Wealthy PBS host fears slavery could return under Pres. Trump

Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

And that's all ok with you? Lie, deceive, cover-up, whatever it takes.

This is the entire MSM at work here, not just a Smiley visit to wherever. The dishonesty of these organizations who promote themselves as journalism with integrity and a watchdog for America is a very high crime --- at least up in the heavens, is my guess.
"By any means necessary" Whatever it takes to wake Black people up is fine with me. I'd rather they be over cautious than not cautious enough.

Sounds very dishonorable to me. Because those allegedly "waking them up" have been USING THEM for decades. And doing NOTHING to curb inner city gangs and violence. That's your democrat party I am speaking of.
Smiley is the typical radical nutter that spew stupidity... Instead of focusing on the fear of Donald Trump maybe activists should focus more on the actual slavery that still exist in this country when it come to Sex Slaves and Illegal Immigrants being held in slavery by Cartels!?!

Not to mention the "for profit" prisons which then hire out prisoners for less than minimum wage. America has already returned to slavery. Prisoners are forced to work for no wages while incarcerated, while the prisons sell their labour to businesses, denying free workers jobs.
Slavery is still legal. Dont let anyone tell you otherwise. its even in the constitution.
If you ever get brave enough to try and enslave me I promise I will show you. That goes for any white boy that would be brave enough to step up to the challenge. Just thinking about this is making me laugh. How many white guys do you know that would be able to enslave a Black guy like me? :laugh:

Peewee Herman, Elton John, Liberace (yeah I know he's dead) and most any other little fruitcake on the block. Any other questions, Asslips?
Yeah too bad Blacks are too smart to fall for the Republican parties wishful hoping that Blacks will be fooled into voting for racists.

Ask yourself why whites would be racist and then look in a mirror......that's why.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

And that's all ok with you? Lie, deceive, cover-up, whatever it takes.

This is the entire MSM at work here, not just a Smiley visit to wherever. The dishonesty of these organizations who promote themselves as journalism with integrity and a watchdog for America is a very high crime --- at least up in the heavens, is my guess.
"By any means necessary" Whatever it takes to wake Black people up is fine with me. I'd rather they be over cautious than not cautious enough.

Sounds very dishonorable to me. Because those allegedly "waking them up" have been USING THEM for decades. And doing NOTHING to curb inner city gangs and violence. That's your democrat party I am speaking of.
I'm not a Dem but i disagree. Those waking Black people up have been an indispensable benefit to my life and the lives of other Blacks. I dont care about white standards of honor. They are fake anyway. Whites typically lack any concept of being honorable. They will have to find another less obvious way to enslave Blacks again.
If you ever get brave enough to try and enslave me I promise I will show you. That goes for any white boy that would be brave enough to step up to the challenge. Just thinking about this is making me laugh. How many white guys do you know that would be able to enslave a Black guy like me? :laugh:

Peewee Herman, Elton John, Liberace (yeah I know he's dead) and most any other little fruitcake on the block. Any other questions, Asslips?
Yes. Why are are you stalling in your bid to re-enslave Black people? What are you afraid of? I am waiting.
Yeah too bad Blacks are too smart to fall for the Republican parties wishful hoping that Blacks will be fooled into voting for racists.

Ask yourself why whites would be racist and then look in a mirror......that's why.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.
that is why I hold my nose and vote republican at the national level. Because democrats are not God's soldiers, that seems for sure.

Republicans have been promising to end abortion since Roe v Wade. That's 50 years of lying to the religious right.

Here's the deal: If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. Your values have not been compromised. You have been true to your faith.

Republicans have voted against jobs programs for veterans. Much needed infratstructure repairs. Anything that will help the citizens who live in America, in favour of more foreign aggression, war against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Messing about in the Middle East is just asking for trouble. The US should NEVER have installed the Shah of Iran, and maintained his despotic rule there. It has been the source of the ill will of the Iranians ever since, and rightfully so. They will never forget that the US put him on the Peacock Throne and kept him there until the Mullahs threw him out.

Every intrusion into the Middle East since that time, has done nothing to foster good will between the predominantly Muslim populations there, and the United States. The US needs their oil, at least it used to, and the Arabs loved American dollars. Other than that, there is no love lost between the two. Leave the hornets to their nest and stay away from it.
Yes. Why are are you stalling in your bid to re-enslave Black people? What are you afraid of? I am waiting.

I can't imagine what work I could find for you to do...you're too lazy to do anything of merit and too dumb to go fetch me things. Ask yourself what possible reason we'd have to want you on our property?
In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.

Smiley explains that he was asked by a student during a visit to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “Do you believe that given the crisis of our democracy, we black folk could ever find ourselves enslaved again?”

The short answer, according to Smiley: “Yes.”

He writes:

When I hear Donald Trump suggest that he wants to “make America great again,” it always triggers the same three questions in my head.

One: How is Trump defining “greatness?” Two: Since so many fellow citizens have yet to experience the true “greatness” of America for the first time, for whom are we making America great again? And, three: To what specific period of American greatness are you wanting us to “return?”

He concludes:

So, could the Constitution be thwarted and black folk end up enslaved again? Legal scholars, of course, will find the question ludicrous and laughable.

It wasn’t farfetched for the young student who pressed me at Lehigh that evening. And, honestly? With the hair-raising, bone-chilling, spine-breaking, nerve-wracking path we’re on right now, I shudder to think where this democracy could end up one sad day, if we don’t get off this low road and make our way to higher ground soon.


Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again

I guess one could hope.

Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

So, he's lying?
Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

And that's all ok with you? Lie, deceive, cover-up, whatever it takes.

This is the entire MSM at work here, not just a Smiley visit to wherever. The dishonesty of these organizations who promote themselves as journalism with integrity and a watchdog for America is a very high crime --- at least up in the heavens, is my guess.
"By any means necessary" Whatever it takes to wake Black people up is fine with me. I'd rather they be over cautious than not cautious enough.

Sounds very dishonorable to me. Because those allegedly "waking them up" have been USING THEM for decades. And doing NOTHING to curb inner city gangs and violence. That's your democrat party I am speaking of.
I'm not a Dem but i disagree. Those waking Black people up have been an indispensable benefit to my life and the lives of other Blacks. I dont care about white standards of honor. They are fake anyway. Whites typically lack any concept of being honorable. They will have to find another less obvious way to enslave Blacks again.

Sounds to me like you have been anti-Trump, anti-republican and gone pretty easy on the democrats. So you have decided they are much better for your race. I disagree.

Secondly, too many "black leaders" are as much agitators and divisive as they are healers and helpers.

Maybe they should tell them about God and eternal life instead of "the dems are your friends?"
Yes. Why are are you stalling in your bid to re-enslave Black people? What are you afraid of? I am waiting.

I can't imagine what work I could find for you to do...you're too lazy to do anything of merit and too dumb to go fetch me things. Ask yourself what possible reason we'd have to want you on our property?
So you agree that Blacks will never be enslaved no matter how appealing that would be to low hanging fruit white boys?
In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.

Smiley explains that he was asked by a student during a visit to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “Do you believe that given the crisis of our democracy, we black folk could ever find ourselves enslaved again?”

The short answer, according to Smiley: “Yes.”

He writes:

When I hear Donald Trump suggest that he wants to “make America great again,” it always triggers the same three questions in my head.

One: How is Trump defining “greatness?” Two: Since so many fellow citizens have yet to experience the true “greatness” of America for the first time, for whom are we making America great again? And, three: To what specific period of American greatness are you wanting us to “return?”

He concludes:

So, could the Constitution be thwarted and black folk end up enslaved again? Legal scholars, of course, will find the question ludicrous and laughable.

It wasn’t farfetched for the young student who pressed me at Lehigh that evening. And, honestly? With the hair-raising, bone-chilling, spine-breaking, nerve-wracking path we’re on right now, I shudder to think where this democracy could end up one sad day, if we don’t get off this low road and make our way to higher ground soon.


Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again

I guess one could hope.

Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

So, he's lying?
Could be. Or it could be that he wants to believe it.
In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.

Smiley explains that he was asked by a student during a visit to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “Do you believe that given the crisis of our democracy, we black folk could ever find ourselves enslaved again?”

The short answer, according to Smiley: “Yes.”

He writes:

When I hear Donald Trump suggest that he wants to “make America great again,” it always triggers the same three questions in my head.

One: How is Trump defining “greatness?” Two: Since so many fellow citizens have yet to experience the true “greatness” of America for the first time, for whom are we making America great again? And, three: To what specific period of American greatness are you wanting us to “return?”

He concludes:

So, could the Constitution be thwarted and black folk end up enslaved again? Legal scholars, of course, will find the question ludicrous and laughable.

It wasn’t farfetched for the young student who pressed me at Lehigh that evening. And, honestly? With the hair-raising, bone-chilling, spine-breaking, nerve-wracking path we’re on right now, I shudder to think where this democracy could end up one sad day, if we don’t get off this low road and make our way to higher ground soon.


Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again

I guess one could hope.

Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

So, he's lying?
Could be. Or it could be that he wants to believe it.

Who would believe anything so stupid?
Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

And that's all ok with you? Lie, deceive, cover-up, whatever it takes.

This is the entire MSM at work here, not just a Smiley visit to wherever. The dishonesty of these organizations who promote themselves as journalism with integrity and a watchdog for America is a very high crime --- at least up in the heavens, is my guess.
"By any means necessary" Whatever it takes to wake Black people up is fine with me. I'd rather they be over cautious than not cautious enough.

Sounds very dishonorable to me. Because those allegedly "waking them up" have been USING THEM for decades. And doing NOTHING to curb inner city gangs and violence. That's your democrat party I am speaking of.
I'm not a Dem but i disagree. Those waking Black people up have been an indispensable benefit to my life and the lives of other Blacks. I dont care about white standards of honor. They are fake anyway. Whites typically lack any concept of being honorable. They will have to find another less obvious way to enslave Blacks again.

Sounds to me like you have been anti-Trump, anti-republican and gone pretty easy on the democrats. So you have decided they are much better for your race. I disagree.

Secondly, too many "black leaders" are as much agitators and divisive as they are healers and helpers.

Maybe they should tell them about God and eternal life instead of "the dems are your friends?"
No. I havent decided that or I would be a democrat.

Its good to be an agitator. You cant appeal morally to people attempting to oppress you. Its an oxymoron.

Most people have no clear idea of what or who god really is due to whites and their distortion of religion.
In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.

Smiley explains that he was asked by a student during a visit to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “Do you believe that given the crisis of our democracy, we black folk could ever find ourselves enslaved again?”

The short answer, according to Smiley: “Yes.”

He writes:

When I hear Donald Trump suggest that he wants to “make America great again,” it always triggers the same three questions in my head.

One: How is Trump defining “greatness?” Two: Since so many fellow citizens have yet to experience the true “greatness” of America for the first time, for whom are we making America great again? And, three: To what specific period of American greatness are you wanting us to “return?”

He concludes:

So, could the Constitution be thwarted and black folk end up enslaved again? Legal scholars, of course, will find the question ludicrous and laughable.

It wasn’t farfetched for the young student who pressed me at Lehigh that evening. And, honestly? With the hair-raising, bone-chilling, spine-breaking, nerve-wracking path we’re on right now, I shudder to think where this democracy could end up one sad day, if we don’t get off this low road and make our way to higher ground soon.


Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again

I guess one could hope.

Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

So, he's lying?
Could be. Or it could be that he wants to believe it.

Who would believe anything so stupid?
You can rationalize anything. Thats how we got white Egyptians in the movies.
In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.

Smiley explains that he was asked by a student during a visit to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “Do you believe that given the crisis of our democracy, we black folk could ever find ourselves enslaved again?”

The short answer, according to Smiley: “Yes.”

He writes:

When I hear Donald Trump suggest that he wants to “make America great again,” it always triggers the same three questions in my head.

One: How is Trump defining “greatness?” Two: Since so many fellow citizens have yet to experience the true “greatness” of America for the first time, for whom are we making America great again? And, three: To what specific period of American greatness are you wanting us to “return?”

He concludes:

So, could the Constitution be thwarted and black folk end up enslaved again? Legal scholars, of course, will find the question ludicrous and laughable.

It wasn’t farfetched for the young student who pressed me at Lehigh that evening. And, honestly? With the hair-raising, bone-chilling, spine-breaking, nerve-wracking path we’re on right now, I shudder to think where this democracy could end up one sad day, if we don’t get off this low road and make our way to higher ground soon.


Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again

I guess one could hope.

Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

So, he's lying?
Could be. Or it could be that he wants to believe it.

Who would believe anything so stupid?
You can rationalize anything. Thats how we got white Egyptians in the movies.

So blacks held Jews as slaves in Egypt?
Smiley doesn't really believe that. He just wants to make sure Drumpf doesnt get anywhere near the title of POTUS.

So, he's lying?
Could be. Or it could be that he wants to believe it.

Who would believe anything so stupid?
You can rationalize anything. Thats how we got white Egyptians in the movies.

So blacks held Jews as slaves in Egypt?
Could be but I havent seen any proof. Thanks for mentioning Jews though. Thats another example of how people will believe anything. Kind of hard for a Black Pharaoh trying to kill all the white male babies to not notice one living in his house right? That should tell you the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians yet people still portray them as white.
Could be but I havent seen any proof. Thanks for mentioning Jews though. Thats another example of how people will believe anything. Kind of hard for a Black Pharaoh trying to kill all the white male babies to not notice one living in his house right? That should tell you the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians yet people still portray them as white.

Egyptians are black? do they know that?
So you agree that Blacks will never be enslaved no matter how appealing that would be to low hanging fruit white boys?

Speaking of "low-hanging", you might be of some use in practicing rope knots.
That too would be predicated on you being brave enough to use a guy like me. Another reason we know Blacks would never be enslaved again right?

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