Wealthy PBS host fears slavery could return under Pres. Trump

In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.

Smiley explains that he was asked by a student during a visit to Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, “Do you believe that given the crisis of our democracy, we black folk could ever find ourselves enslaved again?”

The short answer, according to Smiley: “Yes.”

He writes:

When I hear Donald Trump suggest that he wants to “make America great again,” it always triggers the same three questions in my head.

One: How is Trump defining “greatness?” Two: Since so many fellow citizens have yet to experience the true “greatness” of America for the first time, for whom are we making America great again? And, three: To what specific period of American greatness are you wanting us to “return?”

He concludes:

So, could the Constitution be thwarted and black folk end up enslaved again? Legal scholars, of course, will find the question ludicrous and laughable.

It wasn’t farfetched for the young student who pressed me at Lehigh that evening. And, honestly? With the hair-raising, bone-chilling, spine-breaking, nerve-wracking path we’re on right now, I shudder to think where this democracy could end up one sad day, if we don’t get off this low road and make our way to higher ground soon.


Why I Fear America Could Enslave Black People Again

I guess one could hope.

Looks like it might be time for the dudes with white coats and butterfly nets for Mr. Smiley.
Bring it on Big Boy. You little ghetto thugs don't possess nearly the firepower nor the ability to use that firepower as does the average white licensed hunter.
We will bring it on as soon as you get the nerve to try and enslave us. White people know this. The little white guys such as yourself will die. Why are you stalling if you are so tough?

For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Slavery was abolished by Lincoln over a hundred years ago, Milkweed. Why is it that blacks can't overcome racism and bigotry as other ethnic groups have? As even you admit the biggest enemy of the black man in the United States today is another black man!
Slavery was abolished but more white affirmative action in the form of Vagrancy Codes, Jim Crow, and failed Reconstruction took its place. Blacks are their own biggest enemies for trusting whites.

You have to trust the Whites. You wouldn't have a pot without them.
Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Cry victim, CRY!! Pathetic little mistreated under-privileged monkey.
Beyond insanely stupid. Hard to fathom why so many Americans still vote for Democrats. Must be the Freebies. Bizarre stuff. :cuckoo:

No, it's not the "free stuff", despite what Republicans think. It's because Minorities are smart enough to realize that Republicans are governing for the 1%, not for them. Poor white people believe what Republicans tell them, and vote against their own best interest.
Your problem is that reality differs wildly from your beliefs. Reality is never wrong. The one percenters have done better under obama and have fooled YOU into thinking the Republicans somehow did it.

You should not be allowed to vote. Oh wait, you can't.
Your problem is that reality differs wildly from your beliefs. Reality is never wrong. The one percenters have done better under obama and have fooled YOU into thinking the Republicans somehow did it.

You should not be allowed to vote. Oh wait, you can't.

The 1% have done well under Obama because the Reagan tax codes are still in place, and W's tax cuts keep getting extended.

I do note that middle class incomes finally started rising last year. It took 8 years for W to destroy the economy. But you dolts seem to think that Obama could turn it all around overnight.
Your problem is that reality differs wildly from your beliefs. Reality is never wrong. The one percenters have done better under obama and have fooled YOU into thinking the Republicans somehow did it.

You should not be allowed to vote. Oh wait, you can't.

The 1% have done well under Obama because the Reagan tax codes are still in place, and W's tax cuts keep getting extended.

I do note that middle class incomes finally started rising last year. It took 8 years for W to destroy the economy. But you dolts seem to think that Obama could turn it all around overnight.
One percent, one percent, one percent, one percent.....

Racism racism racism racism......

Cliche cliche cliche cliche......

The left cannot debate. They just go to the clichés.
We will bring it on as soon as you get the nerve to try and enslave us. White people know this. The little white guys such as yourself will die. Why are you stalling if you are so tough?

For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Slavery was abolished by Lincoln over a hundred years ago, Milkweed. Why is it that blacks can't overcome racism and bigotry as other ethnic groups have? As even you admit the biggest enemy of the black man in the United States today is another black man!
Slavery was abolished but more white affirmative action in the form of Vagrancy Codes, Jim Crow, and failed Reconstruction took its place. Blacks are their own biggest enemies for trusting whites.

You have to trust the Whites. You wouldn't have a pot without them.
Only a fool trusts whites. Of course all the boot lickers think they are the bees knees. They cant be a man of their own race so they hang onto white men.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
I was born free. You havent even freed yourself.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
What a mistake that turned out to be. Bottom line is we should have picked our own damn cotton. Imagine, how great things would be....here today.
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Cry victim, CRY!! Pathetic little mistreated under-privileged monkey.
You shouldnt call yourself a monkey. You just said you werent white didnt you?
That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
I was born free. You havent even freed yourself.
I'd gladly do it again brother....
That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
What a mistake that turned out to be. Bottom line is we should picked our own damn cotton. Imagine, how great things would be....here today.
If left to whites the US would just be a penal colony. Whites were too lazy and dumb to do anything right. Thats why Black people had to help them out.
For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.

The only authority I am forced to recognize is the awsome powerr of my wife.
The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Slavery was abolished by Lincoln over a hundred years ago, Milkweed. Why is it that blacks can't overcome racism and bigotry as other ethnic groups have? As even you admit the biggest enemy of the black man in the United States today is another black man!
Slavery was abolished but more white affirmative action in the form of Vagrancy Codes, Jim Crow, and failed Reconstruction took its place. Blacks are their own biggest enemies for trusting whites.

You have to trust the Whites. You wouldn't have a pot without them.
Only a fool trusts whites. Of course all the boot lickers think they are the bees knees. They cant be a man of their own race so they hang onto white men.

Actually, most all of us get along well together. The only ones constantly showing their asses are the racist Blacks. You fools can't even keep from murdering yourselves.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.

The only authority I am forced to recognize is the awsome powerr of my wife.
It is our duty to please that booty. Just, remember that. :boobies:
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
What a mistake that turned out to be. Bottom line is we should picked our own damn cotton. Imagine, how great things would be....here today.
If left to whites the US would just be a penal colony. Whites were too lazy and dumb to do anything right. Thats why Black people had to help them out.

That's why Hillary and the Democrat Party support Planned Parenhood. They realize the necesity for keeping the number of Black in the US around 12% in order to keep them controlled and still get the required number of votes they need from you.
I have no master. I am not a profession life-long victim like you claim to be.
Of course you have a master. Youre a boot licker and all boot lickers have a master.
We set you free before....
What a mistake that turned out to be. Bottom line is we should picked our own damn cotton. Imagine, how great things would be....here today.
If left to whites the US would just be a penal colony. Whites were too lazy and dumb to do anything right. Thats why Black people had to help them out.

That's why Hillary and the Democrat Party support Planned Parenhood. They realize the necesity for keeping the number of Black in the US around 12% in order to keep them controlled and still get the required number of votes they need from you.
The plantation blacks are kept too ignorant by democrats to realize this.....

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