We will soon lose the most influential Pope in John Paul II


Nov 5, 2004
that I have ever known. I'm not Catholic myself but John Paul was such a down to earth regular kind of guy that he projected the best of Chritianity.. He, with Maggie Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, brought down the Soviet bloc and eventually the Soviet Union itself.. The true Vicar of Christ on Earth... A great man.. Without doubt one of the finest Popes to have ever served in the shoes of the Fisherman Peter.... I felt I knew him personally and he will be missed...
I agree with you, this Pope was really awesome.
He had so many pains, so many aches, but he fought them and continue his duty.
He was for the Polish a real symbol, and a source of hope during Jaruzelski's dictatorship.
He bag the forgive of the Jews for the Holocaust (and the attitude of Pie XII), did a lot of symbolic travels.....was the first Pope in Israel....

A real great man.
Tribute article to Pope John Paul, supporting your post, BR-549.

Pope Strengthened Church, Weakened Communism
By Cal Thomas for www.townhall.com
April 4, 2005

They were an unlikely political "trinity" -- Ronald Reagan, the president of the United States who came from the Disciples of Christ Church; Margaret Thatcher, whose background was lower-class Methodist; and Karol Wojtyla, the Roman Catholic priest from Krakow, Poland. Together, they did something no one thought possible: They contributed to the collapse of communism, a political pestilence of the 20th century.

While the contributions of Reagan and Thatcher to the fall of communism are well-known, communism's trip to the "ash heap of history," as Reagan put it, might not have come had it not been for Pope John Paul II.

Even former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev acknowledged as much when he told Italy's La Stampa newspaper in 1992: "What has happened in Eastern Europe in recent years would not have been possible without the presence of this pope."

For full article http://www.townhall.com/columnists/calthomas/ct20050404.shtml

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