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Zone1 We would all do better if we followed Jewish teachings, summarized by Hillel: ”that which is distasteful to you do not do to others.”

This I am well aware of. People follow the talmud, what Jesus called the traditions of men.

I prefer to believe that the living God has more substance than to be concerned with diet fashion and the sexual preferences of consenting adult bipeds. So from your perspective I worship and comply with the laws of an unknown God. I would never worship a petty tyrant.

I am sure that you have been well aware since grade school that people of every culture language tribe and nation have been comparing other people to lower beasts according to their displayed attributes to either praise or insult. I see the animals in the divine menu as metaphors for human archetypes, their flesh a metaphor for their beliefs ideologies etc.

Kosher law in this light is easy to follow and its not all on the woman. Do you think that if someone sprinkles bacon bits in a salad the whole family is defiled and contaminated?

I like you too but isn't that insane? Wouldn't God be concerned with what goes into the mind?
I did‘t say that sprinkling bacon bits in a salad makes the people eating it defiled and contaminated. I NEVER heard that, ever. I heard what was required to keep kosher, and skipping the bacon was one such requirement.

You are not defiled, nor an awful human being, or contaminated, or whatever if you eat pork, but you are not keeping kosher.

You want to argue it’s a metaphor. But the law is the law. You want to interpret it differently, fine…..but don’t tell an observant Jew that you eat pork and also keep kosher. You can’t do both.
I did‘t say that sprinkling bacon bits in a salad makes the people eating it defiled and contaminated. I NEVER heard that, ever. I heard what was required to keep kosher, and skipping the bacon was one such requirement.

You are not defiled, nor an awful human being, or contaminated, or whatever if you eat pork, but you are not keeping kosher.

You want to argue it’s a metaphor. But the law is the law. You want to interpret it differently, fine…..but don’t tell an observant Jew that you eat pork and also keep kosher. You can’t do both.
Thats why I said from the start that I do not believe in or follow any known religion. But I can tell an observant Jew just like I can tell a devout Catholic that you may have missed the mark.

Some might listen and many more won't. Either way it really doesn't affect me in the least.

My hands have been washed clean.
Thats why I said from the start that I do not believe in or follow any known religion. But I can tell an observant Jew just like I can tell a devout Catholic that you may have missed the mark.

Some might listen and many more won't. Either way it really doesn't affect me in the least.

My hands have been washed clean.
What I meant when I said that you can’t tell an observant Jew that one can eat pork and still keep kosher, I meant you can’t say that and expect agreement. Of course you can tell people whatever you want.
Real name is Rebbi Shimon the P'tur (lenient opinion).
Rebbi Shimon was assigned by the Sanhedrin to ensure that the new religion would look nothing like Judaism.
What?? He was a rabbi?

And he worked to annihilate Judaism? A rabbi?
What?? He was a rabbi?

And he worked to annihilate Judaism? A rabbi?
If you were living in 100AD, would you rather have every Jew become a worshipper of a Jew who died 100 years ago?
It was a time of crisis and, like today in the USA, too many Jews believe the bullshit being tossed at them.
In Strong's Concordance, there are only 2 mentions of the name Hillel Judges 12:13 & 15.
In 125 BC the King of Yehuda in Yerusalem, conquered Edom. He foolishly let many Edomites convert to the tribe of Yehuda. By the time of Christ, they had taken over the Kinship, Priesthood, Temple, Lawyers, Scribes etc. and were waltzing around as if they the pillars of what was left of authentic Yehuda. After they murdered Christ they converted Khazars and Ashkenaz to become twice the sons of Hell as the Pharisees were, as Christ had prophesied they would. {Matthew 23:15
Since the Vatican invented the letter 'J' about 500 years ago or a bit later, they been calling themselves Jews and pretending to be Israel.
In their Talmud, that USA has adopted, it preaches that even the best of the goyim should be killed.

Christ's parable of His Kingdom and Kingship, He called for all those who would that He not be their King, bring them and slay them before Him. Luke 19:27
Hitler's mistake was that He left too many in the military and they killed Hitler, replacing Him with a double who quickly sabotaged German defense and military capacity.
As for the hype about death camps, USA & UK bombers fire bombed almost all German cities destroying most food storage, transport and processing capacity. That is why many died of starvation and exposure, Germans and jews. And even after Yankistan took over Germany, Eisenhower starved most or all of Germany, including a million surrendered German soldiers, and hunted down and killed all those German soldiers who did not surrender.
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Real name is Rebbi Shimon the P'tur (lenient opinion).
Rebbi Shimon was assigned by the Sanhedrin to ensure that the new religion would look nothing like Judaism.

Exactly. And simply because Jesus knew that the hidden meaning of the law was being kept secret, even from the Jewish laity, in direct violation of the command of God for the law to be a light to the nations, not just a few religious kooks. The ruling elite saw this as treason when Jesus openly revealed the hidden meaning of the law even to the romans, the hated enemy.

on appointment of 'presbyters';

When these men have undergone, with blamelessness of conduct, a two year preparation in the fundamentals of the community, they shall be segregated as especially sacred among the formal members of the community. Any knowledge which the expositor of the law may posses but which may have to remain arcane to the ordinary layman, he shall not keep hidden from them; for in their case there need be no fear that it might induce apostasy. Dead Sea scrolls, manual of discipline,

Of religious discussion.;

No one is to engage in discussion or disputation with men of ill repute; and in the company of froward men everyone is to abstain from talk about (keep hidden) the meaning of the Law [Torah]......Dead Sea scrolls, manual of discipline,

So when the religious "authorities" asked where Jesus got this teaching, it wasn't because it was unknown, it was because it was supposed to be kept secret especially from people like Jesus. They did not believe that a known "sinner" received this revelation directly from God.
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If you were living in 100AD, would you rather have every Jew become a worshipper of a Jew who died 100 years ago?
It was a time of crisis and, like today in the USA, too many Jews believe the bullshit being tossed at them.

No one worshipped Jesus as an edible triune mangod until 325c.e. Paul was running amok putting words in his mouth, "the law is obsolete" etc., only a few years after Jesus was killed.

Paul opposed the movement started by Jesus because it exposed him and the religious authorities as actors and lying frauds, whose only real interest was living on easy street.

Before 325 Christians were just called 'followers of the way', the way that Jesus revealed to comply with the divine commands that fulfills the promise of life in the sanctuary of God.
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Christ's parable of His Kingdom and Kingship, He called for all those who would that He not be their King, bring them and slay them before Him. Luke 19:27

This was a reference to ritual slaughter which according to the teaching of Jesus is not about killing farm animals much less Jewish people. Its about showing where right and wrong and judgment lie. No persecution, no slander, no hatred, no murder of the innocent necessary.

Hitler's mistake was that He left too many in the military.
WTF? He, (capital He?), left too many Jews in the military? Are you fucking crazy?

Hitlers mistake was that he made evil a deliberate choice and went completely insane with murderous hatred for anyone and everyone who loved God and truth and opposed evil.
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This was a reference to ritual slaughter which according to the teaching of Jesus is not about killing farm animals much less Jewish people. Its about showing where right and wrong and judgment lie. No persecution, no slander, no hatred, no murder of the innocent necessary.

WTF? He, (capital He?), left too many Jews in the military? Are you fucking crazy?

Hitlers mistake was that he made evil a deliberate choice and went completely insane with murderous hatred for anyone and everyone who loved God and truth and opposed evil.
Ivan is a Hitler-worshipping antisemite of the worst order. That he is allowed to continue posting in this thread is reprehensible.
Ivan is a Hitler-worshipping antisemite of the worst order. That he is allowed to continue posting in this thread is reprehensible

His hitler worshipping antisemitism is at best reprehensible but allowing him to post here is better than not. At least it gives people a chance to do God's will "on earth as it is in heaven", which was a reference to Genesis 3:14 where the talking serpent in the fairy tale is relegated to the lowest place in society, "Lower than cattle, and all of the wild beasts of the field."

This is the subject of casting out devils. Freeing their possessions, the hypnotized, and removing them from their lofty positions in government and every level of society itself.

The founding fathers were brilliant to allow the freedom of expression. Let everyone run their mouths with impunity and the intelligent will take note and know where all the assholes are...
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I did‘t say that sprinkling bacon bits in a salad makes the people eating it defiled and contaminated. I NEVER heard that, ever. I heard what was required to keep kosher, and skipping the bacon was one such requirement.

You are not defiled, nor an awful human being, or contaminated, or whatever if you eat pork, but you are not keeping kosher.

You want to argue it’s a metaphor. But the law is the law. You want to interpret it differently, fine…..but don’t tell an observant Jew that you eat pork and also keep kosher. You can’t do both.
...but don’t tell an observant Jew that you eat pork and also keep kosher. You can’t do both.

The Torah doesn't specify punishments for other violations of its dietary laws, but the Talmud, which was written at least a millennium later, declares that anyone who fails to keep kosher in any way should be subject to makkot, or 39 lashes.Jun 20, 2012

there it is - they will be subject to - makkot ... for eating pork.

well, jack boots seem not just for germans ... the hog when penned - is (swine) - that's not how to raise them - that's all the jews need say without eating them - nothing more.

grazing, sold my last hog - 750 pound yokshire boar ...

* lisa is her own hypo - stepping on southern bar beque - is not a good idea.

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