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We talk about deporting the 11 million illegal Hispanics in the US

They simply want the Illegals gone, and they want the insanity of allowing an influx of new Muslims (practitioners of a hostile belief system) to live amongst us halted, and they want us to stop acting like pussies on the foreign policy front.

Again, Obama won because these same Americans were tired of watching kids come home in body bags. I'm sure if Trump gets us another war in the Middle East, he'd probably get people just as upset when more kids start coming home in body bags.

Maybe it's time to actually discuss ideas like, "Is there a compelling reason to be over there in the first place that doesn't involve placating the Zionists and Oil Companies?"
No end to the stupidity of liberals. Nothing dumber than equating Islam with Christianity, when no 2 things in life could ever be more different. "Couldn't come up with anything" !!!! Are you for real ?? The Koran is "kill the unbelievers" cover to cover. Are you really that ignorant ? Sheeesh!!!

Okay, so once again, the same challenge I give all the other Bible Nuts, give me Koranic Verses IN CONTEXT that say, "Kill all the Unbelievers".

Here, I'll start you off.

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die." --

Oh, shit. My bad. that's from the Bible.

Here, let's try this one.

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

Whoops, sorry, that's from the Bible, too!

Wait. Wait. Here's one.

"He that is taken with the accursed thing shall be burnt with fire, he and all that he hath. ... And Joshua ... took Achan ... and his sons, and his daughters ... And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire." -- Joshua 7:15, 24-25

The more gun deaths there are, the more we NEED the 2nd Amendment, and having guns in the pockets of licensed, law-abiding CCW holders, who are our best defense against the criminal killers. You take away the CCWs, and you give the criminals free rein to commit slaughter. This is elementary.

Uh, guy, other industrialized countries don't let their citizens own, much less carry, guns.

They have murder rates that are a fraction of ours.
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.

Hispanics are not just working not by a long shot why do you believe such nonsense. Its documented that at least 1/3rd of them are committing tax fraud every year to the tune of $4 billion dollars and this fraud has increased each year since Bush was in office. Did you see the National Geographic documentary on illegal Mexicans who have taken over the Meth industry in the USA? Thousands of Americans have been killed by illegals, more than died on 911 and we went to war over that.

I could go on citing examples but suffices to say this narrative that Hispanic illegals are good upstanding people just looking for work is a big fat lie.
...Uh, no, we don't have to worry about that at all...
Suit yourself... you've been warned... knew you(r side) wouldn't listen, but you're entitled to 'due diligence' as you prepare to shoot yourselves in the foot.
...Uh, no, we don't have to worry about that at all...
Suit yourself... you've been warned... knew you(r side) wouldn't listen, but you're entitled to 'due diligence' as you prepare to shoot yourselves in the foot.

I guess I have a little more faith in Americans who aren't Republicans. If the Republican Party has become so rudderless that it will nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown ahead of experienced and proven leaders, because he does a better job of pandering to their racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny, then that's really on them, isn't it?

Frankly, I see nominating Trump as a plus. He will drag down the Senate and Maybe the House with him. He might even fracture the party altogether.
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.
Illegal Aliens are here without our permission and are stealing jobs and depressing wages and draining resources and cannot hide behind the mask of religious freedom.

Muslims are almost always here legally...

And their hybrid warrior-religion-turned-legal-cultural-social-political-system can hide behind our embedded religious freedoms tradition.

But, in the final analysis, when Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety nearly always wins.

And we do, indeed, seem to be rapidly sliding downhill, to that choice between Constitutionality and Safety, in connection with Militant Islam.

Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.
Illegal Aliens are here without our permission and are stealing jobs and depressing wages and draining resources and cannot hide behind the mask of religious freedom.

Muslims are almost always here legally...

And their hybrid warrior-religion-turned-legal-cultural-social-political-system can hide behind our embedded religious freedoms tradition.

But, in the final analysis, when Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety nearly always wins.

And we do, indeed, seem to be rapidly sliding downhill, to that choice between Constitutionality and Safety, in connection with Militant Islam.

Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.

Try going pre-Union, like the Industrial Revolution where people were starving and dying of exhaustion left and right?
Don't like Unions?
Don't let CEOs commune at Banquets and BBQs where they decide how many Americans to fire and the Business Visa and Off-Shoring Legislation they should hand over to Cruz and Rubio over a slice of pizza.
Big Businesses weren't exactly starving pre-Reagan.
...Uh, no, we don't have to worry about that at all...
Suit yourself... you've been warned... knew you(r side) wouldn't listen, but you're entitled to 'due diligence' as you prepare to shoot yourselves in the foot.

I guess I have a little more faith in Americans who aren't Republicans. If the Republican Party has become so rudderless that it will nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown ahead of experienced and proven leaders, because he does a better job of pandering to their racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny, then that's really on them, isn't it?

Frankly, I see nominating Trump as a plus. He will drag down the Senate and Maybe the House with him. He might even fracture the party altogether.
Trouble is, neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders are fit to lead, either, and they'll take us further down the path to Nanny Statism than most Americans want to go.
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.
Illegal Aliens are here without our permission and are stealing jobs and depressing wages and draining resources and cannot hide behind the mask of religious freedom.

Muslims are almost always here legally...

And their hybrid warrior-religion-turned-legal-cultural-social-political-system can hide behind our embedded religious freedoms tradition.

But, in the final analysis, when Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety nearly always wins.

And we do, indeed, seem to be rapidly sliding downhill, to that choice between Constitutionality and Safety, in connection with Militant Islam.

Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.

Yeah, fix those things and we'll have the shitty low paying jobs with no worker protections here! Race to the fucking bottom. Brilliant!
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.
Illegal Aliens are here without our permission and are stealing jobs and depressing wages and draining resources and cannot hide behind the mask of religious freedom.

Muslims are almost always here legally...

And their hybrid warrior-religion-turned-legal-cultural-social-political-system can hide behind our embedded religious freedoms tradition.

But, in the final analysis, when Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety nearly always wins.

And we do, indeed, seem to be rapidly sliding downhill, to that choice between Constitutionality and Safety, in connection with Militant Islam.

Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.
Sorry, but although I oftentimes land on the Conservative side of many issues, on this one, I land squarely on the side of Labor.

US jobs are going overseas because greedy business folk exploit environments (China, India, et al) where Labor is powerless and government lets business run amok.

We - the American People - organized, and put controls into place, in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries - to soften and minimize the effects of such abuse of The People.

So - once instantaneous communication and inexpensive high-speed transport manifested themselves - greedy business folk found other audiences of victims to exploit.

Not surprising, given that both China and India are (were) dirt-poor and willing to prostitute themselves and their peoples for mere peanuts, in order to generate any revenue at all.

So, these same greedy businessmen phukked over their own countrymen, screwed them out of their jobs, gave them to dirt-poor coolies, and grow even fatter on the profits.

Those organizations and controls were put in place - generations ago - for a damned good reason - to prevent those bastards in the glass towers from exploiting American labor.

Continuing to take their side in the matter does little to re-energize American manufacturing or to rescue the American Worker.

Well, when the Bad (Greedy) Guys won't reform on their own, it's time to force it down their throats, where it counts - in the pocketbook.

Time to level the playing field and to be thinking in terms of tariffs - high ones - for goods produced in parts of the world being exploited by Greedy Business-Folk.

First candidate who sells the American People on the idea that he will restore American jobs and re-empower workers - wins.
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.
Illegal Aliens are here without our permission and are stealing jobs and depressing wages and draining resources and cannot hide behind the mask of religious freedom.

Muslims are almost always here legally...

And their hybrid warrior-religion-turned-legal-cultural-social-political-system can hide behind our embedded religious freedoms tradition.

But, in the final analysis, when Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety nearly always wins.

And we do, indeed, seem to be rapidly sliding downhill, to that choice between Constitutionality and Safety, in connection with Militant Islam.

Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.
Sorry, but although I oftentimes land on the Conservative side of many issues, on this one, I land squarely on the side of Labor.

US jobs are going overseas because greedy business folk exploit environments (China, India, et al) where Labor is powerless and government lets business run amok.

We - the American People - organized, and put controls into place, in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries - to soften and minimize the effects of such abuse of The People.

So - once instantaneous communication and inexpensive high-speed transport manifested themselves - greedy business folk found other audiences of victims to exploit.

Not surprising, given that both China and India are (were) dirt-poor and willing to prostitute themselves and their peoples for mere peanuts, in order to generate any revenue at all.

So, these same greedy businessmen phukked over their own countrymen, screwed them out of their jobs, gave them to dirt-poor coolies, and grow even fatter on the profits.

Those organizations and controls were put in place - generations ago - for a damned good reason - to prevent those bastards in the glass towers from exploiting American labor.

Continuing to take their side in the matter does little to re-energize American manufacturing or to rescue the American Worker.

Well, when the Bad (Greedy) Guys won't reform on their own, it's time to force it down their throats, where it counts - in the pocketbook.

Time to level the playing field and to be thinking in terms of tariffs - high ones - for goods produced in parts of the world being exploited by Greedy Business-Folk.

First candidate who sells the American People on the idea that he will restore American jobs and re-empower workers - wins.

Any business is based on income exceeding expenses. When that equation flips the wrong way due to labor costs, the business has two choices: close its doors, or find less expensive labor.

No president can simply decree that he will restore American jobs and take them away from China and India. There has to be a viable business reason to move jobs back into this country. Taxes and unions and US regulations are the problem, like it or not.
Illegal Aliens are here without our permission and are stealing jobs and depressing wages and draining resources and cannot hide behind the mask of religious freedom.

Muslims are almost always here legally...

And their hybrid warrior-religion-turned-legal-cultural-social-political-system can hide behind our embedded religious freedoms tradition.

But, in the final analysis, when Constitutionality and Safety are at odds, Safety nearly always wins.

And we do, indeed, seem to be rapidly sliding downhill, to that choice between Constitutionality and Safety, in connection with Militant Islam.

Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.
Sorry, but although I oftentimes land on the Conservative side of many issues, on this one, I land squarely on the side of Labor.

US jobs are going overseas because greedy business folk exploit environments (China, India, et al) where Labor is powerless and government lets business run amok.

We - the American People - organized, and put controls into place, in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries - to soften and minimize the effects of such abuse of The People.

So - once instantaneous communication and inexpensive high-speed transport manifested themselves - greedy business folk found other audiences of victims to exploit.

Not surprising, given that both China and India are (were) dirt-poor and willing to prostitute themselves and their peoples for mere peanuts, in order to generate any revenue at all.

So, these same greedy businessmen phukked over their own countrymen, screwed them out of their jobs, gave them to dirt-poor coolies, and grow even fatter on the profits.

Those organizations and controls were put in place - generations ago - for a damned good reason - to prevent those bastards in the glass towers from exploiting American labor.

Continuing to take their side in the matter does little to re-energize American manufacturing or to rescue the American Worker.

Well, when the Bad (Greedy) Guys won't reform on their own, it's time to force it down their throats, where it counts - in the pocketbook.

Time to level the playing field and to be thinking in terms of tariffs - high ones - for goods produced in parts of the world being exploited by Greedy Business-Folk.

First candidate who sells the American People on the idea that he will restore American jobs and re-empower workers - wins.

Any business is based on income exceeding expenses. When that equation flips the wrong way due to labor costs, the business has two choices: close its doors, or find less expensive labor.

No president can simply decree that he will restore American jobs and take them away from China and India. There has to be a viable business reason to move jobs back into this country. Taxes and unions and US regulations are the problem, like it or not.
And, given how far along the path to ruin of the American Middle Class, that we have traveled, we have reached a point where high tariffs may prove to be the answer.

That forces the return of the manufacturing base, for anyone who wants to do business in the United States.

We haven't used tariffs in a very long time.

The time has quite probably come, to dust off the old tariffs play book, figure out what works and what doesn't, tweak the concept for the modern age and our particular context and coolie-competition, then then start ramming it to Big Business.

Hand-in-hand with that idea, is the idea of flushing-out the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens, and taking a very long, hard look at the H1B visa program.

It's time to start taking care of our own, once again.

First candidate to marry all those ideas together, and sell the American People on it, wins.
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Apparently the word Illegal is hard for some to grasp. So why should some illegal be granted immunity from prosecution when legal citizens are subject to the laws as they are written? It will take some time but as they violate laws and become known they should be deported. Don't be confused, I am not just talking about south Americans.
...Uh, no, we don't have to worry about that at all...
Suit yourself... you've been warned... knew you(r side) wouldn't listen, but you're entitled to 'due diligence' as you prepare to shoot yourselves in the foot.

I guess I have a little more faith in Americans who aren't Republicans. If the Republican Party has become so rudderless that it will nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown ahead of experienced and proven leaders, because he does a better job of pandering to their racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny, then that's really on them, isn't it?

Frankly, I see nominating Trump as a plus. He will drag down the Senate and Maybe the House with him. He might even fracture the party altogether.

She's a proven liar and a proven failure. Her experience consists of selling her office for personal gain.
Poorly educated undocumented illegals are NOT taking anyone's job. US business outsources more desireable US jobs than illegals might take.
Oh, there's no escaping the idea that the frigging corporatists are sending American jobs overseas at the speed of light.

But that has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that Illegal Aliens steal jobs and depress wages in the trades.

Just ask any carpenter, roofer, plumber, landscaper, etc, in an area infested by Illegals.

Trouble with Militant Muslims should not be allowed to distract us from multi-tasking in connection with the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens in our midst.


We need to be dealing with both, simultaneously, and separately.

In the words of the great, late Ernie Banks: "Let's play two !"

Why are US jobs going overseas? Any idea? Try unions, taxes, and federal regulations.

Fix those 3 things and the US job market would boom like never before.
Sorry, but although I oftentimes land on the Conservative side of many issues, on this one, I land squarely on the side of Labor.

US jobs are going overseas because greedy business folk exploit environments (China, India, et al) where Labor is powerless and government lets business run amok.

We - the American People - organized, and put controls into place, in the latter 19th and early 20th centuries - to soften and minimize the effects of such abuse of The People.

So - once instantaneous communication and inexpensive high-speed transport manifested themselves - greedy business folk found other audiences of victims to exploit.

Not surprising, given that both China and India are (were) dirt-poor and willing to prostitute themselves and their peoples for mere peanuts, in order to generate any revenue at all.

So, these same greedy businessmen phukked over their own countrymen, screwed them out of their jobs, gave them to dirt-poor coolies, and grow even fatter on the profits.

Those organizations and controls were put in place - generations ago - for a damned good reason - to prevent those bastards in the glass towers from exploiting American labor.

Continuing to take their side in the matter does little to re-energize American manufacturing or to rescue the American Worker.

Well, when the Bad (Greedy) Guys won't reform on their own, it's time to force it down their throats, where it counts - in the pocketbook.

Time to level the playing field and to be thinking in terms of tariffs - high ones - for goods produced in parts of the world being exploited by Greedy Business-Folk.

First candidate who sells the American People on the idea that he will restore American jobs and re-empower workers - wins.

Any business is based on income exceeding expenses. When that equation flips the wrong way due to labor costs, the business has two choices: close its doors, or find less expensive labor.

No president can simply decree that he will restore American jobs and take them away from China and India. There has to be a viable business reason to move jobs back into this country. Taxes and unions and US regulations are the problem, like it or not.
And, given how far along the path to ruin of the American Middle Class, that we have traveled, we have reached a point where high tariffs may prove to be the answer.

That forces the return of the manufacturing base, for anyone who wants to do business in the United States.

We haven't used tariffs in a very long time.

The time has quite probably come, to dust off the old tariffs play book, figure out what works and what doesn't, tweak the concept for the modern age and our particular context and coolie-competition, then then start ramming it to Big Business.

Hand-in-hand with that idea, is the idea of flushing-out the 11,000,000 Illegal Aliens, and taking a very long, hard look at the H1B visa program.

It's time to start taking care of our own, once again.

First candidate to marry all those ideas together, and sell the American People on it, wins.

you just described the Trump campaign.
...Uh, no, we don't have to worry about that at all...
Suit yourself... you've been warned... knew you(r side) wouldn't listen, but you're entitled to 'due diligence' as you prepare to shoot yourselves in the foot.

I guess I have a little more faith in Americans who aren't Republicans. If the Republican Party has become so rudderless that it will nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown ahead of experienced and proven leaders, because he does a better job of pandering to their racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny, then that's really on them, isn't it?

Frankly, I see nominating Trump as a plus. He will drag down the Senate and Maybe the House with him. He might even fracture the party altogether.

She's a proven liar and a proven failure. Her experience consists of selling her office for personal gain.

She is also suffering from dementia and inane arrogance.
...you just described the Trump campaign.
Funny how that worked-out, wasn't it?

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