We will never have an honest election again and the Democrats will impose a one-party state

I am NOT the sharpest crayon in the box. I make my fair share of goofs. I actually believed Trump's campaign to question Obama's citizenship thing. Mea culpa. I used to be a card carrying liberal, and stood against both wars in Iraq. Still do. But I left the Democrats when Obama was nominated. I realized that whomever these "democrats" are NOW, is a bunch of lowlife manipulative creeps willing to stoop to literally anything to gain power. Its sad that so many people are duped by these con artists. Pathetic.
Hey Care4all, you keep hiding from the evidence I provided. Here it is. Come and look at it and then comment. Or, admit you are a lying partisan hack and don't show up to defend your position.

WTF?? You're still pushing that bullshit even after I embarrassed you over it??

Again, not a single precinct showed zero registered voters.

If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
What massive voter fraud are you talking about? Every time demented Rudy --- with diarrhea running down both of his cheeks --- and trump's other merry band of idiotic lawyers go to court, they get dismissed by the judges for the fools that they are.

Judge: Are you stating that there was voter fraud?
trump's idiot lawyers: Uh, no your honor.

Judge: Then stop wasting my time and get the fuck out of here.

So uninformed.
Would you care to present some proof of massive voter fraud, since trump's battery of simpleton lawyers can't?

Why do you believe that?
Because they haven't provided any proof of massive voter fraud. Now would you like to provide some proof?

Did someone put you in charge of the time table.
You could have just said no to my question. LOL.

Timetable? What timetable?

Do you have any idea what's going on
Who the players are
Or will you be blindsided, again?
You still aren't answering my questions. LOL.

Now present some credible proof. Emphasis on the word credible.

And run that timetable at me while you are at it.

I get that you are retarded.
I do.
I dont have the evidence
I have an idea what the attorneys are going to present.
I am not privy to the actual evidence
Not sure why you think that I would be
Another one bites the dust.


Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit

"Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters. This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated," US District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote Saturday.

Brann went on to admonish the Trump campaign lawyers for not presenting factual proof for seeking to invalidate so many votes in the key battleground state.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

I laugh
I don't blame you. It is hilarious. What a bunch of buffoons trump's lawyers are, led by this guy:

View attachment 419672

He's not even part of the team
Stop getting distracted.
Sydney Powell and Lin Wood are the 2 people to pay attention to.
They are going to stuff your fraud right up your gaping fucking ass.
Sydney Powell, LOL. You mean the idiot who even Tucker Carlson slammed? LOL. All she wants to do --- when she isn't getting slimed on by fellow crackpot Rudy --- is throw out 7 million votes and hand the presidency to trump. LOL. Of course when asked to supply proof of such fraud, she can't. LOL.

You truly are a delusional bootlicker, but don't worry, you have plenty of company. LOL.
Obama could enhance the theory that he was originally an American by voluntarily submitting to prosecution for having taken student assistance for being a foreign student.

Think that through before ranting.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
What massive voter fraud are you talking about? Every time demented Rudy --- with diarrhea running down both of his cheeks --- and trump's other merry band of idiotic lawyers go to court, they get dismissed by the judges for the fools that they are.

Judge: Are you stating that there was voter fraud?
trump's idiot lawyers: Uh, no your honor.

Judge: Then stop wasting my time and get the fuck out of here.

So uninformed.
Would you care to present some proof of massive voter fraud, since trump's battery of simpleton lawyers can't?

Why do you believe that?
Because they haven't provided any proof of massive voter fraud. Now would you like to provide some proof?

Did someone put you in charge of the time table.
You could have just said no to my question. LOL.

Timetable? What timetable?

Do you have any idea what's going on
Who the players are
Or will you be blindsided, again?
You still aren't answering my questions. LOL.

Now present some credible proof. Emphasis on the word credible.

And run that timetable at me while you are at it.

I get that you are retarded.
I do.
I dont have the evidence
I have an idea what the attorneys are going to present.
I am not privy to the actual evidence
Not sure why you think that I would be
Another one bites the dust.


Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit

"Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters. This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated," US District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote Saturday.

Brann went on to admonish the Trump campaign lawyers for not presenting factual proof for seeking to invalidate so many votes in the key battleground state.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

I laugh
I don't blame you. It is hilarious. What a bunch of buffoons trump's lawyers are, led by this guy:

View attachment 419672

He's not even part of the team
Stop getting distracted.
Sydney Powell and Lin Wood are the 2 people to pay attention to.
They are going to stuff your fraud right up your gaping fucking ass.
Sydney Powell, LOL. You mean the idiot who even Tucker Carlson slammed? LOL. All she wants to do --- when she isn't getting slimed on by fellow crackpot Rudy --- is throw out 7 million votes and hand the presidency to trump. LOL. Of course when asked to supply proof of such fraud, she can't. LOL.

You truly are a delusional bootlicker, but don't worry, you have plenty of company. LOL.

Poor baby
You have only humiliated yourself you ignorant clod. The precinct rolls show NO REGISTERED voters, yet show 3000 votes. Tell us how they do that again.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
Heck even I can admit it my favorite president our last great one,jfk,got elected only cause the mob put him in thinking he would give them the run of the country.
  • Thanks
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If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
What massive voter fraud are you talking about? Every time demented Rudy --- with diarrhea running down both of his cheeks --- and trump's other merry band of idiotic lawyers go to court, they get dismissed by the judges for the fools that they are.

Judge: Are you stating that there was voter fraud?
trump's idiot lawyers: Uh, no your honor.

Judge: Then stop wasting my time and get the fuck out of here.

So uninformed.
Would you care to present some proof of massive voter fraud, since trump's battery of simpleton lawyers can't?

Why do you believe that?
Because they haven't provided any proof of massive voter fraud. Now would you like to provide some proof?

Did someone put you in charge of the time table.
You could have just said no to my question. LOL.

Timetable? What timetable?

Do you have any idea what's going on
Who the players are
Or will you be blindsided, again?
You still aren't answering my questions. LOL.

Now present some credible proof. Emphasis on the word credible.

And run that timetable at me while you are at it.

I get that you are retarded.
I do.
I dont have the evidence
I have an idea what the attorneys are going to present.
I am not privy to the actual evidence
Not sure why you think that I would be
Another one bites the dust.


Federal judge dismisses Trump campaign Pennsylvania lawsuit

"Plaintiffs ask this Court to disenfranchise almost seven million voters. This Court has been unable to find any case in which a plaintiff has sought such a drastic remedy in the contest of an election, in terms of the sheer volume of votes asked to be invalidated," US District Court Judge Matthew Brann wrote Saturday.

Brann went on to admonish the Trump campaign lawyers for not presenting factual proof for seeking to invalidate so many votes in the key battleground state.

"One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption, such that this Court would have no option but to regrettably grant the proposed injunctive relief despite the impact it would have on such a large group of citizens. That has not happened," Brann added. "Instead, this Court has been presented with strained legal arguments without merit and speculative accusations, unpled in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence."

I laugh
I don't blame you. It is hilarious. What a bunch of buffoons trump's lawyers are, led by this guy:

View attachment 419672

He's not even part of the team
Stop getting distracted.
Sydney Powell and Lin Wood are the 2 people to pay attention to.
They are going to stuff your fraud right up your gaping fucking ass.
Sydney Powell, LOL. You mean the idiot who even Tucker Carlson slammed? LOL. All she wants to do --- when she isn't getting slimed on by fellow crackpot Rudy --- is throw out 7 million votes and hand the presidency to trump. LOL. Of course when asked to supply proof of such fraud, she can't. LOL.

You truly are a delusional bootlicker, but don't worry, you have plenty of company. LOL.

Poor baby
Yep getting desperate..lol
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
Fun fact: I actually predicted this on this forum only a few years ago. Both Dems and people chose to call me crazy instead.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.

The GOP is already rotting. They've castrated their party, stripping it of any real values. They at least gave lip service to the concept of fiscal responsibility, family values, personal responsibility, government transparency, or foreign policy leadership.

Now....their sole unifying ideology is greivance. That everyone and everything is unfair to conservatives. With their party platform little more than an exhaustive list of all the people that have fucked them.

Who wants to be part of the "Head Down, Ass Up', party, where all they do is lament about whose dick is in their ass today?

The GOP is a shell of what it used to be.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

You like it because you know the fraud is going your way
Actually not – because there is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.

The Democrat machines in big cities have been delivering fraudulent election results for decades, many for a century or more.

You love it because you're a democracy hating fascist
There is no ‘fraud’; to claim there is ‘fraud’ is a lie.
We had an honest and fair election.

Only the dummies following all of the Trump chaos and lies, his cult, believe we didn't.

No, we didn't. And, if this shit is allowed to stand prepare for a true reset.
What shit, SHOW the actual evidence of the shit Westwall.... you are making extraordinary claims, which REQUIRES extraordinary PROOF to support these claims.

"I believe Trump", doesn't count as evidence.... surely you KNOW this....?

Put up, or shut up!

Wow, look at that. Those Michigan districts have no registered voters yet somehow managed to produce almost the exact number of votes needed to defeat Trump. Those numbers are FROM MICHIGAN!

Westwall, I watched a good deal of it.... and the guys are playing you....

First he shows tallies in Detroit precincts, that ONLY SHOW in person voting tallies and claims 10-20% voted, out of the registered voters...even though it shows the absentee votes are not in these tallies.

Then he switches to other counties and individual precincts and starts talking about how 65% and higher voted out of registered voters in those counties...

Then he goes back to Detroit and shows these new counts that show there are zero registered voters but with thousand or so votes.... and ACTS LIKE something nefarious is going on because there are no registered voters...


What he was showing, was all the absentee ballot counts, that Detroit had not shown in the original Detroit counts he showed us....in this separate and second display for Detroit... there were no totals for registered voters because they were already in the first display for Detroit that was shown, with just the election day counts, and without these absentee votes in the later count.... the AV ballots in the latter, needed to be added to the first Detroit counts, with the registered voter statistics, to get the valid percentage of voters, that cast ballots....
Have there been any regular USMB Trump supporting fools who have conceded that Trump lost this election fair and square yet?

Has every one of you chosen to carry this dopey fraud water for the asshole?
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.
Why did they not cheat their way to Congressional victory if all they do is cheat?
Last edited:
Have there been any regular USMB Trump supporting fools who have conceded that Trump lost this election fair and square yet?

Has every one of you chosen to carry this dopey fraud water for the asshole?
It seems they have all drank the madness. We do get to observe the same psychological perversion that afflicted Hitler supporters even when the walls were falling in around them they still adorated Hitler.
If Democrats get away with the massive voter fraud they pulled off this year, we will never have an honest election again. Democrats will sweep to victory through fraud in 2022 at all levels of government. The Republican Party, if too weak to fight the fraud, will fade into irrelevancy.

We should be so lucky!

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