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We talk about deporting the 11 million illegal Hispanics in the US

Trouble is, neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders are fit to lead, either, and they'll take us further down the path to Nanny Statism than most Americans want to go.

Americans are a lot more cool with the nanny state than you think. In fact, if it weren't for a few rich sugar daddies spewing Libertarian/Objectivist nonsense to stupid people, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
Trouble is, neither Hillary Clinton nor Bernie Sanders are fit to lead, either, and they'll take us further down the path to Nanny Statism than most Americans want to go.

Americans are a lot more cool with the nanny state than you think. In fact, if it weren't for a few rich sugar daddies spewing Libertarian/Objectivist nonsense to stupid people, we wouldn't even be having this discussion.
We may learn the answer to this question on the night of November 8, 2016.
So why not discuss deporting the 5-12 million Muslims? They're actually doing shit against US interests. Hispanics are just working.

Why do you feel the need to lie? We are talking about deporting people who are here illegally, only about 60% of which are hispanic. I'm sure those numbers include some muslims.
We may learn the answer to this question on the night of November 8, 2016.

No, we really won't.

Gonna let you in on another ugly secret, Bird-boy. Americans are perfectly fine with the Nanny State. You guys can get Mr. and Mrs. White Bread Middle Class to be cool with yanking the food stamp out of the mouth of a poor black child, provided you aren't too openly racist about it.

But you tell them you are going to take away their Social Security, their Medicare and their Unemployment Insurance, and they will turn on you like a pack of rabid dogs and you know it. That's why none of you shitheads every says this out loud. Not even Trump.
We may learn the answer to this question on the night of November 8, 2016.

No, we really won't. ...
Purely a matter of personal opinion, I assure you. Automatic-reflex gainsay does nothing to advance the discussion.

...Gonna let you in on another ugly secret...
I can't imagine that there is much of anything substantive on the macro level, in an American political context, that you know, that I do not.

Somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning, Princess?

...Americans are perfectly fine with the Nanny State...
Only within the very narrow subset of America in which you exist.

...You guys can get Mr. and Mrs. White Bread Middle Class to be cool with yanking the food stamp out of the mouth of a poor black child, provided you aren't too openly racist about it...
The first truly substantive, national-level Welfare Reform of the modern era was in the 1996-1997 time frame during the Clinton (D) Administration.

It was a matter of economics and chronic welfare-cheats, not racism - then or now - although you lightweights on the Far Left would love to try to get America to believe that.

...But you tell them you are going to take away their Social Security, their Medicare and their Unemployment Insurance...
All benefits that they've PAID INTO for decades

Helluva difference, vs. the endless freebies you Hyper-Lefties would try (and fail) to consign us to.

...and they will turn on you like a pack of rabid dogs and you know it...
And they would be right to do so.

...That's why none of you shitheads every says this out loud. Not even Trump.
Congress will never allow a dissolving of Social Security nor Medicare nor Unemployment Insurance in our lifetimes, regardless of which Talking Head is in the White House.

As to the unprovoked 'you shitheads' remark, well, you'd better have your Big Girl panties on, come the night of November 8, 2016, Sweet Cheeks... you're gonna need 'em...
Have you ever read the Quran? Have you ever read the Old Testament?
I first read the Koran in 1959. Since then, I've read 18 translations of it, most recently Arberry, Shakir, Dawood, Pickthall, and the sanitized for Western readers version of Ali. I don't care about the Old Testament.
But you tell them you are going to take away their Social Security, their Medicare and their Unemployment Insurance, and they will turn on you like a pack of rabid dogs and you know it. That's why none of you shitheads every says this out loud. Not even Trump.
Trump has repeatedly said he will not touch Social security or Medicare. He has said that from the very beginning back in June. Trouble with a lot of you Trump bashers is, you have no clue about his positions on the issues. You need to shut up, read Trump's website (many positions listed in detail), and read his latest book > Crippled America.

THEN you can come back in here, and post from an informed status, instead of the ignorant status you make fools of yourselves with now.
Yeah, fix those things and we'll have the shitty low paying jobs with no worker protections here! Race to the fucking bottom. Brilliant!
Right now we have international outsourcing with low wage foreigners holding jobs outside the US, that American should have, and domestic outsourcing (immigration & visas) with low wage foreigners holding jobs inside the US, that American should have.

I don't know the exact positions on these of all the presidential candidates. On domestic outsourcing, generally the Republicans have good positions being opposed to ti. All the Democrats have horrible positions on it, being in favor of it. Only ones I know who are opposed to all outsourcing (intl & domestic) are Trump, Cruz and Santorum.
No end to the stupidity of liberals. Nothing dumber than equating Islam with Christianity, when no 2 things in life could ever be more different. "Couldn't come up with anything" !!!! Are you for real ?? The Koran is "kill the unbelievers" cover to cover. Are you really that ignorant ? Sheeesh!!!

Okay, so once again, the same challenge I give all the other Bible Nuts, give me Koranic Verses IN CONTEXT that say, "Kill all the Unbelievers".

Here, I'll start you off.

"If thy brother, the son of thy mother, or thy son, or thy daughter, or the wife of thy bosom, or thy friend, which is as thine own soul, entice thee secretly, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which thou hast not known, thou, nor thy fathers; Namely, of the gods of the people which are round about you ... Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die." --

Oh, shit. My bad. that's from the Bible.

Here, let's try this one.

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

Whoops, sorry, that's from the Bible, too!

Wait. Wait. Here's one.

"He that is taken with the accursed thing shall be burnt with fire, he and all that he hath. ... And Joshua ... took Achan ... and his sons, and his daughters ... And all Israel stoned him with stones, and burned them with fire." -- Joshua 7:15, 24-25
You quoted the OLD Testament. That is revised by the Christian NEW Testament. That's why they';r ecalled OLD & NEW. Get it ?

As for the Koran, are you seriously not knowing of the mass genocide all throughout the Koran ? I don't have all day to post dozens (or hundreds of them) but just one would be too much. And don't give me that "IN CONTEXT" :bsflag: That phony talking point escape hatch was closed up a long time ago. The Koran's suras DON'T HAVE context. They are written randomly. One sura has no connection to a previous or succeeding sura. Nice try though (aren't you going to try the other common Islamapologist phony talking point ? (ie. "interpretation")

SO, Here's a partial sample of the genocide suras >>

"Lord...Give us victory over the unbelievers."
Quran 2:286, "The Cow," Dawood, p. 46

"Lord...give us victory over the unbelievers."
Quran 3:148, "The Imrans," Dawood, p. 67

"I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers."
Quran 8:12, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 177

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them."
Quran 9:5; "Repentance," Dawood, p. 186

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate."
Quran 9:73, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 198

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous."
Quran 9:123, "Repentance," Dawood, p. 206

"Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron.
Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: "Taste the torment of the Conflagration!"
Quran 22:19-20, "The Pilgrimage," Dawood, p. 333

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another."
Quran 48:29, "Victory," Dawood, p. 514

"Those that make war against God and His apostle and spread disorder in the land shall be slain and crucified or have their hands and feet cut off on alternate sides, or be banished from the land."
Quran 5:33, "The Table," Dawood, p. 112

"When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly."
Quran 47:4, "Muhammad," Dawood, p. 506

"Let not the unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power to do so. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of God and your enemy..."
Quran 8:59-60, "The Spoils," Dawood, p. 183

[Muhammad] said, "...fight everyone in the way of God and kill those who disbelieve in God..."
Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad, p. 672

In Koran 9:123 it says > "Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you." I Iive in a large apartment complex with 265 units. One one apartment has Muslim residents. According to this sura, if i were a Muslim, I should go out and shoot dead, all the residents of the other 264 apartments. This is what jihadists are taking seriously and DOING, as in the case of the San Bernardino screwballs.
Only a jihadist could accept his lunacy.
I guess I have a little more faith in Americans who aren't Republicans. If the Republican Party has become so rudderless that it will nominate a Reality TV Rodeo Clown ahead of experienced and proven leaders, because he does a better job of pandering to their racism, xenophobia, homophobia and misogyny, then that's really on them, isn't it?

Frankly, I see nominating Trump as a plus. He will drag down the Senate and Maybe the House with him. He might even fracture the party altogether.
1. The Democrats are the kings of racism in America >>> (AFFIRMATIVE ACTION)

2. There is no such thing as homophobia, because homosexuality is a sickness, which is a valid fear.

3. What Democrats call xenophobia, is really nothing more than PROTECTION of the American people from overpopulation, and the long list of harms of immigration and foreign influx.

4. Misogyny ? HA HA HA. With democrats defending the unconstitutional, illegality of Islam, they are the last ones who should even be breathing a word about misogyny. Democrats (AKA Mulsim ass-kissers) are kings of misogyny) No charge for the tutoring.

PS - you need to be more careful about throwing the word "phobia" around recklessly to fit whatever you think is somehow politically helpful to you. There are some of us - myself included (agoraphobia) who actually suffer from REAL phobias, and your phony use of the word, is immensely offensive to us. You have no idea.
Again, Obama won because these same Americans were tired of watching kids come home in body bags. I'm sure if Trump gets us another war in the Middle East, he'd probably get people just as upset when more kids start coming home in body bags.

Maybe it's time to actually discuss ideas like, is there a compelling reason to be over there in the first place. that doesn't involve placating the Zionists and Oil Companies?"
Another example of liberal ignorance resulting from absorbing liberal OMISSION media. You guys don't know how much you don't know ? Amazing to see you come in and say things like >> "is there a compelling reason to be over there in the first place..."

Looks like I'm having to ask you that so typical conservative to liberal question again Joey. Give us a break. You REALLY don't know why US troops have been over there (and dying by the thousands for 14 years) ???
And you really have bought into your liberal media's programming about oil (which we never got a drop of) and something called "Zionism" ??? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEESHHHH!!!!!!

OK, lost one, READ BABY! READ >>>>

Here's a few clues for you. >> Vacuum. ISIS. Genocide. NUCLEAR.

Even if there were no threat of ISIS taking over in Afghanistan (they already are moving in and setting the foundation), there has long been 2 very strong reasons for the US military to be in Afghanistan, and that has not changed one iota. The primary reason is so that In the event that the fragile Pakistani govt were to collapse, their 100+ NUCLEAR warheads would not be in danger of going straight into the hands of the Taliban et al jihadists. The US troops could rush in and secure the nukes, and remove them to a safe place.
The Pentagon has had plans for doing this with or without any change in the Pakistani govt, and the Pakistanis have removed their warheads from the storage facilties they once were located in, and now drive them around city street sin ordinary, unmarked cargo vans to keep them away from the US military and Pakistani jihadists, both.
In a moment of candor, Obama himself was asked by the actor George Clooney, "What is the one thing that keeps you awake at night ?" Obama answered >> "Pakistan."

The second reason is to deny the jihadists (al Qaeda, the Taliban, ISIS, et al) the use of the non-nation, Afghanistan, as a place to have training camps (AKA bomb-making schools).

All this has been common knowledge for at least 14 years (since the 9-11 attacks), even to school kids
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The first truly substantive, national-level Welfare Reform of the modern era was in the 1996-1997 time frame during the Clinton (D) Administration.

It was a matter of economics and chronic welfare-cheats, not racism - then or now - although you lightweights on the Far Left would love to try to get America to believe that.

Welfare Reform was the most gutless thing Clinton ever did, and it was only because the economy was good enough to sustain it. When Bush fucked it up, all those welfare people went back on welfare, and they had a lot of company from White Folks who used to complain about "them welfare people".

All benefits that they've PAID INTO for decades

Helluva difference, vs. the endless freebies you Hyper-Lefties would try (and fail) to consign us to.

Most people collect more from these benefits than they pay in. if you retire at 65 and live to be 72, you get back more in Social Security than you've paid in. If you are unemployed for more than 10 weeks, you get more out of Unemployment Insurance than your employer has paid in on your behalf.

The reality is, it isn't "Welfare" that's going to bust the budget, it's those nice middle class entitlements that you all insist you need to get.

Congress will never allow a dissolving of Social Security nor Medicare nor Unemployment Insurance in our lifetimes, regardless of which Talking Head is in the White House.

As to the unprovoked 'you shitheads' remark, well, you'd better have your Big Girl panties on, come the night of November 8, 2016, Sweet Cheeks... you're gonna need 'em

Not really. You Shitheads still have the same problem in 2016 you had in 2012 and 2008. there aren't enough Angry White Males to keep you afloat, and women and minorities aren't going to vote for you. .
1. The Democrats are the kings of racism in America >>> (AFFIRMATIVE ACTION)

2. There is no such thing as homophobia, because homosexuality is a sickness, which is a valid fear.

i'm sure you spend your life worrying you are going to catch it, but frankly, if you are attracted to guys, there's not much you can do about it no matter how much you supress it.

3. What Democrats call xenophobia, is really nothing more than PROTECTION of the American people from overpopulation, and the long list of harms of immigration and foreign influx.

Guy, unless you are a pure Native American, you are part of the "harm" of immigration. Fact is, thepeople "illegally immigrating" are probably closer relations to the original inhabitants of this country than you are.

4. Misogyny ? HA HA HA. With democrats defending the unconstitutional, illegality of Islam, they are the last ones who should even be breathing a word about misogyny. Democrats (AKA Mulsim ass-kissers) are kings of misogyny) No charge for the tutoring.

Guy, no one wants to send their son off to die so some lady doesn't have wear a bhurka. And frankly, when you want to ban abortion and birth control and drive women out of the workplace, you have more in common with the Muslims than th e rest of us.

Looks like I'm having to ask you that so typical conservative to liberal question again Joey. Give us a break. You REALLY don't know why US troops have been over there (and dying by the thousands for 14 years) ???
And you really have bought into your liberal media's programming about oil (which we never got a drop of) and something called "Zionism" ??? SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEESHHHH!!!!!!

I know exactly why we are over there. Because Bush used a terrorist attack to push the Jew/NeoCon Agenda of toppling leaders they don't like over there, and as a result, we have more Terrorists.

Before Bush started fucking it up over there, the Jihadists were kind of restricted to Afghanistan, where that idiot Reagan made the mistake of arming them to start with. Now after taking out anyone the Jews point at, we have the Jihadists in Iraq, in Syria, in Yemen and in Libya, and if they take Egypt and Saudi Arabia, we are truly fucked.

But dumb fucks like you will try to make this about "The West vs. Islam", when if fact, we simply can't win this thing without getting a lot sensible Muslims saying, "Yeah, these Jihadists are really assholes, we need to do something about them."
The first truly substantive, national-level Welfare Reform of the modern era was in the 1996-1997 time frame during the Clinton (D) Administration.

It was a matter of economics and chronic welfare-cheats, not racism - then or now - although you lightweights on the Far Left would love to try to get America to believe that.

Welfare Reform was the most gutless thing Clinton ever did, and it was only because the economy was good enough to sustain it. When Bush fucked it up, all those welfare people went back on welfare, and they had a lot of company from White Folks who used to complain about "them welfare people".

All benefits that they've PAID INTO for decades

Helluva difference, vs. the endless freebies you Hyper-Lefties would try (and fail) to consign us to.

Most people collect more from these benefits than they pay in. if you retire at 65 and live to be 72, you get back more in Social Security than you've paid in. If you are unemployed for more than 10 weeks, you get more out of Unemployment Insurance than your employer has paid in on your behalf.

The reality is, it isn't "Welfare" that's going to bust the budget, it's those nice middle class entitlements that you all insist you need to get.

Congress will never allow a dissolving of Social Security nor Medicare nor Unemployment Insurance in our lifetimes, regardless of which Talking Head is in the White House.

As to the unprovoked 'you shitheads' remark, well, you'd better have your Big Girl panties on, come the night of November 8, 2016, Sweet Cheeks... you're gonna need 'em

Not really. You Shitheads still have the same problem in 2016 you had in 2012 and 2008. there aren't enough Angry White Males to keep you afloat, and women and minorities aren't going to vote for you. .
Oh, dearie-me, you're a n'er-do-well, angry little Black fellow, aren't you?
Oh, dearie-me, you're a n'er-do-well, angry little Black fellow, aren't you?

Sorry, Dude, I'm white.

And I used to be pretty right wing until my Romney-loving Ex-Boss screwed me over and then bragged about how he was so glad he didn't have to deal with a union.

The fact that a lot of you dumb white people keep voting against your own economic interests because guys like Trump play on your racism, misogyny and homophobia doesn't mean all of us have to do it.

I stopped being conservative when i realized the gay Hispanic chick I worked next to was really in the same boat i was in. The one the 1%ers keep trying to sink.
Oh, dearie-me, you're a n'er-do-well, angry little Black fellow, aren't you?

Sorry, Dude, I'm white...
Wow... you sure do a good impression of being a n'er-do-well, angry little Black fellow... my bad... I was wrong.

...And I used to be pretty right wing until my Romney-loving Ex-Boss screwed me over and then bragged about how he was so glad he didn't have to deal with a union...
Correction... n'er-do-well, angry little White fellow... one who hasn't got enough brains to stand with his own kind.

...The fact that a lot of you dumb white people...
'...you dumb white people...'

Well, lookie-here, we've got ourselves a White Boy who'd rather be Black.


...keep voting against your own economic interests...
There are two kinds of voters, in this context...

1. those who selfishly vote only for their own interests

2. those who vote for the greater good, regardless of how they might be impacted personally

...because guys like Trump play on your racism, misogyny and homophobia doesn't mean all of us have to do it...
Brainwashing their lemmings that this is the case, is how Democrats keep the White Vote split in two.

...I stopped being conservative when i realized the gay Hispanic chick I worked next to was really in the same boat i was in. The one the 1%ers keep trying to sink.
Then serve-up better candidates than a retread lying sack-of-shit and a communist, and serve-up a platform that doesn't involve offering-up our backsides to Illegal Aliens, and which understands the Real World threat posed by Islam in general, and Militant Islam in particular, and you might find more folks willing to listen. Until then...
Wow... you sure do a good impression of being a n'er-do-well, angry little Black fellow... my bad... I was wrong.

You are wrong about so much, though, it barely registers. You are the One Percent's ultimate Useful Idiot.

Correction... n'er-do-well, angry little White fellow... one who hasn't got enough brains to stand with his own kind.

You miss the point. My own kind are people who work for a living. Regardless of what color they are, which sky pixie they worship or who they sleep with.

Not the folks in the corner offices and penthouses who wonder how many of us they have to fire to still get their bonuses this year.

'...you dumb white people...'

Well, lookie-here, we've got ourselves a White Boy who'd rather be Black.


Not sure where you get that. I'd never want to be black in this country. Not when a cop can shoot you 16 times on the ground and you have to practically threaten a riot to get something done about it.

No, I'd rather be white, where you can shoot 9 black people and the police take you out to Burger King because you were looking a bit peckish.

There are two kinds of voters, in this context...

1. those who selfishly vote only for their own interests

2. those who vote for the greater good, regardless of how they might be impacted personally

You miss the third type you are.

The person who votes against his own interest and greater good because a rich person has spent a lot of money playing on your racism, misogyny and homophobia to get you to do so.

See also- 2004 election, where you guys gave Bush a second term after he stole his first one, and he proceeded to fuck all of you. But you hate the black guy for not fixing it fast enough.

Brainwashing their lemmings that this is the case, is how Democrats keep the White Vote split in two.

Again, used to be more right wing than you are, until I learned better.

Then serve-up better candidates than a retread lying sack-of-shit and a communist, and serve-up a platform that doesn't involve offering-up our backsides to Illegal Aliens, and which understands the Real World threat posed by Islam in general, and Militant Islam in particular, and you might find more folks willing to listen. Until then...

Until then, you'll keep pissing yourself when someone says, "Islam".

But here's the thing. Muslims have never done anything really bad to me personally. I can't say the same for big corporations, which have fucked me over on several occassions.

You know why we have an illegal alien problem? Because the rich people you slavishly worship are just oh, so happy to hire them rather than pay you a fair wage with health insurance. You could end the "Illegal" problem easily by going after the people who hire them.
I know exactly why we are over there. Because Bush used a terrorist attack to push the Jew/NeoCon Agenda of toppling leaders they don't like over there, and as a result, we have more Terrorists.

Before Bush started fucking it up over there, the Jihadists were kind of restricted to Afghanistan, where that idiot Reagan made the mistake of arming them to start with. Now after taking out anyone the Jews point at, we have the Jihadists in Iraq, in Syria, in Yemen and in Libya, and if they take Egypt and Saudi Arabia, we are truly fucked.

But dumb fucks like you will try to make this about "The West vs. Islam", when if fact, we simply can't win this thing without getting a lot sensible Muslims saying, "Yeah, these Jihadists are really assholes, we need to do something about them."
1. You are the LEAST "sure" poster about anything I've ever seen in this forum. :laugh: I have no worries about sexuality. None.

2. No, I am NOT "part of the "harm" of immigration", since I was born here. But my mother who immigrated here in 1929 was part of it. And my paternal grandparent who immigrated here in the 1890s was part of it. That's because the US passed its optimum population (relative to resource base) in 1860, and all immigration after that has been excessive. As for current immigrants being close relations to the original inhabitants, that is irrelevant, and you are an idiot for talking about how close to those original inhabitants I am, since you know nothing about that. So happens my paternal grandparents both immigrated here from Central America - British Honduras (now called Belize, and they spoke a Central American Indian language and Spanish (as do I).

3. Don't pretend that wearing a burka is why US troops have fought in Afghanistan/Iraq. I told you the reasons. YOU KNOW what they are. As for abortion, I want to ban it with limitations and I'm not opposed to birth control, and it sounds like you don't have much of a handle on what constitutes being "in common with the Muslims." Try reading the Koran.

4. YES, you DO know why we are over there. Because I TOLD YOU WHY, and YOU LEARNED IT right here in this thread, where I taught it to you in Post # 92 >> "What is the one thing that keeps you awake at night ?" Obama answered >> "Pakistan."

5. No charge for the DEPROGRAMMING. :biggrin:
1. You are the LEAST "sure" poster about anything I've ever seen in this forum. :laugh: I have no worries about sexuality. None.

It's been scientifically established that most serious homophobes are latent homosexuals. They've done studies.

2. No, I am NOT "part of the "harm" of immigration", since I was born here. But my mother who immigrated here in 1929 was part of it. And my paternal grandparent who immigrated here in the 1890s was part of it. That's because the US passed its optimum population (relative to resource base) in 1860, and all immigration after that has been excessive. As for current immigrants being close relations to the original inhabitants, that is irrelevant, and you are an idiot for talking about how close to those original inhabitants I am, since you know nothing about that. So happens my paternal grandparents both immigrated here from Central America - British Honduras (now called Belize, and they spoke a Central American Indian language and Spanish (as do I).

so essentially, you are scared of scary brown people, we get that. I'm not even sure where you get this bizarre number of "passing its resource base", Americans today, even the poorest ones, live far better than the misery people lived in the mid-19th century when the average lifespan was 55 and the infant mortality rate was 10%. We have PLENTY of resources. It's just that we have the top 1% that wants to hoard them all.

. Don't pretend that wearing a burka is why US troops have fought in Afghanistan/Iraq. I told you the reasons. YOU KNOW what they are.

You gave me a bunch of reason that they tell you, and you stupidly wave a flag.

But here are the real reasons.

1) The fucking JEWS control our politics.
2) The fucking OIL COMPANIES control our politics.

If we left the Muslims alone, they'd leave us alone. Period.

As for abortion, I want to ban it with limitations and I'm not opposed to birth control, and it sounds like you don't have much of a handle on what constitutes being "in common with the Muslims." Try reading the Koran.

It's not your place to ban abortion. It's not your place to tell men they can't sleep with other men. You have far more in common with the fanatical muslims than you think.

4. YES, you DO know why we are over there. Because I TOLD YOU WHY, and YOU LEARNED IT right here in this thread, where I taught it to you in Post # 92 >> "What is the one thing that keeps you awake at night ?" Obama answered >> "Pakistan."

I think you fail to understand the context. What keeps him awake about Pakistan is that they have nukes, and a corrupt government that gets overthrown by the military on a recurring basis. Not that they are "Scary Muslims".

5. No charge for the DEPROGRAMMING.

And listening to a bunch of racist, misogynistic, "My Sky Pixie is better than Your Sky Pixie" was supposed to be valuable, how?

Well, it was good for a laugh. Except people like you keep getting us involved in wars over there, and the body bags AREN'T FUNNY.

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