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We Stand Behind The President

This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!

ya, I do not see hanging with a guy that is stupid enough to tell you to inject cleener in your vein as an honor. I guess you do. Low standard ever set. I guess if they are not drooling stupid you want them as a leader. Snitch bitch.

The President is the President. Respect the office. When you take that oath of office, you swear to do your utmost to uphold, defend and protect the best interests of the USA. For those four years, you are no longer just a man, you're the POTUS. Some do a better job than others, the most difficult job on the planet, but you respect the office and try to overlook the human failings of the man behind it. If you weren't such a jackass, you'd know Trump never said a word telling or even suggesting anyone INJECT THEMSELVES with "cleener" (SIC), and you're in no position to judge the intelligence of someone you never met who's had more accomplishments in his little finger than you will your entire life! As for my being a "snitch bitch," if I were any of that, as a former employee of the Fed, there would already be somebody knocking at your door to ask you questions. Now, all you got to worry about is if someone actually does take a pop at DJT from now till the election, that no one thinks you might be a possible person of interest! Want to call me any more names?

yep snitch! I wanna paint snitch on your back and drop ya off on Mt. vernon avenue but some times we do not get what we want.

Funny, for someone who thinks I'm a snitch, you sure aren't trying real hard to stay on my good side! Why don't you insult me some more?

Ok snitch! Idiot! Dumb fuck! Ya not afraid of snitch bitches so no not going to kiss your idiot snitch ass. Not gunna give any respect to a guy that supports idiots that tell ya to inject your self with cleanner. hanging with an idiot like that is not an honor it is a jail sentance. If it bugs you I feel this way do not act this way.

Please take an English class prior to writing any more posts.


please go blow your slef.

Disregard my advice and keep posting. You're hilarious.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

Could you have found an older video?....LMAO...come on Dana you are losing it....
blah,blah blah snitch. Spelling on a fucking blog is what got. woopty shit snitch.
Gee, you sure seem like an awfully unstable, easily triggered person. Do you own guns? Any thoughts of hurting yourself or anyone else? I mean besides the POTUS.
blah,blahblah snitch!
Thanks. You just keep proving my point. Any person with half a brain doesn't act so unbalanced like you while talking about being afraid of getting too close to the President for fear of getting hit by bullets. Are you or have you ever been on any psychotropic drugs?
blah,blah blah snitch. Spelling on a fucking blog is what got. woopty shit snitch.
Gee, you sure seem like an awfully unstable, easily triggered person. Do you own guns? Any thoughts of hurting yourself or anyone else? I mean besides the POTUS.
blah,blahblah snitch!
Thanks. You just keep proving my point. Any person with half a brain doesn't act so unbalanced like you while talking about being afraid of getting too close to the President for fear of getting hit by bullets. Are you or have you ever been on any psychotropic drugs?
lol snitch. Inject cleaner in your veins buddy. Take your pres advice so I do not have to listen to your drivel.
Clearly you didn't watch the entire video - Like the Fauci facepalm after Donnie referred to the "Deep State"
Right. I saw that before. And what does that mean? How do you know? Maybe he was embarrassed by that remark. Maybe he doesn't believe in a deep state. Maybe he just doesn't want to go there in the middle of a medical discussion. Maybe he's part of the deep state. Maybe he thought it was just an invitation to more media rancor. Maybe his forehead had an itch. The question is: HOW DO YOU KNOW how to interpret these things! Do you have some special gift or are you really just so arrogant that you really think you can just tell at a distance because it is what you WANT to believe?
LoL!! That about covers it (Fauci facepalm and poor Dr Birx may have been my favorites).
But they should have included this one :)

I've got to agree with you on that one. That is one of my all time favorites.

Fun fact, trump has not spoken with Pelosi since that day. He's afraid of her. Afraid she's going to chew his ass out again.

She sure put those stupid men in their places and they knew it. LOL.
trump has not spoken with Pelosi since that day. He's afraid of her.
I can absolutely tell you that Trump is not afraid of Nancy. Trump is a person who never forgets a favor or a foe. He'll chase you to the ends of the Earth to repay you a dime, but will chase you twice as far if you owe him one. He never forgets a friend, a grudge, or an injustice. Trump is very loyalty-driven. I'm confident he has a seething hatred of her and hasn't spoken to her for fear of saying something he would regret or probably choking the crap out of her.
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

Could you have found an older video?....LMAO...come on Dana you are losing it....

The video is one day old.

What are you posting about?

Oh I get it, you didn't watch the video.

It starts in 2015 when he comes down that escalator. It ends with video from last week of him taking about injecting disinfectant into the body to fight the virus.

Please stop showing all of cyberspace what a totally lazy moron you are. It's a short video, just a few minutes long.

Are you saying that your attention span is shorter than a gnat?

I wouldn't be surprised.

Since you're too lazy and stupid to watch the video, here's a screen shot of the YouTube page I found it on. Notice the posting date of 4-26-2020.

It's a very popular video, in less than 24 hours over 1 million people have viewed it.

Screen Shot 2020-04-27 at 9.36.26 AM.png
This is good.

I've always thought watching the people who stand behind trump are more revealing than trump.

This video is very good example of that.

If he were around i would stand behind him also. I dont wanna take a bullet meant for him.

Are you planning something the FBI and Secret Service might want to know about?

ps I would imagine your bitch ass is jumping up and down to tell arnt you. That is your go to when you can not keep up call the censures right. Your a little bitch tube. we both know it.

At least I don't fantasize about wanting to shoot people like you do. Your type apparently so hates opinions you disagree with, you wish them murdered to shut them up. I bet if asked, the lion's share of the Left would admit wishing Trump dead and would celebrate it just as the muslims celebrated 9/11. We know.

View attachment 328747

IU never said a wor about killing any one but you bitch ass goes to the mods all the time. The funny thing is your pres does not like snitches he would rather hang with me than your bitch ass.

Thou doth protest too much. Quit thinking about ducking bullets so much. If I had the chance to stand with and greet a POTUS, any POTUS, even one I didn't vote for, I'd see it as an honor. You worry about flying bullets. Have you heard something we should know about? I mean, the Democrats have tried everything else trying to defeat Trump to get him out of office!

ya, I do not see hanging with a guy that is stupid enough to tell you to inject cleener in your vein as an honor. I guess you do. Low standard ever set. I guess if they are not drooling stupid you want them as a leader. Snitch bitch.

The President is the President. Respect the office. When you take that oath of office, you swear to do your utmost to uphold, defend and protect the best interests of the USA. For those four years, you are no longer just a man, you're the POTUS. Some do a better job than others, the most difficult job on the planet, but you respect the office and try to overlook the human failings of the man behind it. If you weren't such a jackass, you'd know Trump never said a word telling or even suggesting anyone INJECT THEMSELVES with "cleener" (SIC), and you're in no position to judge the intelligence of someone you never met who's had more accomplishments in his little finger than you will your entire life! As for my being a "snitch bitch," if I were any of that, as a former employee of the Fed, there would already be somebody knocking at your door to ask you questions. Now, all you got to worry about is if someone actually does take a pop at DJT from now till the election, that no one thinks you might be a possible person of interest! Want to call me any more names?

yep snitch! I wanna paint snitch on your back and drop ya off on Mt. vernon avenue but some times we do not get what we want.

Funny, for someone who thinks I'm a snitch, you sure aren't trying real hard to stay on my good side! Why don't you insult me some more?

Ok snitch! Idiot! Dumb fuck! Ya not afraid of snitch bitches so no not going to kiss your idiot snitch ass. Not gunna give any respect to a guy that supports idiots that tell ya to inject your self with cleanner. hanging with an idiot like that is not an honor it is a jail sentance. If it bugs you I feel this way do not act this way.

Please take an English class prior to writing any more posts.


please go blow your slef.

Disregard my advice and keep posting. You're hilarious.

LoL!! That about covers it (Fauci facepalm and poor Dr Birx may have been my favorites).
But they should have included this one :)

I've got to agree with you on that one. That is one of my all time favorites.

Fun fact, trump has not spoken with Pelosi since that day. He's afraid of her. Afraid she's going to chew his ass out again.

She sure put those stupid men in their places and they knew it. LOL.

he probley has a bigger refrigerator.....
Could you have found an older video?....LMAO...come on Dana you are losing it....
It starts in 2015 when he comes down that escalator. It ends with video from last week of him taking about injecting disinfectant into the body to fight the virus.
Funny, I saw the presser live and Trump never talked about injecting disinfectant into the body. He was talking about and asking to the person to his right the possibility (sarcastically or otherwise I do not know) of looking into the possibility of any agents like UV light or drugs which kill viruses being able to be used to attack viral infections in the body! There was no mention of Clorox or injections, much less any household agents that people could self-medicate with.
Since you're too lazy and stupid to watch the video, here's a screen shot of the YouTube page I found it on. Notice the posting date of 4-26-2020.
Just what are we supposed to be looking at? A guy with his mouth open? Maybe he was one of those nasally-challenged, mouth-breathing deplorables!
It's a very popular video, in less than 24 hours over 1 million people have viewed it.
All of them Hillary voters in LA no doubt. I wonder how many TDS-disabled Leftists it took working weeks to put THAT together?! :auiqs.jpg:
LoL!! That about covers it (Fauci facepalm and poor Dr Birx may have been my favorites).
But they should have included this one :)

I've got to agree with you on that one. That is one of my all time favorites.

Fun fact, trump has not spoken with Pelosi since that day. He's afraid of her. Afraid she's going to chew his ass out again.

She sure put those stupid men in their places and they knew it. LOL.

When she reminds us that with Trump, all roads lead to Russia - She ain't kiddin'! :)
Just more lies by the leftest...

How is video of trump and the people around him lies?

It's trump speaking, people next to him and behind him reacting to what he's saying.

You people just can't take true reality and honest facts.

The video doesn't lie.

You do.
Just more lies by the leftest...
How is video of trump and the people around him lies?
Because all it shows is faces of people. You have no idea what a movement of the eye, a turn of the cheek or any of it means. It is your bullsiht interpretation of it all that is the lie. I bet you idiots went through every clip of video you had on Trump to put that together! Anyone can find video of Biden, Hillary, Obama or anyone and find people in the video doing stuff with their face if they want to, it is just your special kind of stupid to claim all of it means they were laughing at or embarrassed by Trump. What you fail to mention is that most of those people were there because they like Trump!
It's trump speaking, people next to him and behind him reacting to what he's saying.
That's another lie. You don't know whether their movements were chance coincidence, reactions to Trump, or to someone or something else in the room! Is it that you are that TDS-disabled or are you that much a chronic liar?
You people just can't take true reality and honest facts.
You wouldn't know either if they jumped up and punched you in the face. Just about as fake as that video frame you caught of Trump leaning in to say something in Ivanka's ear you claim was a "french kiss." Funny that her head was behind Trump's and turned the other way.
The video doesn't lie.
No, Just you do.
Produce just one of those people later saying: "Can you believe that Trump! I was so shocked! So embarrassed!"
Do you people have EVEN ONE Trump issue that isn't totally manufactured?
Trump can say some off the wall things at times, but he's done a good job with his presidency.
The best in my lifetime.

Are you saying you're only three years old? :)
No, why do you ask?
Your team is on the verge to flipping to socialism, dr.
Hell, on this board we have your team wanting to nationalize healthcare and the petroleum industry. Sheesh, you guys are over the cliff.
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Trump can say some off the wall things at times, but he's done a good job with his presidency.
The best in my lifetime.

You must have been born in 2017. That’s the only possible way this could be true.
I'm sure I'm older than you are, and obviously, a lot wiser.

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