We Should Not Accept Habitual Lying From Our Leaders


This is a serial liar and nothing he says should be believed.

Donald J. Trump is a habitual liar. I know that will probably not come as a shock to anyone. It is, however, something that needs to be said often, and loudly, especially by the press. He is unfit for office, and his penchant for not telling the truth, and by extension, his spokespeople’s inability to be truthful on a consistent basis to the American public, should in itself be an impeachable offense.

We should not accept habitual lying from our leaders

During the impeachment trial, I wonder how many of dotards witnesses understand they will be testifying under penalty of perjury?
Some things he said were lies, some weren't. Same with Adam Schiff. What? They are politicians.
Don't be ridiculous. We should not accept lying from our leaders but we always have from the first days of America. We always will.

So out of one side of your mouth you say we should not accept lying from our leaders...and then you accept it (because the leader you favor lies like a rug)


Yeah, that's it bubbalub.

Don't pat yourself on the back too soon... you accept liars the same as the rest of us do.

There are no honest politicians.

Harry reid on lying about Romney's tax return said he was glad he did it.

This is a serial liar and nothing he says should be believed.

Donald J. Trump is a habitual liar. I know that will probably not come as a shock to anyone. It is, however, something that needs to be said often, and loudly, especially by the press. He is unfit for office, and his penchant for not telling the truth, and by extension, his spokespeople’s inability to be truthful on a consistent basis to the American public, should in itself be an impeachable offense.

We should not accept habitual lying from our leaders

During the impeachment trial, I wonder how many of dotards witnesses understand they will be testifying under penalty of perjury?

What impeachment trial?
Don't forget, Obama care was gonna save a family over $2500 a year!

It more than doubled my monthly premium and more than doubled my deductible!

Now what are the democrats running on?

HEALTHCARE! :auiqs.jpg:

Actually...if any democrats win we are all going to be :crybaby:
Don't forget, Obama care was gonna save a family over $2500 a year!

It more than doubled my monthly premium and more than doubled my deductible!

Now what are the democrats running on?

HEALTHCARE! :auiqs.jpg:

Actually...if any democrats win we are all going to be :crybaby:

What brother you dont have 5 grand lying around , here I will give you some money.
It more than doubled my monthly premium and more than doubled my deductible!
Unless you're going to give us the comparison of both coverages and payments that's just anecdotal pissing in the wind.
What you lying skum tards call lies, we call "POINT AT THE TARD AND LAUGH" tongue in cheek. get over it fukwhit.

This is a serial liar and nothing he says should be believed.

Donald J. Trump is a habitual liar. I know that will probably not come as a shock to anyone. It is, however, something that needs to be said often, and loudly, especially by the press. He is unfit for office, and his penchant for not telling the truth, and by extension, his spokespeople’s inability to be truthful on a consistent basis to the American public, should in itself be an impeachable offense.

We should not accept habitual lying from our leaders

During the impeachment trial, I wonder how many of dotards witnesses understand they will be testifying under penalty of perjury?

Wow, hot off the presses of one of the biggest political hate sites in the country. Perhaps they should hold the commies to the same standards, what's the old saying about people is glass houses?


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