We Stand Behind The President

The facial expressions on people behind and around him when he says things is priceless. I'm glad cameras are there to capture it.

This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

What a fool. Can't wait till that oof is history. SOS

The facial expressions on people behind and around him when he says things is priceless. I'm glad cameras are there to capture it.

There is a reason why it's called the shit show. Perfect examples. I can imagine what they all talk about afterwards.

It's probably not you since you are nobody.

Well, I'm not a Trump fool like you. That makes me myself. Get a life.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!

ya, I do not see hanging with a guy that is stupid enough to tell you to inject cleener in your vein as an honor. I guess you do. Low standard ever set. I guess if they are not drooling stupid you want them as a leader. Snitch bitch.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

nope. just would not want to be close to this guy. Fucker runs his mouth about idiocy more than any one I have ever run acroos. People like that invite trouble do not get in front door not alone elcted.

Words really bother you don't they? I'm more concerned with getting things done. If you fear words so much and if Biden gets elected, then you'll really have four years to drive you nuts!

little bitches that call the censers bother me. Be a fucking man not a little bitch.

Protecting senior officials of the country is a matter of national security, bozo, not censorship. You better worry about all those guns and anti-Trump literature and paraphernalia you have on your walls and under your bed.

you r a fucking idiot and a snitch nothing changes that. you can talk till blue in the face but nothing changes with your bitch ass.

Stop trying to deflect. I'd jump at the chance of meeting a president like Trump, you expect bullets. Guess that's where we differ. If I was there and an attacker came, I'd stop him or throw myself in his way to protect the leader of our country. If you were there, you'd duck and run while secretly cheering. The Left is a party of the diseased mind. Never in the history of this country have we faced a generation of subversives like you.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

I happen to be a moderator elsewhere myself. I view the mods generally as our guide and our friends. They direct the shape of the forum you're privileged to use for free. Funny that you see them as some sort of opponent to mistrust?
This is good.
I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.
This video is very good example of that.

Just what is this video trying to prove? A bunch of clips strung together zooming in on any face they could find behind Trump where they moved an eyeball or wrinkled their nose or had a funny look, who knows, because they had an itch or the person beside them said something, but we're supposed to believe they were all reacting to Trump? Negatively?

Then the bigger question is why is this trolling sort of non-issue conspiracy bullcrap doing in POLITICS? It doesn't take much to entertain you!

It is politics. The faces of the folks behind tRump when he lies outrageously or goes completely off the rails on suggests folks should inject disinfectant and stuff lightbulbs up.their butts is legitimate commentary on everything from the *president's* mental state to his tRuthyness.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!

ya, I do not see hanging with a guy that is stupid enough to tell you to inject cleener in your vein as an honor. I guess you do. Low standard ever set. I guess if they are not drooling stupid you want them as a leader. Snitch bitch.

The President is the President. Respect the office. When you take that oath of office, you swear to do your utmost to uphold, defend and protect the best interests of the USA. For those four years, you are no longer just a man, you're the POTUS. Some do a better job than others, the most difficult job on the planet, but you respect the office and try to overlook the human failings of the man behind it. If you weren't such a jackass, you'd know Trump never said a word telling or even suggesting anyone INJECT THEMSELVES with "cleener" (SIC), and you're in no position to judge the intelligence of someone you never met who's had more accomplishments in his little finger than you will your entire life! As for my being a "snitch bitch," if I were any of that, as a former employee of the Fed, there would already be somebody knocking at your door to ask you questions. Now, all you have to worry about is if someone actually does take a pop at DJT from now till the election, that no one thinks you might be a possible person of interest! Want to call me any more names?
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

What a fool. Can't wait till that oof is history. SOS

The facial expressions on people behind and around him when he says things is priceless. I'm glad cameras are there to capture it.

There is a reason why it's called the shit show. Perfect examples. I can imagine what they all talk about afterwards.

It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall to hear those discussions afterwards.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!

ya, I do not see hanging with a guy that is stupid enough to tell you to inject cleener in your vein as an honor. I guess you do. Low standard ever set. I guess if they are not drooling stupid you want them as a leader. Snitch bitch.

The President is the President. Respect the office. When you take that oath of office, you swear to do your utmost to uphold, defend and protect the best interests of the USA. For those four years, you are no longer just a man, you're the POTUS. Some do a better job than others, the most difficult job on the planet, but you respect the office and try to overlook the human failings of the man behind it. If you weren't such a jackass, you'd know Trump never said a word telling or even suggesting anyone INJECT THEMSELVES with "cleener" (SIC), and you're in no position to judge the intelligence of someone you never met who's had more accomplishments in his little finger than you will your entire life! As for my being a "snitch bitch," if I were any of that, as a former employee of the Fed, there would already be somebody knocking at your door to ask you questions. Now, all you got to worry about is if someone actually does take a pop at DJT from now till the election, that no one thinks you might be a possible person of interest! Want to call me any more names?

yep snitch! I wanna paint snitch on your back and drop ya off on Mt. vernon avenue but some times we do not get what we want.

Funny, for someone who thinks I'm a snitch, you sure aren't trying real hard to stay on my good side! Why don't you insult me some more?

Ok snitch! Idiot! Dumb fuck! Ya not afraid of snitch bitches so no not going to kiss your idiot snitch ass. Not gunna give any respect to a guy that supports idiots that tell ya to inject your self with cleanner. hanging with an idiot like that is not an honor it is a jail sentance. If it bugs you I feel this way do not act this way.

You expect me to respect the opinion of a guy who can't even speak without name calling, can't even spell and write beyond the 4th grade level? Who hates a president so much he wouldn't even meet the guy, shake his hand, talk to him, actually get to know him, instead getting all his info from CNN? And who worries he's taking his own life in his hands of getting hit by a sniper's bullet instead? So I guess we can't put you in the category of a person who would ever make a sacrifice in the service of your country but instead thinks it is there to serve you?
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!

ya, I do not see hanging with a guy that is stupid enough to tell you to inject cleener in your vein as an honor. I guess you do. Low standard ever set. I guess if they are not drooling stupid you want them as a leader. Snitch bitch.

The President is the President. Respect the office. When you take that oath of office, you swear to do your utmost to uphold, defend and protect the best interests of the USA. For those four years, you are no longer just a man, you're the POTUS. Some do a better job than others, the most difficult job on the planet, but you respect the office and try to overlook the human failings of the man behind it. If you weren't such a jackass, you'd know Trump never said a word telling or even suggesting anyone INJECT THEMSELVES with "cleener" (SIC), and you're in no position to judge the intelligence of someone you never met who's had more accomplishments in his little finger than you will your entire life! As for my being a "snitch bitch," if I were any of that, as a former employee of the Fed, there would already be somebody knocking at your door to ask you questions. Now, all you have to worry about is if someone actually does take a pop at DJT from now till the election, that no one thinks you might be a possible person of interest! Want to call me any more names?

You say 'respect the office' when Trump himself does nothing to respect the office. Just one example of many is the security clearances and his family, one link below.
Trump Overruled His Staff to Give Ivanka Access to Top-Secret Intelligence
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

Not at all. This post is revealing your addiction to every aspect of Donald Trump's existence. Close thread please, nothing to see here but another group of Trump fiends jonesing over lack of new Trump news on an internet message board.
LoL!! That about covers it (Fauci facepalm and poor Dr Birx may have been my favorites).
But they should have included this one :)

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This is good.
I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.
This video is very good example of that.

Just what is this video trying to prove? A bunch of clips strung together zooming in on any face they could find behind Trump where they moved an eyeball or wrinkled their nose or had a funny look, who knows, because they had an itch or the person beside them said something, but we're supposed to believe they were all reacting to Trump? Negatively?

Then the bigger question is why is this trolling sort of non-issue conspiracy bullcrap doing in POLITICS? It doesn't take much to entertain you!

Clearly you didn't watch the entire video - Like the Fauci facepalm after Donnie referred to the "Deep State" ;)

You say 'respect the office' when Trump himself does nothing to respect the office. Just one example of many is the security clearances and his family, one link below. Trump Overruled His Staff to Give Ivanka Access to Top-Secret Intelligence
Well, I can't read that because the site you used blocks people in Private Mode. But why do you think Trump isn't respecting his own office when he IS the office and is exercising his right and authority to assign jobs and clearances as he sees fit? You think Ivanka is a security threat? I mean, after having a person like Hillary as our Sec. of State with closet computer and 9 public phones? Seems to me Trump wants someone in a position he trusts very much to have access to intelligence that he can then get her FB and opinions on. I can respect that. You don't think Michelle Obama got all that info too?
This is good.
I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.
This video is very good example of that.

Just what is this video trying to prove? A bunch of clips strung together zooming in on any face they could find behind Trump where they moved an eyeball or wrinkled their nose or had a funny look, who knows, because they had an itch or the person beside them said something, but we're supposed to believe they were all reacting to Trump? Negatively?

Then the bigger question is why is this trolling sort of non-issue conspiracy bullcrap doing in POLITICS? It doesn't take much to entertain you!

Clearly you didn't watch the entire video - Like the Fauci facepalm after Donnie referred to the "Deep State" ;)


He's busy emulating what the video is about.

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