tax system.

No. It's not. It is "cheaper" for the people who can least afford to pay taxes. In THAT limited sense it has a component of fairness to it.

But that doesn't make it fair, much less the "only" fair system.

A flat tax meets an important definition of fairness. The rich pay more because 10% or 23% of their income is, obviously, much larger than 10% or 23% of the income of the less affluent, lower income earners.

See? Fair!

The only thing more fair than a flat income tax of 18% is a blend of 9% flat income tax and 9% flat consumption tax.

For those who insist that a "progressive" tax system is the "only" fair way to tax people with very different levels of income, I suppose they would disagree with you. For the consumption tax is anything BUT "progressive."

I sense that our collective problem in moving toward something rational (and away from our dysfunctional and irrational present system) is that NO one "solution" is ever going to be perfectly fair. And if we are too afraid to make a move out of concern that the solution is "unfair," then we are consigning ourselves and our children to more of the present system.

And that's idiotic. It's a tragedy.
Is there a nation in this world with a tax system that the nutters here would adopt in place of our own?

The Chilean model is pretty good, but as a Classical Conservative committed to restoring the American exceptionalism that the Founders envisioned and gave us the opportunity to have, I want a tax system that is best for America and Americans. I want us to do our thing and not copy somebody else.

We broke away from the antiquated and oppressive systems of Europe and engaged in a brave and wonderful new thing here. I shudder when I see so many now wanting to copy Europe as somehow more nobel or better than we are.

Most of the highest and most oppressive taxes in the developed world are in Europe as well as some of the world's lowest GDPs among developed nations. It is no coincidence that the nation's affording the most personal freedom coupled with less oppressive taxation enjoy some of the world's highest GDPs.

Let's do our thing. Not somebody else's.
Cain is just the flavor of the week smear victim for the Left. Who knows who and what the flavor will be next week. But i supect it will be anyone not named Barack Obama. Just a hunch. lol! Cain's ok in my book. The Left smears on him are pretty stupid. So go Cain!

Flavor of the week?

Who is killing off the latest GOP flavors of the week? Liberals?

It is the idiotic statements they make once they start getting attention
I wonder if federal gas tax, which is 18.4% would be reduced to 9% under Cain's 999? Now THAT would be a boon to working America!

Yes....the extra $4 a week sure would come in handy

You do realize that the taxes you pay on the fuel you consume is a tiny fraction of the whole picture? Fuel taxes also impact the profits your employer has to increase your wages and benefits and also increase how much you pay for everything from a loaf of bread to a new car.
Is there a nation in this world with a tax system that the nutters here would adopt in place of our own?

The Chilean model is pretty good, but as a Classical Conservative committed to restoring the American exceptionalism that the Founders envisioned and gave us the opportunity to have, I want a tax system that is best for America and Americans. I want us to do our thing and not copy somebody else.

We broke away from the antiquated and oppressive systems of Europe and engaged in a brave and wonderful new thing here. I shudder when I see so many now wanting to copy Europe as somehow more nobel or better than we are.

Most of the highest and most oppressive taxes in the developed world are in Europe as well as some of the world's lowest GDPs among developed nations. It is no coincidence that the nation's affording the most personal freedom coupled with less oppressive taxation enjoy some of the world's highest GDPs.

Let's do our thing. Not somebody else's.

Are you trying to be wrong?

First, the Chilean Model is an attempt at privatizing social security that was developed by a US trained economist and FORCED UPON THE CHILEAN PEOPLE BY A FASCIST DICTATOR. It is not a tax system.

Second, your claim regarding European nations and low GDP is a fabrication.

What nations are you speaking of that have high GDP but low taxes? That brings us back to the question. Would you like to answer it this time?
"[the Media] are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

Obama is not a strong black man"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

"A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions"
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011

"it is documented that [Obama's] mother was white and his father was from Africa."
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011”

Add to that his statement that black people are stupid...Ok ok. "not all" as he said, just those who vote Democrat, which would be about 90%

And that's not counting the time he said Jon Stewart was racist...because he disagreed with Cain. Just like the "mainstream media" is racist...because they disagreed with Cain. In case you haven't gotten it yet, if you disagree with Cain, if you don't support him, then you're a racist. Also you should vote for Cain because he's a "real black man"

This isn't stuff he wrote in college 30 or 40 years ago, nor are they open mikes that he thought were off situations. This is stuff he's said knowing that the cameras were running and the mike was on and to make it even worse his supporters approve of that kind of talk
I hope Nader runs again. Otherwise I'll have to vote for Obama again -- or not vote at all.

As far as Kingfish Cain is concerned, he is a novelty. Blacks won't vote for him because he's an Uncle Tom. The vast majority of Whites who say they would vote for him might even believe it themselves. But they say that as supportive endorsement of the right-wing positions he espouses and nothing more. When it comes time to push the button what will manifest is the same type of indoctrinated hypocrisy manifest in the White person who believes he/she is not racist until his/her daughter brings home a Black boyfriend.

At the moment of truth they will push the Romney button. Or the Obama button -- because Obama is much, much Whiter than Cain.
I wonder if federal gas tax, which is 18.4% would be reduced to 9% under Cain's 999? Now THAT would be a boon to working America!

Yes....the extra $4 a week sure would come in handy

You do realize that the taxes you pay on the fuel you consume is a tiny fraction of the whole picture? Fuel taxes also impact the profits your employer has to increase your wages and benefits and also increase how much you pay for everything from a loaf of bread to a new car.

Absolutely.....I'm sure that extra $4 a week in fuel taxes will be his excuse for not raising my pay
Yes....the extra $4 a week sure would come in handy

You do realize that the taxes you pay on the fuel you consume is a tiny fraction of the whole picture? Fuel taxes also impact the profits your employer has to increase your wages and benefits and also increase how much you pay for everything from a loaf of bread to a new car.

Absolutely.....I'm sure that extra $4 a week in fuel taxes will be his excuse for not raising my pay

Fuel Taxes on Gasoline by state (its 18.4 cents a gallon federal)

Gas Taxes
"[the Media] are doubly scared that a real black man might run against Barack Obama"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

Obama is not a strong black man"
-Herman Cain, March 30, 2011

"A real black man is not timid about making the right decisions"
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011

"it is documented that [Obama's] mother was white and his father was from Africa."
Herman Cain, June 30, 2011”

Add to that his statement that black people are stupid...Ok ok. "not all" as he said, just those who vote Democrat, which would be about 90%

And that's not counting the time he said Jon Stewart was racist...because he disagreed with Cain. Just like the "mainstream media" is racist...because they disagreed with Cain. In case you haven't gotten it yet, if you disagree with Cain, if you don't support him, then you're a racist. Also you should vote for Cain because he's a "real black man"

This isn't stuff he wrote in college 30 or 40 years ago, nor are they open mikes that he thought were off situations. This is stuff he's said knowing that the cameras were running and the mike was on and to make it even worse his supporters approve of that kind of talk

I have spent some time trying to track down all these comments without success. Could you please furnish the links so I can put these remarks in context and determine if they are as 'offensive' as the anti-Cain people seem to want to make them?

I am out of patience at people repeating stuff about Mr. Cain that simply aren't true no matter how much they believe it.

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