We will never be out of debt because of all the entitlements in this country


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

2 Welfare. I understand people are down on their luck but when you have some families on it for generations there is a problem. They need to have an end date to this say 2 years max at a time.

3. Medicare. Again you need to plan for your retirements. Start when your young.
4 Foreign aid

5 Endless wars.. We got Bin Ladin get out of Afghanistan , Iraq and bring the troops home and protect our borders.

6. Free (our tax dollars) money for college .. Sorry if you want a higher education work while your going through college. IT can be done , it is done all the time!!!

9 Ear marks

10 This healthcare law we can not afford. Either fix it or do away with it.

I know the people on the left will say I hate poor people which is not true . I grew up poor
But people need to take care of themselves and quit asking for hand outs.
We weren't in all that much debt before Bush and the Republicans controlled both houses and the presidency. If we never had the Bush tax cuts and the war in Iraq and the "drugs for votes" bill, Bush and the Republicans never would have handed Obama a failing economy and trillions in debt.

Voting more Republican into office will only make it worse. They're too greedy. They lie too much. And they love ideology over country. Besides al Qaeda, they are the worst thing that could happen to this country.
"Generation Gimme." The Democrats have created millions & millions of Entitlement addicts. They taught them to believe they were entitled to someone elses income. And now they actually do believe that. In fact they even think they deserve it. Things are going to get much worse. The Democrats have created an Entitlment Frankenstein. They're out of control. Third World here we come.
1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

2 Welfare. I understand people are down on their luck but when you have some families on it for generations there is a problem. They need to have an end date to this say 2 years max at a time.

3. Medicare. Again you need to plan for your retirements. Start when your young.
4 Foreign aid

5 Endless wars.. We got Bin Ladin get out of Afghanistan , Iraq and bring the troops home and protect our borders.

6. Free (our tax dollars) money for college .. Sorry if you want a higher education work while your going through college. IT can be done , it is done all the time!!!

9 Ear marks

10 This healthcare law we can not afford. Either fix it or do away with it.

I know the people on the left will say I hate poor people which is not true . I grew up poor
But people need to take care of themselves and quit asking for hand outs.

Paul wins again.............
1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

Many of us put real money into it. The difference of purchasing value between thoswe 1960, 70 80 and 90 bucks we contributed and the 2011 bucks we get back is rather dramtic, you know.

2 Welfare. I understand people are down on their luck but when you have some families on it for generations there is a problem. They need to have an end date to this say 2 years max at a time.

FYI There are about 3,000,000 people on welfare. Most of them are children. Everything you think you know about welfare is probably wrong.

3. Medicare. Again you need to plan for your retirements. Start when your young. '

Not one worker out of twenty can save enough to pay for any major illness. I'd wager that You cannot save enough in twenty years of working to pay for a bout of cancer.

4 Foreign aid

Most Foreign aid is probably welfare to some US arms merchant.

5 Endless wars.. We got Bin Ladin get out of Afghanistan , Iraq and bring the troops home and protect our borders.

I'm on board with that idea. I've been onboard with that idea since the mid 60s.

6. Free (our tax dollars) money for college .. Sorry if you want a higher education work while your going through college. IT can be done , it is done all the time!!!

I understand the sentiment. I think its shortsighted.

9 Ear marks

The fact that you use the word in this way suggests you don't even know what it means.

10 This healthcare law we can not afford. Either fix it or do away with it.

I'm not thrilled by the new plan, either. The old system bites, the new system bites, too.

I know the people on the left will say I hate poor people which is not true . I grew up poor

Yes, me too. So what. I don't think you hate the poor, I think you just don't really understand the problem. You position about welfare is a damned fine example of how much propaganda you've been confused by.

But people need to take care of themselves and quit asking for hand outs.

Oh I know. EVerybody but you is on welfare wah! wah! wah!

Go read a book. Go learn something REAL about these issues.

Blaming the poor for this economy is the height of stupidity
1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

Many of us put real money into it. The difference of purchasing value between thoswe 1960, 70 80 and 90 bucks we contributed and the 2011 bucks we get back is rather dramtic, you know.

2 Welfare. I understand people are down on their luck but when you have some families on it for generations there is a problem. They need to have an end date to this say 2 years max at a time.

FYI There are about 3,000,000 people on welfare. Most of them are children. Everything you think you know about welfare is probably wrong.

Not one worker out of twenty can save enough to pay for any major illness. I'd wager that You cannot save enough in twenty years of working to pay for a bout of cancer.

Most Foreign aid is probably welfare to some US arms merchant.

I'm on board with that idea. I've been onboard with that idea since the mid 60s.

I understand the sentiment. I think its shortsighted.

The fact that you use the word in this way suggests you don't even know what it means.

I'm not thrilled by the new plan, either. The old system bites, the new system bites, too.

I know the people on the left will say I hate poor people which is not true . I grew up poor

Yes, me too. So what. I don't think you hate the poor, I think you just don't really understand the problem. You position about welfare is a damned fine example of how much propaganda you've been confused by.

But people need to take care of themselves and quit asking for hand outs.

Oh I know. EVerybody but you is on welfare wah! wah! wah!

Go read a book. Go learn something REAL about these issues.

Blaming the poor for this economy is the height of stupidity

"real money"

1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

Wow, this is the most bizarre one of all. Social Security currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus. Plus, all the money paid in by workers during their working years earns interest.

Plus, it's important to remember that Social Security is social INSURANCE...

Republicans Call for Gutting Social Security, Adding Trillions to Debt | Crooks and Liars
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1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

Wow, this is the most bizarre one of all. Social Security currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus. Plus, all the money paid in by workers during their working years earns interest.

Plus, it's important to remember that Social Security is social INSURANCE...

Are you retarded???
1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

Wow, this is the most bizarre one of all. Social Security currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus. Plus, all the money paid in by workers during their working years earns interest.

Plus, it's important to remember that Social Security is social INSURANCE...

Are you retarded???

What did I say that was incorrect?
Wow, this is the most bizarre one of all. Social Security currently has a $2.5 trillion surplus. Plus, all the money paid in by workers during their working years earns interest.

Plus, it's important to remember that Social Security is social INSURANCE...

Are you retarded???

What did I say that was incorrect?

Everything you say is wrong..

The audacity you had/have in saying there was/is a 2.5 surplus in SS when you and EVERYONE on the planet knows your asshole is flapping....

I would love to see where you got that shit....
Are you retarded???

What did I say that was incorrect?

Everything you say is wrong..

The audacity you had/have in saying there was/is a 2.5 surplus in SS when you and EVERYONE on the planet knows your asshole is flapping....

I would love to see where you got that shit....

It's all over the Internet... China is holding IOUs just like Social Security is...

Why do some people describe the "special issue" securities held by the trust funds as worthless IOUs? What is SSA's reaction to this criticism?

As stated above, money flowing into the trust funds is invested in U. S. Government securities. Because the government spends this borrowed cash, some people see the trust fund assets as an accumulation of securities that the government will be unable to make good on in the future. Without legislation to restore long-range solvency of the trust funds, redemption of long-term securities prior to maturity would be necessary.

Far from being "worthless IOUs," the investments held by the trust funds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U. S. Government. The government has always repaid Social Security, with interest. The special-issue securities are, therefore, just as safe as U.S. Savings Bonds or other financial instruments of the Federal government.

Many options are being considered to restore long-range trust fund solvency. These options are being considered now, over 20 years in advance of the year the funds are likely to be exhausted. It is thus likely that legislation will be enacted to restore long-term solvency, making it unlikely that the trust funds' securities will need to be redeemed on a large scale prior to maturity.

Social Security Administration: Trust Fund FAQs

Great Article w/Great Source Links: Republicans Call for Gutting Social Security, Adding Trillions to Debt | Crooks and Liars
...or fall!

1 Social security. I dont care what you put into , We get way more out of it then we put in. People need to plan for the retirements for those who put into it should get what they put in and thats IT !! If you dont save for your retirement then you deal with it.. It is a PONZI scheme just with a different name

2 Welfare. I understand people are down on their luck but when you have some families on it for generations there is a problem. They need to have an end date to this say 2 years max at a time.

3. Medicare. Again you need to plan for your retirements. Start when your young.
4 Foreign aid

5 Endless wars.. We got Bin Ladin get out of Afghanistan , Iraq and bring the troops home and protect our borders.

6. Free (our tax dollars) money for college .. Sorry if you want a higher education work while your going through college. IT can be done , it is done all the time!!!

9 Ear marks

10 This healthcare law we can not afford. Either fix it or do away with it.

I know the people on the left will say I hate poor people which is not true . I grew up poor
But people need to take care of themselves and quit asking for hand outs.
What did I say that was incorrect?

Everything you say is wrong..

The audacity you had/have in saying there was/is a 2.5 surplus in SS when you and EVERYONE on the planet knows your asshole is flapping....

I would love to see where you got that shit....

It's all over the Internet... China is holding IOUs just like Social Security is...

Why do some people describe the "special issue" securities held by the trust funds as worthless IOUs? What is SSA's reaction to this criticism?

As stated above, money flowing into the trust funds is invested in U. S. Government securities. Because the government spends this borrowed cash, some people see the trust fund assets as an accumulation of securities that the government will be unable to make good on in the future. Without legislation to restore long-range solvency of the trust funds, redemption of long-term securities prior to maturity would be necessary.

Far from being "worthless IOUs," the investments held by the trust funds are backed by the full faith and credit of the U. S. Government. The government has always repaid Social Security, with interest. The special-issue securities are, therefore, just as safe as U.S. Savings Bonds or other financial instruments of the Federal government.

Many options are being considered to restore long-range trust fund solvency. These options are being considered now, over 20 years in advance of the year the funds are likely to be exhausted. It is thus likely that legislation will be enacted to restore long-term solvency, making it unlikely that the trust funds' securities will need to be redeemed on a large scale prior to maturity.

Social Security Administration: Trust Fund FAQs

Great Article w/Great Source Links: Republicans Call for Gutting Social Security, Adding Trillions to Debt | Crooks and Liars

What you fail to understand is that the problem lies in the way that figure is handled. Those bonds represent debt that is owed to the SS fund. As far as I know, that debt is completely unreported in the national debt. In that case, there is no money because it is kept off the books on the side that actually owes it. Prove me wrong, please. I would be far happier to know that the government was not bullshitting me but I have a sinking suspicion that Uncle Sam is being a rat here.

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