We will surpass 57,000,000 since Roe v Wade by January 1st


I reject the notion that only through government can issues such as this be solved. Telling people they are assholes does not require me to then support government mandated programs as Joe is proposing.

Go back to playing with electrical outlets luddy-duddy.

I think you miss the point here.

I told these people they were assholes.

(I was probably more sympathetic to her because she was hot and Asian, but frankly, she was an asshole, too.)

But remember, your goal is to keep the abortions from happening, not to tell people they are assholes or otherwise call them names. (Which, admittably, does seem to be the limit of your reasoning skills. I guess if your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail!)

So tell me, how do you save the fetuses.... or pardon me.. BABIES of two people playing a high-stakes game of manipulation and sex with each other like that?
At the very least, if we stopped teaching them the lies that PP and the abortionist lobby tell about abortion, the decrease would be immediate:

Stop telling the lie that without PP abbatoirs, women wouldn't be able to get medically necessary abortions.

Stop telling the lie that without PP abbatoirs, women can't access birth control, cancer screenings, or STD screenings.

Stop telling the lie that abortion is a matter of women's HEALTH.

Stop telling the lie that an abortion is no more risky than a skinned knee.

Just that alone would result in a huge decrease in convenience abortions.

No it won't.

Because all the bibles you thump will not make a woman fuck up the rest of her life having a baby she never wanted to have.
Completely irrelevant, baby killer.

Now please craw back into your hole. I'm sure there's some hardcore porn that's calling your name.
Ah yes. Liberals trying to claim the moral high ground because you don't care about them not caring enough about their progeny to not kill it.

More like the idocy of conservatives that care about a fetus only until the parents have to get on welfare after its born.

Fact is, they really do hate children and babies.

Try starting a thread on how to decrease the number of abortions.

I have and it always goes the same way - rw's wanting to take away basic rights and wanting to pass more and more laws.

There have been many more than 57million since Roe v Wade. Abortion, as it is now, will never decrease. Abortion will never end.

But, as long as we continue with the same lies - such as it being used as a routine form of birth control - nothing will change.

In the current atmosphere of ignorance and hate, the best we can do is keep the right out of our private lives, keep government out of our private lives.
Most fetuses are incinerated:
Leviticus 18:21
And you shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.

Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

How long will the black community tolerate the Progressive Eugenicist annihilation of their population and culture?

BlackGenocide.org | Abortion and the Black Community

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvStORQUBtM]Abortionists Chant "Hail Satan" as Christians sing "Amazing Grace" at Rally - YouTube[/ame]

We need to pick up the pace and get the white trash "christians" to stop cranking out babies to be home schooled with a book of jewish fairy tales.

If we had doubled that number, welfare and unemployment would be a thing of the past.


I reject the notion that only through government can issues such as this be solved. Telling people they are assholes does not require me to then support government mandated programs as Joe is proposing.

Go back to playing with electrical outlets luddy-duddy.

I think you miss the point here.

I told these people they were assholes.

(I was probably more sympathetic to her because she was hot and Asian, but frankly, she was an asshole, too.)

But remember, your goal is to keep the abortions from happening, not to tell people they are assholes or otherwise call them names. (Which, admittably, does seem to be the limit of your reasoning skills. I guess if your only tool is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail!)

So tell me, how do you save the fetuses.... or pardon me.. BABIES of two people playing a high-stakes game of manipulation and sex with each other like that?

My goal is to let states legislate what they want to as long as they follow a strict interpretation of the constitution.

Maybe if we stigmatized abortion more than it is now, they wouldn't play the game in the first place. People like you want it to be guilt free, basically like taking a dump.
Most fetuses are incinerated:
Leviticus 18:21
And you shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shall you profane the name of thy God: I am the Lord.

Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973

How long will the black community tolerate the Progressive Eugenicist annihilation of their population and culture?

BlackGenocide.org | Abortion and the Black Community

Did you know that the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a devout racist who created the Negro Project designed to sterilize unknowing black women and others she deemed as undesirables of society? The founder of Planned Parenthood said, "Colored people are like human weeds and are to be exterminated." Is her vision being fulfilled today?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvStORQUBtM]Abortionists Chant "Hail Satan" as Christians sing "Amazing Grace" at Rally - YouTube[/ame]

We need to pick up the pace and get the white trash "christians" to stop cranking out babies to be home schooled with a book of jewish fairy tales.

If we had doubled that number, welfare and unemployment would be a thing of the past.

If you think we need to reduce the worlds population of trash, then obviously you should lead by example, fruitcake.
Not all children born to liberals grow up to become liberals.

Some die of drug overdoses; some are more inventive. True, though, the survival rate higher than one might expect.

I'll settle for the average.

That is the beauty of freedom; the trash auto-Darwinizes itself, childless libbtards being a prime example.
I know it is unchristian of me to say this, but I hope as many liberals kill their own babies as is possible.

Will likely save the lives of good patriots later on.

Everything has a silver lining.

It’s also very conservative of you.

Well, I have long said I am not a conservative except on specific issues.

You see, I think for myself and do not let ideologues do my thinking for me, you baboon spawned piece of shyte.
I know it is unchristian of me to say this, but I hope as many liberals kill their own babies as is possible.

Will likely save the lives of good patriots later on.

Everything has a silver lining.

Actually, that's very christian of you.

Christians hate children and babies. Just read your own posts and the posts of the other "good christians" on this board.

Well, I am not a 'good' Christian if it means loving my enemies, for I hate them with all sincerety. But I know that they are their own punishment just being themselves, so I leave up to the Good Lords timing as to what when and where it all turns out.

You want to kill your unborn babies, well, God's Speed to you then.

Any time some vicious nasty mouthed ignorant asshole repeatedly says he's "christian", I know to watch my back and hide my wallet. And, most important, keep children away from them.

Spoken like the anti-Christ that you are, whore mouthed bitch.

With any luck you will get a positive test result soon.
Ah yes. Liberals trying to claim the moral high ground because you don't care about them not caring enough about their progeny to not kill it.

More like the idocy of conservatives that care about a fetus only until the parents have to get on welfare after its born.

Except that is just another libtard lie.

Christians have built plenty of orphanages, hospitals, and schools to educate and care for many children born out of wedlock and within it as well.

Now, where are those atheists built hospitals, orphanages, schools, etc?

Oh that's right; they just don't give a shit if they cant FUCK IT.

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