We seem to have a lot of anti Cain sentiment on the board so lets put it to the test

Would you vote for Cain or Obama in 2012?

  • Cain

    Votes: 63 64.3%
  • Obama

    Votes: 35 35.7%

  • Total voters
My support for Mr. Cain has led to that famous American dramatic act:


I sent his campaign a few bucks.

It won't be the last.
But you morons elected with someone with NO experience and never worked a private job in his life!

What the heck are you talking about?

The University of Chicago isn't a private institution?

Authors aren't enterpreneurs?

Lawyers aren't professionals?


He taught at most 3 classes a year at the University of Chicago apparently lecturing on the Constitution. Given what he has said about the Constitution, I shudder to think what he must have been teaching his poor students.

Authors, especially those that most experts think were mostly ghost written, may or may not be entreprenours. Books written for political expediency don't really count as entrepremourship I don't think.

He claims to have been a Civil Rights attorney for awhile, but there seems to be zero information available as to what he actually did or why he left the law firm just as there is no information available as to any of his college transcripts or even who his classmates were much of anywhere other than Harvard. We know almost nothing of his performance, accomplishment, or activities during all those years.

And if he was so 'experienced' when he came to the White House, what accounts for his inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and inability to inspire or lead?

I am guessing that a Herman Cain or several of the other GOP candidates would not be inefficient, ineffective, or unable to lead. Of course they will be hated by those who defend Obama's performance, but they will do a much better job.
Obama did have some government insider experience (Senator) but he did have considerable grass roots political experience, unlike Cain who concerned himself with the machinations of the private business sector. What Obama has going for him in opposition to Cain is he does not openly espouse the self-defeating attitudes and philosophies of the right-wing corporatocracy. For one thing, Cain's "9 9 9" flat tax idea is an obvious fluke that will serve the interests of the super-rich. It also attracts the Libertarians like moths to a flame.
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you wrote"But his policies are terrible. "
A) Have you read anything directly from Cain and not some biased MSM source?
B) Are you racist?
C) You think only a half white man can have good policies?
D) Are you against preventing corporations from bringing $2 trillion back to the USA?
E) Are you one of those loophole exploiters like Obama and against closing loopholes?
F) Are you a racist?
What the heck are you talking about?

The University of Chicago isn't a private institution?

Authors aren't enterpreneurs?

Lawyers aren't professionals?


He taught at most 3 classes a year at the University of Chicago apparently lecturing on the Constitution. Given what he has said about the Constitution, I shudder to think what he must have been teaching his poor students.

Authors, especially those that most experts think were mostly ghost written, may or may not be entreprenours. Books written for political expediency don't really count as entrepremourship I don't think.

He claims to have been a Civil Rights attorney for awhile, but there seems to be zero information available as to what he actually did or why he left the law firm just as there is no information available as to any of his college transcripts or even who his classmates were much of anywhere other than Harvard. We know almost nothing of his performance, accomplishment, or activities during all those years.

And if he was so 'experienced' when he came to the White House, what accounts for his inefficiency, ineffectiveness, and inability to inspire or lead?

I am guessing that a Herman Cain or several of the other GOP candidates would not be inefficient, ineffective, or unable to lead. Of course they will be hated by those who defend Obama's performance, but they will do a much better job.
Obama did have some government insider experience (Senator) but he did have considerable grass roots political experience, unlike Cain who concerned himself with the machinations of the private business sector. What Obama has going for him in opposition to Cain is he does not openly espouse the self-defeating attitudes and philosophies of the right-wing corporatocracy. For one thing, Cain's "9 9 9" flat tax idea is an obvious fluke that will serve the interests of the super-rich. It also attracts the Libertarians like moths to a flame.

Obama had every opportunity to succeed beyond his wildest dreams.

However. . . .

He has failed at economic policy, management, and implementation.
He has failed at healthcare reform that works.
He has failed at restoring confidence and faith in the system.
He has failed at international relations.
He has failed to inspire or lead or win the trust of the people.

How could a right of center and libertarian minded Cain possibly do worse?
the only fair tax system is a progressive tax system.

Then it is official. You dont believe all men should be treated equally.

So you wont mind if others respond in kind.

Doh! You caught me! What a clever trap you laid! I'd better watch out for you. You have a deep understanding of the issues and will surely ensnare me in your wicked word-traps over and over again!
lol :lol:

the only fair tax system is a progressive tax system.

That is why a progressive tax is favored throughout the world (except for Russia)
Figures that our komrades would see things a bit differently.

The Republicans have a choice between a millionaire who made his money thru leveraged buyouts(Romney) or a millionaire who worked for the Federal Reserve(Cain).

But you morons elected with someone with NO experience and never worked a private job in his life!

What the heck are you talking about?

The University of Chicago isn't a private institution?

Authors aren't enterpreneurs?

Lawyers aren't professionals?

These rightwing fanatics like to pick and choose which careers are worthy of praise and worship. Typically with these deranged lunatics, honorable positions such as teachers and people who work to help the poor are considered less than pond scum to these self-proclaimed patriots. I proverbially spit in their faces.

Cain has a callous attitude toward unemployed citizens at one of the worst economic recessions in history. He is insulting to African Americans, and intolerant of Muslims.

He has no experience in government. Government is far different from the private sector. The “successful businessman” is an idol worshiped by many Republicans. Master manufacturers are concerned with, and most adept at advancing their own interests, especially when they conflict with yours, and they often do. While the successful businessman may understand certain things better than the average person, their expertise lies in self interest and not so much in their knowledge of the public interest.


you wrote"But his policies are terrible. "
A) Have you read anything directly from Cain and not some biased MSM source?
B) Are you racist?
C) You think only a half white man can have good policies?
D) Are you against preventing corporations from bringing $2 trillion back to the USA?
E) Are you one of those loophole exploiters like Obama and against closing loopholes?
F) Are you a racist?

As a fair minded american and a Herman Cain supporter I have to say your questions that I highlighted in red ring of hypocricy.

Concentrating on Obama's ethnic make up with the half-white comments then asking if someone is a racist, really? I hope your not one of the people who runs around saying "Cain will be the REAL first black president" UGH.

Ok ok off my soapbox, sorry your post bothered me.
I don't keep track of who is voting for who. I do believe some have been openminded about him though.
I have shaken Mr. Cain's hand twice now and spoke with him briefly and have found him totally approachable, affable and really down to earth.. no phony baloney person he is a real person!

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