We were colder than the surface of Mars yesterday where I live!


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
That global warming is just jaking :lol: I'm just sooooooooo convinced that I'll be baking in the sun someday soon:eusa_angel:

Bring on the global warming. I am ready. I'm stocking up on Tropicana and dying to plant banana trees.

In terms of astonishing weather facts, it doesn't get much more impressive than being as cold as a distant planet for a day.
The Manitoba Museum is reporting Winnipeg's temperatures on Tuesday were actually as cold as the surface of Mars

According to the Curiosity Rover, Mars reached a maximum temperature of -29 C on Tuesday, a temperature Winnipeg only reached shortly before 3 p.m.

The deep freeze over much of Southern Manitoba prompted extreme wind chill warnings in the area and most of the north.

In Winnipeg, the daytime high temperature for Tuesday was only expected to reach –31 C, but the windchill made it feel more like –40 to –50. That means exposed skin can freeze in less than five minutes..

Winnipeg deep freeze as cold as uninhabited planet - Manitoba - CBC News
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Meanwhile in Australia, it's summer, so I fail to see how Winnipeg = global in any way. I mean, in Townsville today, the high is 93 °F. Rather than seemingly clever, these kinds of threads make global warming skeptics just look ignorant of the rest of the world.

If you were talking about global average temperature rather than whatever your local weather happens to be, you'd have a point, but that doesn't help either, because the top 10 warmest years on record are all from within the past 15 years.
Meanwhile in Australia, it's summer, so I fail to see how Winnipeg = global in any way. I mean, in Townsville today, the high is 93 °F. Rather than seemingly clever, these kinds of threads make global warming skeptics just look ignorant of the rest of the world.

If you were talking about global average temperature rather than whatever your local weather happens to be, you'd have a point, but that doesn't help either, because the top 10 warmest years on record are all from within the past 15 years.
Bet you also think that all of these new Wall Street HIGHS are the result of a vibrant recovery..

High records are a dime a dozen for awhile at a peak or a pause. But there's a lot more LOW records waiting to kick your ass just on the other side..

You had it right the 1st time -- Best to scoff at BOTH sides using these factoids as weapons.

Not that I don't feel for TinyDancer.. It IS a dangerous situation and takes a mental toll on ya after a couple days...

Best to concentrate on the frozen wildlife and the economic losses.. My jaw dropped when I saw a live shot of downtown Chicago today.. It's a ghost town.. When will Obama visit the disaster area ???
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Somehow, I think this Interplanetary Warming - or, excuse me, Interplanetary Climate Change - is not the reason for mass extinctions on Saturn.
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Meanwhile in Australia, it's summer, so I fail to see how Winnipeg = global in any way. I mean, in Townsville today, the high is 93 °F. Rather than seemingly clever, these kinds of threads make global warming skeptics just look ignorant of the rest of the world.

If you were talking about global average temperature rather than whatever your local weather happens to be, you'd have a point, but that doesn't help either, because the top 10 warmest years on record are all from within the past 15 years.
Bet you also think that all of these new Wall Street HIGHS are the result of a vibrant recovery..

High records are a dime a dozen for awhile at a peak or a pause. But there's a lot more LOW records waiting to kick your ass just on the other side..

You had it right the 1st time -- Best to scoff at BOTH sides using these factoids as weapons.

Not that I don't feel for TinyDancer.. It IS a dangerous situation and takes a mental toll on ya after a couple days...

Best to concentrate on the frozen wildlife and the economic losses.. My jaw dropped when I saw a live shot of downtown Chicago today.. It's a ghost town.. When will Obama visit the disaster area ???

I do believe in climate change as it is a natural progression. And I've been a major consrvationist for forever. But not an alarmist. And as soon as politicians world wide saw $$$$$$ taxation, everyone and their mother was on the bandwagon.

Hell's bells, politicians world wide can't fix pot holes or anything for that matter it would appear.

And you had a certain percentage of scientists beating the drum out of simple love of fame, fortune and of course a free lunch every time they gave a lecture.

I like this gentleman. His credentials are impeccable, he freely admits he was a former alarmist and now he's taking a measured approach.


By Ian Johnston, msnbc.com

James Lovelock, the maverick scientist who became a guru to the environmental movement with his “Gaia” theory of the Earth as a single organism, has admitted to being “alarmist” about climate change and says other environmental commentators, such as Al Gore, were too.

Lovelock, 92, is writing a new book in which he will say climate change is still happening, but not as quickly as he once feared.

He previously painted some of the direst visions of the effects of climate change. In 2006, in an article in the U.K.’s Independent newspaper, he wrote that “before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.”

However, the professor admitted in a telephone interview with msnbc.com that he now thinks he had been “extrapolating too far."

More at link.

'Gaia' scientist James Lovelock: I was 'alarmist' about climate change - World News
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Just think in 6 billion years the sun will become hotter and humans will be living on mars.
And the extreme cold of the remaining five, most recent, are ignored.

How is ranking 10th out of more than 100 years "extreme cold"? (2012 ranked 10th and 2010 ranked 1st, in no way are the recent years "cold") If the temperature was remaining constant, you would expect the top 10 warmest years to be evenly spread. That is not the case.
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Meanwhile in Australia, it's summer, so I fail to see how Winnipeg = global in any way. I mean, in Townsville today, the high is 93 °F. Rather than seemingly clever, these kinds of threads make global warming skeptics just look ignorant of the rest of the world.

If you were talking about global average temperature rather than whatever your local weather happens to be, you'd have a point, but that doesn't help either, because the top 10 warmest years on record are all from within the past 15 years.
Bet you also think that all of these new Wall Street HIGHS are the result of a vibrant recovery..

High records are a dime a dozen for awhile at a peak or a pause. But there's a lot more LOW records waiting to kick your ass just on the other side..

So you can admit there has been warming? If so, I'm curious how you can say so confidently that said warming is temporary and not a trend.
Meanwhile in Australia, it's summer, so I fail to see how Winnipeg = global in any way. I mean, in Townsville today, the high is 93 °F. Rather than seemingly clever, these kinds of threads make global warming skeptics just look ignorant of the rest of the world.

If you were talking about global average temperature rather than whatever your local weather happens to be, you'd have a point, but that doesn't help either, because the top 10 warmest years on record are all from within the past 15 years.
Bet you also think that all of these new Wall Street HIGHS are the result of a vibrant recovery..

High records are a dime a dozen for awhile at a peak or a pause. But there's a lot more LOW records waiting to kick your ass just on the other side..

So you can admit there has been warming? If so, I'm curious how you can say so confidently that said warming is temporary and not a trend.

Real simple.. Long term (from the 1700s ) has been minor warming out of a minor "ice age".. Short term (past decade) no additional warming.. All those "records" are an artifact of the plateau we're on.

You've seen about 0.6degC of "global AVERAGE warming" over your lifetime.. Go ask TinyDancer if she feels it.. I know where I live, there is hardly a day that's within 0.6degC of average.. ---- OR within 2degC of "normal average"..

If you're still fishing to see if I'm a tinfoil guy... :eusa_shhh: ...... .

I believe CO2 has been highly overrated.. AGW fear mongerers ADMIT that CO2 alone is only the trigger mechanism. And to believe in the "science" of AGW --- you've got to believe that this planet will commit atmospheric suicide if a temperature forcing raises a couple degrees of surface heat.. All that crap --- aint' gonna happen...

I also believe AGW science has set us back a couple decades in terms of true understanding of how the earths climate components actually operate..
Listening to the AGW nutters, you'd think they were water skiing in northern Canada this afternoon!!

Real simple.. Long term (from the 1700s ) has been minor warming out of a minor "ice age".. Short term (past decade) no additional warming.. All those "records" are an artifact of the plateau we're on.

And what has been causing this warming that is going to cycle back to normal?

I believe CO2 has been highly overrated.. AGW fear mongerers ADMIT that CO2 alone is only the trigger mechanism.

I know of no such admissions. Aside from CO2, there are also other greenhouse gasses like methane, water vapor, and ozone, and these increases in greenhouse gases are in turn caused by a variety of sources like the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and natural disasters. No one has said that global warming is a simple as only being triggered by CO2.

And to believe in the "science" of AGW --- you've got to believe that this planet will commit atmospheric suicide if a temperature forcing raises a couple degrees of surface heat.. All that crap --- aint' gonna happen...

Again, no scientists are saying the Earth is going to explode or kill everything if the temperature increases a couple of degrees. However, an increase of a couple of degrees can cause damage to agriculture and infrastructure, and changes to these would be both costly and damaging.

But if you have evidence of short-term temperature cycles, it'd be interesting to see. I don't see how warming could begin decreasing without greenhouse gases decreasing first.
And the extreme cold of the remaining five, most recent, are ignored.

Why don't you show us when these five extreme cold years were?

Instrumental temperature record - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

10 warmest years on record (°C anomaly from 1901–2000 mean)
Year Global[66] Land[67] Ocean[68]
2010 0.6590 1.0748 0.5027
2005 0.6523 1.0505 0.5007
1998 0.6325 0.9351 0.5160
2003 0.6219 0.8859 0.5207
2002 0.6130 0.9351 0.4902
2006 0.5978 0.9091 0.4792
2009 0.5957 0.8621 0.4953
2007 0.5914 1.0886 0.3900
2004 0.5779 0.8132 0.4885
2012 0.5728 0.8968 0.4509

Years Temp. anomaly
(°C anomaly (°F anomaly) from 1951–1980 mean)
1880–1889 −0.274 °C (−0.493 °F)
1890–1899 −0.254 °C (−0.457 °F)
1900–1909 −0.259 °C (−0.466 °F)
1910–1919 −0.276 °C (−0.497 °F)
1920–1929 −0.175 °C (−0.315 °F)
1930–1939 −0.043 °C (−0.0774 °F)
1940–1949 0.035 °C (0.0630 °F)
1950–1959 −0.02 °C (−0.0360 °F)
1960–1969 −0.014 °C (−0.0252 °F)
1970–1979 −0.001 °C (−0.00180 °F)
1980–1989 0.176 °C (0.317 °F)
1990–1999 0.313 °C (0.563 °F)
2000–2009 0.513 °C (0.923 °F)
Bet you also think that all of these new Wall Street HIGHS are the result of a vibrant recovery..

High records are a dime a dozen for awhile at a peak or a pause. But there's a lot more LOW records waiting to kick your ass just on the other side..

So you can admit there has been warming? If so, I'm curious how you can say so confidently that said warming is temporary and not a trend.

Real simple.. Long term (from the 1700s ) has been minor warming out of a minor "ice age".. Short term (past decade) no additional warming.. All those "records" are an artifact of the plateau we're on.

You've seen about 0.6degC of "global AVERAGE warming" over your lifetime.. Go ask TinyDancer if she feels it.. I know where I live, there is hardly a day that's within 0.6degC of average.. ---- OR within 2degC of "normal average"..

If you're still fishing to see if I'm a tinfoil guy... :eusa_shhh: ...... .

I believe CO2 has been highly overrated.. AGW fear mongerers ADMIT that CO2 alone is only the trigger mechanism. And to believe in the "science" of AGW --- you've got to believe that this planet will commit atmospheric suicide if a temperature forcing raises a couple degrees of surface heat.. All that crap --- aint' gonna happen...

I also believe AGW science has set us back a couple decades in terms of true understanding of how the earths climate components actually operate..

What you believe has little to with reality, and even less influence on reality.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RffPSrRpq_g]Richard Alley: "The Biggest Control Knob: Carbon Dioxide in Earth's Climate History" - YouTube[/ame]
The Gorites won't be satisfied until humans are living in unheated caves and eating only uncooked food. Sadly, they don't seem to want to do that themselves; just demand that YOU do it.
Meanwhile in Australia, it's summer, so I fail to see how Winnipeg = global in any way. I mean, in Townsville today, the high is 93 °F. Rather than seemingly clever, these kinds of threads make global warming skeptics just look ignorant of the rest of the world.

If you were talking about global average temperature rather than whatever your local weather happens to be, you'd have a point, but that doesn't help either, because the top 10 warmest years on record are all from within the past 15 years.
Bet you also think that all of these new Wall Street HIGHS are the result of a vibrant recovery..

High records are a dime a dozen for awhile at a peak or a pause. But there's a lot more LOW records waiting to kick your ass just on the other side..

You had it right the 1st time -- Best to scoff at BOTH sides using these factoids as weapons.

Not that I don't feel for TinyDancer.. It IS a dangerous situation and takes a mental toll on ya after a couple days...

Best to concentrate on the frozen wildlife and the economic losses.. My jaw dropped when I saw a live shot of downtown Chicago today.. It's a ghost town.. When will Obama visit the disaster area ???

I do believe in climate change as it is a natural progression. And I've been a major consrvationist for forever. But not an alarmist. And as soon as politicians world wide saw $$$$$$ taxation, everyone and their mother was on the bandwagon.

Hell's bells, politicians world wide can't fix pot holes or anything for that matter it would appear.

And you had a certain percentage of scientists beating the drum out of simple love of fame, fortune and of course a free lunch every time they gave a lecture.

I like this gentleman. His credentials are impeccable, he freely admits he was a former alarmist and now he's taking a measured approach.


By Ian Johnston, msnbc.com

James Lovelock, the maverick scientist who became a guru to the environmental movement with his “Gaia” theory of the Earth as a single organism, has admitted to being “alarmist” about climate change and says other environmental commentators, such as Al Gore, were too.

Lovelock, 92, is writing a new book in which he will say climate change is still happening, but not as quickly as he once feared.

He previously painted some of the direst visions of the effects of climate change. In 2006, in an article in the U.K.’s Independent newspaper, he wrote that “before this century is over billions of us will die and the few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic where the climate remains tolerable.”

However, the professor admitted in a telephone interview with msnbc.com that he now thinks he had been “extrapolating too far."

More at link.

'Gaia' scientist James Lovelock: I was 'alarmist' about climate change - World News

Lovelock was one of the people that was 'alarmist'. His predictions for the effects were quite outside of those of most of the climate scientists.

Among the mainstream scientists, the record of the predictions has been quite good, considering that almost all the knowledge on this subject has come since 1975. However, the major misses have been on the arctic ice and weather extremes. Both well ahead of forecasts.
The Gorites won't be satisfied until humans are living in unheated caves and eating only uncooked food. Sadly, they don't seem to want to do that themselves; just demand that YOU do it.

Are you working of the 'idiot of the day' award? If so, you are doing quite well.

But go ahead and repeat your one line idiocies. They only serve to demonstrate the idiocy of the average 'Conservative'.
The Gorites won't be satisfied until humans are living in unheated caves and eating only uncooked food. Sadly, they don't seem to want to do that themselves; just demand that YOU do it.

Are you working of the 'idiot of the day' award? If so, you are doing quite well.

But go ahead and repeat your one line idiocies. They only serve to demonstrate the idiocy of the average 'Conservative'.


Not just a river anymore.
Meanwhile in Australia, it's snowing there too.

At the end of the global cooling catastrophe of the 70s, climate scientists said that the only inhabitable places on earth would be a narrow band around the equator. Everything else would be locked in glaciers. Some scientists said that the earth's climate was inherently unstable. There were periods of cooling and warming lasting about 40 years. This seems to be about right. We had 40 years of warming now going into a 40 year period of cooling. Sometimes the warm period will be quite warm like the Medieval warm period, or quite cool like the little ice age.

In some ways, now that the civilized world rejected God, we are becoming pagan. The rain doesn't fall because the climate gods are displeased. We can control what the climate gods do by keeping them happy with an appropriate sacrifice. It could be the heart of a virgin or the local power plant.

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