We will surpass 57,000,000 since Roe v Wade by January 1st

At the very least, if we stopped teaching them the lies that PP and the abortionist lobby tell about abortion, the decrease would be immediate:

Stop telling the lie that without PP abbatoirs, women wouldn't be able to get medically necessary abortions.

Stop telling the lie that without PP abbatoirs, women can't access birth control, cancer screenings, or STD screenings.

Stop telling the lie that abortion is a matter of women's HEALTH.

Stop telling the lie that an abortion is no more risky than a skinned knee.

Just that alone would result in a huge decrease in convenience abortions.
rather than seeking ways to end the practice which comport with the Constitution and its case law.

Woah, [MENTION=29614]C_Clayton_Jones[/MENTION] help me for a moment to understand certain parts of the Constitution, since you're such a Guru. What do these following phrases mean, I don't understand:

1) Congress shall make no Law.

2) Shall not be infringed.

3) No Soldier shall.

4) No Warrant shall issue.

5) Public Use.

6) Right to face accuser.

7) No fact determined by a Jury shall be reexamined.

8) Cruel and unusual punishment.

9) The enumeration of certain rights.

10) Reserved to the States.
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Not taking responsibility for those unwanted children is hypocrisy of the highest order.

Why would I take responsibility for someone else's decision to create a child? You're absurd and ridiculous, why don't you feel the same way about them taking responsibility for their own child? They're not responsible because they feel it's okay to murder it and I'm supposed to be responsible for it because I don't agree with murder for convenience? Where do people come up with these insane thought processes? :cuckoo:

For the same reason you chose to enforce your opinion on what they should do.

I do feel the same way. I think they should take care of their children but I understand that unless I am prepared to take on that responsibility its really none of my business.

Calling me cuckoo still doesn't change you are not committed to your ideals.

Faulty reasoning. Your ability or desire to take on the children of others has absolutely zero to do with whether killing them is wrong.

Regardless of your ability to take on extra kids, killing them is wrong. Essentially, what you are saying is that since YOU have no desire to support the children of deadbeats, you think they should be killed.

Which is not news to me.
Not only that, there is no REASON for you to have to take on the unwanted children of others. Adoptive parents are lined up for them....

Another lie the pro-abortion lobby spreads...NOBODY wants aborted babies; parents can't be found for them. It's just not true.
Not only that, there is no REASON for you to have to take on the unwanted children of others. Adoptive parents are lined up for them....

Another lie the pro-abortion lobby spreads...NOBODY wants aborted babies; parents can't be found for them. It's just not true.

Do they also carry them to term?
Not taking responsibility for those unwanted children is hypocrisy of the highest order.

Why would I take responsibility for someone else's decision to create a child? You're absurd and ridiculous, why don't you feel the same way about them taking responsibility for their own child? They're not responsible because they feel it's okay to murder it and I'm supposed to be responsible for it because I don't agree with murder for convenience? Where do people come up with these insane thought processes? :cuckoo:

For the same reason you chose to enforce your opinion on what they should do.

I do feel the same way. I think they should take care of their children but I understand that unless I am prepared to take on that responsibility its really none of my business.

Calling me cuckoo still doesn't change you are not committed to your ideals.

So if your neighbor beats their children, is that also none of your business? Where and when does it turn into 'your business'? If you speak up and offer your opinion about how they discipline their children, should you only do so if you're willing to take their children and raise them from there on out in order to 'hold up your ideals'? Or should there be an expectation that they won't beat their children, even if it isn't going against what their ideals are?
woman like the freedom of doing it and not paying the price either.

Works both ways.

I partied hardy man. I come from the sixties. But I never ever used abortion as a birth control method. EVER.

Don't you get it? Women use it as birth control now. This is not the freedom I fought for.

That's because knuckle draggers and ghouls like Planned Parenthood and Gloria Steinem promote it rather than promote other better forms of Birthcontrol. There's a special place in hell for them and their supporters.
Most fetuses are incinerated:
Leviticus 18:21
And you shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.

Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

How long will the black community tolerate the Progressive Eugenicist annihilation of their population and culture?
BlackGenocide.org | Abortion and the Black Community

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvStORQUBtM]Abortionists Chant "Hail Satan" as Christians sing "Amazing Grace" at Rally - YouTube[/ame]

As long as their leaders can keep rolling federal funds down to the local leadership to get them re-elected.
I know it is unchristian of me to say this, but I hope as many liberals kill their own babies as is possible.

Will likely save the lives of good patriots later on.

Everything has a silver lining.
Not all children born to liberals grow up to become liberals.

Some die of drug overdoses; some are more inventive. True, though, the survival rate higher than one might expect.
Why would I take responsibility for someone else's decision to create a child? You're absurd and ridiculous, why don't you feel the same way about them taking responsibility for their own child? They're not responsible because they feel it's okay to murder it and I'm supposed to be responsible for it because I don't agree with murder for convenience? Where do people come up with these insane thought processes? :cuckoo:

For the same reason you chose to enforce your opinion on what they should do.

I do feel the same way. I think they should take care of their children but I understand that unless I am prepared to take on that responsibility its really none of my business.

Calling me cuckoo still doesn't change you are not committed to your ideals.

So if your neighbor beats their children, is that also none of your business? Where and when does it turn into 'your business'? If you speak up and offer your opinion about how they discipline their children, should you only do so if you're willing to take their children and raise them from there on out in order to 'hold up your ideals'? Or should there be an expectation that they won't beat their children, even if it isn't going against what their ideals are?

Do you mean abuse their children? If so there are laws against that. I would call the cops. I would not lecture anyone on how to raise a child until I had it perfected myself. That would be never. It turns into my business when I see that doing nothing will result in a worse standard of life for the child. I dont get how you don't see the complete difference in a child outside of the womb and one that is a undeveloped fetus in the womb dependent on its mother for oxygen and food to even exist?
I know it is unchristian of me to say this, but I hope as many liberals kill their own babies as is possible.

Will likely save the lives of good patriots later on.

Everything has a silver lining.

Actually, that's very christian of you.

Christians hate children and babies. Just read your own posts and the posts of the other "good christians" on this board.

Any time some vicious nasty mouthed ignorant asshole repeatedly says he's "christian", I know to watch my back and hide my wallet. And, most important, keep children away from them.
Oh so you maintain the inconvenience of pregnancy is a good enough reason to kill babies.

Got it.

As usual, you're lying, but in fact, the reason for an abortion in none of your business.

It never was and never will be - unless you are female and having an abortion. You're neither.

Ah yes. Liberals trying to claim the moral high ground because you don't care about them not caring enough about their progeny to not kill it.

I knew a gal once- good Catholic gal, Asian, traditional values family. And she and her boyfriend (A friend of mine before I developed better taste in friends) were engaged, but he was in no big hurry to marry her. So she decided to press the issue by stopping birth control, and got pregnant.

And big surprise, he didn't make good. So she got an abortion because, hey, her parents really thought she was still a virgin at 22.

What makes the story funnier, a year later, she gets back with the same guy, and the same thing happened.

So, here's the thing. Your philosophy of "you can really avoid pregnancy" would work fine if we were robots, but when you talk about REAL PEOPLE with all their foibles and problems, it don't work that way.

If you wingnuts were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support family and medical leave, you'd support welfare without shame, you'd support comprehensive sex education and birth control.

But you don't. You just like to wag your fingers and thump your bibles at everyone else.

So basically you just proved these people are assholes, thanks for that.

If you have to consider a fetus just a lump of tissue to justify killing it for no good reason, then you are the same type of asshole they are.

A fetus is just a lump of tissue. Once it's outside the womb, it doesn't live for more than a minute or two, no matter how it got out.

And while not fond of these two particular individuals, whom I never talked to again after 1991, I think you miss the point. Human relationships are full of so much complication and bad decisions, that the idea that people can just switch it off because you say so is a little silly. If either one of them was using logic, there never would have been a second abortion involved.

He would have realized she was manipulative, she'd have realized he was an uncaring jerk.

Too bad people are more complicated than that.

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