Wealthy PBS host fears slavery could return under Pres. Trump

Could be but I havent seen any proof. Thanks for mentioning Jews though. Thats another example of how people will believe anything. Kind of hard for a Black Pharaoh trying to kill all the white male babies to not notice one living in his house right? That should tell you the Hebrews were Black just like the Egyptians yet people still portray them as white.

Egyptians are black? do they know that?
Some of them are.

However, I am talking about the ones that built the civilization that whites were lucky enough to be educated from.
that is why I hold my nose and vote republican at the national level. Because democrats are not God's soldiers, that seems for sure.

Republicans have been promising to end abortion since Roe v Wade. That's 50 years of lying to the religious right.

On this we agree and it does anger me. Republicans are lip service phonies too, but still being forced to choose, I will take those who are not promoting abortion and calling it women’s health and praising PP and covering up for their sales of baby parts and crimes against humanity. That is just unbelievable.

Here's the deal: If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. Your values have not been compromised. You have been true to your faith.

Don’t be so naïve. If you don’t want to do heroin, don’t do it. If you do not want to walk around naked, don’t. We are protecting society from its own destruction, but more importantly protecting an unborn life. I also find the way govt promotes sexual morality in school to be a sin. We have a right to vote in those to change the laws, same as you.

Republicans have voted against jobs programs for veterans. Much needed infratstructure repairs. Anything that will help the citizens who live in America, in favour of more foreign aggression, war against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Messing about in the Middle East is just asking for trouble. The US should NEVER have installed the Shah of Iran, and maintained his despotic rule there. It has been the source of the ill will of the Iranians ever since, and rightfully so. They will never forget that the US put him on the Peacock Throne and kept him there until the Mullahs threw him out.

Every intrusion into the Middle East since that time, has done nothing to foster good will between the predominantly Muslim populations there, and the United States. The US needs their oil, at least it used to, and the Arabs loved American dollars. Other than that, there is no love lost between the two. Leave the hornets to their nest and stay away from it.

Republicans have been promising to end abortion since Roe v Wade. That's 50 years of lying to the religious right.

On this we agree and it does anger me. Republicans are lip service phonies too, but still being forced to choose, I will take those who are not promoting abortion and calling it women’s health and praising PP and covering up for their sales of baby parts and crimes against humanity. That is just unbelievable.

Here's the deal: If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. Your values have not been compromised. You have been true to your faith.

Don’t be so naïve. If you don’t want to do heroin, don’t do it. If you do not want to have sex with an animal, don’t. We are protecting society from its own destruction, but more importantly protecting an unborn life. I also find the way govt promotes sexual morality in school to be a sin. We have a right to vote in those to change the laws, same as you.

Republicans have voted against jobs programs for veterans. Much needed infratstructure repairs. Anything that will help the citizens who live in America, in favour of more foreign aggression, war against Iraq and Afghanistan.

I will take your word on this. However, I doubt the democrats have been better friends to veterans or the military than the republicans have. Just ask the troops who they favor.

To the larger point. Both parties waste billions and both bonus their benefactors and lobbyists. I just think you guys are far worse. And I could help out a lot of needy people too if I was allowed to go another 9 trillion in debt. Big deal.

Messing about in the Middle East is just asking for trouble. The US should NEVER have installed the Shah of Iran, and maintained his despotic rule there. It has been the source of the ill will of the Iranians ever since, and rightfully so. They will never forget that the US put him on the Peacock Throne and kept him there until the Mullahs threw him out.

Oh, please. As though if we did not intervene with the Shah all those mullahs and muftis in Iran would be kind and honorable citizens. They have always and will always be filled with intolerance and sinister plans to kill infidels. They went to war with Iraq and killed 200,000. Was that because the U.S. put the Shah in there in the 50s?

Every intrusion into the Middle East since that time, has done nothing to foster good will between the predominantly Muslim populations there, and the United States. The US needs their oil, at least it used to, and the Arabs loved American dollars. Other than that, there is no love lost between the two. Leave the hornets to their nest and stay away from it.

Fine we shall stay away. And that will do nothing to subside the malevolent ambitious designs of high level Islamic clerics and zealot terrorists to try to conquer the world and destroy all those who will not go along with it.
However, I am talking about the ones that built the civilization that whites were lucky enough to be educated from.

You mean the civilization that hasn't changed in 2,000 years? Whites went north and west away from the monkeys and black mambas and began civilization as we know it and you are allowed to live in. You contribute nothing but crime and destruction to it.
Fine we shall stay away. And that will do nothing to subside the malevolent ambitious designs of high level Islamic clerics and zealot terrorists to try to conquer the world and destroy all those who will not go along with it.

These Middle Eastern disputes generally come down to Sunnis and Shi'tes, and left to their own devices, they generally spend their time killing one another. Read your Bible. This stuff has been going on since Jesus walked the earth, and before. In Jesus' time, it was tribal disputes. It's still tribal disputes, but it's also religious, like Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland.

The terrorists aren't trying to conquer the world. They're trying to get Americans out of the Middle East. W's invasion of Iraq has given a whole new generation of terrorists fresh reasons to hate the US.

You no longer need their oil. What good can come of you staying there?
However, I am talking about the ones that built the civilization that whites were lucky enough to be educated from.

You mean the civilization that hasn't changed in 2,000 years? Whites went north and west away from the monkeys and black mambas and began civilization as we know it and you are allowed to live in. You contribute nothing but crime and destruction to it.
Whites went through several changes in those 2k years. They forgot the lesson they were given by Africans the first time and decided bathing was evil for example. Blacks came to europe and reeducated them especially on taking baths.
Yeah too bad Blacks are too smart to fall for the Republican parties wishful hoping that Blacks will be fooled into voting for racists.

Ask yourself why whites would be racist and then look in a mirror......that's why.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Bring it on Big Boy. You little ghetto thugs don't possess nearly the firepower nor the ability to use that firepower as does the average white licensed hunter.
We will bring it on as soon as you get the nerve to try and enslave us. White people know this. The little white guys such as yourself will die. Why are you stalling if you are so tough?

For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
Yeah too bad Blacks are too smart to fall for the Republican parties wishful hoping that Blacks will be fooled into voting for racists.

Ask yourself why whites would be racist and then look in a mirror......that's why.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Bring it on Big Boy. You little ghetto thugs don't possess nearly the firepower nor the ability to use that firepower as does the average white licensed hunter.
We will bring it on as soon as you get the nerve to try and enslave us. White people know this. The little white guys such as yourself will die. Why are you stalling if you are so tough?

For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.
This idiot should be more afraid of the actual slavery in our inner cities in democrat voting districts.....blacks vote every 2 years, and are kept in urban ghettos till the next election......that is what he should care about.....
THey get free food and housing and don't even have to pick cotton, just vote every 2 years.
Ask yourself why whites would be racist and then look in a mirror......that's why.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Bring it on Big Boy. You little ghetto thugs don't possess nearly the firepower nor the ability to use that firepower as does the average white licensed hunter.
We will bring it on as soon as you get the nerve to try and enslave us. White people know this. The little white guys such as yourself will die. Why are you stalling if you are so tough?

For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Bring it on Big Boy. You little ghetto thugs don't possess nearly the firepower nor the ability to use that firepower as does the average white licensed hunter.
We will bring it on as soon as you get the nerve to try and enslave us. White people know this. The little white guys such as yourself will die. Why are you stalling if you are so tough?

For one thing as you well know, I am not white. I am Native American. I don't think anyone actually considers you enough to want to enslave you. In reality, at 12 to 13% of the total population as well as being the most illiterate and poverty stricken, you are considered by most to be insignificant.
I always thought you were white. You are another radish as far as I am concerned. At 12% of the population we effect more in this country than anyone except whites. White guys such as yourself are always worried about us. Hence why much of the conversation is always about Black people.

That's because you monkeys are always showing your collective asses.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.
that is why I hold my nose and vote republican at the national level. Because democrats are not God's soldiers, that seems for sure.

Republicans have been promising to end abortion since Roe v Wade. That's 50 years of lying to the religious right.

Here's the deal: If you don't want an abortion, don't have one. Your values have not been compromised. You have been true to your faith.

Republicans have voted against jobs programs for veterans. Much needed infratstructure repairs. Anything that will help the citizens who live in America, in favour of more foreign aggression, war against Iraq and Afghanistan.

Messing about in the Middle East is just asking for trouble. The US should NEVER have installed the Shah of Iran, and maintained his despotic rule there. It has been the source of the ill will of the Iranians ever since, and rightfully so. They will never forget that the US put him on the Peacock Throne and kept him there until the Mullahs threw him out.

Every intrusion into the Middle East since that time, has done nothing to foster good will between the predominantly Muslim populations there, and the United States. The US needs their oil, at least it used to, and the Arabs loved American dollars. Other than that, there is no love lost between the two. Leave the hornets to their nest and stay away from it.

With all due respect, Dragonlady...if you want an abortion don't ask someone who doesn't believe in abortion to help pay for it! I'm pro choice but I wouldn't demand that people who don't feel the same as I do fund abortion. That isn't fair.
We arent white so we cant be monkeys. We show our asses because we are brave enough to. Either way that doesnt help your claim about being insignificant. We effect change. You just do your masters bidding.

Ask yourself why whites would be racist and then look in a mirror......that's why.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
The funny thing is blacks like that ass think white people "kidnapped Africans" from Africa.

They don't know it was blacks (black muslim warlords) that had traded their conquered enemies who they had enslaved, to Europeans. Plus, the slave trade in that region had been going on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved.

Blacks have been more cruel and intolerant of blacks all throughout history.

Hence the reason they are such a fucking unreal disaster of a fucking race. With the exception of a few here or there. The interesting thing about that is they hate those blacks and call them uncle Toms.

What a pathetic fucking disaster. The best part of what I am saying is it is true.

Oh and no, I am not white. Lol
The funny thing is blacks like that ass think white people "kidnapped Africans" from Africa.

They don't know it was blacks (black muslim warlords) that had traded their conquered enemies who they had enslaved, to Europeans. Plus, the slave trade in that region had been going on for close to 700 years before the Europeans got involved.

Blacks have been more cruel and intolerant of blacks all throughout history.

Hence the reason they are such a fucking unreal disaster of a fucking race. With the exception of a few here or there. The interesting thing about that is they hate those blacks and call them uncle Toms.

What a pathetic fucking disaster. The best part of what I am saying is it is true.

Oh and no, I am not white. Lol

We got the slow ones....the fast ones outran their tribes and hit in the bushes until the slavers' boats were full.
I already know why whites are racist. They have a inferiority complex. However, that wont help them reenslave Black people. That will just get a whole lot of white people killed.

Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.
Yet a whole lot of white people got together to pass Affirmative Action...to help the "superior" black people? Interesting concept, Milkweed!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Slavery was abolished by Lincoln over a hundred years ago, Milkweed. Why is it that blacks can't overcome racism and bigotry as other ethnic groups have? As even you admit the biggest enemy of the black man in the United States today is another black man!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Slavery was abolished by Lincoln over a hundred years ago, Milkweed. Why is it that blacks can't overcome racism and bigotry as other ethnic groups have? As even you admit the biggest enemy of the black man in the United States today is another black man!
After 400 years of white affirmative action some whites felt it would help to give Blacks partial AA and whites are still crying about it today.

If whites were superior they wouldnt have needed affirmative action to hold Blacks back. Now I would really be interested in seeing what white person would be brave enough to try and enslave me. :laugh:

If blacks were as superior as you claim, Milkweed...why do they even NEED affirmative action?

As for enslaving you? Blacks are doing a great job of doing that to themselves...why would anyone have to help them? Between your slavish dependence on a Democratic Party that takes your votes and gives you little in return...your glamorization of a "thug" lifestyle that put's young black men in prison or on the streets confronting the police...what could a white power racist do to you that you aren't already doing to yourself!
To make up for the 400 years where whites needed and used white only affirmative action. I thought I already explained this to you?

Why would anyone have to help them? Because thats what happens when you claim whites are going to re-enslave Blacks. They actually do it instead of making excuses as to why they havent started on the task.

The fact is, Milkweed...the biggest enemy of the black man has always been the black man. You use the race card as an excuse why you haven't progressed. Every minority that's ever come to this country has faced racism and bigotry. Almost without exception those minority groups banded together to better their communities and the lives of their children. Blacks in America fell into the trap that Lyndon Johnson laid for you fifty years ago...trading votes for Democratic politicians for a modern day "entitlement plantation" that has kept you poor and dependent on government.
That is true. At least the part about Black people being their own worst enemies. We should have left whites in the caves instead of educating them not once but twice.

Every non white group that has come to the US has faced bigotry and white racism but nothing even close to what Blacks went through for multiple generations up to and including today. Gimme a break. Even you know that.

Slavery was abolished by Lincoln over a hundred years ago, Milkweed. Why is it that blacks can't overcome racism and bigotry as other ethnic groups have? As even you admit the biggest enemy of the black man in the United States today is another black man!
Slavery was abolished but more white affirmative action in the form of Vagrancy Codes, Jim Crow, and failed Reconstruction took its place. Blacks are their own biggest enemies for trusting whites.
In op-ed for TIME magazine, PBS host Tavis Smiley talks about his fears that blacks in America might one day return to slavery if Donald Trump wins the election.
OMG...just when you think you've heard or read it all!

This is the most ridiculous thing I have read thus far.

He should be placed on medical leave and get some help!

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