We will surpass 57,000,000 since Roe v Wade by January 1st

My, my... imagine if there were 57 million more (largely broke) mouths to feed in this country.....

What is it, 1.3 billion worldwide? Just what the world needs, 1.3 billion more people.....

Statistically most abortions are sought due to financial concerns even though arguments always revolve around incest to sell us abortion.

Then the same people like yourself lecture conservatives about being fiscal prudes regarding out of control government spending and wanting to control poor illegals entering the country?

If the truth be known, liberals are just selfish greedy pricks. They give us no reason to believe that they know when life begins, and could really care less. All they know is that they want to have the option of infanticide so their career won't be altered or so they won't have to struggle financially in any way. Then they turn around and support fiscal policies that are destroying the nation so that they can continue to receive perks from that government program that is raping future generations financially and may even destroy the Republic.
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My goal is to let states legislate what they want to as long as they follow a strict interpretation of the constitution.

Maybe if we stigmatized abortion more than it is now, they wouldn't play the game in the first place. People like you want it to be guilt free, basically like taking a dump.

Are you seriously trying to claim abortion isn't stigmatized now?

It's something we talk about in hushed voices. Few people tell anyone that they are "having an abortion".

There simply isn't a "stigma" that exceeds fucking up your whole life, which is what the alternative to abortion is if you aren't ready.

Shit, people who want babies can barely afford them. This is the wonderful stuff your Plutocratic buddies have done to the middle class. It isn't like the old days when if you knocked up your girlfriend, you got a job down at the plant and took care of her. that plant went to China.

Again, you want to reduce the number of abortions, reduce the economic causes and economic inequality.
My goal is to let states legislate what they want to as long as they follow a strict interpretation of the constitution.

Maybe if we stigmatized abortion more than it is now, they wouldn't play the game in the first place. People like you want it to be guilt free, basically like taking a dump.

Are you seriously trying to claim abortion isn't stigmatized now?

It's something we talk about in hushed voices. Few people tell anyone that they are "having an abortion".

There simply isn't a "stigma" that exceeds fucking up your whole life, which is what the alternative to abortion is if you aren't ready.

Shit, people who want babies can barely afford them. This is the wonderful stuff your Plutocratic buddies have done to the middle class. It isn't like the old days when if you knocked up your girlfriend, you got a job down at the plant and took care of her. that plant went to China.

Again, you want to reduce the number of abortions, reduce the economic causes and economic inequality.

The abortion rights lobby tries its hardest to make it sound like people are getting rid of a wart. You yourself go to great lengths to assure yourself it is merely a lump of flesh, nothing more.

The fact that you equate a child with fucking up ones life shows exactly how selfish you really are.

And its your usual schtick to inject your communist crap into every conversation, except the gun one, of course, where you reguritate kellerman like a spaz.
The abortion rights lobby tries its hardest to make it sound like people are getting rid of a wart. You yourself go to great lengths to assure yourself it is merely a lump of flesh, nothing more.

The fact that you equate a child with fucking up ones life shows exactly how selfish you really are.

And its your usual schtick to inject your communist crap into every conversation, except the gun one, of course, where you reguritate kellerman like a spaz.

Whether it is a baby or a "lump of flesh" is irrelevent.

What it is to the woman having it is something that does not fit into her life at that moment. This is what you guys don't seem to get.

If a woman can't afford the $3000.00 it costs to have a baby and the hundreds of thousands of dollars it will take to raise one, a $300.00 abortion sounds like a pretty good alternative no matter how much you "Stigmatize it" or how many religious fanatics show her pictures of medical waste they retreived from behind an abortion clinic.

You want less abortions, bring back the middle class you had when I was growing up.
The abortion rights lobby tries its hardest to make it sound like people are getting rid of a wart. You yourself go to great lengths to assure yourself it is merely a lump of flesh, nothing more.

The fact that you equate a child with fucking up ones life shows exactly how selfish you really are.

And its your usual schtick to inject your communist crap into every conversation, except the gun one, of course, where you reguritate kellerman like a spaz.

Whether it is a baby or a "lump of flesh" is irrelevent.

What it is to the woman having it is something that does not fit into her life at that moment. This is what you guys don't seem to get.

If a woman can't afford the $3000.00 it costs to have a baby and the hundreds of thousands of dollars it will take to raise one, a $300.00 abortion sounds like a pretty good alternative no matter how much you "Stigmatize it" or how many religious fanatics show her pictures of medical waste they retreived from behind an abortion clinic.

You want less abortions, bring back the middle class you had when I was growing up.

And again, if she didnt want the baby, she could have taken precautions, the man could have taken precautions. If you dont, then you should have to live with the risk that once you have created another life, you own it.

I find it problematic, with your known disdain for religion, that you don't realize you are denying these lifeforms the chance at the one life they have to live. You are consigning them to oblivion without thier ever having a chance to exist.

And again, if she didnt want the baby, she could have taken precautions, the man could have taken precautions. If you dont, then you should have to live with the risk that once you have created another life, you own it.

I find it problematic, with your known disdain for religion, that you don't realize you are denying these lifeforms the chance at the one life they have to live. You are consigning them to oblivion without thier ever having a chance to exist.

Again, most life forms are unnecessary. The world already has more humans than it can sustain in the long run, and it would be worse if everyone in the world lived like Americans.

Her body. Her choice. Deal with it.

And again, if she didnt want the baby, she could have taken precautions, the man could have taken precautions. If you dont, then you should have to live with the risk that once you have created another life, you own it.

I find it problematic, with your known disdain for religion, that you don't realize you are denying these lifeforms the chance at the one life they have to live. You are consigning them to oblivion without thier ever having a chance to exist.

Again, most life forms are unnecessary. The world already has more humans than it can sustain in the long run, and it would be worse if everyone in the world lived like Americans.

Her body. Her choice. Deal with it.

Her choice should have repercussions including stigmatizing and shaming, something progressives like to remove from any bad choice a person makes.

And your nihlism is observed and pitied.

And again, if she didnt want the baby, she could have taken precautions, the man could have taken precautions. If you dont, then you should have to live with the risk that once you have created another life, you own it.

I find it problematic, with your known disdain for religion, that you don't realize you are denying these lifeforms the chance at the one life they have to live. You are consigning them to oblivion without thier ever having a chance to exist.

Again, most life forms are unnecessary. The world already has more humans than it can sustain in the long run, and it would be worse if everyone in the world lived like Americans.

Her body. Her choice. Deal with it.

Her choice should have repercussions including stigmatizing and shaming, something progressives like to remove from any bad choice a person makes.

And your nihlism is observed and pitied.

Hardly "nihlism". Simple science. The ecosystem was never designed to support 7 billion people. There's not enough food, water, or fuel to sustain that in the long run.

Industrialized countries have figured this out, which is why they've controlled their population growth. Uncontrolled population growth usually results in grinding poverty.

And sorry, there simply isn't an amount of stigmatizing you can do to get a woman to give up the rest of her life for a baby she didn't want to have.
Again, most life forms are unnecessary. The world already has more humans than it can sustain in the long run, and it would be worse if everyone in the world lived like Americans.

Her body. Her choice. Deal with it.

Her choice should have repercussions including stigmatizing and shaming, something progressives like to remove from any bad choice a person makes.

And your nihlism is observed and pitied.

Hardly "nihlism". Simple science. The ecosystem was never designed to support 7 billion people. There's not enough food, water, or fuel to sustain that in the long run.

Industrialized countries have figured this out, which is why they've controlled their population growth. Uncontrolled population growth usually results in grinding poverty.

And sorry, there simply isn't an amount of stigmatizing you can do to get a woman to give up the rest of her life for a baby she didn't want to have.

How the fuck do you know what the "ecosystem" is designed to support?

And yeah, the most advanced countries not reproducing enough to maintain thier populations is a GREAT FUCKING IDEA.

Fucking nihlist bastard.

How the fuck do you know what the "ecosystem" is designed to support?

And yeah, the most advanced countries not reproducing enough to maintain thier populations is a GREAT FUCKING IDEA.

Fucking nihlist bastard.

Wow, man, you just are totally in love with this sort of thing, aren't you?


"thank goodness no one aborted us!"

Come on America, we can do better.

Stop making babies we can't care for and don't have jobs for.

Stop making babies who will never live normal lives.

Stop bringing unwanted children into this world.

Abortion is GOD acting through doctors. Abortion is compassion.

How the fuck do you know what the "ecosystem" is designed to support?

And yeah, the most advanced countries not reproducing enough to maintain thier populations is a GREAT FUCKING IDEA.

Fucking nihlist bastard.

Wow, man, you just are totally in love with this sort of thing, aren't you?


"thank goodness no one aborted us!"

Lol, first you bring up first world countries lower birth rate as a shining example of what humanity has to do, and then when countered, you bring up third world countries and thier inability to feed thier population.

You dont even realize, or dont even care, that the comparison, and the lessons you purport to get from them, are rediculous.
Oh so you maintain the inconvenience of pregnancy is a good enough reason to kill babies.

Got it.

No I maintain you should mind your business unless you are prepared to accept the responsibility.

And how would that be at all charitable towards anyone?

If someone tries to kill you, do you want us all to mind our own business? Or do you want us to save your butt?
I know it is unchristian of me to say this, but I hope as many liberals kill their own babies as is possible.

Will likely save the lives of good patriots later on.

Everything has a silver lining.

I don't think that reasoning is sound. There are many liberal children who grow up to realize how foolish their parents were and become conservatives. There are many conservative children who grow up to become liberal.
Oh so you maintain the inconvenience of pregnancy is a good enough reason to kill babies.

Got it.

No I maintain you should mind your business unless you are prepared to accept the responsibility.

And how would that be at all charitable towards anyone?

If someone tries to kill you, do you want us all to mind our own business? Or do you want us to save your butt?

1. What does that have to do with abortion?
2. I can handle myself. i dont need your charity.

How the fuck do you know what the "ecosystem" is designed to support?

And yeah, the most advanced countries not reproducing enough to maintain thier populations is a GREAT FUCKING IDEA.

Fucking nihlist bastard.

Wow, man, you just are totally in love with this sort of thing, aren't you?


"thank goodness no one aborted us!"

It's easy to put up pictures of starving children but did you put up the real cause those children are starving? Is it war? Famine? Poverty? Those are all fixable. Ever sponsor a kid? How much of your cash did you send to help them? Which one of those kids would you kill? Those kids are not starving because they weren't aborted,they are starving because the adults running the world are letting it happen. The food in your trash can could save one of those kids.
Again, most life forms are unnecessary. The world already has more humans than it can sustain in the long run, and it would be worse if everyone in the world lived like Americans.

Her body. Her choice. Deal with it.

Her choice should have repercussions including stigmatizing and shaming, something progressives like to remove from any bad choice a person makes.

And your nihlism is observed and pitied.

Hardly "nihlism". Simple science. The ecosystem was never designed to support 7 billion people. There's not enough food, water, or fuel to sustain that in the long run.

Industrialized countries have figured this out, which is why they've controlled their population growth. Uncontrolled population growth usually results in grinding poverty.

And sorry, there simply isn't an amount of stigmatizing you can do to get a woman to give up the rest of her life for a baby she didn't want to have.

BTW You don't need a clinic or a coat hanger to have an abortion, there are many ways women have done it through the centuries. If the mother had WANTED an abortion she could have found a way to loose the baby. If the kid is here she obviously wants her baby. Here's an Idea, instead of promoting abortion how about we make birthcontrol accessable world wide.
Stop bringing unwanted children into this world.[/SIZE]

Abortion is GOD acting through doctors. Abortion is compassion.

War is Peace.

Hate is Love.

We need to pick up the pace and get the white trash "christians" to stop cranking out babies to be home schooled with a book of jewish fairy tales.

If we had doubled that number, welfare and unemployment would be a thing of the past.

This thread is a Rorschach test for Progressives.
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Hardly "nihlism". Simple science. The ecosystem was never designed to support 7 billion people. There's not enough food, water, or fuel to sustain that in the long run.

Industrialized countries have figured this out, which is why they've controlled their population growth. Uncontrolled population growth usually results in grinding poverty.

And sorry, there simply isn't an amount of stigmatizing you can do to get a woman to give up the rest of her life for a baby she didn't want to have.

Amazing, because when I say the very exact same things (but arguing AGAINST THEM) you say I'm a "conspiracy theorist."

Screen shotting this.
We will surpass 57,000,000 since Roe v Wade by January
Just think....57 million liberals that were never born....and the cons are whining about it.

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