We Should Join Saudi Arabia in Cutting Diplomatic Ties With Iran

Your bitch Hillary was saying the same as Bush. Also Obama successfully ended that war before he screwed it up.

If I were you I'd be careful how I referred to the next president of the United States. I suggest, "Madame President!"
Lol, you can say president Trump? Hillary has to much baggage and when she starts campaigning she loses supporters. So keep running her.

LOL...Dream On!!

Trump has bad mouthed and alienated Blacks and Hispanics...not to mention some others. Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Learn to say, "Madame President!"
60% of Americans don't trust Hillary. Good luck.
And roughly the same amount don't trust Trump. This is going to be the worst election of our lifetimes, hands down.

Not in my book.....Reagan vs Carter was the sorriest choice the voters in this country have ever had. I voted for Reagan in 1980 but following that I went 20 years and didn't even vote. When Reagan slashed tax rates for the rich to 50 year lows, continued to spend like a drunk sailor and quadrupled the national debt I swore off the Republican party and will never vote for one of them in a national election again.
Your bitch Hillary was saying the same as Bush. Also Obama successfully ended that war before he screwed it up.

HIllary didn't launch an unnecessary war AFTER Saddam had given in on inspections.

And, yes, Maliki did screw up the peace Obama had left the country in.

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