Wears your masks?

I love how the little weasel now claims that the mask mandates were only recommendations.

What a lying POS.

But how is it? see there? it's carved in stone! :rolleyes:

Fauci should be hanged, no more questions asked.


Piss poor leadership.

The problem with masks isn't the masks. The masks work just fine.

It's the MORONS who wear the masks wrongly, badly, idiotically or not at all that are the problems.
The problem with masks isn't the masks. The masks work just fine.

It's the MORONS who wear the masks wrongly, badly, idiotically or not at all that are the problems.
The problem is the morons that use the masks as a means to control people.
I see more smart people wearing masks in public than I see dumbasses wear MAGA hats.

Why is that?

The ones wearing them by themselves in a car?

or the ones wearing them without covering their noses on the subway?

Or the ones with full beards wearing surgical masks?
The problem is the morons that use the masks as a means to control people.

I'm not going to disagree with you, HOWEVER, I don't think this happened in the US. This happened in China. They were told to wear the mask and it would save them, eventually it didn't save them because they had too many mask wearing practices.

In the US I doubt anyone wanted to control people by using masks. Politicians will want to achieve a result to show everyone how good they are, and they were put in a position where wearing a mask could have been the solution to their problems. However with so much anti-mask stuff going on, people just didn't bother, so the masks didn't work, too much reliance was put on masks as opposed to educating people of all they needed to do, and too many people couldn't be bothered to do it.

In a free society perhaps it should have been left up to individuals, give individuals the right to work from home where possible, etc....

However, that doesn't mean masks don't work. They work, it's just a case of what does "work" mean?
I see more smart people wearing masks in public than I see dumbasses wear MAGA hats.

Why is that?
ok, i see lots ,of dumbasses in maga hats (the mark of the antichrist on their foreheads as it were. )
No more mandates
are they allowed to SUGGEST wearing your one? Or is that some kind of mortal sin, in your realm?

The last time we were at the grocery store, about half the shoppers were wearing masks! It took us by surprise initially!

Granted, Maine has as a percentage, more senior citizens than any state, including Florida! So many are at higher risk!

this state was in various lockdowns for over a year, and mask mandates to boot, for a couple of years it seems....

but guess what?

Maine had the least amount of deaths as a percentage per 100,000 than any state in the Nation other than maybe a sister New England state, Vermont.

So the precautions worked! They kinda had to, because we don't have enough hospitals and beds to take care of massive critically ill covid patients....shoot, we don't have enough doctors to take care of a normal, non pandemic citizenry! :(
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I visited with a friend last night who lives in an 'upscale' trailer park here in Florida. She has noticed one fellow who frequently rides his bike, and now with an outside temp over 90 and bright sunshine, this clown wears a mask while riding his bike. Insight into just how stoopid and superstitious humans can be.
the masks are to control disease. not people.
And yet people use that intention for the means of controlling people. Same with social distancing.

Look, I have no problem with mandates to prevent the spread of disease. I do have a problem with inconsistent enforcement of such mandates and a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude from leaders when it comes to mandates.
The Democrats have no credibility when it comes to pandemic mandates. During the 2020 pandemic, They shut down small business, church services, weddings, funerals yet had no problems with mass protests of people standing cheek to cheek. Remember the Pelosi hair appointment, the Gavin Newsom 50 person dinner, and the maskless 400 people Obama Birthday party.

These people are full of shit

That was when I knew the whole thing was a farce. Why the rest of the country didn't wise up is beyond me. Some people like being duped, I guess.
And yet people use that intention for the means of controlling people. Same with social distancing.

Look, I have no problem with mandates to prevent the spread of disease. I do have a problem with inconsistent enforcement of such mandates and a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude from leaders when it comes to mandates.
the leaders definitely fell very short, and in a bipartusan way, during this pandemic. every foreign actor and terrorist group now knows that we are incapable of biological defense.
Look, I have no problem with mandates to prevent the spread of disease. I do have a problem with inconsistent enforcement of such mandates and a “do as I say, not as I do” attitude from leaders when it comes to mandates.
I have a problem with mandates to prevent disease spread when there is no scientific data that supports it - and the mandates themselves are very willy nilly - basically enforced in some places, but not others.
the leaders definitely fell very short, and in a bipartusan way, during this pandemic. every foreign actor and terrorist group now knows that we are incapable of biological defense.
Our elected and appointed leaders were in on the scam.

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