We Warned You, Mega-Vaxxed Poised For ELE (Extinction Level Event)

I'm not sure if you keep up with the news, but there are a lot of young athletes suddenly dropping dead lately.

No more than before there was a COVID vaccine, you are just being told about it more. It is not really a new thing, here is a paper written about it from way back in 2016....https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4969030/

So whatever happened to that "my body, my choice" you leftists were spouting? Was that just bullshit or something?

I am 100% against the Govt mandating it. That does not mean I am going to join the crowd that thinks everyone that took it will drop dead any day now like the OP is suggesting, and you did not disagree with.
Develop a rebuttal instead of ALWAYS whining for an explanation

It takes more than "credentials". It also takes a track record of correctly identifying problems, correctly.

This clown's work has been completely DEBUNKED: The study linked to below completely dismantles his theories.

Most of Vanden Bosscheā€™s arguments against SARSā€CoVā€2 vaccination have been disproven (https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/counteringā€geertā€vandenā€bosschesā€dubiousā€viralā€openā€letterā€warningā€againstā€massā€covidā€19ā€vaccination/), but there is one fundamental aspect of his arguments that I have not seen fully addressed. The crux of Vanden Bosscheā€™s and his disciplesā€™ antiā€vaccination argument is essentially a resurrection of Lamarck's theories of adaptive evolution. Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744ā€“1829), rightly or wrongly, is most remembered for advocating the ā€œinheritance of acquired characteristicsā€, which was discredited in modern biology almost 80ā€‰years ago. With respect to SARSā€CoVā€2 and vaccination, the argument goes that when the virus infects a vaccinated person, it acquires the ability to evade the immunity conferred by the vaccine, thereby becoming capable of infecting and growing in vaccinated hosts and immune individuals who recovered from COVIDā€19. From their point of view, vaccination is thus fuelling the generation of immuneā€resistant variants, which could ultimately become an existential danger to humanity. Thus, they claim, it is the vaccinated who threaten the unvaccinated, the opposite of what I argued in my letter in the Proceedings.

Vaccination does not generate variants resistant to the vaccine​

What is wrong with this argument is that modern biology has demonstrated that mutation is random, not directed by the environment. The classic fluctuation test experiments of Salvador Edward Luria and Max DelbrĆ¼ck, published in 1943, showed that a bacterial cell's resistance to a virus is not induced by the virus, but results from random mutations that allow the cell to resist the virus. In other words, mutations occur without selective pressure, not the other way around. Thus, the evolution and inheritance of new characteristics is not subject to Lamarckism even if epigenetics and hypermutation provide some important modifiers to the underlying mutationā€selection process.

concerning the COVID vaccines people will never stop caring because of their being so much evidence right in their faces day after day of people falling ill, having tremors, dropping dead, and collapsing on football and soccer fields as well as on basketball courts. They cannot deny any of the evidence their own eyes witnessed.

They want to deny it, but ripping a mask off one's face will never blot out the evidence.
Melodramatic much.

There is a segment of the anti vac crowd that is becoming just as bad as the vaccine crowd was. Man dies in a car wreck who was vaxed and boom the vaccine was to blame. A morbidly obese person with heart disease, diabetes, and epilepsy falls in the shower and drowns but was vaxed and boom the vaccine was to blame. Weā€™ve seen this play out before, its a rinse wash and repeat approach
I've noticed you guys that stick up for Biden and dislike Trump say the same thing!! You Americans are amazing.

can you provide a couple example of me "sticking up for Biden".


But yes, I am amazing.
Melodramatic much.

There is a segment of the anti vac crowd that is becoming just as bad as the vaccine crowd was. Man dies in a car wreck who was vaxed and boom the vaccine was to blame. A morbidly obese person with heart disease, diabetes, and epilepsy falls in the shower and drowns but was vaxed and boom the vaccine was to blame. Weā€™ve seen this play out before, its a rinse wash and repeat approach

The anti-vaxxed are worse because people continue to die because they're refusing the vaccines. More than 48,000 Americans have died of covid in the past 12 months.

The USA still has the highest rate of death in the first world, and the lowest rate of vaccinations. These two things are connected.
Well, my girlfriend's mother, no heart problems in her family, had every COVID shot going under the sun and is recovering from a heart attack from a couple of weeks ago with now ongoing ailments that a reduced heart function brings.

The girlfriend had all the shots too, I think I should take out a life insurance policy on her !

Thatā€™s amazing. I mean nobody ever had a heart attack before without years of warning signs, diagnosis of potential problems. Years of discussions with doctors. Oh wait. They have.
The anti-vaxxed are worse because people continue to die because they're refusing the vaccines. More than 48,000 Americans have died of covid in the past 12 months.

The USA still has the highest rate of death in the first world, and the lowest rate of vaccinations. These two things are connected.

Frankly it is good that they are dying. It proves Darwin right.
Frankly it is good that they are dying. It proves Darwin right.
You mean the vaccine that doesnā€™t stop infection, from transmission or from sickness or death? You mean that vaccine?

And the vaccine that, itself is blamed on killing people?

Oh, and guards you against a really nasty cold?

Damn, Iā€™m glad I donā€™t feel such a need to broadcast to the world how lame I am.
You mean the vaccine that doesnā€™t stop infection, from transmission or from sickness or death? You mean that vaccine?

And the vaccine that, itself is blamed on killing people?

Oh, and guards you against a really nasty cold?

Damn, Iā€™m glad I donā€™t feel such a need to broadcast to the world how lame I am.

It's not a vaccine.
I'm not sure if you keep up with the news, but there are a lot of young athletes suddenly dropping dead lately. I'm not anti-vax, but I didn't take the jab.

So whatever happened to that "my body, my choice" you leftists were spouting? Was that just bullshit or something?
The hypocrisy of the left knows no bounds.
Repeating a conspiracy theory does not make it truth.


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