Weather Bullshit


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
As an old bastard who likes to keep tabs on the weather, it drives me crazy when they make hysterical forecasts and interrupt TV programing to provide you with WARNINGS OF SEVERE WEATHER, when nothing of the sort is likely to occur.

Here in Pittsburgh, we are situated between two areas that get - shall we say - a shit-load of snow. Erie, PA (90 miles north) gets lots of what is called "lake effect" snow, which results when cold air flows over Lake Erie, draws moisture from the water, then drops it (as snow) on the 10 miles or so immediately south of the lake. It doesn't have anything to do with Pittsburgh's weather. And the Laurel Highlands, east of Pittsburgh, have a couple thousand feet of elevation, which gives them lots of snow and good skiing. Again, nothing to do with Pittsburgh, but broadly speaking, it's in the "Pittsburgh area."

Pittsburgh itself gets very little of this. In fact, with its roads and buildings acting as a "heat sink," its temperature is usually a couple degrees warmer than the surrounding areas.

So right now, the forecasters on Pittsburgh stations are issuing Warnings for "Up to 6-8 of SNOW!" for "the area."

What this means is that the Laurel Highlands will get 5-6", the Pittsburgh suburbs will get maybe 2-3", and Pittsburgh itself will get enough to need snow plows and delay the schools, but actually no big deal. An inch or two.


Does this sort of thing go on everywhere? The forecasters exaggerate the possibility of bad weather to suck viewers into watching their weather forecasts?
Weather channels need ratings channels provide fake news too....isn't the main weather channel owned by CNN?....well there ya go need I say more?....
Weatherpeople have ruined winter driving here. with their constant harping on SSLOOOOWWW DOOOOWWWNNN, If you cant do more than 10-15mph on sidestreets and 35-40 on the highways hand in your license and get out. You dont belong in MN. Cops should be empowered to ticket the hell out of em...and then if they cant pass a winter driving course they cant be on the road in winter. Get a reverse whiskey plate with the W at the end with slash thru to enforce it. Sick and tired of these people turning 45 minute commutes into 2 hours while what...gotto be at least 50% of vehicles or better are all wheel drive capable.
As an old bastard who likes to keep tabs on the weather, it drives me crazy when they make hysterical forecasts and interrupt TV programing to provide you with WARNINGS OF SEVERE WEATHER, when nothing of the sort is likely to occur.

Here in Pittsburgh, we are situated between two areas that get - shall we say - a shit-load of snow. Erie, PA (90 miles north) gets lots of what is called "lake effect" snow, which results when cold air flows over Lake Erie, draws moisture from the water, then drops it (as snow) on the 10 miles or so immediately south of the lake. It doesn't have anything to do with Pittsburgh's weather. And the Laurel Highlands, east of Pittsburgh, have a couple thousand feet of elevation, which gives them lots of snow and good skiing. Again, nothing to do with Pittsburgh, but broadly speaking, it's in the "Pittsburgh area."

Pittsburgh itself gets very little of this. In fact, with its roads and buildings acting as a "heat sink," its temperature is usually a couple degrees warmer than the surrounding areas.

So right now, the forecasters on Pittsburgh stations are issuing Warnings for "Up to 6-8 of SNOW!" for "the area."

What this means is that the Laurel Highlands will get 5-6", the Pittsburgh suburbs will get maybe 2-3", and Pittsburgh itself will get enough to need snow plows and delay the schools, but actually no big deal. An inch or two.


Does this sort of thing go on everywhere? The forecasters exaggerate the possibility of bad weather to suck viewers into watching their weather forecasts?
Yes, it is absolutely about getting people to listen to their news. At midnight, we are supposed to get snow lasting into tomorrow afternoon with an accumulation of 6-10 inches. This is March 3 in Maine. This is not a major event, but we have been getting storm warnings for three days about it. Not that it isn't good to know it's coming, but honestly, the forecasters make it sound like Armageddon.
Does this sort of thing go on everywhere?

now HUNKER DOWN as the STORM of death approaches .....details at 5
and they wonder why no one watches local news anymore
Weatherpeople have ruined winter driving here. with their constant harping on SSLOOOOWWW DOOOOWWWNNN, If you cant do more than 10-15mph on sidestreets and 35-40 on the highways hand in your license and get out. You dont belong in MN. Cops should be empowered to ticket the hell out of em...and then if they cant pass a winter driving course they cant be on the road in winter. Get a reverse whiskey plate with the W at the end with slash thru to enforce it. Sick and tired of these people turning 45 minute commutes into 2 hours while what...gotto be at least 50% of vehicles or better are all wheel drive capable.
When I lived in Connecticut and had to commute into Hartford every day, whenever it started to snow, you could count on some crazy bastard with bald tires to feel it his bounden duty to get out on the highway and get into a fender bender closing down two lanes of traffic and turning I-84 into a parking lot. Always.
Weatherpeople have ruined winter driving here. with their constant harping on SSLOOOOWWW DOOOOWWWNNN, If you cant do more than 10-15mph on sidestreets and 35-40 on the highways hand in your license and get out. You dont belong in MN. Cops should be empowered to ticket the hell out of em...and then if they cant pass a winter driving course they cant be on the road in winter. Get a reverse whiskey plate with the W at the end with slash thru to enforce it. Sick and tired of these people turning 45 minute commutes into 2 hours while what...gotto be at least 50% of vehicles or better are all wheel drive capable.
When I lived in Connecticut and had to commute into Hartford every day, whenever it started to snow, you could count on some crazy bastard with bald tires to feel it his bounden duty to get out on the highway and get into a fender bender closing down two lanes of traffic and turning I-84 into a parking lot. Always.
Funny how the SLOOOWWIINNGGGG DDOOOWWWWNNNN hasn't reduced accidents still get multiple hundreds of em….
Weatherpeople have ruined winter driving here. with their constant harping on SSLOOOOWWW DOOOOWWWNNN, If you cant do more than 10-15mph on sidestreets and 35-40 on the highways hand in your license and get out. You dont belong in MN. Cops should be empowered to ticket the hell out of em...and then if they cant pass a winter driving course they cant be on the road in winter. Get a reverse whiskey plate with the W at the end with slash thru to enforce it. Sick and tired of these people turning 45 minute commutes into 2 hours while what...gotto be at least 50% of vehicles or better are all wheel drive capable.
When I lived in Connecticut and had to commute into Hartford every day, whenever it started to snow, you could count on some crazy bastard with bald tires to feel it his bounden duty to get out on the highway and get into a fender bender closing down two lanes of traffic and turning I-84 into a parking lot. Always.
Funny how the SLOOOWWIINNGGGG DDOOOWWWWNNNN hasn't reduced accidents still get multiple hundreds of em….
So you're one of those crazy bastards who wants to go barreling through, passing everyone and throwing slush up on their windshields, when the road is like a grease slick. You oughta take a yoga class or something. You're gonna stroke out if you have to hurry every goddam minute of your life.
Weather channels need ratings channels provide fake news too....isn't the main weather channel owned by CNN?....well there ya go need I say more?....
This is what happens when CNN reports on the weather. More fake news
anderson_in _water.jpg
Weatherpeople have ruined winter driving here. with their constant harping on SSLOOOOWWW DOOOOWWWNNN, If you cant do more than 10-15mph on sidestreets and 35-40 on the highways hand in your license and get out. You dont belong in MN. Cops should be empowered to ticket the hell out of em...and then if they cant pass a winter driving course they cant be on the road in winter. Get a reverse whiskey plate with the W at the end with slash thru to enforce it. Sick and tired of these people turning 45 minute commutes into 2 hours while what...gotto be at least 50% of vehicles or better are all wheel drive capable.
When I lived in Connecticut and had to commute into Hartford every day, whenever it started to snow, you could count on some crazy bastard with bald tires to feel it his bounden duty to get out on the highway and get into a fender bender closing down two lanes of traffic and turning I-84 into a parking lot. Always.
Funny how the SLOOOWWIINNGGGG DDOOOWWWWNNNN hasn't reduced accidents still get multiple hundreds of em….
So you're one of those crazy bastards who wants to go barreling through, passing everyone and throwing slush up on their windshields, when the road is like a grease slick. You oughta take a yoga class or something. You're gonna stroke out if you have to hurry every goddam minute of your life.
No..I'm one of those who dont panic at every flake. If you cant control your car at speeds greater than those I posted, which are way below shouldn't be on the road, period end of story, You are the menace whiteknuckling at the very thought of a flake of snow. BTW I get premium low insurance rates available only to the best.
As an old bastard who likes to keep tabs on the weather, it drives me crazy when they make hysterical forecasts and interrupt TV programing to provide you with WARNINGS OF SEVERE WEATHER, when nothing of the sort is likely to occur.

Here in Pittsburgh, we are situated between two areas that get - shall we say - a shit-load of snow. Erie, PA (90 miles north) gets lots of what is called "lake effect" snow, which results when cold air flows over Lake Erie, draws moisture from the water, then drops it (as snow) on the 10 miles or so immediately south of the lake. It doesn't have anything to do with Pittsburgh's weather. And the Laurel Highlands, east of Pittsburgh, have a couple thousand feet of elevation, which gives them lots of snow and good skiing. Again, nothing to do with Pittsburgh, but broadly speaking, it's in the "Pittsburgh area."

Pittsburgh itself gets very little of this. In fact, with its roads and buildings acting as a "heat sink," its temperature is usually a couple degrees warmer than the surrounding areas.

So right now, the forecasters on Pittsburgh stations are issuing Warnings for "Up to 6-8 of SNOW!" for "the area."

What this means is that the Laurel Highlands will get 5-6", the Pittsburgh suburbs will get maybe 2-3", and Pittsburgh itself will get enough to need snow plows and delay the schools, but actually no big deal. An inch or two.


Does this sort of thing go on everywhere? The forecasters exaggerate the possibility of bad weather to suck viewers into watching their weather forecasts?
/——-/ You’re saying if you ran a network in a desperate race for viewers, you wouldn’t hype the weather forecast to keep up with the competition? Wowza.
As an old bastard who likes to keep tabs on the weather, it drives me crazy when they make hysterical forecasts and interrupt TV programing to provide you with WARNINGS OF SEVERE WEATHER, when nothing of the sort is likely to occur.

Here in Pittsburgh, we are situated between two areas that get - shall we say - a shit-load of snow. Erie, PA (90 miles north) gets lots of what is called "lake effect" snow, which results when cold air flows over Lake Erie, draws moisture from the water, then drops it (as snow) on the 10 miles or so immediately south of the lake. It doesn't have anything to do with Pittsburgh's weather. And the Laurel Highlands, east of Pittsburgh, have a couple thousand feet of elevation, which gives them lots of snow and good skiing. Again, nothing to do with Pittsburgh, but broadly speaking, it's in the "Pittsburgh area."

Pittsburgh itself gets very little of this. In fact, with its roads and buildings acting as a "heat sink," its temperature is usually a couple degrees warmer than the surrounding areas.

So right now, the forecasters on Pittsburgh stations are issuing Warnings for "Up to 6-8 of SNOW!" for "the area."

What this means is that the Laurel Highlands will get 5-6", the Pittsburgh suburbs will get maybe 2-3", and Pittsburgh itself will get enough to need snow plows and delay the schools, but actually no big deal. An inch or two.


Does this sort of thing go on everywhere? The forecasters exaggerate the possibility of bad weather to suck viewers into watching their weather forecasts?
If it's freezing, I have to turn the faucet to drip. Otherwise, the outdoor faucet breaks. :(
As an old bastard who likes to keep tabs on the weather, it drives me crazy when they make hysterical forecasts and interrupt TV programing to provide you with WARNINGS OF SEVERE WEATHER, when nothing of the sort is likely to occur.

Here in Pittsburgh, we are situated between two areas that get - shall we say - a shit-load of snow. Erie, PA (90 miles north) gets lots of what is called "lake effect" snow, which results when cold air flows over Lake Erie, draws moisture from the water, then drops it (as snow) on the 10 miles or so immediately south of the lake. It doesn't have anything to do with Pittsburgh's weather. And the Laurel Highlands, east of Pittsburgh, have a couple thousand feet of elevation, which gives them lots of snow and good skiing. Again, nothing to do with Pittsburgh, but broadly speaking, it's in the "Pittsburgh area."

Pittsburgh itself gets very little of this. In fact, with its roads and buildings acting as a "heat sink," its temperature is usually a couple degrees warmer than the surrounding areas.

So right now, the forecasters on Pittsburgh stations are issuing Warnings for "Up to 6-8 of SNOW!" for "the area."

What this means is that the Laurel Highlands will get 5-6", the Pittsburgh suburbs will get maybe 2-3", and Pittsburgh itself will get enough to need snow plows and delay the schools, but actually no big deal. An inch or two.


Does this sort of thing go on everywhere? The forecasters exaggerate the possibility of bad weather to suck viewers into watching their weather forecasts?
If it's freezing, I have to turn the faucet to drip. Otherwise, the outdoor faucet breaks. :(
/——/ I use these for outdoor faucets:

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