We shouldn't need this huge of a government handout

If more people followed Dave Ramsey's "baby steps" we wouldn't be in need of such a drastic bailout. It isn't only the government that lacks fiscal responsibility.

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True, but it's free money so I'll take it. I need a new exhaust for the bike and a bunch of pot.
No such thing as "free money". There is such a thing as enslavement to debt.
If more people followed Dave Ramsey's "baby steps" we wouldn't be in need of such a drastic bailout. It isn't only the government that lacks fiscal responsibility.

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Do you realize how many people have to eenie-meenie-miney-mo in order to choose which bill they won't pay this month because they haven't got enough money? I'm not talking about folks in a McMansion in suburbia with three cars and five credit cards. I'm talking about the exact same people who work as waitresses and short order cooks and clerks in retail stores; the ones who have been knocked out of work by this.

When I was a young pink collar worker raising a kid alone I tried a Christmas Club once. I ended up spending it all on groceries and bills. Some people just don't have it to save. Professionals making a decent income, sure, it's great advice. But they're home working on their computers and collecting their salaries.

Being a child of depression era parents probably shapes my thoughts on these things and how good we've had it. One of my dad stories was how as a kid he would sit and watch the trains go by and be envious seeing those in the dining car and thinking those folks were really living the life.

To answer your question about what I realize, living in a world in which everybody seems to have smart phones and 100 channels on their televisions I have in fact grown somewhat insensitive to the situation that you speak of. Another cause for this insensitivity is knowing and hearing of individuals and couples living above their means plus driving past high school parking lots and seeing all the cars that couldn't possibly have been purchased through student's after school and weekend jobs.

Because of my career choice I didn't have it anywhere near as tough as your experience in your younger years. Fortunately I didn't really have to begin the belt tightening, watching finances and doing without until the kids came along. But I do think there comes a time when part of being an adult is eventually taking full responsibility for oneself and family.
If more people followed Dave Ramsey's "baby steps" we wouldn't be in need of such a drastic bailout. It isn't only the government that lacks fiscal responsibility.

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What this actually is is just an excuse to crank up the printing presses, dilute the currency even more than it is already and rob you blind of any wealth you may have managed to accrue. It also steals the futures of you and your children. Inflation is nothing more than a devious, underhanded and incedious method to tax the public at large to death and make everyone dependent on the gubberment for survival.
Nice neat simplistic steps if you are employed and/or your small business is intact. What happens when a virus kills your job and your business? If you have a problem with government spending don't blame the President. Find out what Pelosi is thinking.
Why are businesses getting anything since the smart ones (like me) are insured for any losses?
ly businesses EXCLUDED from bailouts....good for her! After all, they'll all end up in bankruptcy anyway...

Your business? is "insured for any losses"? Whether you're having an acid-flashback or are hallucinating from some crap you just ingested, there is no such thing as an insurance policy for a business losing money. If there were, cretins like you would own a business just to cash in on being dumb as mud.
If more people followed Dave Ramsey's "baby steps" we wouldn't be in need of such a drastic bailout. It isn't only the government that lacks fiscal responsibility.

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Do you realize how many people have to eenie-meenie-miney-mo in order to choose which bill they won't pay this month because they haven't got enough money? I'm not talking about folks in a McMansion in suburbia with three cars and five credit cards. I'm talking about the exact same people who work as waitresses and short order cooks and clerks in retail stores; the ones who have been knocked out of work by this.

When I was a young pink collar worker raising a kid alone I tried a Christmas Club once. I ended up spending it all on groceries and bills. Some people just don't have it to save. Professionals making a decent income, sure, it's great advice. But they're home working on their computers and collecting their salaries.
It doesn't matter as long as they get to play their games and get all they desire.
Who is this "they" you speak of?
"They" being any who believe that "they" are entitled. This includes, Banksters, certain fund managers, royals who believe the rest are peons, corrupt individuals and groups who have positioned and place themselves above the people with and for their international slush funds. Then you have the people like the congressional members and senators who are willing to sell their own stocks and stuff their pocketbooks and give themselves raises while telling everyone else to suck it up, fascism and eugenics is okay as long as we are the ones who get to tell others what they can or cannot do. The list goes on.

One could also call them the spiritually dead and those who sleep in th edust of the earth who are ruled by powers and principalities of darkness who have given themselves over to it.
So, rich people.
The rich have always ruled the world. They always will. You don't need to be so dramatic about it. We peons are better off celebrating our lives and being glad for the things that really matter. Attachment to others, daffodils pushing up through a dusting of snow. Being envious or jealous or wearing a chip on our shoulder just makes us miserable over something we can't change.
If more people followed Dave Ramsey's "baby steps" we wouldn't be in need of such a drastic bailout. It isn't only the government that lacks fiscal responsibility.

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True, but it's free money so I'll take it. I need a new exhaust for the bike and a bunch of pot.

I drove my wife to the Sticky Saguaro dispensary last Saturday (they were having a sale) but when we got there 5 minutes after opening the line was so long (they were letting in only 1 person at a time) she decided not to wait. Plus the line wasn't practicing "safe distancing".
Why are businesses getting anything since the smart ones (like me) are insured for any losses?
ly businesses EXCLUDED from bailouts....good for her! After all, they'll all end up in bankruptcy anyway...

Your business? is "insured for any losses"? Whether you're having an acid-flashback or are hallucinating from some crap you just ingested, there is no such thing as an insurance policy for a business losing money. If there were, cretins like you would own a business just to cash in on being dumb as mud.

Business Interruption Insurance


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