We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left

We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By William Sullivan

Americans are expected to be aghast at the events in Washington, D.C. on January 6. A vicious mob of revolutionary Trump supporters, we are told, swarmed the nation’s capital and, in an act of insurrection, unlawfully entered the hallowed halls of Congress. Unlike the “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” that were reported over the summer, the media have been quick to claim that this was not a “mostly peaceful” protest (despite the protestors being, by any estimation, mostly peaceful), but the entire event is being categorized as a bona fide riot that had been fueled by Donald Trump’s irresponsible and untruthful rhetoric.
As a matter of scale, we should note that the level of violence and destruction that occurred in Washington since January 6 is some immeasurably tiny fraction of the violence and destruction visited upon cities across America in the orchestrated riots that occurred in the wake of George Floyd’s death. And while the media and its preferred politicians are still actively and outwardly pretending that George Floyd’s death has the slightest thing to do with racist police officers (it doesn’t, and there is not a single compelling shred of evidence anywhere that it does), the media and its preferred politicians are simultaneously pretending that ordinary American taxpayers have no legitimate reason to be expressing their political outrage in Washington.
That’s a contemptible lie.
Calling the venue where these shenanigans regularly take place “the citadel of democracy” or a “light to the world,” as doddering Joe Biden recently did, is bad comedy. Washington has become a dark and dirty den of vipers and predators, sluicing nutrients from taxpayer prey with ever more unsustainable zeal. President Trump regularly characterizes the current state of Washington much more accurately -- it’s a swamp.
These are not our intellectual betters, despite what the media and blue check marks on Twitter would have you believe.
But on the strength of their well-orchestrated political lies, the Democrats’ de facto storm troopers destroyed American cities for the better part of 2020, and we watched these same elitist media dunces defend violent arsonists and rioting revolutionaries, presenting them as thoughtful protestors nobly seeking to transform the country. If Trump had been declared the winner of the election, it was fully understood by both sides of the political divide that the Democrats’ storm troopers would have again descended upon American cities, and that we would have again seen the media defend the riots and destruction as justifiable and “mostly peaceful” protest.
If we, the people, are being openly censored by partisan corporate entities and cannot be sure of our ability to hold elected officials accountable via the ballot box because our government officials refuse to defend election integrity or assure its people that election integrity has been preserved when proof is demanded of them, how else might patriotic citizens get their government’s attention?

The 2020 election was stolen; not won, by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi's, Chuck Schumer and Blue Plantation Sanctuary State legislation leadership and are trying to back the Conservative Right into a corner and that will not end well at all they are just egging the right on and want revolution.
PM/DSA "Democrat" Leftists are at this moment crying for blood and I think they are going to to get it by the gallon if they continue their assault.
Socialism in all it's forms is communism light and eventually you lose your rights under the US Constitution. WE are seeing it as I write by censorship and destruction of forums like Parler and attacks on those that have supported Trump. It is quite evident that the PM/DSA leftist Democrats are backing the Trump Supporters into a corner. That is the present reality and the product of this stolen election perpetuated by the PM/DSA Left.
We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left

We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By William Sullivan

Americans are expected to be aghast at the events in Washington, D.C. on January 6. A vicious mob of revolutionary Trump supporters, we are told, swarmed the nation’s capital and, in an act of insurrection, unlawfully entered the hallowed halls of Congress. Unlike the “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” that were reported over the summer, the media have been quick to claim that this was not a “mostly peaceful” protest (despite the protestors being, by any estimation, mostly peaceful), but the entire event is being categorized as a bona fide riot that had been fueled by Donald Trump’s irresponsible and untruthful rhetoric.
As a matter of scale, we should note that the level of violence and destruction that occurred in Washington since January 6 is some immeasurably tiny fraction of the violence and destruction visited upon cities across America in the orchestrated riots that occurred in the wake of George Floyd’s death. And while the media and its preferred politicians are still actively and outwardly pretending that George Floyd’s death has the slightest thing to do with racist police officers (it doesn’t, and there is not a single compelling shred of evidence anywhere that it does), the media and its preferred politicians are simultaneously pretending that ordinary American taxpayers have no legitimate reason to be expressing their political outrage in Washington.
That’s a contemptible lie.
Calling the venue where these shenanigans regularly take place “the citadel of democracy” or a “light to the world,” as doddering Joe Biden recently did, is bad comedy. Washington has become a dark and dirty den of vipers and predators, sluicing nutrients from taxpayer prey with ever more unsustainable zeal. President Trump regularly characterizes the current state of Washington much more accurately -- it’s a swamp.
These are not our intellectual betters, despite what the media and blue check marks on Twitter would have you believe.
But on the strength of their well-orchestrated political lies, the Democrats’ de facto storm troopers destroyed American cities for the better part of 2020, and we watched these same elitist media dunces defend violent arsonists and rioting revolutionaries, presenting them as thoughtful protestors nobly seeking to transform the country. If Trump had been declared the winner of the election, it was fully understood by both sides of the political divide that the Democrats’ storm troopers would have again descended upon American cities, and that we would have again seen the media defend the riots and destruction as justifiable and “mostly peaceful” protest.
If we, the people, are being openly censored by partisan corporate entities and cannot be sure of our ability to hold elected officials accountable via the ballot box because our government officials refuse to defend election integrity or assure its people that election integrity has been preserved when proof is demanded of them, how else might patriotic citizens get their government’s attention?

The 2020 election was stolen; not won, by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi's, Chuck Schumer and Blue Plantation Sanctuary State legislation leadership and are trying to back the Conservative Right into a corner and that will not end well at all they are just egging the right on and want revolution.
PM/DSA "Democrat" Leftists are at this moment crying for blood and I think they are going to to get it by the gallon if they continue their assault.
Socialism in all it's forms is communism light and eventually you lose your rights under the US Constitution. WE are seeing it as I write by censorship and destruction of forums like Parler and attacks on those that have supported Trump. It is quite evident that the PM/DSA leftist Democrats are backing the Trump Supporters into a corner. That is the present reality and the product of this stolen election perpetuated by the PM/DSA Left.

I disagree with your characterization of the left, but yes, you will be lectured. If you had any sense, you would pay attention to those lectures.
.....ALL of these WHITE cop incidents have NOTHING to do with race.......this MORE proof of what we said in the other thread about the TRUTH

so you want to be lectured now...
or dont want to be lectured..
or you are just confused...
We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left

We Will Not Be Lectured by the Violent, Anti-American, Revolutionary Left
11 Jan 2021 ~~ By William Sullivan

Americans are expected to be aghast at the events in Washington, D.C. on January 6. A vicious mob of revolutionary Trump supporters, we are told, swarmed the nation’s capital and, in an act of insurrection, unlawfully entered the hallowed halls of Congress. Unlike the “fiery but mostly peaceful protests” that were reported over the summer, the media have been quick to claim that this was not a “mostly peaceful” protest (despite the protestors being, by any estimation, mostly peaceful), but the entire event is being categorized as a bona fide riot that had been fueled by Donald Trump’s irresponsible and untruthful rhetoric.
As a matter of scale, we should note that the level of violence and destruction that occurred in Washington since January 6 is some immeasurably tiny fraction of the violence and destruction visited upon cities across America in the orchestrated riots that occurred in the wake of George Floyd’s death. And while the media and its preferred politicians are still actively and outwardly pretending that George Floyd’s death has the slightest thing to do with racist police officers (it doesn’t, and there is not a single compelling shred of evidence anywhere that it does), the media and its preferred politicians are simultaneously pretending that ordinary American taxpayers have no legitimate reason to be expressing their political outrage in Washington.
That’s a contemptible lie.
Calling the venue where these shenanigans regularly take place “the citadel of democracy” or a “light to the world,” as doddering Joe Biden recently did, is bad comedy. Washington has become a dark and dirty den of vipers and predators, sluicing nutrients from taxpayer prey with ever more unsustainable zeal. President Trump regularly characterizes the current state of Washington much more accurately -- it’s a swamp.
These are not our intellectual betters, despite what the media and blue check marks on Twitter would have you believe.
But on the strength of their well-orchestrated political lies, the Democrats’ de facto storm troopers destroyed American cities for the better part of 2020, and we watched these same elitist media dunces defend violent arsonists and rioting revolutionaries, presenting them as thoughtful protestors nobly seeking to transform the country. If Trump had been declared the winner of the election, it was fully understood by both sides of the political divide that the Democrats’ storm troopers would have again descended upon American cities, and that we would have again seen the media defend the riots and destruction as justifiable and “mostly peaceful” protest.
If we, the people, are being openly censored by partisan corporate entities and cannot be sure of our ability to hold elected officials accountable via the ballot box because our government officials refuse to defend election integrity or assure its people that election integrity has been preserved when proof is demanded of them, how else might patriotic citizens get their government’s attention?

The 2020 election was stolen; not won, by the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi's, Chuck Schumer and Blue Plantation Sanctuary State legislation leadership and are trying to back the Conservative Right into a corner and that will not end well at all they are just egging the right on and want revolution.
PM/DSA "Democrat" Leftists are at this moment crying for blood and I think they are going to to get it by the gallon if they continue their assault.
Socialism in all it's forms is communism light and eventually you lose your rights under the US Constitution. WE are seeing it as I write by censorship and destruction of forums like Parler and attacks on those that have supported Trump. It is quite evident that the PM/DSA leftist Democrats are backing the Trump Supporters into a corner. That is the present reality and the product of this stolen election perpetuated by the PM/DSA Left.
Who's asking you to? Calling everyone a "violent, anti-American, revolutionary leftist" doesn't make it true.
.....ALL of these WHITE cop incidents have NOTHING to do with race.......this MORE proof of what we said in the other thread about the TRUTH

so you want to be lectured now...
or dont want to be lectured..
or you are just confused...
.....the TRUTH is--race was not involved---but all the DUMBASSES believe BLM and the MSM!!
..this goes along with all the foreigners--which we were just talking about in the other thread----the foreigners think race was involved--HAHAHAHAHAH- PROOF the foreigners don't know shit about the US
.....ALL of these WHITE cop incidents have NOTHING to do with race.......this MORE proof of what we said in the other thread about the TRUTH

so you want to be lectured now...
or dont want to be lectured..
or you are just confused...
.....the TRUTH is--race was not involved---but all the DUMBASSES believe BLM and the MSM!!
..this goes along with all the foreigners--which we were just talking about in the other thread----the foreigners think race was involved--HAHAHAHAHAH- PROOF the foreigners don't know shit about the US

so you dont want to be lectured...
and want to stay ignorant...
which is fine with me...

but then why do you bother asking the question...
thats the part i dont understand...
very counterproductive at the least...
We Will Not Be Lectured

then you can stay ignorant...
comfortably ignorant...

How so? You leftists have nothing to teach us, except maybe how to protest, riot, burn, loot, and murder.
Imagine what would happen if we finally do lose all our shit and come after these parasites?

ya, tell me, what would happen... pete...

We'd just take your stuff away from you. That's what's gonna happen after the apocalypse anyway.

Got anything interesting or valuable?
.....ALL of these WHITE cop incidents have NOTHING to do with race.......this MORE proof of what we said in the other thread about the TRUTH

so you want to be lectured now...
or dont want to be lectured..
or you are just confused...
.....the TRUTH is--race was not involved---but all the DUMBASSES believe BLM and the MSM!!
..this goes along with all the foreigners--which we were just talking about in the other thread----the foreigners think race was involved--HAHAHAHAHAH- PROOF the foreigners don't know shit about the US

so you dont want to be lectured...
and want to stay ignorant...
which is fine with me...

but then why do you bother asking the question...
thats the part i dont understand...
very counterproductive at the least...
stop babbling

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